The shortest sentence of good morning in 2022
The age of no regrets
2023-02-11 01:07:03
good morning

1. The world has already embarrassed you enough, so don't bother yourself any more, let alone those who don't love you. Love yourself well. good morning!

2. Your efforts today are the foreshadowing of luck, and your efforts now are the flowers of tomorrow. Let's work hard with hope and wait for good things to come. good morning!

3. No matter when you start, the important thing is not to stop after you start; No matter when you end, the important thing is not to regret after the end. good morning!

4. You always like to postpone things to the next day. You can't always postpone things like this. One day, you will have a lot of things to do, and the rest of your life will not be enough for you. good morning!

5. People in the past have the meaning of their presence, but don't forget too much. People in the past are as good as those in the past, but the best is the one around you. good morning!

6. People, life, not long nor short, we are very ordinary, perhaps, when leaving, few people know that we will not be calm, not to mention, empty from the heart, really ordinary, really ordinary. good morning!

7. There is a weakness in human nature. The more you care about something, the more it will torture you. When you are no longer afraid of hands and feet, when you muster up courage and make up your mind to be loyal to yourself, every day will be the best state. good morning!

8. No matter how well you do, someone will point out; Even if you are in a mess, someone will sing praises. So don't fall into the eyes of others. What you need to please is just yourself. good morning!

9. All who should come will come. All who should go will go. Don't resist, don't detain, don't be greedy, don't give up, don't worry. Learning to ignore something is the best way to protect yourself. good morning!

10. One day, you no longer need to hide from healing, because you will slowly grow armor, fearless of damage.

11. Don't be upset because of a little thing, don't be depressed because of a little difficulty. If you want to get out of the darkness, only you can stand up, because no one can help you, only you can save yourself.

12. Life will give you candy and scars. Later, those wounds will fade away and become the most inviolable place on your body. good morning!

13. Never trust your immediate judgment, never look down on anyone, and others' self-restraint is just that you don't see it. The ears don't hear people's mistakes, the eyes don't see people's shortcomings, and the mouth doesn't talk about people's mistakes. good morning!

14. Hope the best, try the best, prepare for the worst, and keep the best attitude. Remember what should be remembered, forget what should be forgotten, change what can be changed, and accept what is true. The sun is always new, and every day is a beautiful day. good morning!

15. To change things, first change myself; To make things better, first make yourself better.

16. The significance of hard work is not that you will achieve much, but that you will live a little better than your original self in ordinary days.

17. To live one day is to be blessed. We should cherish that when I cry and I have no shoes to wear, I find someone has no feet. good morning!

18. If nothing happened, it turned out to be the best revenge. Why prove something to the unworthy? To live a better life is for yourself. good morning!

19. Don't expect others to give you anything. If you don't work hard, there is nothing. If others have something again, it is better to have it yourself. What you work hard for is what you should have, and what others give is surprise! good morning!

20. You should remember the people who hold an umbrella for you in the heavy rain, who help you block the foreign things, who hold you silently in the dark, who make you laugh, who chat with you all night, who come to see you by car, who have cried with you, who accompany you in the hospital, who always regard you as the most important person, who take you to wander around, who say they miss you, It is these people who make up every drop of warmth in your life. good morning!

21. Slow life is self-sufficiency with confidence, rather than being lazy—— Idleness is not a slow life

22. Don't accept all the grievances according to the order. Don't always bite your teeth in the dark to show off your strength alone. Don't be afraid to refuse others, don't be afraid to trouble others, and don't let your kindness hurt you.

23. The sunrise in the East China Sea and the sunset in the West Mountain will lead to a day of sorrow and a day of joy; If you don't dig into the horns of an ox when encountering an accident, you will feel comfortable.

24. Free and easy is character, and no more than three things is principle.