76 mood phrases
Ningshan still water
2023-04-10 12:57:04
Talk about the encyclopedia

1、 The day of May is a season that makes people upset.

2、 Bravely write a review and admit mistakes, vow to die and never repent.

3、 There is no love in my world. It is destined to be separated.

4、 How many excuses do you have for not understanding her.

5、 The best gift for a woman is enjoyment, not gain.

6、 Heartbreak. I don't say. It is always wrong to think too perfectly.

7、 My humble waiting, when can you find me.

8、 The last sentence is not goodbye, but never see again.

9、 Love all, trust a few, and do no harm to anyone.

10、 I lost my temper inexplicably. It turned out that I missed you.

11、 Can you not miss me while I still love you?

12、 The end of the road is still the road, as long as you are willing to walk.

13、 Everything has changed. If you are not careful, you will never go back.

14、 You never understand my sadness, like the darkness of the night and the day.

15、 The number of short messages on our mobile phones can circle the earth.

16、 My missing is uncertain, my feelings have been gone.

17、 Sometimes caring too much is a kind of torture to oneself.

18、 I said I would forget, because sadness pervades the whole heart.

19、 I am too headstrong, I am too persistent, or I am too confident.

20、 You said I was your life. Are you still alive when you lost your life.

21、 In fact, I miss some time, some people, some things.

22、 I love not the person who used to be, but the years that used to be.

23、 It's better to be yourself than to play tricks in other people's lives.

24、 The harm you have done is not within my comfort range.

25、 History, only names are true; In novels, only the names of people are fake.

26、 When all the habits have become habits, I will be defeated by you.

27、 The so-called happiness is that there has never been an accurate and eternal answer.

28、 The past was turned over, and it was suddenly understood that the memory had been stranded.

29、 One day, you inadvertently become all my concerns.

30、 There are two me in the world, one pretends to be happy and the other is really sad.

31、 If I have you in my future, I am not afraid of anything else.

32、 You are formatted in my memory, and I can't remember you in the next second.

33、 The time passed by like flowing water, and the time passed by will never come back.

34、 That she replaced me at your side, the story has changed the protagonist.

35、 When I grow up, I suddenly feel that it may be a kind of happiness to be let down by time.

36、 Don't think I will always love because I have loved.

37、 Because love is not firm enough, there are so many reasons.

38、 The best you can get is never the best.

39、 The pain that can be said has been alleviated, and only those who have never mentioned can touch the bottom of my heart.

40、 Never get and then lose, how to know what kind of heart rending.

41、 After separation, when I miss you, I can only use tears to express my yearning for you.

42、 When we were young, we cried and laughed. When we grew up, we laughed and cried.

43、 I know you still care about me. That's enough. I'll wait for the day when you are tired.

44、 What I want is a vigorous love, not your hot and cold.

45、 The cruelest thing in the world is that you know I like you, but you don't know.

46、 It turns out that there is a kind of sadness that can only make people cry in silence, but cannot cry aloud.

47、 Ability is like a check. It is worthless unless it is cashed in!

48、 When I think of that road, I can see the blooming flowers on the other side of the river are very beautiful.

49、 In addition to offering infinite affection and patience, it also requires a little courage to make a decision.

50、 Don't hold the past too tightly, because then you won't be free to embrace the present.

51. For women, all the pain is nothing more than being cheated emotionally.

52. Crying does not mean vulnerability, but tears can not help falling down at the most helpless time.

53. My man, I am love. Even if we break up for three months or more, I still love you.

54. Men are good at discovering the advantages of other wives, while women are good at discovering the advantages of their husbands.

55. I don't know when your heart no longer belongs to me. I can only pray silently and love me again.

56. Maybe this is love. Miss, worry, expect, meet, smile, and then cry.

57. I can only wait at the origin alone. Maybe, some waiting is not for mutual protection or dependence.

58. I just like you. You can take me away, but you can't take away my feelings for you.

59. I always said that I should be sincere. Have you ever thought how sad it is that a person who gives foolishly has nothing to gain in the end.

60. My sunset like sadness is like a melancholy bird, and the melancholy bird flies into my sunset like sadness.

61. Sometimes, when I accidentally know something, I find that what I care about is so ridiculous.

62. Actually, I only listen to the melody of English songs! What does he mean by singing! I didn't care at all.

63. True forgetting does not mean to forget forever, but to be able to have no waves in your heart when you think about it occasionally.

64. There are always times when others have said something in our hearts, but we are unwilling to admit it.

65. I learned to be calm and calm. Even a smile is quiet, but my breathing is unpredictable.

Sixty six. The place of meeting has changed. I drag these heavy legs in this busy street.

Sixty seven. Waiting for the most true happiness requires the arrangement of God. It starts from death, goes from thick to thin, and finally comes true.

68. I like a person and hate a person. My attitude is so direct. Sorry, I can't pretend.

69. Since you left, I have learned to smile, because I know that my tears will not be wiped for me.

Seventy, I hope that there is such a person who can give me a calm love, accompany me to see the world's scenery, and make me happy all my life.

71. Only you know whether it hurts or not, and only you know whether it changes or not. Don't ask me if I'm doing well. I'll be fine if I can't die.

Seventy two, I am very depressed, and the pain in my heart is far more than the injury on my body! Don't want to cry, even if you bite your lips! I hope I can bear it!

Seventy three, a little lonely, I do not know how to say, let it pass in silence, I left, in fact, it did not come, but the heart is very soft at night.

Seventy four, standing by the tree, staring at the falling cherry blossoms, my heart seemed to dance with these broken flowers, and finally sank into the endless stagnant water.

Seventy five. Knowing that you don't have me in your heart and can never do what you want, you can't help but let you see the real me and hide the injured me.

Seventy six. Life is a journey, with ups and downs. I don't care whether my destination is the top of the slope or the bottom of the valley. I only care about the beautiful and vibrant scenery along the road!