Non mainstream sadness
Snow rose
2023-03-28 06:02:58
Complete sentences

1. I want to hold you across mountains and rivers

2. I follow you to go to hell

3. Tight grip can also be lost in sewing

4. Romance has nowhere to kill boredom with life

5. Both joys and sorrows arise because of you

6. After all, people who have enough disappointments will not turn back

7. A love, but in exchange for my heart rending.

8. I used to crush things I cared about.

9. She doesn't like you, and you are infatuated with her, which is disturbing

10. It's true that flat chested girls wear shirts to show their temperament

11. When the night comes slowly, why do you miss me endlessly

12. Every minute when you are away, it is missing

13. Time will automatically keep the best memories for us.

14. Many things have no time to go, and many people will just leave the scene suddenly

15. Next year, I began to understand heartache before I knew how to be gentle.

16. I'm really not good at anything. I'm losing everything every minute

17. I wish you all the best on the road to SB

18. I only use one glance to fall, but use a lifetime to miss.

19. Even if I hate to kill you, I still want to hold you and love you. The pain is here

20. Always deliberately pierce their own pain until the pain numbs their thoughts.

21. Small life skills: crazy farting in a taxi can reduce the chance of being driven far by unscrupulous drivers

22. Those people at the bottom of your heart are those who make you smile when you are in your 70s and 80s.

23. Sometimes we should not attach too much importance to something. When we are disappointed, the pain may not be bearable.

24. Don't be too curious. Don't read the words and messages of people you care about. You will feel like you are nothing

25. It's more painful to live than to die. Why don't you shoot me to death? I hope it's love or guilt.

26. The day before, he was begging me to forgive him. The next day, he saw him sign that they were together. He held her daughter-in-law in his palm and hurt her