Sentences in memory of mother's death Sentences in the mood of the first anniversary of mother's death (60 sentences)
Chasing the wind on rainy nights
2023-05-25 14:33:18
Complete sentences

1. Even if you are very filial, you will never repay your kindness.

2. All the way, I hope there is no pain in heaven.

3. No matter how much I love you, I'm still a passer in your life.

4. When I don't cry or make trouble, it will be really sad for me.

5. I don't have a mother anymore, so no one will say yes to my mother.

6. Remembering the dead mother is not an accident, but a necessity.

7. Today is the first anniversary of my mother's death. How are you over there?

8. Heaven is far away, with my missing, I miss you my mother!

9. When I think of my mother, my wasted years will turn into lofty sentiments.

10. When I think of my mother, my wandering heart finds its home.

11. Goodbye, mother, this is the end of our love between mother and son.

12. My mother is gone. Where can I find her? I rely on this handrail all my life.

13. The son is the mother's best card, which reflects the mother's character, values and upbringing.

14. To Mother. The day after tomorrow is the first anniversary of mother's death! Ordinary and great mother!

15. October 10th is the first anniversary of mother's death, for the sake of eternal remembrance! May mother rest in peace!

16. Celebrate the first anniversary of her mother's death, and wish her mother all the best in another world, without pain!

17. Today is the first anniversary of my mother's death. I can't go back to work because of the reason. Late at night, write a text!

18. This year, I am really afraid of Mother's Day. Really, because I can't snuggle up to you anymore.

19. Tears of sadness flow thousands of times, and I always hope my mother will reappear. Seventeen years is too short, but I sigh that I read the past at this time.

20. Asking for warmth will never stop, accompanied by the shadow in front of the village gate. Diligent, simple and frugal, caring for father and son.

21. The night is quiet, and tears are in your eyes. I miss my grandpa, grandma and mother. Yes, yes, yes.

22. Mom, will you forgive me for not saying goodbye to you? Mom, I really miss you.

23. Although time has passed, love has not decreased, and true love will always exist in the world. Life has been hard since ancient times, and the next life will continue the previous life.

24. In the past, mother and son were happy together, but now they are alone. This festival is very sad. My heart is better than the cold moon.

25. The mother and son leave in tears, hoping to see each other again in the future. If the moon is half empty, we will be reunited. When will the dead relatives return.

26. Mother and son are linked in a boat, and the blood is connected and cut continuously. Set the sail with firm goals and erect the pole in spite of difficulties.

27. Go out of the harbor with confidence and cut through the thorns to the other side. The love of black birds can be learned from the world, and they will certainly live up to their mother's wishes.

28. The rice water does not vomit continuously, and the pain is more bone grinding. It's hard to sleep in the long night, and I call my baby name thousands of times.

29. Despite the thousands of obstacles, Fu Shi's mother smiles. Mother is like a fire to warm, maternal love is like a song in the heart.

30. The Yin and Yang leave regrets, only to see each other again in a dream. Poor forty suffered a lot. Tears swirled in my heart.

31. The sky is dark with birds singing and leaves falling, and it is extremely cold in October this autumn. The solitary grave lives alone in the heartless mountain, accompanied by the desolate and cold night.

32. Tonight last year was the last dying day of mother's suffering, and later was the first anniversary of your leaving us!

33. But now, I wander alone beside the merry go round, but with tears, it is blurred, and I have the memory of your company when I was a child.

34. My world has lost a kind look and an ardent expectation forever; I have lost your love forever!

35. I believe that my mother must have started a happier life in that world while still remembering us.

36. Birth, old age, illness and death are human nature. Birth, old age, sickness and death, natural law! Don't be too sad. He will feel your filial piety.

37. In a twinkling of an eye, it was almost a full anniversary of my father's death, and my mother was ill in bed again. There was no place in life, only a way back.

38. Yesterday's Valentine's Day was the first anniversary of my mother's death. I found that I could not be happy that day. I was very sad!

39. The winter solstice is coming. Numerous friends have sent their wishes to you in the circle of friends. My heart is cool. My mother wishes you all the best in heaven on this first anniversary.

40. I hope she can live well in the other world, and I hope she can bless our children for a safe life, and my father for good health.

41. Time flies. In the twinkling of an eye, my mother has passed away for one year, but I can't forget missing you! May your spirit in heaven live happily!

42. Clear the tears, and the paper is dusty. From now on, there will be no more your advice beside me; I will never have your face around me again.

43. To commemorate the first anniversary of mother's death, today last year we were heartbroken and grief stricken! The great mother who raised us with all the hardships left me.

44. The cost of growing up is nothing more than organizing my mother's funeral. One year after my mother died, I slowly began to accept that there is no mother in this world~

45. When I look at my mother's photos, I sometimes think that youth is really easy to pass away. All of a sudden, years have made my face grow old. It's autumn now, like grass growing and withering.

46. From the seventh day of August to today, on the first anniversary of my mother's death, I always want to see her every day in my dream. How many words have not been finished? Why doesn't God open his eyes and let my mother go to heaven early?

47. A loving mother, with thousands of drops of blood, gave me a life, sent thousands of tears, and accompanied me all the way. Love and hate are all the same. Even if you are very filial, you can hardly repay your kindness.

48. Remembrance of the first anniversary of mother's death! In my feeling, my mother has never gone far. But the reality tells me that my mother has left me for 365 days.

49. Remembrance of the first anniversary of mother's death!~ In my feeling, my mother has never gone far. But the reality tells me that my mother has left me for 365 days.

50. I will develop my feelings into a migratory bird and chase the old dream of meeting you every day. I borrowed the white clouds flying across the blue sky to tell you: "Come back, my family"

51. On the first anniversary of her mother's death, she made a special trip to tidy up her room and burn incense in front of her tomb to express her grief. I feel the same with Jia Pingwa: My mother is still worried about me!

52. Today, the 20th day of the winter moon is the first anniversary of my mother's death. The pain of the cone heart is wordless. Send a lamp to illuminate the way of heaven, and wish the mother of heaven all the best.

53. How time flies! In a twinkling of an eye, the first anniversary of her mother's death has arrived. In the hustle and bustle of life and work, our family once again made an appointment to go to Mom's grave to pay a memorial ceremony.

54. On the second anniversary of my mother's departure, I have nothing to repay. I would like to commemorate her with this article, thank her for her lifelong nurturing and deep love for us, and wish her happiness and peace in another world!

55. With the growth of age, many memories are blurred, but my mother's image is always clear. How I wish I could travel through time and space, take a look at my dead mother and tell her how much I miss her.

56. The first anniversary of my mother's death will be on April 9 next month. It is our custom to burn anniversary paper for the dead. After burning year-round paper for my mother, I will start to really start.

57. Tomorrow is the first anniversary of my mother's death. As the saying goes, no matter my mother is poor or rich, the warmth of motherly love makes me recall it immensely. In midsummer, I will return to my hometown again. The loss of motherly love makes me feel that my hometown is getting farther and farther away from me.

58. To commemorate the first anniversary of mother's death, mother, you left today last year, in such a hurry and in such a peaceful way that you left no words for your children. At that moment, we were heartbroken and grief stricken, dear mother, we missed you

59. According to the law of life, one day we will face the farewell to our mother. At that time, we will also be parents. Don't cherish when we lose. From now on, with gratitude, with a carefree heart, we will act and cherish!

60. At two o'clock in the morning of the 21st lunar calendar, the first anniversary of the mother's death, I wonder if you are warm in clothes, full of food, or bullied. In this year, my daughter has been telling you all the time. Dear mother, I hope you are safe and happy in another world!