Elegant and profound poem, poem, life experience (65 selected sentences)
Follow the wind and treat loneliness as freedom
2023-05-17 23:44:59
Complete Poems

1. Write a poem to Ling Quyuan, read a book to praise the history of Zuo. Count from the moon feast, or serve the cloud worship—— Yan Zhitui's Ancient Poem Book of the Tenth Five Year Plan

2. One millionth error is a thousand miles away—— Hanshu

3. I am born to be useful, and the money will come back when it is gone—— Li Bai's "Going to Drink"

4. The sound of wild spring flows into the inkstone pool on the bamboo screen of the window. Young people work hard all their lives. Don't waste your time—— Du Xunhe's "Calling Brother and Nephew"

5. The Supreme Master has morality, followed by merit, followed by advice. Although it has not been abolished for a long time, this is called immortality—— Zuo Zhuan

6. If a husband does not serve his country, he will be stupid—— Chen Gongyin Shooting Tiger and Stone

7. The brothels are strange and the drunkards are rusty, not like when they were young—— Liu Yong's Youth Tour, Horse Delays on Chang'an Ancient Road

8. The sky is dark, and the sky is more beautiful. The wind and rain are slanting, and the worries are woven—— Liu Kezhuang's Greeting the Groom

9. As we grow older, we worry more about our busy schedule, while the cold weather is shorter and more heartbreaking—— Li Gou's Sad Feeling in Autumn Evening

10. The leisure gate faces the mountain road, and the deep willow reading hall—— Liu Shenxu's Queti

11. Youth is not old, you know—— Xin Qiji's Feeling the Imperial Grace, Chuzhou as Fan Shou

12. See off Hengtang Road every year. Drizzle Chuiyang is a painting boat—— Fan Chengda's "Hengtang · Nanpu Green River in Spring"

13. It's easy to leave when you are young—— Yan Shu's Magnolia

14. The flowing water does not stop scouring the sand, and the front waves are not extinguished and the rear waves are born—— Liu Yuxi's "Waves Washing Sand"

15. Ask where the canal is so clear, because there is a source of flowing water—— Zhu Xi's Feeling of Reading

16. The military song should sing a big sword ring, vowing to destroy Hu Nu and get out of the Jade Pass. Only knowing that the battlefield is the death of our country, we should not return the dead in a horse's clothing—— Xu Xilin's Going Out of the Frontier

17. A scholar knows the truth of ten thousand books—— Liu Yuxi's Two Pieces

18. Go out with a big laugh. We are not Penghao people—— Li Bai's Farewell to Children from Nanling Entering Beijing

19. Although it is hard to get ten thousand drips, it is only after blowing all the wild sand that the gold comes—— Liu Yuxi's "Waves Washing Sand"

20. Ambitious ambition runs through the grass, and sincerity runs through the white rainbow. You can repay your kindness. There are male and female dragon swords—— Nalan Rongruo's Taichang Quote - Self titled Photos

21. Juvenile writing and ink is intended for chapter and sentence—— Meng Haoran's Return to the South to Prevent Snow

22. Why don't men take Wu Gou and collect 50 states from Guanshan—— Li He's Thirteen Songs in the South Garden

23. In that year, I was looking for a marquis for thousands of miles. Every horse guards Liangzhou—— Lu You's Confession of Love

24. The cold frost on the door can wake the bones, and the window can take a good picture of reading—— Purple Gold Frost "Beginning of Winter"

25. When the boat leaves the sand on the Hongze bank, people will feel bad when they arrive at the Huaihe River. Why Sangqian Square is far away? To the north of the middle stream is the end of the world—— Yang Wanli's First Visit to the Huaihe River

26. Sincerity, stone and stone open—— Wang Chong's On Balance, Feeling Empty

27. Don't be afraid of golden thread clothes, and be careful of your youth—— Du Qiuniang's Golden Thread Clothes

28. Do not doubt that you have not reached the former sages. Tell your ancestors who is the first? Different styles and styles are intimate and elegant. You are the teacher who will benefit many teachers—— Du Fu's Six Unique Dramas

29. Send a mayfly to heaven and earth, a drop in the sea. I mourn for the moment of my life and envy the endless Yangtze River—— Su Shi's Ode to Red Cliff

30. When people are united, their advantages will break the gold; Concentric words stink like orchids—— The Book of Changes

31. Taoist Priest Mo is busy with his boss, that is, no one is young enough to chase the heart of spring—— Han Yu's Two Poems Presented to the Ministry of Water in Early Spring

32. Swallows don't know where they are, but they are ordinary. The people in the alley are like rising and falling in the setting sun—— Zhou Bangyan's Remembering the Past in Jinling

33. No matter flat land or mountain peak, unlimited scenery is occupied. After gathering flowers into honey, who will work hard for whom—— Luo Yin's Bee