80 signatures of aestheticism and freshness
Listen to the wind and rain in the small building
2023-05-04 11:55:41
Complete set of signatures

1、 Youth is a famous bath.

2、 Youth is our burden that has been verified.

3、 I don't believe punctuation marks.

4、 I have N locks in my heart, all called obscenity.

5、 Let me be your empty beauty.

6、 Don't tell me forever, I can't live to that point.

7、 Sorry, too heavy! I can't afford it.

8、 I am not afraid of thousands of people to stop me, but I am afraid of surrender.

9、 All roads do not return, all sleepless nights are ecstatic.

10、 Desire to enhance enthusiasm, perseverance to smooth mountains.

11、 The way you choose, kneel down and finish it.

12、 Accustomed to the night view of the city, I feel that my eyes are dazzling.

13、 Don't shoot me in the heart. You are still in it!

14、 I'm also a girl. Why should I pretend to be strong.

15、 What I miss is not you but the deadly past you gave me.

16、 You can watch my world, but you can't speak.

17、 There is no life without progress, only people without progress!

18、 Man, it's ok if you lose it. Women have to be strong!

19、 It's windy. Look at the speed of the wind. It's faster than Liu Xiang.

20、 Any restriction starts from your own heart.

21、 Adults are expired children, and the elderly are invalid adults.

22、 We dedicated our best years to compulsory education.

23、 In the whole youth, I was ignorant and heroic in love.

24、 It's easy to cry for a wife. It's the promise of a lifetime.

25、 I am on the other side of the river, watching the past return, and there is no hope of return.

26、 Right and wrong and gain and loss can be assessed only after the final result.

27、 Sing all the way, look back all the way, remember without stopping, tears flow.

28、 In fact, there is always a distance between people.

29、 Greeting is not necessarily prudent, but it must be sincere and touching.

30、 The most beautiful years that were praised were buried by drunkenness.

31、 He is your father. The basket is thick, the cow is fighting, and the poor man is talking on the phone.

32、 When we look into the distance, we can't see the near scenery clearly.

33、 I tell you, don't care about me. I'm happier than you.

34、 My youth is like a piece of broken glass. I stepped on it barefoot.

35、 The shadow of time has been drawn long, and the feelings are swelling out of my heart.

36、 Every stubborn person never says I want, but that I don't need.

37、 To compare the two fish, who is handsome, is the dish of tomorrow.

38、 The real strong man is not the one who tears, but the one who runs with tears.

39、 Never store what should be forgotten and never forget what should be remembered.

40、 A man of faith develops more power than a man of interest.

41、 Always born in an unexpected year. Look back to the other side. Even though the scene is long.

42、 There is no uniform retail price for love. Sometimes it's worthless and sometimes it's hard to buy for a thousand dollars.

43、 Those times that allow us to squander freely but have nowhere to place them are called youth.

44、 Ask not what others have done for you, but what you have done for others.

45、 In the unprepared short amnesia, Liunian brushed shoulders with me without scruple.

46、 If you can spend a day in peace, it is a blessing.

47、 Outside the mountain, there are green hills and buildings. If you want to jump off the building, I will shout for fuel downstairs.

48、 Many failures are not because of limited ability, but because they do not persist in the end.

49、 Life is too short to leave a minute for those who make you unhappy.

50、 Nine out of ten people will succeed if they can seize the opportunity to walk in front of them.

51. Don't think you are great. You are nothing in my eyes.

52. Instead of waiting for others to love you, learn to love yourself more.

53. Difficulties and setbacks are not terrible. What is terrible is the loss of ambition and courage.

Fifty-four, there is always a person whose message can make you smile at once.

55. I am kind, but not as good as an angel. I am guilty, but not a devil. I am me.

56. There is only one thing in the world that no one can take away, and that is wisdom.

57. Another name of kindness is fool! A lot of things can't be solved with patience.

58. Some songs are deeply rooted in people's hearts. Sometimes I don't know whether I am listening to songs or myself

59. The tired dark circles around the eyes seem to be making public for a period of silence and our years.

60. You said that I have a problem with my brain. I admit that I fell in love with you because I have a problem with my brain!

61. Usually people laugh and make troubles with others crazily, but they just don't want to be alone.

62. We often ignore those who love us, but love those who ignore us.

Sixty three. When it gets dark, the whole sun is under our feet. What are we afraid of?

64. The best place is the place that has not been to. The best time is when you can't come back.

65. The reason why distance is terrible is because we don't know whether the other party misses you or forgets you.

66. It is a fact that no matter who falls in love, the distance will be extended for the best heterosexual friends.

67. To be someone else is to waste yourself. The best way to save is to be yourself.

68. Success is not in the future, but accumulated from the moment you decide to do it.

69. I always bother to go back, but now I know it's so difficult. I have no choice but to let you go.

Seventy, the helplessness of life is not because there is no choice, but precisely because there are too many choices to make.

Seventy one, women are made of water, so don't be too cold to her. Once it turns into ice after zero, it will eventually freeze you.

Seventy two, I treat you well because I like you; But please don't take my kindness to you as the capital of your meanness.

73. When you feel sad and painful, it's better to learn something. Learning will keep you invincible forever.

Seventy four. Occasionally, people who work hard for life will be touched by the frustration they have suffered.

Seventy five. Don't believe that "winning money is a man's business". Women have the ability to squeeze money and our sovereignty.

76. After thousands of years of unbreakable loneliness, do you believe there is still a person in the world waiting for you at the end of time.

Seventy seven, we may love two people at the same time and be loved by two people. Unfortunately, we can only stay with one of them until old age.

Seventy eight, this time I leave you, is the wind, is the rain, is the night; You smiled and I waved my hand, and a lonely road spread to both ends.

Seventy nine. People have no tears when they are in the most grief and panic. Tears always flow at the end of the story, at the end of everything.

80. Falling in love with you is a wrong choice after all, which makes you and me embarrassed. I'm sorry that I delayed your youth and your time.