Reflections on Reading Green's Fairy Tales
No regret
2023-08-11 13:47:27
second grade

Today, I read a story about "Maria's children" in Green's Fairy Tales. After reading it, I was deeply inspired and thought, and I knew that you should be honest and not lie.
In a big forest, the woodcutter and his wife often worried about their children's lack of food. Later, the Virgin took his child away and named him Mary. The Virgin loves her very much, and there are angels accompanying her every day. However, Maria learned to lie. The Virgin punished her to the world and turned her into a mute. Maria lived a hard life after being punished to the world. After a long time, the king saved her and married her as a princess. But Maria still refused to admit the mistake of lying. The Virgin took her children away one after another. The minister said, "Maria is a man eating devil." He decided to burn her. At the last moment, Maria finally admitted the mistake of lying. The Virgin Mary forgave her and gave her child back, so that she could speak again.
After reading this story, I understand that you can't lie. If you know your mistake, you can change it.