On Reading Psychological Books
Understanding Heart
2023-10-07 06:05:18

I read the book "Educational Psychology" in the summer vacation, and I felt deeply. I realized that education is not only teaching, but also the psychological guidance in the teaching process. Physical education is not only physical exercise, but also psychological counseling for children in language, so that they can overcome difficulties and enjoy the happiness brought by success.

Teachers learn educational psychology in order to systematically and comprehensively grasp the rules and age characteristics of students' cognitive process, select appropriate teaching methods and take corresponding measures according to the age and psychological characteristics of primary school students, and effectively improve the teaching quality. Perhaps you think that a casual sentence, but in the eyes of students how heavy weight, and even affect their life. There is a saying: "All good children boast!" The teacher's praise and encouragement is their appreciation and recognition, which can give them confidence and courage and let them take the first step towards success. One or two months, just one or two months, the miracle will appear like this. With the encouragement and praise of the teacher, the encouraged and praised student will keep working hard with this belief, and one day he will really succeed. I will always take this belief with me: "All good children boast!" To love my students, I want to say finally: appreciate your students, believe that every child is a genius, appreciate their strengths, affirm their every subtle progress, let them constantly experience the joy of success, find happiness and confidence in learning, and sincerely help them, then, Miracles will happen. Bad students and underachievers will become good students!

Why must teachers learn educational psychology?

1、 It is because teachers must learn educational psychology to form excellent psychological qualities. What this book emphasizes is that only by learning educational psychology carefully can teachers know what excellent psychological qualities they must possess as a people's teacher, so as to consciously cultivate these psychological qualities.

2、 The reason is that teachers must learn educational psychology to improve their professional level of education. This book gives a brief summary of this:

1. It can effectively improve the teaching quality. In the teaching process, psychological problems abound. But only when teachers learn educational psychology can they systematically and comprehensively grasp the laws and age characteristics of students' cognitive process, select appropriate textbooks, take corresponding measures, and effectively improve the quality of teaching.

2. It can better cultivate students' communist morality. Teachers who have studied educational psychology can grasp the rules of the formation of students' morality and the psychological characteristics formed under the influence of various factors, and shape a new generation according to the face of communism.

3. Students can be taught in accordance with their aptitude That is to say, only when teachers understand the psychology of students at different times and ages can they encourage their advantages and correct their shortcomings. The role of education is to explore the advantages of students and overcome their shortcomings.

4. It is possible to summarize educational experience scientifically. I think this is also the basis of the first point, which is to prepare for improving teaching quality.

As a teacher, we should:

1、 The ideological basis of teachers' morality is to love and devote to education

"Teachers are the most noble cause under the sun." People often compare teachers to "red candle", "ladder", "spring silkworm", "paving stone", which is intended to express the selflessness and greatness of education. Therefore, teachers should have a full understanding of the profession of teachers from the day they teach, so that they can completely eliminate the "money worship". The concept of "aristocratism", and devote all their efforts to the educational cause of their own personnel. As Tao Xingzhi said, "Come with one heart, not half a root of grass", whenever you can say, I have no regrets all my life when I devote myself to education.

2、 Loving and respecting students is the basic requirement of teachers' morality

Education is the resonance of love and the echo of hearts. Only when teachers love their students can they educate them well and make education play its maximum role. It can be said that loving students is the basis of teachers' professional ethics. Being indifferent to students and lacking enthusiasm is by no means a good teacher with good ethics. Teachers' love for students is reflected in "strictness" and "kindness". As the saying goes, "A strict teacher makes a good student." It also says, "Strict is love, leniency is harm." Without strict requirements on students and strict training, it is difficult to cultivate reliable successors and qualified builders across the century. "Since ancient times, great men have suffered more than dandies." Therefore, lax treatment of students is no good. Of course, the strictness should be appropriate and moderate, and not required by fascist training. Kindness is to care, love, tolerate and respect students. Fully encourage students' self-esteem and self-confidence, care about students' learning, growth and progress, and make students develop in an all-round way.

3、 To be a teacher is the core of teacher morality

Teachers are engineers of the human soul. "Being a teacher" is the most noble honor of teachers, and also the sacred duty of teachers. In the 21st century, China will not only take a new step in economic development, but also leap to a new height in the construction of socialist spiritual civilization. As a people's teacher, he bears the direct responsibility of comprehensively improving the quality of the people and improving the civilization of all people, especially the youth generation. "Educators receive education first". Only by maximizing the level of teachers as role models can they be qualified for the historical mission of people's teachers and be worthy of the glorious title of people's teachers. This requires teachers to set an example and be a teacher everywhere and at all times. Students must first do a good job of what they are required to do. For example, if students are required not to be late and leave early, teachers themselves cannot be late and leave early; Students are required to be polite and polite, and teachers themselves should not be rude; Students are required to abide by the rules of conduct, and teachers should consciously abide by the rules of teachers. Otherwise, the students will think that such a teacher is inconsistent in his words and deeds, and can't be trusted because he only asks students to behave without doing anything by himself. Just as Confucius said, "If he is upright, he will act without orders. If he is not upright, he will not obey orders." This explains the truth.

