The Story of the Red Boy
Keep quiet for a lifetime
2023-11-30 17:46:08
junior middle school
reaction to a book or an article

The Story of Red Teenagers tells many stories of heroic teenagers. Among them, the young hero Wang Erxiao impressed me most because of his tragic experience and his resourcefulness and courage!
Wang Erxiao herded cattle at a very young age because his family was poor. Once, a shell fired by a Japanese devil landed in Wang Erxiao's thatched house. In an instant, a warm home was destroyed. Wang Erxiao was extremely sad when he saw all this. From then on, Wang Erxiao hated the devil even more. One day, Wang Erxiao ran into the devils looking for the Eighth Route Army while herding cattle. He deliberately took the devils into the mountain and let the Eighth Route Army ambush in the ravine catch all the devils. But Wang Erxiao was stabbed in the chest by the leader of the dying devils' squad and died bravely!
After reading this story, I was both sad and moved. Wang Erxiao's life is turbulent, and they may be attacked by the enemy at any time. They are afraid every day. Our life is stable and peaceful, and we are always well cared by our parents and teachers; They are so small, but they are so resourceful and brave. They are not afraid of sacrifice and fight bravely against the enemy. When I think about myself, I have to be coaxed by adults to take injections and medicines. I dare not even go out alone. After reading the stories of these red teenagers and comparing their extraordinary experiences and excellent qualities, I am ashamed of my own behavior and determined to be a good boy who is hardworking, simple, industrious and brave in the future.
Thousands of red teenagers like Wang Erxiao have exchanged their blood for our happy life today. We must cherish it, study hard, and make contributions to world peace when we grow up, so that everyone can live a happy and peaceful life.