Cinderella's impressions
Over the years
2023-09-15 01:43:08
first grade
reaction to a book or an article

After reading this story, I learned a truth that a person's beauty should not only depend on his appearance, but also on his soul. If a beautiful and moving girl has no love, is not kind, and is cruel to others, she is not a beautiful person.
I must read more books in the future, especially some famous sayings and biographies of some famous people. For example, Andersen's Fairy Tales and Green's Fairy Tales should be read carefully. I think reading can relieve boredom and increase knowledge. Books are like the sea. We can absorb the nutrition of knowledge in the sea of books all our life. Knowledge is never finished, so we can't be proud even if we have achieved good results. In the future, I must read more books, learn to be a man, improve my writing skills, write good articles, let teachers like to correct, and let students love to read.
On Sunday, my mother and I picked up the book "Green Fairy Tales" to read, among which the story of Cinderella impressed me most.
After Cinderella's mother died, her father married a woman with two daughters and became her stepmother. They looked beautiful, but their hearts were ugly. But Cinderella doesn't hate them. I think Cinderella has a kind heart.
One day, the prince invited young and beautiful girls from all over the country to choose a suitable bride. Cinderella's two sisters were invited, but Cinderella wanted to go, but her stepmother refused. Later, with the help of animals, Cinderella got a dress and dancing shoes and went to the prince's dance secretly, but the prince took a fancy to her. But in the evening, Cinderella fled home early as agreed, and the prince found her after many hardships. Finally, the prince married Cinderella as his bride.
After reading the story of Cinderella, my mother and I thought: First, people who are not beautiful on the surface have a kind heart; 2、 We have to overcome any difficulties by ourselves before we can win.
Parents' comments:
The motto of Mingfa Branch of Langya Road Primary School in our school is "look at reading and be a man". The school has also been doing reading work. Including teachers and students, peers, and parents and children. What impressed me most in the "parent-child reading" is persistence. I only read books and newspapers with my children in my spare time and in a good mood when I worked hard for work and housework every day. I am ashamed to say that I didn't stick to it. Later, after the "parent-child reading" activity was carried out in the school, in order to do well in the training goals and education methods that are consistent with family education and school education, I had to take time out of my busy schedule and set a time every day to read with my children, to be an example of children's reading and make it become a habit. I use the time after dinner and homework, 20 to 30 minutes every night, and read together for about an hour every morning and evening on weekends. In this way, I often communicate with my children, encourage them to retell the story or specific content in the book, tell their own views and opinions, and then analyze, discuss and express their views with them, Educate children.
Last weekend, I read Cinderella again with my children. In fact, we have read Cinderella many times when she can't read. But every time, she will have new gains. She used to be asked to say that now that she is in the first grade, she can write, and tries to let her write by herself. Although it is not perfect, it expresses her inner thoughts.
Through "parent-child reading", children's reading interest has become strong, and their reading level and language expression ability have gradually improved, so that I have a deeper communication and exchange with children, and have a deeper understanding of children's psychological growth and emotional development.