Reflections on French Literature The Little Prince
Peace is bliss
2023-11-26 02:04:34

That day is the end of 20XX --- New Year's Eve.

The New Year's bell hasn't rung yet. I'm lying in bed, but I can't fall asleep. The curtains were not closed, and when you turned slightly, you could see one after another fireworks waving their luminous tails into the sky. At this time, I met the little prince who came to give his blessing. He seemed to be in a hurry.

"Sorry, I'm late this year." He wiped the sweat from his forehead. "I just came back from watching the sunset," the little prince explained. Watching the sunset and sunrise is his favorite thing. On the planet that only belongs to him, the day and night changes can be carried out dozens of times in a day.

"After sunset, it is now dark in our place," he said.

Oh, dark night.

I still remember that night

In my impression, my uncle was always a man of few words. He drank too much at the party that day. On the way home, he said a lot to me, changing his previous image. He thinks I have great potential.

He also agreed with me that he would get drunk at the celebration party of my college entrance examination. Long time ago, I heard from my mother that my great uncle has always liked me, but after this confirmation, I was more moved.

Under the care of so many people, I think I will continue to work hard. I will certainly live up to your expectations.

The little prince nodded in agreement. "I have a flower of my own," said the little prince.

Oh, hands.

I still remember those hands

Grandma is over seventy this year. On a snowy day, she accidentally slipped when she went out and broke her left palm. I didn't have time to visit her when I was taking an exam. By the time I saw Grandma again, her hands were wrapped in thick bandages.

"Xiaobinbin, you can eat oranges." "Don't eat oranges." I was immersed in the novel. "The oranges are delicious," Grandma said again. "Then take one," I answered casually, with a perfunctory meaning.

Only when Grandma's figure came out of my sight did I realize that Grandma was dragging a sick hand to cut oranges for me to eat. I rushed out and took the orange from her hand. "Grandma, sit down. I'll do it myself."

I know I love milk. Grandma always brings one or two boxes of milk when she comes here. This time, when I opened the door, I saw Grandma standing at the door with a box of milk in her right hand. I can't imagine how Grandma came to my house step by step with that sick person carrying a lot of milk. In order to save a few yuan, she would not take a taxi, but walked to my house. But when it comes to cheap milk, Grandma is always generous.

"Mom, don't buy any more milk. You don't have any money," Mom said to Grandma.

"Why don't I have money? I have money." Grandma replied angrily.

The little prince is concerned about the recovery of my grandmother's hand in selecting essays. "Much better." His eyebrows spread.

"Later, I'm going to visit a little fox. He is my best friend.

Oh, my friend.

I still remember the snowy day we passed together.

The snow was so heavy that the road to school was already very difficult. No vehicle can reach the huge wreckage of our school. The snow continued to fall on the way after school. Walking home, we had to hold an umbrella. The snow has already occupied my shoes, and the wind is still trying to get into my neck. Most of my clothes are wet in the snow.

But I don't feel cold, I feel a thick warmth flowing in my body.

Before parting, you told me to be careful when the ground is slippery.

It feels good to be concerned.

Little fox once said that when he knew I was coming at four o'clock, he would be worried at three o'clock. I think he must be very worried now.

In fact, we are all the little fox. We are eager to be loved, and we are eager to be accompanied by good friends.

I can't forget the look, the greeting, the words

The little prince tapped me on the shoulder and pulled me back to reality. "What were you thinking just now? Don't say a word." I was embarrassed, and he replied with a bright smile.

I know that he will pass through soon, bringing hope and love to countless confused people.

His smile turned into a fireworks, blooming in the dark night, warming people's hearts.

We can also do it.

We are all little princes.