Reading the Communist Manifesto
Colorful Cloud Flying
2023-09-18 21:46:19
reaction to a book or an article

It is said that the conclusion does not come from the end of serious research, but from the arbitrariness based on ignorance and prejudice. Before I saw this small book, I thought it was heavy, complicated and empty. But when I went to the library and read it on the shelf I had never been to, I was ashamed of my ignorance, and felt the shock of Marx at the age of 30 and Engels at the age of 28, as well as the incomparable wealth. In Lenin's words, this small book describes the new world outlook in brilliant and clear language.
History tells us that workers and the poor have always existed, but the proletariat has not always existed, but has developed in the process of capitalist development, those wage working classes who do not have their own means of production and rely on selling labor to maintain their lives. The workers in the era of large-scale industrial production are the basis of the proletariat. They are subjected to cruel oppression and exploitation by capitalists and contractors. They are enslaved by machines and capitalists and become slaves of bourgeois countries. They also have to pay tribute and occupational taxes to landlords. The average working day is 15-16 hours. It is recorded that in February 1848, the bourgeois democratic revolution broke out in France, overthrew the July Dynasty and established the Republic. Although the revolution was initiated and led by the bourgeoisie, the proletariat and working people in Paris were the main force of the revolution. However, the bourgeois republic in the resume did not and could not really solve the difficulties and sufferings of workers, but increased their labor and reduced their wages in a large amount. When workers could not bear to hold an uprising here, they were brutally suppressed. This is how capital comes into the world, from head to toe, and every pore drips blood and dirty things.
Society is a complex organism, and all kinds of ideologies coexist together. However, the ruling ideology of any era is always the ideology of the ruling class, and the material forces that occupy the dominant position in society also occupy the spiritual forces that occupy the dominant position. People's thoughts will never stop making progress. The freedom and justice of the slave society will not be accepted by the feudal landlord class. Similarly, the freedom and justice of the feudal landlord class will not be accepted by the bourgeoisie. However, the bourgeoisie, after occupying the dominant position, insists on promoting their leadership as free and just, We also need all people to recognize and accept this so-called eternal freedom and justice. However, the reality is that out of constant turbulence, people who are always unstable and changing have to take a sober look at the world, see their living status and mutual relations, and realize that they are in a state of anxiety, not only living in peace, but also can no longer control themselves.
For capital, the opposite of capital is wage labor. Labor is a commodity in capitalist society, and the value used to exchange this commodity is the minimum wage, that is, the amount of means of subsistence necessary for workers to maintain their lives and reproduce. This possession does not leave anything that makes it possible for people to have the capital to exploit others. Therefore, To eliminate private ownership, the working class will lose only chains and gain the whole world.
According to the normal laws of nature, when labor is no longer a manifestation of skills, but a tool of capitalist exploitation and oppression, the proletariat is actively promoted to have their own political position. In the face of pervasive exploitation and endless exploitation of surplus value, there is no need to pray for mercy and sympathy, but to stand up by themselves. Where there is oppression, there is resistance, which is an eternal truth. The ultimate way out is to overthrow those unbearable things with violence and establish their own rule. As for this force, every little makes a mickle before it can generate combat effectiveness. So starting from delaying workers, all workers who pass through a factory will unite to destroy goods, destroy machines, burn factories, and attack bourgeois production relations while attacking production tools. In past revolutions, one kind of private ownership replaced another, and this class struggle was aimed at destroying private ownership, so this proletarian struggle against the bourgeoisie must be extremely arduous and intense.
Today, we know from books that the Communist Party is the party of the working class. As a pioneer, we have described the beautiful world presented to us after hard work. The productivity is highly developed, the ignorance wealth is extremely rich, and the labor productivity is at an unprecedented high level; Implement public ownership, each according to his ability, and distribute according to needs; Economic planning, regulation and management, the disappearance of the commodity economy; Class annihilation and state self extinction; The spiritual realm has been greatly improved; Man can develop freely and comprehensively; The whole human race is completely liberated. This is the endless driving force for all proletarians to carry out revolutionary struggle. Communists were born to emphasize and adhere to the common interests of the whole proletariat, regardless of the national interests and represent the interests of the whole movement. To strive for the realization of communism is the life goal of Communists. Communist ideology represents the interests of the proletariat, because the latter is the interests of all mankind, so communist ideology also represents the interests of all mankind.
The position of the Communists is that as long as they truly represent the interests of the working class, all classes with progressive ideas and are willing to work for the happiness of the people are welcome to become strategic partners. The Communists use their advanced nature to lead the proletarians to use violent revolution to overthrow the old production relations, have a common interest with the public, and advocate the unity of ideals and scientific ideals, It reflects the organic combination of human's pursuit of ideal social goals and scientific social practice in line with the law, and integrates all social members into an all-round development of communist workers. Communists will not put forward any special principles to shape the property class movement, and all processes are carried out in accordance with the law of production relations. In the whole social activities, we always emphasize and adhere to the interests and represent the direction of the whole movement, that is, keep a clear head, summarize and absorb excellent achievements in the process of continuous practice, and travel scientific theories.
The proletariat's struggle against the bourgeoisie will have different stages depending on the circumstances and conditions. However, overthrowing bourgeois rule, eliminating exploitation, eliminating private ownership, and realizing communism are the unshakable ultimate goals. Communists understand theoretically the conditions, process, and general results of the proletarian movement, and in practice are the most resolute among the working parties in various countries, The part that has always played a driving role has correct ideological armed forces and advanced theoretical guidance, and will never waver or compromise on the class struggle under any circumstances. Communists are based on reality, driving the other parts of the proletariat forward, and driving the working people forward. The struggle of the proletariat against the bourgeoisie is the last struggle between classes in human history. It is not only to eliminate all the exploiting classes, but also to fundamentally eliminate the basis and conditions for people to be divided into classes. When the revolutionary situation comes, the Communists must assess the situation and put forward the purpose of struggle that meets the actual requirements, formulate the correct strategy and action steps, and can define the direction for the proletariat in the rapidly developing revolutionary situation.
The bourgeoisie is strong. Marx said that he did not believe that all nations are doomed to take the capitalist road unconditionally, but he also kept saying that all nations are doomed not to take the capitalist road. Although it is predicted that it will eventually die, they all hold a powerful national machine in Britain, France or other bourgeois ruled countries. Socialism will not disappear because of the collapse of the Soviet Union and the great changes in Eastern Europe, but capitalism will never be able to avoid the fate of extinction because of the temporary prosperity of a few capitalist countries. The Communists will lead the proletariat through this long, tortuous and complex historical process.
My understanding may be old-fashioned or disorderly, but I am serious. In the face of this classic, my heart is panicking. People always pursue and create a more meaningful life. The capitalist era is still developing. The prestige of Marx's theory is with time. Lu Xun said that there is no way in the world, and if there are many people, there will be a way. I believe that the ideal will become reality and the world will be beautiful in the end.