100 sentences in space
Ten years of sword sharpening
2023-05-25 13:09:01
Talk about the encyclopedia

1. In fact, I have been behind you all the time, and you are the only one to look back.

2. Even if you climb to the highest mountain, you can only take one step at a time.

3. Most people want to change the world, but few want to change themselves.

4. Unbeautiful women make men open their mouths; Beautiful women make men open their eyes.

5. If time is only the makeup of reincarnation lovers, maybe I won't feel heartache forever.

6. When you can't have it, the only thing you can do is not forget it.

7. When you lie on someone else's bed, don't forget that I taught you the posture.

8. I just hope that in this quiet time, there is someone who can make me safe all my life.

9. I place all my emotions here, just because there are some things nobody can say.

10. Always put the hand you hold. Who doesn't learn to be strong while getting hurt.

11. New love, old love, who can say, whose new love is not someone else's old love.

12. Some people are always destined to get separated, and we are the couple who got separated.

13. After your fleeting years, you become a passer-by, and our final outcome, still not together.

14. Youth is like a heavy rain. Even if you have a cold, you still hope to get wet again.

15. Silently follow the rhythm of time and recall the beautiful past again.

16. It's just a break up. Why pretend to have hurt you so badly, but you won't forget it.

17. People are people, so you don't have to be a person deliberately. The world is the world, and there is no need to deal with it carefully.

18. Life is like a play. It's normal to love one and marry another.

19. You are on the left bank, promise me half my life, and I am on the right bank, pay for my life's love.

20. Girls are never reasonable. Their reason is their own feeling.

21. If I can watch you leave in this life, it proves that I have forgotten.

22. Forget the years, the pain and your bad. We never never say goodbye.

23. I am not unforgivable, but love without trust becomes a absurd drama.

24. I hope I will forget that it is you who said goodbye. I will no longer remember and feel sad.

25. I am like a post it note, which will be discarded after use and disappear in your life forever.

26. You know I don't love you, but why do you love me so much.

27. Has there ever been a simple time when you listened to the song and thought of me unintentionally.

28. There are many things in one's life that one cannot give up. Only love can give up again and again.

29. If you view life in a discouraged position, life will return in a discouraged position.

30. Others say that this is a man eating society. It's not easy for me to be alive.

31. I thought that love was everything, but after I left, I found that none of it was love.

32. Woman, why are you not strong? You are an animal that will not die even if you bleed for a week.

33. I always wait for that day to forget myself yesterday and those loneliness and sadness.

34. Some things are not insisted on when we see hope, but when we persist, we will see hope.

35. Some words can only be said to yourself, and some things can only be really relieved when you understand them.

36. Sometimes, drinking is not because of the taste of wine, but because of the feeling of being drunk.

37. Every time they quarrel, they like to find out the evidence that the other party doesn't love themselves.

38. I want to hug you every time I see your message! I want us to be happy all the time!

39. Companion is too extravagant for anyone to leave without saying goodbye.

40. A self mocking smile perfunctorised me and thanked you for not caring - let me learn to care.

41. The most terrible thing in the world is that the person who pushed you to hell once took you to heaven.

42. You didn't look back, but took everything away from me. Since then, my heart has been deserted on the snowy border.

43. In front of some people, there is no need to be tolerant again and again. Don't let others trample on your bottom line.

44. Just study. How can you still take the exam? There is no trust between people.

45. When you are happy, you listen to music. When you are sad, you begin to understand the lyrics.

46. I think of the way you describe your dream heaven, pointing to the distance and drawing houses one by one.

47. I know I will never change you back to me, but I will always wait in place.

48. Know all your bad habits, see through all your ugliness, but still love you!

49. It only takes one second to fall in love with a person, and the remaining time is used to win her heart.

50. True love needs to wait. Everyone can say he loves you, but not everyone can wait for you.

51. Shame is like a person's underwear. It doesn't matter if you take it off when necessary. The key is who you take it off for.

52. There is no dead knot in this world, only a pair of hands willing to untie it is missing.

53. Why should we take into account the feelings of others in everything we do? If I take into account others, who will take care of me.

54. The reason why people have one mouth and two ears is that they listen twice as much as they speak.

55. There are two ways in life. One is to walk with heart, called dream, and the other is to walk with feet, called reality.

