Be the Sunshine's Own Beautiful Sentences (71 sentences)
A low-key silent person
2023-02-20 16:31:14
Complete sentences

1. Time is the most deceiving, but it can also let you know that nothing in this world can not be lost. Try to cherish what is left, and what is not gained is not important.

2. Believe in yourself no matter what you do, and don't let others' words knock you down. There is no right or wrong in life, only persistence after choice, no regret, go on, go on, go on, flowers will bloom.

3. You must be excellent to stop the lingering public.

4. Only when you become strong enough can you protect the people you love. This society is too dangerous and cruel to feel without going out of the warm campus. Love a person is not a daily sweet talk and companionship, but your own efforts.

5. Do a good job and cherish the people in front.

6. When your mistakes show up, don't lose your temper. Don't think that capricious or noisy can hide or overcome your shortcomings.

7. When everyone takes me seriously, I can't take myself too seriously. When everyone doesn't take me seriously, I must look up to myself. This is calm, this is calm.

8. You can't decide the length of life, but you can control its width; You can't control others, but you can control today; You can't win everything, but you can try your best.

9. In fact, everyone's life is a world, and even the most ordinary people have to fight for the world they live in.

10. Don't take out all your words from the bottom of your heart. These are only your wealth.

11. People cannot be perfect, but they can pursue perfection and approach perfection. Let's smile at life, let's learn to change ourselves, to be worthy of the greatness and beauty of life!

12. The so-called letting nature take its course does not mean that you can stop working hard, but that you have the courage to accept all the success or failure after working hard.

13. Time tells you what aging is, and memory tells you what childishness is. Don't always linger in the past memories. Yesterday's sun can't dry today's clothes.

14. Effort is to be able to control your life and have the ability to refuse others.

15. If you are really willing to work hard, the worst result of your life will be nothing but late success.

16. No one will wait for you to distinguish right from wrong, and no one will wait for you to wake up. When you know later, some people have already gone away. After all, enthusiasm has a deadline. Missing is missing.

17. Show yourself boldly, and others have no reason to despise you.

18. You are lucky to have someone to help you; It is a just fate that no one helps you. No one should do anything for you, because you are an ordinary person, life is your own, and you have to be responsible for yourself.

19. A person should know his position, just like a person knows his face, which is the most sober consciousness.

20. It's good to have a clear conscience about all people and things. Don't try to force them if they are not yours. Anyway, what you leave is scenery, and what you leave is life.

21. Some roads are far away, and you will be tired if you go on, but you will regret if you don't go.

22. Life is always like this. What you think is lost may be on the way to come; What you think you have may be on the way.

23. In fact, there is no way on the ground, and more people walk, it becomes a way.

24. Do you have to let a person know if you are good to him? Naturally, I paid three points and had to let him see five. If you pay five points, you must make him still ten. Only in this way can we be fair and just. If we keep giving back, no one knows how to cherish it.

25. Don't make a noise if you can carry it by yourself. It's not beautiful to be pretentious.

26. Every powerful person gritted his teeth through a period of time when no one helped, no one supported, and no one asked for help.

27. If you have something to do tomorrow, do it today.

28. Can we not be brave, no longer be brave, no longer be weak and sad, even if thousands of people point out, and be a true and open-minded self.

29. The ups and downs are a kind of experience, which let us truly understand life.

30. Even if you don't want to be ambitious and live a good life, you have to work hard. Otherwise, let's not talk about romantic affairs, and you can't do anything about it.

31. In this world, only youth and dreams can be lived up to. The flowers bloom just in time, the breeze is not dry, set sail and pursue dreams.

32. The path of the soul should be waited for by oneself, and the pious belief will not hesitate in life! I believe in love, and my motto is: love will win!

33. It is better to arm yourself than to please others. It is better to laugh at life than to escape from reality.

34. Many things cannot be controlled by oneself. Even if you are lonely again, you still have to go on. You can't stop or turn back.

35. If you hide in the shell forever, you will always be a kitten, not a leopard. If you stay in one place forever, you will always see only one piece of sky, not the whole world. Go or stop, you decide.

36. You can either catch up with what you want or give up. Don't always chatter about your determination or complain when meeting others. Be a laughing point after dinner.

37. The eyes of others are not important at all. You just decide your life according to your own preferences. I hope you can live simply and calmly.

