88 sentences from children's birthday friends circle
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2023-02-01 11:54:54
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1. I wish our son health and love forever.

2. May all your wishes in life come true! Happy birthday!

3. May your every day be as beautiful as a picture. Happy birthday!

4. All life is bitter, but you are strawberry, baby, happy birthday.

5. May your birthday be especially happy and may the New Year Center be successful!

6. With a son like you, how can we not feel proud and happy birthday!

7. A candle, a wish, a true feeling, I wish you a happy birthday!

8. I wish you happiness in every growing day! Happy birthday!

9. Your birthday is a celebration of life. I wish you happy health and birthday!

10. Baby bless you every day as beautiful as a picture! Happy birthday!

11. May true happiness embrace you on this special day that belongs to you.

12. A beautiful picture, you want to describe it one by one, no matter how difficult it is, it can also be accompanied by my love.

13. Your birthday is a celebration of life. I wish you health, happiness and prosperity.

14. After today, you will be one year older. Be nicer, cuter and more sensible.

15. It's a day worth remembering. The world is better because of you. Happy birthday!

16. I hope you have a very happy birthday. Eat enough ice cream and have fun!

17. Happy birthday! May every moment of your life be filled with joy on this special day.

18. A memorable day, the original world is more beautiful because of you, happy birthday.

19. The road ahead is still long, but you let hope carry on my wings. Willing to take you to fly.

20. The baby is one year old in the lunar calendar today. He is more and more lovely. I hope he can grow up healthily and happily.

21. A memorable day, baby, the world is better because of you. Happy birthday.

22. I wish you a healthy and happy birthday, a healthy and happy day, and may all your wishes come true.

23. Thank you, baby. Because of you, the flowers are blooming, the fruits are fragrant, and the sky full of hope comes with you!

24. The more I think about it, the more clearly I can see that no son can be as handsome, sweet and sweet as you!

25. I send you my sincere birthday wishes. I wish you every success in the coming year!

26. May our daughter be happy and boundless; I wish our son health and love forever.

27. Mother has three wishes: First, your father works smoothly; Second, all the family members are healthy; Third, you should grow up quickly.

28. Baby. Happy birthday! Remember, every time you set sail in your life. My best wishes will accompany you!

29. I hope you can be brave to be yourself in the future, not necessarily capable, but honest!

30. I wish the baby a healthy growth, popular, smart and lively, and a promising future in a famous university!

31. Youth, sunshine and laughter, dance out a happy beat for this day that belongs to you. Happy birthday to baby!

32. Baby, seeing your happy growth, we sincerely feel that no matter how hard we have experienced, it is worth it

33. Happy first birthday, baby. Your life is perfect after being your mother. Thank you for your company and growing up together!

34. Baby, I hope you can quickly get rid of childishness and tenderness, raise the sails of creation, sail to maturity, and sail to the golden coast.

35. Baby, looking at you sleeping for countless times, I can't help kissing you hard, which is a kind of happiness beyond words!

36. Let me bless you, let me laugh for you, and silently bless and support you. Happy birthday to my dearest daughter.

37. At the age of one, I wish you three winters are warm, spring is not cold, you have a light in the dark, rain has an umbrella, and you have a lover on the road!

38. When I secretly let go of your hand and saw you carefully learn to walk, you did not understand the sadness of separation in your heart, so you did not turn back happily.

39. May blessings linger in your dream of always connecting with spring. I wish you happiness and happiness! Happy birthday!

40. Birthday is a day of laughter and contentment in life; Birthdays are the days of health and happiness in life. May today's you be happy forever!

41. Happy birthday! You are happy so I am happy, you are not happy I am not happy. No matter who is happy, I wish you a happy birthday!

42. May you be like a seed, brave enough to break through the sand and stretch the green buds out of the ground and point to the sky. Happy birthday, son.

43. Give my beloved birthday wishes to my daughter who is close to her career. I hope she will always laugh and be happy on this special happy day.

44. I think health and happiness are the two most important things in life. I sincerely wish health and happiness will always be with you. Happy birthday!

45. Happy birthday! Let me bless you, let me laugh for you, because on your birthday today, my heart is as happy as you!

46. May all happiness accompany you. Looking up is spring, bowing down is autumn; May all the happiness follow, the full moon is a poem, and the lack of moon is a picture!

47. May all happiness, all happiness, all warmth and all good luck surround you forever. Happy birthday, baby.

48. Baby, I hope everything I have prepared for you can make you have an unforgettable birthday. Say happy birthday in advance. May you always be happy.

49. The sun and the moon will rotate forever. If you are sincere and long company, no matter where you are, I will always remember this day. I wish you a happy birthday!

50. Birthdays should always have a sense of ceremony. Baby, thousands of words are still the same words, healthy, happy and safe growth. I love you forever, my little princess.

51. Because of your arrival, this day has become a beautiful day. Since then, the world has become more attractive. Happy birthday, baby.

52. Baby, my mother will be there to protect you, protect you, prevent you from being wronged, and prevent you from being bullied by anyone. Happy birthday!

53. I wish you a happy birthday every day and always. In the new year, good feelings, good health, good career, better for your friends!

54. Green is the color of life, and the romance of green is the romance of life. Therefore, I chose this green world as a gift for your birthday.

