The Great Gatsby
Contentment is bliss
2024-01-04 05:44:58
third year in high school
reaction to a book or an article

I regret that I have only read this book now, but I am indifferent to the thought of not missing it.
Maybe everyone has a wonderful fantasy about life and love like Gatsby. Even if the reality torments you, you will not easily give up the ideal world in your heart. Gatsby and Daisy loved each other deeply when they were young, but it was wrong for them to live in a poor family and stay away from Daisy, who was well fed. This reality made Gatsby's fantasy disillusioned for the first time. However, he was not defeated by the reality. With his love for Daisy and his dream, he vowed to become a millionaire and meet the material daughter Daisy so that he could stay with her forever. But even if a person is very excellent and works hard, he is unlikely to succeed in a short time. Gatsby's status and wealth were acquired five years after Daisy's marriage. Daisy married Tom, and she did not wait for him.
Five years later, Gatsby is undoubtedly successful, but everyone is unfortunate. There are always troubles, and the successful are no exception. They stood out from the crowd. Some feel lonely because they have no rivals, and some hope someone can share this success. Gatsby is undoubtedly the latter. He loves Daisy deeply. Without her, all the so-called success would be meaningless, because in the beautiful world he imagined, Daisy is the leading role, and the rest is just a foil. People come and go in his castle, and the sound of carnival and dazzling lights will slowly fade until late at night. All this is to let Daisy see how successful and rich he is now; See that he has enough money and status to satisfy her now; See how he loves her now! Finally, with the help of Daisy's cousin Nick, Daisy saw all this. Her excitement and tears also made Gatsby deeply feel that Daisy also loved him.
Daisy's husband, Tom, is cruel by nature and has done all kinds of things to make Daisy feel sorry. His transgression with his mistress, Mrs. Wilson, is not only undisclosed, but also known to almost everyone. Daisy was desperate, but what could she do? She screamed hysterically, but this was her husband of her own choice.
However, Gatsby's reappearance lit up the heart of this desperate woman again, showing her love for Gatsby without concealing. All this made Gatsby firmly believe that the world in his heart was right in front of him, even though he did not want to believe that there was money besides love in Daisy's tears. However, in Nick's eyes, he saw that Daisy was not the Daisy that Gatsby loved, nor was Daisy in his fantasy world.
Tom's jealousy became the fuse of Gatsby's tragedy. After the relationship between Gatsby and Daisy was revealed, Daisy was very emotional because of the fierce argument between the three. In desperation, Tom's mistress, Mrs. Wilson, was killed and drove away. However, Gatsby took on all this. Under Tom's trick, Wilson took revenge on his wife and shot in Gatsby's castle.
However, when Gatsby's body lay in the castle, no one came to worship. The whole castle fell into a dead silence. All the bustling scenes in the past seem to have nothing to do with this castle. What was more unbearable was that Daisy and Tom were on holiday in Europe, enjoying their "good life". In Nick's eyes, he saw the disillusionment of Gatsby; See the gap between the ideal world and the reality; See the indifference of human nature; Seeing all the hypocrisy caused by the material; Frustrated, he returned to his hometown.
This is Gatsby's tragic life. A man living in a beautiful fantasy world, he deeply loves a material woman and ends his good future for her.
Gatsby, Nick, Daisy, Tom and Wilson are the most impressive characters in the book. Gatsby, the hero of this book, has ideals, is willing to work hard, can tolerate, dare to love and dare not hate, always imagines everything too beautiful, and finally the tragedy is in his own fantasy world. But I think he was successful, because he didn't seem to realize Daisy's betrayal until he died, and it was also happy to leave with his love for Daisy. Daisy, a typical material woman, gave up her love because of material things. Driven by matter, it picks it up again. Then he gave up again under the fear of crime, ending Gatsby's tragic life. I don't know what kind of mood she will feel when she sees Gatsby again in the next life, and why she will fall in love with Gatsby again. Of course, if there is another life. Tom, a typical strong and tyrannical man, is not expert in using emotion. Because "love" should be jealousy and become the director of Gatsby's tragedy. Wilson, perhaps the most tragic character in the book, has no money, no status, and does not work hard. He didn't even know his wife cheated until he was finally used to end the lives of others and himself. The only successful thing he ever did in his life was to cheat his wife. Nick, the witness of the whole process and the final undertaker, bears the indifferent world.
People must have dreams, which encourage us to move forward step by step, but we cannot live in a "dream".