Emotional Quotes about Aestheticism
today we are no longer as we have been
2023-05-26 15:23:47
Complete sentences

1. I don't want to be pitied by you. Although I am really weak, I don't want you to see my weakness.

2. My feelings are like the waves that have not yet subsided and risen.

3. A good relationship may not be particularly joyful, it may just be no doubt.

4. When breaking up, you said I was so good. When I turned around, I said why I didn't love

5. If a girl confesses to you, please answer carefully, because she can't afford the hope you give her. Don't let her fall from heaven to hell.

6. I just want to be your clown until you no longer need me.

7. The only thing I can do is stay with you until you are bored.

8. In our life, aren't we all such runners? Only when you are willing to start, will you know that what really suits you is not what you once loved, nor what you once firmly grasped and refused to let go. Better love is always behind.

9. If there are endless tears in your eyes, there will always be endless sins in your heart.

10. Sometimes love just needs a step. Give each other a step, when breaking up, think about the reason for falling in love with him.

11. Thank you for letting me know love, thank you for letting me know how to cherish. The original world can be so beautiful, as long as the original with you. I am intoxicated with every smile you carelessly smile. You are my angel and give me strength.

12. We are mature between love and being loved, between loss and possession. Finally, I found that love is not the end of life. It is only a part of life, a small part, even if it runs through every corner of our life and dominates the spiritual world on which we live.

13. A sunny day. The sun, shed many illusions, let me review the original. Stroll through the time with a fresh body and a simple cool journey. Are you still carefree in the aftertaste? Along the way, can we still find the original footprints? Whether the shadow of youth still remains in those silhouettes?

14. Cheques always arrive late, and bills always arrive early.

15. If there is no first forgiveness, there will be no second rebellion.

16. I used to feel that my father had a short experience, but when I grew up, I felt that he really knew a lot and had a long-term vision. I suddenly felt lucky that it was not too late to change my understanding.

17. I just want to be with you, that's all.

18. Sometimes, people's hearts are very small, and it is enough to have a love; Sometimes, time is very little, just enough to accompany a person.

19. There are many difficult choices and perplexed trivia in one's life. At this time, we need to give up decisively and make wise choices. The only thing that will limit us is our own determination. It's not painful to give up a person who loves you very much. It's painful to give up a person you love very much. It's more painful to fall in love with someone who doesn't love you.

20. It's not terrible to get hurt in love, because you've been hurt countless times, which may be the preparation for the final happiness.

21. It is only now that I understand that everything is mine: I love myself.

22. Cherish those who love you and forget those who don't.

23. I was deeply infatuated with the love you gave me, but I forgot that it was all memories.

24. You are a tear in my eyes. I try my best to suppress you.

25. In our life, we should remember as much as we should forget. Memory exists in the cell and never separates from the body. To destroy it is tantamount to burning stones. However, some things must be forgotten. We have no choice but to forget the pain and the hurt of the loved one.

26. The so-called threshold is the door when it passes, and the threshold when it cannot pass.

27. Boys always think that it's safe to have a quiet and cute girl around. In fact, they never know how single-minded those girls who are friends with boys will be. They have met enough boys, but she chose you

28. Only the lost things are valuable, but after learning to cherish, all things become valuable.