Psychological wisdom of student management
The farthest distance
2023-08-01 04:05:31

Psychological wisdom of student management

After carefully tasting a masterpiece, you must have a lot of things to share. You need to write a good review of what you have gained. Now are you at a loss for what you have read? The following is the psychological wisdom of student management collected by my editor for your reference, hoping to help friends in need.

During the summer vacation, I read the book Psychological Wisdom of Student Management and learned a lot from it. This year I teach Grade 6. Grade 6 students are in an important period of physical and mental development. With the development and development of physiology and psychology, the increase of competitive pressure, the expansion of social experience, and the change of thinking mode, they may encounter or produce various psychological problems. Especially some bad temptations in the society can easily lead students astray. Therefore, when teachers guide students to acquire knowledge, they are also duty bound to act as children's "mental health doctors". To become a mental health doctor, teachers themselves must first maintain an optimistic attitude.

There is a saying: When was the last time you praised your child? Maybe everyone doesn't remember! Therefore, teachers should not be too stingy with their own words. They should be good at praising our students and praising our students. After all, they need such praise too much.

Through reading, I know that teachers should be good at their own psychological adjustment and health care, understand themselves, and dialectically view their own advantages and disadvantages to achieve the above:

In order to better educate students, teachers themselves must first be mentally healthy people. The mental health of teachers should be basically maintained by teachers themselves. An excellent teacher should be able to handle the relationship between two aspects - paying attention to the mental health of students as well as his own. An excellent teacher can withstand great pressure when he needs it, but he should never let himself be under pressure so that his body and mind are damaged, affecting the normal progress of work and life. As a teacher, only by constantly improving their comprehensive quality, constantly learning and mastering new knowledge, adapting to new teaching concepts as soon as possible, mastering new teaching methods, and meeting new teaching requirements, can they seek new development and truly have a sense of psychological security. Teachers who constantly accept new knowledge and broaden their horizons can also make themselves look at problems from a higher perspective and treat the unsatisfactory aspects of life and work with a more peaceful attitude, which is of great significance for maintaining mental health.

We should treat education with enthusiasm and a high sense of responsibility with a positive emotional state and strong appeal; We should devote our love to students and be full of deep feelings for our subjects to influence students. Try to be kind, enthusiastic and amiable, and the teaching language should be lively and full of humor. Teaching methods should be intuitive, vivid, rich and interesting. We should create a collective atmosphere of unity, mutual assistance, learning and progress, so that every student can grow up in a good collective environment.

I think that educating students needs patience and tolerance, using sincere love to influence students, and using the method of appealing to feelings and reasoning to treat students' mistakes. Let students find out the cause of their own mistakes and really experience how deeply their mistakes hurt others. I think this kind of patience and tolerance education will achieve good results. Why don't we pay for it?

The teacher is a special profession, which needs psychological guidance just like other professions. Education is an art, which, like life, must be faced and accepted regardless of ups and downs, emotions and joys. Life needs practice, and education also needs practice.

If we can learn from Zhou Hong's and Zou Yue's education and incentive methods, plus the mental health knowledge we have learned, and apply it to our jobs, we believe that every teacher can succeed!

Through reading, I also know that teachers should not only have a deep understanding of students, but also be good at their own psychological adjustment and health care, understand themselves, and dialectically view their own advantages and disadvantages; Learn mental health knowledge and mental health knowledge, master the methods of psychological adjustment, learn to relieve psychological pressure, improve bad personality, and improve psychological endurance; Only in this way can we devote ourselves to teaching activities with active and healthy working enthusiasm. (Fu Yan)