Classic copywriting for friends
Diamond Old Man
2023-02-05 10:31:31
Complete sentences

1. Whether you are beside me or on the horizon, when I think of you in the corner of the world, I feel that the whole world has become gentle and stable.

2. Apart from sleep, a person's life is only more than 10000 days. The difference between people is that you have really lived for more than 10000 days, or just lived for one day, but repeated more than 10000 times.

3. I feel like old friends at first sight, which is the most beautiful encounter in my life. Promise with you is the most eternal scenery in my prime time.

4. Only when I am with you, can I indulge my nerves.

5. I am a person to person communication principle is: comfortable close, tired away. Only when I met you, I never thought to stay away after I got close to you.

6. Love a person is when you dial the phone, suddenly I don't know what to say, just want to listen to the familiar voice - originally, what I really want to dial is the string in my heart..

7. People have a sense of security when they have an exit. When the day comes, you really have no way back, and you will find that you can walk and pass any road before you.

8. Many people who do not mix well are "very open". I don't know whether they disdain secular success because they see it thoroughly or have to look at it because they don't succeed.

9. Only you will listen to my nonsense, only you will understand my silence.

10. Between us, you are the sun, I am the moon, your little light can illuminate my whole.

11. Because of the wind, the willow can be lifted; Because of the rain, the seedlings grow; Because there are flowers, nature shows fragrance; Because of you, life shows sunshine.

12. I really want to be with you, watch the sunrise and sunset with you, watch the stars in the sky with you, and collect romantic breath with you!

13. The best friend is the one who jokes with each other at ordinary times. He is the one who has the toughest mouth. When you need him, he is the one who has the softest heart.

14. Because of you, my sky will be wide; Because of you, my land will be far away; Because of you, my life will be colorful; Because of you, my world will be different.

15. Don't frown at the pain of the identified road. You should know that no matter how difficult it is to walk, you choose it yourself. You are not qualified to cry out for pain.

16. I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you.

17. There are two kinds of feelings in the world: one is to help each other, but tired of dying; The other is to forget each other in the Jianghu, but miss to cry.

18. If it were not for you, I would not believe that friends know better than lovers to listen, and friendship can be great.

19. Every detour you have taken is actually a must. You should remember that you can never fly to your own sky with the wings of others.

20. In your life, there will at least one time that you forget yourself for someone, asking for no result, no company, no ownership, or even love, just for meeting you in my most beautiful years.

21. I am willing to accompany you and love you with my heart. Accompany you to where you want to go, and finish the rest of our journey with heart.

22. Sometimes I really want to forget you and only remember the world. However, I often forget the whole world and only remember you.

23. There is only one you in the world. How can I not cherish you. The best friend is that you have nothing to hide and trust each other. She loves you to death. When you need help or want to talk to someone, ask me to help you! When you want to cry, come to me and I will give you a shoulder!

24. If one day you want to cry, call me. I can't promise to make you laugh, but I can cry with you.

25. In ten years' time, I hope you will still be my old friend with old wine. I hope we will become the heroines of the thorns and the beloved little princesses.

26. As long as you need me, I will always be where you can see—— To my best friend

27. I want you to know that there is a person waiting for you forever in the world. No matter when or where you are, there is always such a person.

28. There is no pain in liking someone. Love a person, there may be a long pain, but he gave me happiness, but also the world's greatest happiness.

29. Most things in the world can not be solved with a little effort. The truth of the world is that we can do a little better with special efforts, but we can do very badly if we are not careful.

30. You ask me how much I love you, and my yearning extends; You ask me how much I love you, and the care is still true. Time has passed. Your face is in my heart. May we walk happily through this world of mortals.

31. In a deep way, we can say that we will walk slowly along the long road. We are grateful for your company in life and for meeting you in the most beautiful years—— To my best friend

32. One day you will meet someone who makes your laughter and tears meaningful. He treats you kindly and regards you as the most important person in life.