4、 Teaching well is the key to teachers' morality

Teachers must teach their students well if they want to cultivate their students into useful talents with all-round development. This requires teachers to have profound knowledge. In the sea of knowledge, everything in the universe has only one spray and one grain of sand. Teachers, like a boat, sail in it all the year round, and deliver batch after batch of eager intellectuals to the other side of the ideal, rain or shine, without complaint or regret. When sailing on the waves, it is bound to be thrilling, but there are also gratification and joy, who says not? The choice of teaching profession is the choice of hardships and challenges. There are a lot of people with money who have no ideas and are living in the society. But we can't imagine, let alone tolerate, a teacher who is just making up for the number, standing in the sacred forum with the eyes of those who are thirsty for knowledge.

I realized from the perceptual perspective that educational psychology is a very broad and profound knowledge, not as simple as I thought before. For example, how to deal with the relationship between students' personality and commonness, how to extract commonness from personality, and how to fully respect students' personality in the summary of commonness. And how to achieve the optimization of students' learning, how to maximize the enthusiasm of students in teaching without making them bored with some boring things; And how to apply targeted education and teaching methods to children of different ages according to their different psychological characteristics, and so on. In the book, I introduced the views of many famous scholars of different times, each with advantages and disadvantages, which are worth thinking about. After reading these, I gradually realized that educational psychology is a subject that has been highly valued and widely studied.

Not only theory, but also how to apply theory to practice is mentioned in many places in the book, which has a very direct and practical significance for teaching practice. There are many such examples in the book, which let me find that many seemingly common things in life are actually the results of educational psychology research. For example, how should primary school students overcome the problem of being unable to sit still, and how to quietly correct students' grammatical errors without causing students' aversion. In fact, I have long had some ideas about these issues. After reading educational psychology, these original vague ideas gradually became clear, and I really felt a lot.

What educational psychology provides to me is not only a research result, but also a research method to guide you how to use these seemingly written big theories and turn them into a sword to guide your teaching. In fact, each student is special and has something worth paying special attention to, while each student is similar and has commonalities that allow you to summarize rules and better understand teaching. Educational psychology provides me with these scientific research methods. I think people will benefit a lot from it whether they are engaged in education in the future or not. It used to be that I didn't understand what the so-called scale was, but now I begin to understand that psychology is such a sophisticated science, which requires strong logical thinking and analytical ability to understand how to understand the inner world of people from data.

We should put forward higher requirements for ourselves. Taking the interaction between teaching and learning as the main line and learning psychology as the core, educational psychology has made a systematic and simple analysis of learning motivation, knowledge and skill mastery, learning strategies and teaching strategies, learning transfer, intelligence and creativity, moral psychology, group psychology, personality differences and teaching in accordance with students' aptitude, mental health and teacher psychology. As an educator, you must have the ability to judge whether students love learning and guide students to learn. Teachers are the carriers and teachers of culture, so preaching, imparting knowledge and dispelling doubts reflect the importance of teachers from the perspective of knowledge transmission. Teachers are role models. "Learning from high schools is a teacher, and being upright is a model." The process of students' education is a process of personality improvement. Teachers' personality power is invisible and immeasurable. Teachers should really become the guides of students. Teachers should have strong organizational leadership, management and coordination ability to make teaching more efficient and promote the development of students. Teachers should be full of "love". As a teacher, love for students should be selfless and equal, just like parents treat children. Teachers should also be good at discovering the bright spots and development needs of each student.

Finally, the teacher is the psychological tutor of students. Therefore, teachers must understand educational psychology and psychology, understand the learning psychological characteristics of different students, choose scientific and reasonable learning strategies that are suitable for the students in this class, and think more in the course of class, improve teaching methods and strategies at the right time, treat teaching with an artistic perspective, and strive for excellence. Under the background of the new curriculum reform, we must seriously run through the new teaching concept, take student development as the foundation, meet new challenges with new teaching attitude, and make students' body and mind develop healthily. After reading this book through, I have a certain understanding of the main idea, research direction, reasons and research methods of educational psychology. In addition, the knowledge about general psychology and child psychology involved in the book is also very helpful for me to understand the content of educational psychology. This book talks about the object of educational psychology, because the development of educated physique is closely related to the development of psychology, so educational psychology should also be linked to the related issues of physical development. In addition, the educational process can also be said to be a process of collaborative activities between teachers and students, and teachers play a leading role in such activities. Therefore, the psychological problems of teachers are also a special field of educational psychology that should be studied. The nature of educational psychology should be determined by its research object, that is, educational psychology is a marginal science with both social science and natural science, and it is dominated by the former. Education in countries with different social systems has common and different requirements for psychology, which to some extent affects the content and scope of educational psychology. According to our educational policy and purpose, the content and scope of our educational psychology are completely adapted to the requirements of our socialist system. The task of educational psychology is to reveal the law of psychological activities in the process of educational practice and promote the development of the whole psychological science. It can be seen that educational psychology is based on the requirements of education for psychology and aims to solve psychological problems in educational practice.

By reading the book Educational Psychology, I will correctly use the knowledge in psychology and the positive guidance of external motivation such as effective evaluation and appropriate praise, so as to promote the development of students' cognitive interest and form a stable and positive personality. Let's cultivate students' moral feelings in the teaching process, so as to improve their personality and morality.