In 2022, send gentle and poetic sentences to the circle of friends (88 sentences)
Northern Girl
2023-08-03 13:19:57
Talk about the encyclopedia

1. Buddha helps all living beings. There are seven hardships in the world. The most painful one is not to ask for it. I don't believe in heaven and earth, I don't believe in God and Buddha, who can ferry me?

2. Loneliness is like a shadow, loneliness is like following, and old joys are like dreams. It does not need to be resolved. It has become a symbiosis.

3. I have loved you 10000 times, and I don't know whether you really loved me once.

4. The romance of the universe and the warmth of the world are worth my advancing.

5. For the rest of my life, you are the wind and snow, you are the plain, and you are also the gentle in my heart.

6. Time is quiet and I want to grow old together with you. Take it easy, take it easy.

7. It doesn't matter, you just shine in my universe

8. Spring flowers and autumn moon, summer cicadas and winter snow. Spend those years with me. Time goes by and time goes by. There is no limit to how beautiful you are. I wonder if you will make an appointment?

9. You are lucky, because you can choose to love me or not, and I can only choose to love you or love you more.

10. In fact, it is also a happy thing to stand in the street corner with the person I love and bathe in the sun.

11. Happiness is very simple, it is the flowers in spring, the shade in summer, the wild fruits in autumn, and the snow in winter.

12. You are the fog, I am the tavern, it is you who come, it is you who go.

13. Yingyifen understands that if she learns to walk lightly and take things as they are, she will blossom all the year round, bright and beautiful.

14. In this world, you can lose to anyone, but you can never lose to yourself.

15. Perhaps the first secret that ordinary people like us have is called like.

16. In this world, there is no accident, just a necessity disguised as accident.

17. Silence is your best character. Delete your memory and promise not to cry this time.

18. If you want to be arrogant and weak, you may as well look good everywhere. Yuanzhi, the creator is kind-hearted, but the old hero seems to be waiting!

19. May there be enough clouds in your life to make a beautiful sunset.

20. Life is like a dream, like a dream life; An unconscious look turned his hair white.

21. There can be no simple happiness in the world. Happiness is always mixed with worries and worries, and there is no eternity in the world.

22. When I leave my heart for autumn, my hatred will turn white. Poor Acacia, Fu Zhuyu sinks into the ditch.

23. This short life, we will eventually lose. You might as well be bold, love a person, climb a mountain and chase a dream.

24. No one can protect themselves from the wind and rain. Don't always rely on customers. It's difficult for anyone to live.

25. Let me hold you again, because from now on, I can hold all the people in the world, but I can no longer hold you.

26. Even if there are many flowers in the world, you can't look back and smile.

27. Love is always so vague, but breaking up is so true.

28. If someone asks me about my worries, I dare not say your name.

29. Too much love, so afraid of injury; Too much love, so willing to hurt; Too much love, so easy to miss love.

30. If the sword is not ready, it will be convenient in the Jianghu in a twinkling of an eye; I wish to return young after thousands of sails.

31. After the new rain in the empty mountain, the weather is late in autumn, the moon is shining among the pines, and the clear spring stone is flowing upward!

32. Autumn is thick, yellow leaves are thick, and Chinese parasol trees are full of branches; The morning is old, getting thicker and colder.

33. I'm not talented, and I can't tell you how to cherish it. All love and hate are lingering in a dream.

34. Get drunk on the street, sleep at night, and sleep at the corner with you; The wind and rain go together. What's wrong with a lifetime of wind and rain?

35. As soon as the beginning of autumn arrived, I found that I had spent the whole summer with you.

36. The left eye has not seen the right eye, does not know comfort, only knows to accompany it to tears.

37. When the good news came, I began to regret losing you.

38. If you don't care so much and want so much, life will be much simpler.

39. You can't pretend to like it, you can't pretend to be happy, it's always the same as an instant.

40. Riding a horse and flying sand, the wind and clouds are powerful. Even if the country collapses, depending on others, it will protect you step by step.

41. Don't cry easily. Look up at the sky with sadness. The sky is so big that it will contain all your grievances.

42. Remember the years we have gone through together, remember love and remember time.

43. The recent wish in life is to eat three meals a day, sleep for eight hours, and take a lazy nap without being found by the boss.