55. In the dark, I am dancing happily alone. I believe that all children are flowers in the hands of God and will bloom at an appropriate time.

56. Dear little birthday star, I wish all your hopes will come true, all your dreams will come true, and all your efforts will come true. Happy birthday!

57. Baby, I would like to be a drop of water on the tip of a leaf, staring at you from morning to night, and turning into a silent blessing on this special day.

58. I wish to be by your side every day. I don't have to miss you hard or love you bitterly, just like you sweetly! My baby, happy birthday!

59. My hands are very small. No matter when, please don't ask me to be perfect. My legs are very short. Please walk slowly so that I can follow you.

60. Time flies. Today is your birthday again. May you have everything beautiful today, and the next year's birthday will be even better. Happy birthday!

61. Little birthday star, I wish you all your hopes will come true, all your dreams will come true, all your waiting will appear, and all your efforts will come true.

62. The innocence of youth, the romance of youth, and the season of flowers are not destined to stay together forever, but I will never forget your special day. Happy birthday to you!

63. The sun and the moon revolve forever. Love is like sincere and long company. My heart will always turn to you, no matter where you are, my child. I hope you can be safe and sound.

64. Time is fast. Sometimes it's too late to see you grow up. In many places, my mother is not good enough. I will become a better mother and grow up with you.

65. There are gifts and blessings for every birthday. No matter how many wishes and dreams you have, my gift is my heart, accompanying you to grow. Happy birthday!

66. I collected all the beauty of nature for you and put it on your birthday candlestick. Hide all the words you can say in the flower bud and make it a secret to be released. Happy birthday!

67. I believe that health and happiness are the two most important things in life. If they can be transferred, I will give you my share. My baby, happy birthday.

68. I think health and happiness are the two most important things in life. If they can be transferred, I will give you my share. My baby, happy birthday!

69. On your birthday, I will present you with happy notes as a gift. May you have a beautiful day. I sincerely wish you my precious son a happy birthday!

70. Sweet and sweet songs will always be sung for you, and true happiness will always embrace you. On this special day that belongs to you, please accept my sincere wishes for a happy birthday!

71. Innocence and innocence. For the past year, we have always loved you in every way, looked at your smile and listened to your voice. Mom and Dad feel happy and happy.

72. Dear son, your birthday is coming again. Mom and Dad are very happy. Happy birthday to you! Be healthy and grow up, live happily every day, and be a good child.

73. That year today, you came out with a small fist in your hand, and the world was enriched by you; Today this year, you waved your big hand and laughed. Life is happy because of you. Happy birthday,my baby!

74. My son, your birthday is coming. I compile happiness into blessings, put happiness in the letter, and integrate health into it. I send them to you together. I wish you a happy birthday and a happy life.

75. Green is the color of life, and green romance is the romance of life. Therefore, I chose this green world as a gift for your birthday. May you be full of vitality and youth.

76. Baby, when your birthday is coming, your father has prepared your favorite gift for you and dedicated his love to you wholeheartedly. I wish you healthy growth and happiness in the new year!

77. It is said that meteors can respond to every request. If I can, I would like to wait under the night sky until a star is moved by me and crosses the sky for me with my blessing and falls on your pillow. Happy birthday.

78. Do what you want to do, go where you want to go, love the people you want to love, pursue the dreams you want to pursue, make good wishes, and embrace a better tomorrow. Wish you a happy birthday and a happy life!

79. Happiness plus happiness equals incomparable happiness, happiness plus happiness equals special happiness, peace plus peace equals eternal peace, and health plus health equals perfect health. I wish you a happy birthday and happiness!

80. Because your arrival has become a beautiful day, and the world has become more attractive since then. The candles of my birthday are full of flowers, each of which is my wish: Happy birthday!

81. I have grown up a year, grown a little taller, and become more sensible. I helped my mother do a lot of housework unconsciously. I am really happy for you. Today is your birthday. My parents wish you health and happiness every day!

82. God rewards diligence. In the new school year, we will give full play to our advantages, highlight our advantages, persevere, persevere, show better ourselves and strive for better results. Let's work together.

83. Baby, now you are the beginning of a beautiful fairy tale. The stories in the future may be inclusive, but they must be beautiful; It is a gorgeous morning light. There may be wind and rain, but there must be bright sunshine to greet it.

84. Too many surprises, too much effort, too much hard work, and too many memories all come from cute little guys. One year old, I wish your baby a happy birthday, healthy, happy, carefree growth. Adults are working hard!

85. In spring, there is sunshine; In the woods, there are flowers; In childhood, there are happiness and dreams; Happy birthday, wish you have childlike innocence all your life, always happy! Redouble your efforts, life is always full of hope for you!

86. The most sad time for mother this year was when you were sick, but the baby was healthy. I hope our baby will always be healthy and happy. Lele, you will always be the treasure of Mom and Dad. Happy birthday!

87. My son slowly arrives at your birthday again. Watching you grow up year by year, my heart is full of happiness and happiness. I wish you to be happy in the coming years. I wish you a happy holiday!

88. The most sad time for mother in this year is when you were sick and the baby was healthy. I hope our baby will always be healthy and happy. Lele, you will always be the treasure of Mom and Dad. Happy birthday!