The origin of the Spring Festival
Heart of contract
2023-07-31 01:44:31

Legend has it that in ancient China, there was a monster called Nian, with a sharp head and a ferocious head.
"Nian" beast lives in the sea for years. Every New Year's Eve, it climbs onto the shore to devour livestock and hurt people's lives. Therefore, every New Year's Eve, people in every village and village help the old and the young, and flee to the mountains to avoid "Nian"'s injury.
On New Year's Eve this year, villagers were busy packing up and fleeing to the mountains.
At this time, a white haired old man came to the east of the village and said to an old woman that as long as he stayed at her house for one night, he would be able to drive away Nian beast.
The people didn't believe it. The old woman advised him to go up the mountain to hide. The old man insisted on staying. When they saw that he couldn't stop, they all went up the mountain to hide.
When "Nian" beast was ready to enter the village and wreak havoc as usual, the white haired old man suddenly heard the sound of firecrackers. "Nian" beast trembled and dared not move forward any more.
It turns out that Nian beast is most afraid of red, fire and explosion.
At this time, the gate was wide open, and an old man in a red robe in the hospital burst out laughing. Nian turned pale and fled in panic.
The next day, when people came to the village from the remote mountains, they found that the village was safe and sound.
It suddenly dawned on me that the old man with white hair was the immortal who helped everyone expel the beast Nian.
At the same time, people also found three magic weapons of the white haired old man to expel the beast Nian.
Since then, every New Year's Eve, every family has pasted red couplets, set off firecrackers, and every household is brightly lit.
This custom has become the most solemn traditional festival of Chinese folk "New Year".