44. Your eyes are like a clear spring, the clear spring stone flows upward, and your heart is a stone.

45. I hope to have a knife rain in my heart. Chop the people who stay inside into meat.

46. Life is not easy, it depends on acting skills. Play the role of yourself, play yourself to amnesia.

47. You came at the winter solstice, but your eyebrows were windy. I was late

48. After all the prosperity, we know that the ordinary is true; Looking back on the vicissitudes of life, I just want to be as plain as water.

49. Loneliness means that no one is listening when you are talking, but you are speechless when someone is listening!

50. If you want to see the world whirling around, you will find no way; Seeing all kinds of red and purple, it turns to grey.

51. The bright moon kissed Jianjia that year. Who in the awning was drunk with fireworks. You are waiting under the eaves of the Jiangnan Bridge. When you turn around, you will see the end of the world.

52. I went to the Phoenix Platform to visit the Phoenix. I broke my promise and waited all night. Since then, I have been crying for thousands of miles in the south and north of the Yangtze River.

53. You will always go to those places. The snow mountain is white, the lake is clean, and the whole world is singing love songs to you.

54. After all the habits, the most difficult thing to forget is these habits.

55. There is only the moon in the night sky of the city. When I miss you, break the mirror on the lake and let the stars float up one by one.

56. One day, I will leave all my tiredness and ideals behind and take my camera away from the bustle and face the emptiness.

57. When I see you, I will lose my life and hurt my heart.

58. The wind of azadirachta azadirachta leaves in the spring. Do not stay to win the industry and poetry is poor. Bai Tuan vaguely recognized the old village, and there was no Xue Luomen in the haze.

59. Who is asking how many flowers fall in the dream? Forgetting each other in the Jianghu, who is sighing about the time of flowers outside their dreams?

60. May your world be full of stars, never change your original intention, go through the surging crowds of people and the hardships of life, and trust your beloved.

61. Ten thousand more times, I would also like to reach out to hold the broken moon in the water. Everything is empty, but it doesn't matter.

62. Although the once blooming roses have experienced wind and rain, they are still fragrant in the breeze.

63. Write love as an immortal legend facing the city. Then, will you come here without hesitation.

64. There is no fragrance in the flowers of roses. I miss someone, miss a piece of hurt, don't cry, don't talk.

65. In one's life, one will meet two people, one will amaze the time and the other will be gentle.

66. The Tao is not lovesickness, and lovesickness makes people old. After careful consideration, lovesickness is better.

67. I am a sentimental person, so please don't be nice to me, or I will fall in love with you.

68. Life is like a dance. The person who taught you the first dance steps may not be able to accompany you to the end.

69. Men may not make you happier, and marriage cannot complete your life.

70. Read a passage of the past and remember a little tenderness. The scattered pieces of reincarnation can remind you of the agreed three generations of love.

71. We have to accept the difference with someone because we all have more important things to do and more important people to meet.

72. Maybe it's because I think too much of you that I feel suffocated and unwilling to give up.

73. Your dreams are blooming, and your dreams are blooming when you are old.

74. But it silently sent fleeting years, and the heroes' empty graves withered away many beauties. There is no new chapter in the memory of the past, and it is difficult to stay nostalgic in the hometown.

75. After a rain on the roof, fireworks fill the night sky. You see, the world is worth it after all.

76. The drizzle is hanging on my heart, I miss my lover, and I can't sleep at night. The blue beauty is like a sea of love.

77. When you are young, you should not meet people who are too amazing. Otherwise, your life will be too lonely, because you will never forget.

78. The solemn vows and solemn pledges. The building is empty.

79. Every day you live now is the youngest day in the rest of your life.

80. An inch of lovesickness in the cloister, the falling moon becomes lonely. It has been ten years since the back lamp and the moon began to blossom.

81. When people are ill, they can best see how strong they are and how realistic people around them are.

82. How many passers-by in the world of mortals, how many past clouds, a farewell, the ends of the world scattered.

83. People speak on their heads. Always to worry in white. Clap and laugh at the sand gulls. I am full of worries.

84. This summer seems to be coming to an end. It's autumn in the blink of an eye, but this year we haven't even seen one.

85. Heaven sent your brilliant smile to infiltrate my gloomy dream, in order to break my moldy loneliness in the rain!

86. Ideals are like the morning stars, which we can never touch, but we can sail by the position of stars like mariners.

87. Don't turn the past page without turning it over. If you turn over the dust, you will lose your eyes.

88. You are a rain in the morning, wet in the chest but feel so gentle.