WeChat personalized signature short inspirational
I can't live without you
2023-05-14 05:03:29
Complete set of signatures

1. I am very simple, as long as you say a warm good night. I am not complicated, as long as you say a gentle good morning.

2. Sometimes I believe that you are all to me. Sometimes I believe you are everything to me.

3. All we can do in this life is to make us happy. What we can do in the next life is not to let us pass by.

4. Not afraid of the wind to see through my loneliness, I'm afraid you see through my caution. Not afraid of rain to see through my loneliness, I'm afraid you see through my little entanglement.

5. Remember whose outline the shallow kiss dried up. Whose love was buried in a pawn.

6. My fingertips gently flow past the fleeting years, we are deeply distressed. My hand gently turned over the floating life like a dream, and we sighed.

7. An empty city, a lonely person, waiting for one person. An empty prison, an isolated city, one person for guarding.

8. I miss the little sweetness that runs like water in this summer. I miss the little happiness like falling leaves in this autumn.

9. Unknown love is like fireworks, in an instant. The young and ignorant love is like a dead meteor, fleeting in an instant.

10. I heard the cry of the sea, just like the misty clouds. I saw the crying face of the sea, just like the powerless catkins.

11. In fact, feelings have never changed. People have always changed. In fact, the wound has already healed, and the pain has always been the heart.

12. I can't keep it. It's an irresistible fleeting time. I can't see the untouchable fleeting time.

13. In the dreams of the past life and this life, look for the memories of love that remain. In the dream of this life, look for the smell of love.

14. Once there was a kind of feeling, called friendship, but it was gone. Once there was a kind of love, called love, but it was lost.

15. I love the dandelion, and her lonely in the distance. I love the lavender and his solitude on the earth.

16. I love you, you love me, together, no problem. I love you, you love me, to the white head, I am willing.

17. I'll take you to see the rain in Paris and the streets of Tokyo that are wet. I'll take you to see the snow in Tokyo.

18. With memory, I cut off all news of you. I bring memories, recall everything you have memories.

19. Take my hand, close your eyes and walk without getting lost. Holding your hand and closing your eyes will not get lost.

20. It was you who broke into my sad heart and gave me happiness in those days. It was you who led me out of loneliness and gave me warmth in those days.

21. Actually, it's not bad to love someone. Don't hesitate to be hurt. In fact, it's not bad to love someone, and hugging is also a kind of reality.

22. At the beginning, we are wasting money, so we are happy. The end of the end, we are in tears, because we regret it.

23. Many things can be done without my thinking. Many people can stay without me.

24. There is no permanence, no permanence. Anyone can go first by making an excuse. Which signatures do you like? Xiaobian carefully collected 2023 WeChat personal signature mood for everyone to enjoy and learn!

25. I like your clear and delicate words, and can't resist your smile. Like your gentle voice, tenderness is hard to resist.