Reflections on Tiangong Classroom
2023-12-09 08:45:18
Senior 2
impressions of after reading

I like the beautiful and eye-catching Chinese knot hanging on the "Tiangong" space station, facing the bright five-star red flag. Such a space station is the most beautiful scenery in space, and also makes us feel more intimate.
In space, you should control your body to adapt to weightlessness and swim around like a fish. The food was prepared in advance on earth. Cultivating space plants is an important task in flight missions.
In space, although you can't take a hot bath like on earth, you can wash your face and hair. Researchers have specially developed a decomposition shampoo which can not only clean hair, but also save water. The water in the space station is very valuable, so try to save water as much as possible.
Sleeping on the space station is even more fun. Only one sleeping bag is enough. The sleeping bag is generally required to be fixed on the bulkhead, but you can sleep anywhere if you want, such as on the ceiling.
There are also many leisure activities on the space station. You can make video phone calls with your family, enjoy the beautiful earth at sunset from the porthole, and also do morning exercises. The morning exercise is a traditional Chinese fitness program - Taijiquan. The most important and exciting thing is the extravehicular activities. Put on the "Flying" clothes, go outside the cabin through the airlock, and successfully complete the relevant tasks outside the cabin through the joint efforts of the ground dispatcher and the cabin companions. There are also many happy events in space: the rice planted is heading, space couriers are welcomed, and new partners are welcomed to carry out work handover. Having stayed in space for three months, I will soon say goodbye to the "Tiangong" space station and return to the earth. I am very excited to see my relatives on the earth soon.
Space itself is very charming. In the vast universe, everything with a five-star red flag is more and more intimate and proud for every Chinese people!
Struggle is the wing of realizing dreams. Generations of aerospace personnel have worked hard in the "experimental field" of aerospace. They have a strong heart and a clear mind, and their feet are bound to the vast sky. They have worked hard on the basis of poverty and innocence, forged ahead in repeated trials and explorations, pursued excellence in the pursuit of excellence, braved difficulties and blazed new trails. Astronauts learn experience and strong skills through strict, systematic and comprehensive training. Flying in the sky and going out of the cabin need solid skills. They need to have excellent psychological quality and strong physique. The hard training in winter and summer gives them super willpower and self-confidence. For the great aerospace cause, aerospace workers and astronauts, taking hardships and twists as the "ladder" of career development, forge backbone with ambition, accumulate strength with backbone, and achieve higher level innovation and breakthrough in aerospace cause in continuous struggle.
From the successful launch of "Shenyi" to the space trip of "Shenwu", "Shenzhou VI" and "Shenzhou VII"... China's manned space industry has yielded fruitful results. On the road of "chasing dreams", each time is a new journey, and each time is an unprecedented challenge. Of course, the unprecedented difficulty of the challenge has also created an unprecedented height. Mr. Lu Xun once said, "In fact, there is no road on the ground, and more people walk, it becomes a road". The road is created by two feet, step by step. It is inevitable to take a detour on the road that has not been passed by our predecessors, and it is also inevitable to have setbacks on the road that has not been passed by our predecessors. Only by being a pioneer, can we become a pioneer. Only by daring, can we break out of the new world and seize the "new highland".