Impressions of Vajrayagawa's films_Impressions after watching Vajrayagawa
Lost youth
2023-11-19 09:06:33

After seeing Vajrayagawa, I saw that some people didn't say what they expected, especially the story was thin. I think this type of movie is very good. From different angles and scenes of an event, the great side of human nature in the war is presented, and at the same time, the audience feels the extreme cruelty of the war.

It's quite good to be able to make films of this level in two months.

If the production speed of a film can be completed within two months and maintained at this level, the profitability of the film company will be greatly improved.

Of course, it may be because the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea is a special theme, so the attention is high, and the contribution to the box office should have this factor.

On the other hand, being popular as a powerful director, coupled with powerful actors, is the guarantee of box office. This configuration itself is quite marketable.

Those who said that they were a little less than expected, I think their expectations were too high. It seems that over the years, most audiences' expectation of a movie is a blockbuster. This phenomenon shows that we haven't formed the habit of going to the cinema. There are many types of movies. If it is not a movie suitable for all ages, it is normal that the box office is a little poor. However, if a movie can keep the box office of more than 1 billion yuan, it is no problem to recoup the investment and make a profit. From this point of view, we still need time to develop the habit of watching movies and have different expectations for different movies, rather than hoping that every movie will be a blockbuster.

Back to the story told in the film, when we look back on this period of history, naturally we should sigh about the hard won life now and cherish it.

But in the new era, there is a new era of "war". In the past two years, knowing Wang has made the world not peaceful, and many Chinese enterprises have also been suppressed. On the other hand, domestic insiders, especially white-collar workers working in the workplace, tend to feel more powerless to change the status quo if they do not have certain wealth accumulation in middle age, after working overtime for 996 and staying in one position in one industry for too many years. Because the skills are far from enough to get out of the vicious circle. This is probably the reason why many people are anxious.

No matter what era, life is never easy. Only in the 1950s, people still talked about survival. Now is how to live a healthy and sustainable life.

The inner circulation is of course important, but the outer circulation must also be maintained. If there is no new form, and the majority of ordinary young and middle-aged people are still 996, the gap between rich and poor will only grow, and the opportunities for ordinary people will become less and less.

In the past many years, China's reform and opening up has attracted a lot of foreign capital. In the era of rapid development of human intensive manufacturing, many people have jobs and live a well-off life. Now the demographic dividend has disappeared, and new economic forms have not appeared so obviously. Although we are on the way of transformation, it is far from success.

Think back to the Korean War when South Korea was just founded, but now South Korea is already a developed country. The speed of development is not inferior to ours. Of course, you can say that people are small countries, and it is easier to develop. But I always think this kind of comparison should give us some thinking.

Korean films, for example, often deeply reflect social problems and even affect society.

For most people, our movies are just a kind of "optional consumption", rather than spiritual food just needed.

Although the review has been much more open in recent years than before, the degree of openness is obviously not enough. So many people still follow American TV dramas, watch Korean movies and watch Hollywood movies. Obviously, our film and television culture is not as good as that of foreign countries.

The two American soldiers who flew bombers in Vajrayagawa, one just wanted to finish the task and go home early, and the other kept knocking on our anti-aircraft guns, which eventually destroyed the aircraft and killed people.

We fight with others to ensure survival and let the people live a peaceful life, while they fight for interests, although most of them also have ideological confrontation factors.

But for the soldiers on both sides of the war, the former is the spirit of collective self sacrifice, while the latter is more like a job for individuals.

The reason is that the two countries were at different stages of development at that time.

China is on the way from a developing country to a developed country. Obviously, the basic material needs are not the focus of this stage, but the spiritual needs are.

I hope there will be more and more other types of good movies besides the main theme. But this requires the joint efforts of the audience, regulatory authorities and practitioners.