Picture book, dear little fish
A game, a dream
2023-10-13 23:08:45

The picture book I introduce to you today has a nice title, Dear Little Fish, and a very unique cover. The background of the cover is just the connected water and sky, all painted in a dark and dim piece of uneven and quiet blue; Against this background, there is a quiet full moon and a very special kiss: a cat squats on the horizontal line, closes its eyes, lowers its head and kisses the water surface affectionately. Through the ripples on the water surface, we can see a big fish with light red color in the water. This fish is about twice the size of the cat, with big innocent eyes open, Kissing the cat on the horizontal line. According to the natural ecology and the stories we have read in the past, we always form an established concept that fish is the food of cats, so the relationship between fish and cats is certainly hostile. Therefore, when we see the picture of cat and fish kissing like lovers on the cover, we will certainly feel very strange, and then we have curiosity to explore what kind of story this is! Maybe that's why the author chose this painting as the cover! Next, let's get together

Let's enjoy the story.

Andr é Dahan, the author and painter of the picture book Dear Little Fish, is a well-known French writer and illustrator. He was born in Algeria in 1935, and later went to Paris to study. Although De Ang started his picture book creation career very late, he launched his first picture book work My Friend the Moon at the age of 52, However, his works have always been praised and admired for their unique plot, color, composition and situation design. It has attracted readers' attention. As a result, more than 20 of his published works have become popular all over the world and have been translated in more than 10 countries.

The picture book "Dear Little Fish" that we enjoy today is very suitable for the picture book that parents and children share together in a quiet evening. I have also told the children in my class. This story is very simple. In fourteen sentences, it tells the story of a cat loving a fish, and this fish also loves that cat. Children don't bother to consider so many "actual situations" when they watch "Dear Little Fish". Children suddenly enter the story. In their small heads, cats and mice can be friends, and cats can love a fish. Although the story is simple in plot and simple in role, it contains rich space for imagination and interpretation. The tenderness and understanding conveyed in the story is worth pondering by all readers, which is also what attracted me to this picture book.

In the picture book "Dear Little Fish", it tells us a simple, happy and unspeakable sentimental story: "I" raised a small fish in a fish tank; "I" express love to the little fish with bread and kiss, and when the little fish grows up, I will patiently send it to the open water; And when the free fish still swims back to "me" in the hope of "me", "I" will get the best love in return. In fact, at the beginning of the story, we have already "read" from the picture that this affectionate "I" was originally a little cat with tiger stripes.

For the understanding of this story, one thing is very important. Although "I" described the scene of the little fish going out and coming back concretely and vividly, in fact, judging from the narrative voice of "I", the whole plot is just the result of "I" sitting in front of the fish tank imagining. From the first page to the last page, there is almost no change in the real time. The little fish is still a little fish in the aquarium, but the "I" thought has walked a circle in a very distant time and space. The cat who fed bread to the fish tank smiled at the little fish and told him his deep love for the little fish while generously throwing in large pieces of bread. "Dear little fish, I love you so much. I feed you bread, and you should grow up quickly." The cat thinks so. Not only that, "I will kiss you every day, and I promise you that I will never forget." The cat takes care of the little fish every day, but the little fish grows up day by day, and the aquarium will never be able to live. What should we do then? This is the turning point of the story. The cat starts to imagine what has not happened yet. What is amazing is that the cat didn't want to find a bigger aquarium to let the little fish live, but told the little fish that he would put the little fish back into the vast sea to let him breathe in the sea. But then they will leave, won't they? The cat said: He will sit on the beach day and night, waiting for the fish to come back. We can read the author's complete interpretation of love from this kind of emotional presentation: cats first give and expect, then let go and wait. And the little fish? Finally, it did appear from a corner of the shining coast. They play happily. The grown fish can even take the cat to travel far away until the night falls. They kiss and say good night to each other in the moonlight. At this moment, they may say goodbye temporarily and return to their respective homes, but when we close the page, we can expect that they will meet again because of their mutual ties. This section of friendship, love or kinship can be interpreted as a thick friendship that will not disappear easily.

In this way, the whole story is actually all "I"'s commitment and monologue to the little fish's love, and the last sweet special kiss is not only a return and proof of love, but also an expression of "I"'s understanding and hope for love. Love is accompanied by freedom; The true love is that "I" is willing to give freedom to the little fish I love, and the little fish is willing to return to "me" in the free choice. However, when I gave the fish love and freedom together, "I" was so deeply looking forward to the "love" from its freedom. The narrative tone of the monologue intentionally set by the writer gives the whole story an indescribable sentimental atmosphere. When we see the picture of "I" and "I" hat with their backs to the readers, facing the sea, and waiting for the return of the small fish alone in the light blue and quiet night, I think everyone will be deeply moved, whether he (she) agrees that he (she) is the "I" in the story, Or the little fish that was loved.

Finally, when we recommend this book to parents and children, we would like to say one more word: Dear parents, if you love fish, please give it freedom; My dear little fish, please remember the broadest and deepest love that ever gave you freedom when you were free.