The selfie friend circle copywriting is funny (interesting selfie friend circle copywriting)
Walk alone in the wilderness
2023-05-29 12:06:50
Talk about the encyclopedia

1. It is not age and identity that has trapped a person, but patterns and concepts.

2. All of her inactivity is just not enough to like you, really don't deceive yourself anymore.

3. People can get nothing without sacrifice. In order to get something, they must pay the same price. This is the principle of "equal value exchange" in alchemy, which we firmly believe is the truth of the world!

4. Whose sentence has a long way to go, let you see people walk tea cool; Whose sentence is not too kind, let you see the inconstancy of the world. Who do you take seriously? After you have paid a lot of love, you have a needle in your heart; You are soft and weak. How many people sympathize with you; If you don't gamble, how can you stand firm.

5. We gently rummaged through the memories, but suddenly found that we could not find the original self, and the beauty of those memories, accidentally opened the scars of the past.

6. Everyone is lonely when he is born and lonely when he dies. No one can accompany you for a long time on the road. Our destination is different, so don't care too much about breaking up halfway.

7. When everyone was born, he thought that the world existed for him alone. When he found that he was wrong, he began to grow up. Life should be reconciled with your own ordinary.

8. People who don't have you in their eyes, why do you keep it in your heart? If you don't have your share in love, why do you want to love deeply.

9. The promise of the sky to the earth is the lingering rain; The promise of time to the season is colorful; The promise of the night sky to the stars is crystal clear; My promise to you is to hold hands in this life!

10. What is youth? Even if you are urged, you still don't wear pants; What is maturity? Even before I hurried you, you had already put on your pants.

11. Maybe life is like a flower at will. We just need to do what we like and pursue the dream we want to pursue with our heart. Keeping a light fireworks, I like to let the day be stained with a little Zen. Life can be colorful, or it can be as quiet as water.

12. Tell me, do you want to die or not live?

13. Resentment is like taking poison and waiting for others to die.

14. When the clock goes backward, people will think that it is broken and throw it away. People should not look back on the past, but keep moving forward.

15. Every time I see a good-looking person, I feel a bit like you. I think everyone who can be called a beautiful person in the world must be somewhat like you, but they can only be like you, because you are cute and they can't learn from you!

16. The mind should be as simple as a child, so that it can make rapid progress. Simple, but not simple.

17. It's very comfortable to get along with some people, because you can not only talk about funny and unorthodox topics, but also have unique opinions on some things to share and communicate, not to be serious or dull or low-grade interest, but also know how to think in terms of empathy and treat each other sincerely. It's lucky to have such people in your life.

18. The good state is that after seeing the darkness and pain of the world, you still believe in its simplicity and beauty. I hope that at that time, we will become better ourselves. I met you at that time, neither earlier nor later.

19. When a person feels satisfied, not upset, not tired, not asking for anything, and can feel at ease, happiness is in it. When a person feels satisfied with food, play, sleep well, no worries, happiness is in it.

20. The day I met you, I never thought of parting.

21. I saw the Milky Way and had an ideal, but I looked back at the world and saw you, so everything on earth was forgotten by me, and you were alone in the center.

22. All losses are to make room for the arrival of precious things; All crawling is a warm-up before jumping high; All the fragmentation is for the hard won perfection.

23. The most precious thing is not how good you are now, but to work hard to make you better every day.

24. All the laziness you stole will eventually turn into slapping you. If you really work as hard as those who work hard, you will understand that hard work itself is a thing that very people can do.

25. When the cargo colleague leaves office, he needs to write a resignation report. On such a large piece of A4 paper, he wrote four words: "I don't want to do it." I said, "Can you write two more words on such a large piece of paper?" Then he took the paper and added two words in the front: "Really."

26. Look at the sky when you are sad! The blue sky is beautiful, and the starry sky is also beautiful! Even in rainy days, there are raindrops caressing your cheeks; Even if it is cloudy, it will be sunny because of your smile!

27. If you don't go back to Disney, there will be no princess

28. Everything that fails to defeat you will make you strong.

29. I have tried my best to do what I did today. No matter what my achievements, I should go to bed happily—— Sanmao