Sentences describing childhood (27 selected sentences)
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2023-06-04 04:35:38
Complete sentences

1. My childhood is golden, it once let me put on the ideal wings to fly.

2. Childhood is like a flower, beautiful and moving, fragrant; Childhood is like a colorful treasure box full of small secrets; Childhood is another poem with endless aftertaste.

3. Childhood, like pearls, shines on the vast sea. Childhood, like the morning star, shines brightly in the dark and silent starry sky. Childhood, like flowers, exudes a charming fragrance in its vitality.

4. Fragrance, white petals are just like memories.

5. Childishness, love, happiness, fun, idea, imagination, nostalgia, disappointment, regret, silly smile, boasting, surprise, making up, entanglement, doubt, abnormality

6. Childish and funny, straight chested, iodine belly, naive, childish and funny, young, ignorant, mischievous, mischievous and causing trouble

7. With swords and sticks, you can catch turtles in a jar with a clear mind. You can do whatever you want. You can do whatever you want

8. Childhood is a charming picture, outlining how many moving and interesting stories I have; Childhood is a melodious flute, playing out my many pure and beautiful fantasies; Childhood is a bunch of beautiful jasmine. Childhood laughter is like the intoxicating fragrance of jasmine

9. When I came to the world, spring, summer, autumn and winter have changed for 17 years, but that golden memory still exists, that is childhood.

10. I vaguely remember the hazy memory of my childhood, singing and laughing in the morning glow, chasing and playing in the evening clouds, always wanting to pick up the moon on the treetops, always wanting to treasure the stars in the sky, how strange and strange my childhood ideas are.

11. Play, play, pretend to be deaf, pretend to be dumb, pretend to act like nothing is wrong, mischievous, mischievous, covered in mud, chasing around, getting angry and quarrelling

12. Childhood is a serenade, long and distant. Childhood is a landscape painting that you can always enjoy.

13. On the banyan tree near the pond, cicadas are calling loudly for summer. On the swing near the playground, only butterflies are standing on it. The teacher's chalk on the blackboard is still desperately chirping and writing, waiting for class to end, waiting for school to end, waiting for the childhood of games

14. Strange, disruptive, mischievous, crying, crying, gambling, happy, happy, happy, lively, romantic, excited, funny, childlike

15. They are all so naive and naughty, all so innocent and naughty, all have their own little secrets, all have their own hearts happy.

16. Childhood is the most beautiful pebble in the long river of memory, which makes people love it; Childhood is the sweetest fruit on the evergreen tree, which gives people endless aftertaste.

17. All in all, there are few traces left by childhood, but fortunately, there are good memories, so I can recall those unforgettable days. Childhood is really short, it is like a candy, let people miss its sweet taste.

18. When I was young, I wept for a cricket with folded feet and sobbed for a wounded yellow finch; When I was young, I understood that all life is of average size in the eyes of the creator; I didn't do anything unkind when I was young, but now I have fallen

19. Everyone has his own childhood, which is beautiful. It is like a small river flowing in our hearts. It will never dry up and we will never forget it.

20. No one knows why the sun always goes down to the other side of the mountain. No one can tell me whether there are any immortals living in the mountain. How many days, one is always staring at the sky in a daze, so curious, so dreamt of such a lonely childhood

21. Childhood is a green leaf, a bud, a blue sky and full of beautiful dreams.

22. Innocent, mischievous, smart, clever, cute, naive, cute, naughty, mischievous, playing tricks, pretending to be ignorant

23. Everyone has a colorful childhood. Childhood is the most precious thing in life. It is the beginning of your life. If you have it, you will have a life. We should cherish it.

24. If life is a picture, childhood is the most artistic one; If life is a song, then childhood is the most moving note; If life can be lived again, childhood is the first choice for people.

25. Childhood is a dream. Yes, when we have a golden childhood, we will open up the motley memories, one by one, and when the wisps of fascinating past events reappear in front of us, you will sincerely feel that childhood is really like a dream.

26. I can't put it down. I can't help laughing. I'm dumbfounded and giggling

27. Childhood is a song, a song of joy, echoing in my heart for a long time. Childhood is a piggy bank, accumulating happiness every moment