After Reading Living
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2023-12-16 01:43:57
primary school
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I finished reading Alive with my nose and tears.
He told about the friendship between a man and his fate, which is the most touching friendship. They are grateful to each other and hate each other at the same time. Neither of them can abandon the other. At the same time, no one has reason to complain about the other; He told how people can bear great suffering, just like a close call, let a hair bear the weight of 30000 kg, it did not break; He talked about the richness and breadth of tears; He tells of the nonexistence of despair; It tells us to live for the sake of living itself, not for anything other than living.
Life is easy, life is easy, life is not easy.
Live, live well; To live, to bear the responsibility that life gives us, to bear the happiness and suffering that reality gives us, boring and mediocre; To live, to feel your own feelings, to treat the world friendly, not complaining, not discouraged, calm and calm to see everything!