impressions of after reading
Crescent moon eyebrow center
2023-07-19 13:44:33
primary school
reaction to a book or an article

The Father of the Hydrogen Bomb Moves Me -- Reflections on 2014 Moves China
China is now a powerful country, but do you know the humiliating history of China a hundred years ago? Who leads the nuclear weapons so that China is not threatened? Yes, he is. He is Yu Min, the father of China's hydrogen bomb. In the 1950s, several presidents of the United States used hydrogen bombs to threaten our country. Yu Min, the old man, was very unwilling. In order to protect his country from threats, he made up his mind to develop a hydrogen bomb. In this way, he began the arduous journey of studying hydrogen bombs. Yu Min did not study abroad and had no experience. It can be said that he started from scratch. Yu Min's working environment is very simple. He only does research for ten hours a week, and most of the time is at night. He is very poor, but he said that "the poor should have poor ways". For the sake of the country, he often ignores health and malnutrition, and has passed death three times. At last, kung fu has lived up to the expectations. On June 17, 1967, China's first hydrogen bomb exploded successfully, and the humiliating history of China's inability to manufacture hydrogen bombs ended.
In the history of studying hydrogen bombs, it took the United States eight years and six months, Britain six years and three months, and France four years and seven months. In China, under the worst conditions, it only took two years and six months to create a miracle in history!
Yu Min, the father of China's hydrogen bomb, without him, there would be no Chinese hydrogen bomb. Without him, there would be no China today! Yu Min, an old man, has created miracles in history with his life and deeply moved me. Now, I must study hard and study hard on cultural and scientific knowledge. When I grow up, like Mr. Yu Min, I will make a modest contribution to China's scientific cause!
Teacher's comment: The young writer can write down what he sees, hears, feels and thinks in fluent and smooth words according to the requirements. The narration is natural, clear, appropriate and accurate. Combining with his own reality, he sincerely expressed his admiration for the old scientist, and also expressed that he learned from the old scientist, and took the old scientist as an example to study hard from childhood, The determination to study hard. excellent!