The first time to express love to girls
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2023-07-29 17:07:55
Love talk

1. Give me your hand, and I will hold your hand, so that you will never be afraid. I am your most reliable support in this life.

2. I love you, I kiss you, I want to kiss you like crazy. Because you are my angel, my queen, my noble god of love!

3. I don't know how to love you. The only way for me is to accompany you silently and look at you silently.

4. You are the other half of my love. I spent the rest of my life looking for you. Would you like to accompany me through the rest of my life.

5. Please cherish every chance you have and seize every moment that belongs to you! I will be yours forever! Miss you my love!

6. The vast sea of people, with your name navigation. On a chilly night, I embrace your name for warmth. Long life, travel with your name.

7. Flowering flowers and flowing water, one kind of lovesickness, two places of leisure sorrow. There is no way to eliminate this situation. I just frown, but my heart is on.

8. The four lakes of spring water are your love, the clouds of summer around the peaks are your love, the bright autumn moon is your tenderness, and winter plum and snow are your love.

9. You work and I am tired, you drink and I hurt my stomach, you are sad and I cry, you sleep and I cover, because I am your good baby.

10. Love a person is not for return. But I want you to repay me, let me give you all my love in my lifetime.

11. I just want to find a shoulder that can bear my tears when I am frustrated and let me bite when I am happy.

12. I invited you to travel with me. If you want to have an affair, I will cry and say I love you too. Don't go.

13. There is only one heart, after all, there are not many people who can put it in mind; Feelings are just like that. It's rare to have you in my heart all the time.

14. With your sincerity, kindness and versatility, even if you wander far away from your hometown, why not find a bosom friend who is congenial to you?

15. Yesterday, he told me to stop just half way through his confession, and tears immediately came down. Who knew he said that I should chase you.

16. Mountains, grasslands and lakes are not as impressive as the deep pools in your eyes. The world is so beautiful that you can't smile at me.

17. The reason why a person loves another person is that the other person is cute, love is love, and will not love for any reason.

18. Really, what if I lose you and win the world? I would like to lose the whole world, as long as you, it is enough.

19. How can you be so cute? You are ten thousand times more cute than pink cotton candy and soft and cute rabbit. I like you so much.

20. Quietly I fell in love with you, but I only dare to hide this feeling in my heart, even if it is a friend as long as you are happy.

21. The most common result we see is that when we finally understand who the person we are looking for, when we look back at the dim lights, there is no one left.

22. Ten years later, when we recall the past, how many past events have vanished, but your photos in front of us freeze the picture of the past.

23. I like to hide behind you and watch you every day. I am satisfied to watch you quietly.

24. When you are depressed, I am your pistachio. When you are sad, I would like to be your worry free tree!

25. I must be the first person to miss you today. If not, it doesn't matter. I think every day, one day.

26. I love you more than myself. You are the sun in my heart. If you shine, I will be full of vitality.