56. If the sky is gray and the dream is reversed, will you still hold my hand?

57. Although I have no love worthy of envy, I have friendship worthy of pride.

58. Every girl is the same, but some people cover up their fragile hearts with strong appearances.

59. It is not necessary to love a person in words. Even in action, you should love more thoroughly.

60. Belief is more difficult to shake than knowledge; Love is more difficult to change than respect; Hatred lasts longer than hatred.

61. I can't imagine my life without you. I can't accept that you are not with me, just because I love you.

62. Some people who you think are important will never contact you if you don't contact them.

63. Now I understand that a person can be sad to no mood, no words, no expression.

64. Men like beautiful faces, while women like sweet words. So women make up and men lie.

65. A person's feelings are completely dominated by joy, anger, sorrow and joy, and no one can be his own master.

66. If you don't understand my heart, even if I'm too tough, then the departure can't be replaced by anything.

67. The heart is hurt again and again. When it comes back again, will you expect it to be complete?

68. Once upon a time, in a short period of time, we thought we loved someone deeply.

69. Now I understand that one can be sad. No emotion, no words, no expression.

70. The most terrible thing about losing weight is not hunger, but that you are not hungry but always feel that you have to eat something to be practical.

71. If I lose your love, I will never find my home in this world like an empty shell without my soul.

72. Having lost contact and missing, the last hope has disappeared, and the heart is tired. Does it hurt? Don't you understand?

73. I am afraid that I have decided to live without you in my life, but suddenly I hear from you.

74. Don't rely too much on others in this world. Even your shadow will leave you in the dark.

75. I would like to write a wandering poem for you, take you and sunflowers to wander, to the ends of the earth, to the cape.

76. Joy is not necessarily a joke, and sorrow is not necessarily a poem. I get the emotion from the lines because of you.

77. The reality is cruel. Those who work get low wages, while those who do not work get high wages. The end result is that people are exhausted!

78. Smart people can see the future development trend of things. They raised ducks instead of chickens before the flood.

79. One must be able to stand up to lies, perfunctory, deceit, forgetting promises, and everything.

80. Teacher, we haven't commented on our high school entrance exam papers yet. Can you make an appointment? It's still the classroom and the people.

81. The junior high school teacher said that your senior high school teacher would talk about it. The senior high school teacher said that your junior high school teacher should have talked about it.

82. You want to stay with me forever even though you are cold and hot, far and near. In fact, you don't have to say that I have my own life.

83. I thought that my arms were my heaven. I woke up to find that I was 17 years old and hurt when I looked up.

84. The future will always be a little wider than my palm, and dreams are often very small, even smaller than fingers.

85. I just want to love you. I want to open my eyes to see you every day. I just want to love you. When I walk with you, I have decided.

86. Even if we are busy and tired, as long as we see each other, we will smile warmly, and we will keep going.

87. My way of growing up is to enlarge the wound thousands of times and sprinkle salt to remind myself not to fall twice in the same place.

88. Some people sleep on the table and others think that she is crying. Some people cry on the table but others think that she is sleeping.

89. In fact, people praise you so that you can find psychological comfort. Once you find psychological comfort, someone will satirize you and hurt you.

90. I am a bad tempered person. I hope you will not leave me after you see that I am not so good or even a little bad.

91. If you don't like me, you can stay away from me and scold me behind my back. If you can stand in front of me and scold me, do you think I'm used to you.

92. The love for you has always been very quiet, to exchange your occasional care. It's a movie of three people, but I still can't have a name.

93. The Internet has brought our friendship together, and we are no longer vowing to be true. We just want to have such a true one.

94. Regret is regret, tears are heartache, leaving is missing, and ending is reminiscence.

95. Why is secret love so good? Because secret love never fails to fall in love. When you smile, I am happy for many days; I remember your words for many years.

96. Where there is something, there is a way; Breaking the fire and sinking the boat, one hundred and two Qin passes will eventually return to Chu; If you work hard, the sky won't fall; Sleeping on the brushwood and tasting the gall, three thousand more can swallow Wu.

97. If memory can also be a can, I hope it will never expire; If I had to add a deadline, I hope it would be: 10000 years!

98. No matter where I am, please believe that in this ever-changing world, there is a constant heart thinking of you all the time! Think of you!

99. Love is like knitting a sweater, which is very romantic and perfect. But when you dismantle it, you just need to pull it gently, and then nothing is left.

100. Seven realms in a successful life: perseverance, gathering qi to make money, tolerance and acceptance, overcoming hardness with softness, flexibility and flexibility, giving alms to the world, and quitting after success.