38. Don't invite too many people into your life. If they can't enter your heart, they will only disturb your life and crowd it.

39. Not everyone can be what they want, but at least everyone can try to be what they want.

40. Don't pay too much attention to what people say about you behind their backs, because those who are better than you are too lazy to mention you. Slander is a kind of hope in itself.

41. The real forgetting is not to stop thinking, but to think of it occasionally, but no more waves in my heart.

42. Some people come to open our eyes. Therefore, people must be able to stand up to lies, perfunctory, deceitful, forgetful of commitments, and let go of everything. Don't reason with fools or tangle with scum.

43. Don't think too great of yourself. You should know that in the world of others. No matter how well you do, you are just a supporting role.

44. It is better to be happy than to please others. It is our ability to make the difficult life poetic and the fickle world affectionate.

45. Keep your mouth in order. Don't try to talk freely and freely. A good word is warm in three winters, and a bad word is cold in six months. Use your head when speaking. Be quick and cautious. It's useless to talk too much. If you don't promote evil, you can naturally turn enemies into friends.

46. You can't covet anything. Once you like it, you should stick to it. You should be carefree.

47. Time heals those who are willing to ferry themselves.

48. Life is a kite, and there is always a line leading you, either long or short. You are here, and those who love you are there.

49. People can control their own destiny. If we are controlled by others, the fault lies not in fate, but in ourselves.

50. The best state of life for a person is to have something to do, earn money, have his own pace of life, and always have expectations for the future.

51. How can there be so many people in the world who take heart for heart? You are just a person who is used to making progress. If you think too much about other people's feelings, you are doomed to suffer. So, the rest of your life is not that long. Please be loyal to yourself and live like yourself.

52. We can not control our destiny, but we can control ourselves. We don't want to be brilliant, but we want to live without regrets.

53. When you are young, don't be poor and feel at ease.

54. All the surprises and good fortune in the world are your accumulated gentleness and kindness. Be a gentle, pure and powerful person, warm yourself and illuminate others!

55. As a man, no matter about money, fame and wealth, or feelings, in short, he should not be too persistent about everything in life. Keeping a common mind is the high realm of life. Don't be too persistent in everything. You should know how to release yourself. The most important thing is to live happily every day.

56. Always believe that fate will not mistreat those who sincerely love it. Only by planting Chinese parasol trees can we attract golden phoenix. If you are in full bloom, butterflies will come, if you are wonderful, heaven will arrange. Please believe in yourself and deserve better things.

57. Do useful things, say brave words, think of good things, and sleep soundly. Spend time making progress, not complaining.

58. I gradually understand that the most disgusting thing in the world is an angry face; The worst thing in the world is to show an angry face to others, which is worse than beating and swearing.

59. Only when things have changed can we remember.

60. It is difficult to be a man, and even more difficult to do things. Do everything according to your ability. Don't get entangled in the things you know clearly. Bo Yibo is the most practical action. No one has the foresight. In fact, life is a gamble. You can't start from scratch if you gamble on your own life.

61. We are brave if we go step by step, walk steadily, and never resist the burden of life.

62. Growing up is that in the past, when I was sad, I didn't want to eat tea and rice. Now I can go to the kitchen to serve myself a bowl of noodles while crying, and I don't forget to add two poached eggs.

63. Don't look for excuses for failure, go after the reasons for success!

64. Without a beautiful appearance, no one will care about your beautiful heart. This is the reality.

65. In fact, there is no obstacle that can not be overcome. Give yourself some time to recover. It's better to speak freely than to defeat yourself in a hurry.

66. There are too many stories without ending. You should get used to meeting and leaving. Time will remember your tender and sincere heart.

67. When a good tempered person removes the bottom line, you have no chance to kneel down. To leave room for others is to save your character.

68. It is painful to have and give up. Since it will be painful anyway, I would rather choose to protect it and suffer.

69. Keep going, and you will find that only you can defeat you in the world; Make the circle smaller, raise your grades, collect your stories, and clean your heart. What you want now will be yours in the future.

70. True love is like a ghost. Many people hear about it, but few people meet it. In this world, the only thing that won't betray you is your parents and the money in your pocket.

71. The fewer stories, the less pain. In this way, although the memory is thin, it is mostly beautiful.