The Police and the Sample Essay after Reading the Hymn
Fate is doomed
2023-11-19 09:00:55

Every time I read Mr. O'Henry's novel, I will eventually be impressed by the twists and turns of the story, and sigh for all the sentient beings in the world. As many people have said, if his novel is regarded as a "drama", it is an excellent plot for the screenwriter; For the audience, it is worthy of a ticket.

The novel comes from reality and blooms in the eyes of readers, highlighting everything it depicts. Through a short chapter, a small story, and a wonderful pen, Mr. A has knocked the tasteless life on people's hearts.

Some people say that the "Police and Hymn" appeals to opportunities in life. It is a fool not to grasp when encountering; It is a talent who knows how to grasp opportunities without encountering them; It is a genius to meet opportunities and grasp them. Of course, Soapy acted as an ignorant, unrepentant and despised clown, carrying the dregs of all the people in that era who were against justice and common sense. Not worthy of sympathy. And the end of the hymn becomes the highlight. When he realized in horror that he had fallen into the abyss and fallen years. Shameful desires, pessimism and disappointment can only lead to exhaustion of wisdom and despicable motives.

Some people say that God is at work. Soapy is the protagonist in this novel. He is poor and poorly dressed. He deliberately commits crimes in order to spend a warm winter in prison. He has caused trouble as many as six times, but he failed to achieve his goal. Later, when he wanted to reform his ways, the police arrested him, as if God had played a joke on him. Is God fair and generous? For Soapy, when he really wanted to work hard, God began to be stingy, repentant and naughty again. Here, I can't help thinking of what Mr. Kundera said. When human beings think, God laughs. To me, Sobi is just a shadow of Ah Q. What is different is their destiny. They live together in two countries. Both are cups. The latter has more or less the meaning of a little joke between God and the master.

Others said that the story of the novel taking over Soapy satirized the society. In a country that advocates freedom and democracy everywhere, money eventually obscures the values of justice and purity. "The police hurried to a tall blonde lady in an evening dress to cross the street, so that it could not be hit by the tram that was coming two blocks away." The police did not pay attention to the dispute between Soapy and the "umbrella owner", but went to help some people who might not need help at all. This is exactly the point. Even when Soapy dropped the first stone, the police's habitual thinking left Soapy's "dream" behind. The police's view represented the idea of a harmonious society, which was natural. However, when Soapy finally came to his senses in the mood of the hymn, a strong impulse inspired him to fight for a bumpy fate, the police paid attention to him. This is unfair to him. It is also the ridiculous world that O'Henry satirized. In that world, injustice comes not only from money, but also from social status. Soapy is the most common little member in the world. He uses his thoughts and consciousness, and his clumsy behavior to leave a light mark for the world.

However, what I want to say is that today we are also advocating a harmonious society, but so far, it may just be empty and empty. People can't see harmony. Ah Q thought and Sobi spirit still exist, and more people can't see the beauty of spring. Harmony, harmony, we still have a lot to do. Mr. O'Henry told everyone all this, which was a warning to everyone. So far, we have tried to abandon those ridiculous ideas and slowly influence the world. The future is always beautiful.