Reading of Notre Dame de Paris
Time teaches you to see everyone clearly
2023-12-21 19:47:34
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I think everyone has seen the American film Beauty and the Beast! The beautiful princess wakes up the beauty hidden under the terrible appearance with the heart of a kind and friendly influence animal... The beauty and ugliness are not absolute - this is my biggest feeling after reading Notre Dame de Paris... The appearance is ugly, but the heart can be beautiful, just like the bell ringer Quasimodo and the lowest class people, vagrants and beggars in Paris. The appearance is beautiful, but the heart is not necessarily good. Isn't that the cruel and hypocritical archbishop of Notre Dame, Claude Frollo? The beautiful can also be changed into the ugly. No matter how "holy" a gloomy place is, it cannot dominate the fate of all people; Ugly people can also be transformed into beautiful people. What about ugly people? They are warm, kind, brave and strong!
As the saying goes, there is no perfect person in the world, and the absolutely beautiful thing can only be found in Notre Dame de Paris, that is, the beautiful girl Esmeralda with beautiful appearance and good heart. She found a nominal husband in order to save a life she had never met; She comforted the deformity under the scorching sun with cool water; She has several holy titles given by the Holy Church: "murderer" and "witch" Hugo brought this embodiment of beauty and goodness to the execution ground of Notre Dame in Paris, which aroused our infinite sympathy and aroused our strong hatred for the feudal church and the monarchy!
Not only Esmeralda but also Claude Frollo, the sanctimonious "fake monk" with beautiful appearance. He is not kind, only jealous, selfish, insidious and unscrupulous. He is a devil and a beast! The deformed bell ringer, Quasimodo, is a lovely pig Bajie, and he is also a "wild animal". His appearance is brutal and crude, but after he got a warm experience at Esmeralda, he became a warm hearted canopy, and a "wild animal" who went through fire and water to sacrifice himself for the girl's happiness!
Outside Notre Dame de Paris, there are also a group of "beasts". They are the lowest class people, vagrants and beggars in Paris with ragged clothes and vulgar manners. They have unparalleled "cultivation" in this "holy" world. They attack Notre Dame de Paris like wild animals in order to show their "Notre Dame" in their hearts. They love each other, are honest and brave, sacrifice themselves for others, spill blood on the walls of Notre Dame de Paris, and break the door of Notre Dame with their bones and flesh. I believe they are solemn and stirring, Their generosity is enough to destroy the Saint Germain Church and the Paris archbishop's government, as well as the Bastille Prison, and bring about several soul stirring revolutions!
In Notre Dame, Esmeralda was about to be executed. Under the shadow of the Pope's rule and the destruction of the vice bishop, a disheveled "beast" hero saved the beauty. Casimodo resolutely betrayed his vice bishop and defended justice. This "beast" has been tortured and deformed by many hardships and terror, but he has a strong chest, proud eyes, and burst out of the fog, strong and just heart! This is a contest between beauty and ugliness, between justice and evil. Hugo stood on the stage of Notre Dame in Paris and explained the true meaning of beauty and ugliness to us. The extreme contrast between beauty and ugliness burst in the readers' hearts like a torrent, and the romantic and warm tide flooded in the hearts and faces
My friends, what is beauty and what is ugliness? Who is beauty and who is beast?