Reading the Doctrine of the Mean
General construction on the road to success
2023-09-30 09:44:23
Junior three
reaction to a book or an article

During the winter vacation, I saw the classic reading of Chinese classics recommended by my teacher - The Doctrine of the Mean. Confucius once said, "The doctrine of the mean is a virtue, which is extremely important! The people have been fresh for a long time." The doctrine of the mean was originally one of the "Book of Rites of Xiao Dai". The author is Zisi, a descendant of Confucius, who was later revised by scholars in the Qin Dynasty. During the Northern Song Dynasty, Cheng Hao and Cheng Yi strongly respected the Doctrine of the Mean. Zhu Xi of the Southern Song Dynasty also wrote "The Doctrine of the Mean", and called "The Doctrine of the Mean", "University", "The Analects of Confucius" and "Mencius" as "four books". My Chinese is a weak point, and my understanding of articles is weak. Therefore, I have always rejected books in ancient classical Chinese. But I didn't expect to see this book this time? The golden mean has given me a new understanding of the knowledge in classical Chinese.
There are many reasonable words in the Doctrine of the Mean, among which the 18th paragraph impresses me most: "When everything is predicted, it will be established; when nothing is predicted, it will be abolished. When everything is settled before, it will not be difficult; when everything is settled before, it will not be difficult; when everything is settled before, it will not be guilty; when everything is settled before, it will not be poor." This paragraph means that everything can be successful if you are prepared before, and you will fail if you are not prepared. If you are prepared before you speak, you will not be unreasonable; If you are prepared in advance, you will not encounter difficulties and setbacks; If you plan before you act, there will be no regret; If the principle of life can be determined in advance, it will not fail.
After reading these short and small sentences, I had a great touch. In the past, everything needs to be prepared for a rainy day, so that success can be achieved. If there is no preparation, the probability of success in the face of difficulties and obstacles will be very low. The same is true in life, just like our students will certainly have a review process before the exam, reviewing the past to learn the new; Athletes have to train every day for the moment when they make achievements in the competition; Soldiers do not fight unprepared battles, know themselves and the enemy, and will not be defeated in a hundred battles; Dramatists have been on stage for three minutes and off stage for ten years.
Get ready early! It must be right to prepare early, because only those who are ready can have the courage to face any possible difficulties and the determination to overcome them. Thousands of years ago, the wise ancients told us the truth of life in their simple language. These classic works of Chinese culture are really worth reading and tasting.