Sentence of self growth
No more love songs
2023-05-31 07:06:14
Life perception

1. Happy flowers open in their hearts, happy birds fly in the air, happy fish wander in the water, and happy people are busy. All people or things in the world are happy. Happiness is simple. Cherish the happiness around you.

2. Fate need not be packaged with money, set off with status, and decorated with power. Chance is its curtain, and loyalty is its background. The fate is not over, the feeling is still crazy, and the heart is still beating; The fate has been, the heart is too tired, it is better to let go, go things.

3. "Evaporation" complaints give life more expectations; "Filter" impetuosity, giving more freedom to life; "Eliminate" sorrow and make the world more lovely; "Load" happiness, and give yourself every wonderful day. Don't complain, don't complain, live a good life and be happy.

4. We can't eat without chopsticks, drink without cups, go out without shoes, and live without good brothers. We can help each other, care for each other, trust each other, and never give up. Only in this way can we overcome difficulties and walk on the road of life as if we were walking on the ground.

5. Life is a struggle. Ideals become reality and dreams become reality. The more you struggle, the happier you will be. The more you struggle, the healthier you will be. Love will become more beautiful. Friendship will become more profound. Life will become happier and happier.

6. Fate need not be packaged with money, set off with status, and decorated with power. Chance is its curtain, and loyalty is its background. The fate is not over, the feeling is still crazy, and the heart is still beating; The fate has been, the heart is too tired, it is better to let go, go things.

7. When I was young, geese were poems in their mouths. When they grow up, geese are the food in their mouths. Childhood is a colorful dream, and reality is a colorful life. People can't live without dreams, let alone without life. I hope you and I can live happily as dreams!

8. Don't worry if you don't have money or room. Accumulate little by little in peacetime, and pay sincerely is the most important. Good deeds bring good fortune, and help in times of danger. Send you a good man card, good people will have good luck. Once this card is issued, everything goes smoothly.

9. If you don't climb a mountain, you don't know its height. No danger, no danger. Standing high, you can see far. The greater the hope, the greater the risk. Everyone should take a walk on the road of life. If you go to high places and dangerous places, you can see the most beautiful scenery. I wish you further progress.

10. The person who likes you gives you warmth and courage; The person you like makes you learn love and self-reliance. People you don't like teach you tolerance and respect; People who don't like you let you know self reflection and growth.

11. Persuading oneself is the victory of thought; Moving yourself is the sublimation of the soul; To deny oneself is the transcendence of character; To conquer oneself is the maturity of life. As long as we grasp ourselves, happiness is in our hands.

12. Dear, do you feel that autumn has come? Dear, do you feel the weather is getting cold? Dear, don't worry! My blessing has magic effect, and you will be happy and lucky when you receive it! Dear, do you feel it?

13. The road of life is hard to avoid. Many friends have many solutions; The road of life is certainly full of risks, and many helpers will succeed. Friends, the road of life we go together!

14. Like Tang Monk, he only reads the scriptures well, like Wukong, he only drives away the monsters, like Sha Monk, he only carries the heavy burden, like you, he knows how to eat and sleep beautifully; In fact, happiness is so simple! Friend, do you know? Do your favorite things can also feel happy around!

15. When life troubles hit, dear friends, you must not panic. Please drop all your loads, twist them into a pile of long silk threads, hang your melancholy attachment all over, and enjoy it in the dim twilight and gentle breeze

16. Give life a smile, give yourself a smile, the road still has to go on. Spring has the warmth of spring, summer has the fiery heat of summer, autumn has the harvest of autumn, winter has the cold of winter, learn to enjoy life! As for the past, let it not be deliberately forgotten or remembered. Some things slowly become indifferent with the passage of time, but only memories. Let's learn to look ahead and everything will be better.

17. Don't be confused in your heart, and don't be trapped in feelings. Only those who can stand loneliness, temptation, and peace of mind can reap the most satisfying life. An impetuous person

18. Although there are too many disappointments, you must open your closed heart to experience the vastness of the sea. Despite the twists and turns of the world, you must reach the end of the struggle to enjoy the happiness of persistence. Don't complain about life, just stick to it silently, and you will reap the fruits. May you have a happy life every day!

19. The stake is like the pressure of reality, firmly on our shoulders, and the gap is like the bumps of reality. Let's be so hesitant. Friendship is like the shield of reality, blocking difficulties and hardships. Unity is like the vehicle of reality, which takes us to the bright front, cherishing friendship and putting unity first!

20. There are too many happy things in life. Don't focus on those things that make you unhappy.