33 verses of love philosophy
The gentleness behind
2023-05-04 11:57:49
Complete Poems

1. Hands up are long and laborious, and two feelings are the same.

2. When you get married, you have no doubt about your love.

3. In my heart, for your heart, you will know how to remember each other.

4. If a thousand gold coins buy a portrait, who will tell the story.

5. The sun rises in the east and rains in the west. The road is sunny but not sunny.

6. If the two love each other for a long time, it will not be in every day and night.

7. When people become sentimental, they become thin. Now they are really not sentimental.

8. Since then, he had no intention to love Liang Ye, and let the moon go down to the west tower.

9. How can we live together and die differently?

10. Do not spend together in spring to fight for hair, an inch of Acacia an inch of ash.

11. The silk of the spring silkworm will be exhausted when it dies, and the wax torch will not dry until it turns to ashes.

12. This situation can be recalled, but it was lost at that time.

13. Falling red is not a heartless thing. It turns into spring mud to protect flowers.

14. There is no way to Pengshan here. Yan Qing, a green bird, wants to visit.

15. Return your bright pearl to tears, and hate not to meet when you are not married.

16. Life will not Acacia, will Acacia, then harm Acacia.

17. Sad farewell should be the same two, the most clear resentment in the moonlight.

18. If you raise the dust of the road, and if my concubine is turbid cement, she will rise and fall in different ways. When will she meet?

19. Red beans are born in the south, and several branches will appear in spring. I hope you can pick more. This is the most lovesick thing.

20. Guanguan Jujiu is on the island of the river. A fair lady is a good match for a gentleman. Staggered flowers flow from left to right.

21. In this door last year, people's faces and peach blossoms match each other. People do not know where to go, peach blossom still smile at the spring breeze.

22. Don't pull the single string. Resentment can speak. The weather is not old. The heart is like a double screen, with thousands of knots in it.

23. Hengfen Road, a lonely year, was full of drums. The desolate smoke is still flat. The soul of Chu was awakened, and the ghosts of the mountains were crying in the dark.

24. Plan to make yourself drunk. Singing to wine, strong music is still tasteless. my clothes grow daily more loose, yet care I not. for you am I thus wasting away in sorrow and pain.

25. Flowing flowers and flowing water, one kind of lovesickness, two idle worries. There is no way to eliminate this situation. I just frown, but my heart is on.

26. The saddest and most disturbing thing is not the moment you know that you have lost your loved one, but that you are still wandering, still not knowing that you have lost it.

27. Qingqingzijin, my heart is long. If I don't go, Zining won't inherit? The Qingqingzi pendant makes me think slowly. If I don't go, Zining won't come?

28. How can you meet me at my most beautiful moment. For this reason, I have prayed to Buddha for 500 years, asking him to let us get together.

29. Don't refuse to say that beautiful oath because it may change. Don't dare to ask for a sweet encounter because it may be separated.

30. The spring mountain smoke is about to end, the sky is light and the stars are thin, the face of the waning moon is bright, and don't cry at dawn. There are many words, but love has not ended. Looking back, I still repeat: I remember the green skirt, where even Fangcao Lang rode a bamboo horse to get green plums around the bed.

31. If you don't love, don't show off to him. Showing off to him is just a representative. You still care about his ideas, and you still miss him. When he sees this dilemma, he will only believe that you have never forgotten him.

32. The furthest distance in the world is not that I can't resist the yearning, but I have to pretend that I don't care about you at all. Instead, I use my cold and silent heart to dig an insurmountable ditch for those who love you.

33. Escape is not always possible. It is not always the hardest to face. Being lonely is not necessarily unhappy. Getting something is not always possible. Losing something is not necessarily a way to stop having it. You may be sad for some reason, but you can find a reason to make yourself happy.