Cherish the words of meeting, thank you for meeting, mature and realistic feelings
the elderly
2023-07-17 07:32:59

1. I forgot that you no longer belong to me.

2. The swaying soul, no place to place arrogant.

3. I'm sorry that you didn't give up.

4. Should I be happy or laugh at your hypocrisy.

5. The sun sometimes breaks an appointment, but the night comes every day.

6. May there be no time to look back on, and let's share the white hairs with deep feelings.

7. Love is complete, and forget is clean.

8. When I come back from exile, what I want is plain.

9. I swear to leave you, I smiled, and tears of laughter fell.

10. The promise printed in the bottom of my heart was overthrown again and again by you.

11. Once said, "Never leave, never give up" has become a thing of the past.

12. Behind every relationship, there is a woman who is inexplicably heartbroken.

13. Try every means to get rid of you, and finally I can't forget you.

14. Suddenly, I found that sometimes there was no one to speak with.

15. In this gorgeous rainy season, we will always stay together.

16. Along the way, only the shadow accompanied, but the shadow was still laughing and lonely.

17. Seemingly familiar, smile calmly. Passed by, but passers-by.

18. Don't wait for enthusiasm to become ice, you will know to cherish it.

19. If you know there is no end, you will not stop easily.

20. I gave you everything, but you gave me endless prefaces.

21. Close your eyes temporarily, I will not regard you as nearsighted.

22. Make a lake of love with tears and draw a circle of happiness with love.

23. I just want to live a simple life without troubles and pains.

24. Sometimes, I want to get drunk because I feel too sad.

25. Love is yours, and hate is yours. I don't know whether it is love or hate.

26. There are some people in our life who rub shoulders with us, but they are too late to meet.

27. Through the years, we can see a gap in memory.

28. Get used to the hot and cold of anyone, and look down on everyone gradually.

29. Memory is a terrible thing. I'm afraid of thinking of our past.

30. The Monkey King became a fish and forgot the original spell seven seconds later.

31. My heart is half your people and half your memories.

32. Only by letting go of a person who doesn't love you can we get real peace.

33. In youth, we always passed each other's wounds, and then we could do nothing.

34. When the wind comes. delighted. When the wind blows away. Don't cry. No. Cry.

35. The one who once loved him can be desperate. Now it's just that.

36. Don't look for me when you are alive, so please leave with good memories.

37. Your promise to me is like dust, which passes slowly with time.

38. I hope my pain, grievance and sadness will disappear with tears.

39. I will remember the little happiness between us every bit.

40. When I'm tired, tell myself: I can't fall down because I don't rely on it!

41. Kites like to rest in the air, and dare not pull the line like mine.

42. You are at a loss that I could not guess, and I am irrelevant that you could not imagine.

43. When you leave me one day, I will always wait for you at the place we agreed.

44. The only difference between dream and reality is that one can dream, and the other can only be bored.

45. Don't try to save a person whose heart is no longer yours.

46. Don't try to melt my heart. How can a person without heart be moved.

47. Many years later, you and her are as affectionate as the sea. Would you think that you still owe me a future.

48. The residual lamp of the night lights up the lamp of the soul, and the emptiness of time wastes the darkness of time.

49. If I had never received it, I would not be so reluctant to give up.

50. The only reason why I am fat is that my small body cannot accommodate my full personality.

51. The most regrettable thing in my life is to quit your world without knowing who you love.

52. Up to now, I still remember that on that day, our fingers were linked together. On that day, you two were heart to heart.

53. You are also like a child. Don't cry. I won't make you happy this time.

54. I don't want to force anyone to be nice to me. If you pity me, I will repay you. It's so simple.

55. I stumbled all the way in my search for love. When on earth can I reach my destination.

56. I lost you, the one who held me silently when I cried.

57. Toothache can be pulled out, stomachache can be taken medicine, can you dig in my heart?

58. There is always a person in the world who is your dream and your warmth.

59. Stop taking the initiative, giving and believing, and you won't get hurt, right?

60. I don't love you anymore. I admit that I lied. I should get rid of the word "no".

61. I hope the world can be so small that I can see you as soon as I turn around.

62. You can choose to love me or not, but I can only choose to love you or love you more.

63. Don't ask me how I am doing. You can't help me if it's not good, and it's not your credit.

64. The grievances that can be spoken are not grievances, and the lovers that can be robbed are not lovers.

65. Behind what you can't see, there may be a heart that is cutting onions and is constantly crying.

66. If my departure can fulfill your love, then I would like to escape from this sea of suffering alone.

67. Sadness It tightly drags my clothes and lets me stumble in the closed life.

68. I wandered through the yearning and loneliness. How painful the yearning can be and how deep the pain is. Only when my heart is broken can I understand.

69. I hope you will always be bright and open, loving and open-minded, have your gains and losses, have your perseverance, laugh, cry and enjoy.

70. What we agreed to last forever seems to be just an excuse to get together.

71. Once, I wanted to share all my secrets with you, but now, you have become my secret.

72. From now on, please be strong in the city without me, and I will heal in the city without you.

73. The world is big, the scenery is beautiful, there are many opportunities, and life is short. Don't curl up in a small shadow.

74. You are the only protagonist in my life, but I can only be a passer-by in your story.

75. I don't know how long it will take to abandon a person from my heart, just as I don't know how long I will wait for you.

76. The moon does not hurt itself when it conveys love. When it is short of a circle, it will get together unpredictably. Long night persistence Gu, only one person in tears.

77. The day you like is the most beautiful day; The best way to live is the way that suits you.

78. In this world, everyone has a person who wants to find. Once missed, he will never come back.

79. One of the greatest braveness in life is the ability to maintain trust and love after experiencing deception and injury.

80. There will be no warning for a real departure. The subtext of jealousy, cold war, threats and threats is "leave me behind"

81. Today, I made up Doudou's words for you to cherish and meet. Thank you for meeting. It's a very mature and realistic mood. I hope you like it. Lemon also wants to be sweet, but unfortunately it even has sour soul.