Snipe the line of life and death
Unique rabbit
2023-12-13 04:46:12
Junior 1
impressions of after reading

Finally, I finished watching Sniper Life and Death Line, which is a task left at home. At that time, I decided to go to university and finish it. Tonight, I finished this task. But the feeling of staying is not very good.
The greatest swordsman is called "Assassin". As a real strong man - Han Guang (Assassin), he ended up alone.
When I was facing graduation, my classmates told me in their records: Don't be too strong, the stronger the person, the more lonely he is. Although I thought it was reasonable at that time, it didn't really touch me. Until tonight, the end of Han Guang really made me feel lonely to be a strong man. Some people meet each other like meteors, which burst out enviable sparks in an instant, but are doomed to just rush by. His life is not without love, but in the end?
Lily became his brother's woman, which is understandable. Since there was a loss, it's OK to know how to cherish in the future. But doesn't Dong'er choose Wang Xin who loves her after paying for him? Why? Why did you choose to let go when you knew you were in love. Some people say that "time will slowly precipitate, and some people will slowly blur in your heart. Learn to let go, and your happiness needs your own fulfillment." But some people regret to ask: forget a real relationship, and the whole life is enough?
If you fall in love, don't let go of the chance easily. Recklessness may make you regret for a while; Cowardly, but may make you regret for life. Han Guang met two women who said he was a coward. So Han Guang's final proposal was rejected, not because Dong'er didn't love him. But the injury made them unable to be together after all. The director instilled an idea into me that strong people are lonely. But television is television after all, it is the end of the play, but the real life will not continue? The injury is temporary, but because of this temporary injury, will the happiness of this life end? A period of injury gives a decision that changes life. It may or may not be worth it. No one knows whether they will meet more suitable people in the process of life. However, he lost the first bucket of gold in his life. And choose to continue to move towards the confused and unknown challenges. There are too many helplessness in our life. We can't change, nor can we change. What's worse, we have lost the idea of changing
If you compromise, make a compromise. Wouldn't it be good to walk through the temporary pain and welcome the happy tomorrow together? Is it true that everyone likes unknown life challenges? Perhaps it is because they place their higher desire on this unknown opportunity and are dissatisfied with the present. There was a tragedy of regretting after losing. What a profound philosophical problem. Time is like a river. The left bank is an unforgettable memory, and the right bank is a time of youth worth grasping. What flows quickly in the middle is a young and faint sadness. There are many beautiful things in the world, but not many really belong to themselves. Look at the flowers blooming and falling in front of the court. Don't be surprised by the glory or disgrace. Look at the clouds in the sky. In this complicated secular world, it is also a kind of realm to learn to treat everything around with an ordinary heart.
No matter the strong or the weak. Everyone has their own different choices. It is really difficult to find a person who truly understands, cares, supports and understands themselves in the troubled world, except for their parents. I hope Han Guang will find that it is a pity for those who choose to let go and love each other; Those who play frivolously are not worth remembering, or the other party chooses to give up, that's your luck. Some losses are doomed, and some predestination will never have results. Love a person does not necessarily have, but have a person must love her well...... Hope more have, less let go. Although I know that a journal can not turn the world around, how many hearts can be touched by fate. Because she won't see it.