Sentences about some people leaving heartache
Face the future with a smile
2023-05-03 12:05:48
Heartbreaking Sentences

1. After breaking up, being a friend and a stranger is a kind of injury for me.

2. After breaking up, I don't expect anything. I only hope that every woman in your future will be inferior to each other.

3. When breaking up, whoever cares will lose.

4. If a man is willing to cheat you, he can't let you go. If he is too lazy to cheat him, he really wants to break up.

5. How many people, clearly broke up, but still love. How many people, who are still in love, say they have let go. How many people, clearly sad, but also said very good.

6. You say goodbye.

7. Don't think that when you go to your space or microblog after breaking up, you will be remembered and cared about. After taking a dump, I have to look back at the toilet.

8. Every step we take is too early. We fall in before we learn to love, break up before we learn to understand, and end before we learn to face.

9. If we break up, will we still be friends.

10. After all, love without breaking up is just a song.

11. After breaking up, I found that I really like you, but you and I are strangers.

12. When love comes to an end, farting can be the reason for breaking up.

13. Why do you like a person with personal consent, while breaking up only requires a person.

14. Once thought that we could be friends after breaking up. But slowly, still lost contact. Because every time I pick up the phone, I find I can't find you anymore

15. You finally opened your mouth and broke up.