Impressions of Dwelling Narrowness
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2023-10-21 11:43:22
impressions of after reading

Recently, the word "Dwelling Narrowness" has become popular all over the country. We have to admit that the practical significance of Dwelling Narrowness far exceeds its appreciation value. To be one-sided, Dwelling Narrowness really reflects the living conditions of most people today. Not everyone can easily encounter the beauty of fame and wealth, or there are few things that fall into the sky. As a result, it is a matter of course to work hard to buy a house. Although we live in the so-called half society, few of us worry about our livelihood. Think about it carefully. When we leave this so-called society, the living condition of living in a cramped house will follow.
Life is like this. Fame and wealth can often change a modest gentleman who is sanctimonious. Instead of saying what will happen forever, in fact, no one knows how far away it will be. Xiaobei is the victim. Haizao puts all the vows and pledges with Xiaobei behind her and tells her I love you on the hotel bed, which sounds fake.
Don't idolize a person blindly. Like is like. Worship is not like, let alone love. We are still young. It is true to waste our youth, but please remember that there must be a certain degree of waste, otherwise, we will regret ourselves in the future
Cherish the people around you. Youth is not an excuse for making mistakes. We should remember that love is a matter for two people. Pursue moderation. Love is boundless. Remember that.
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