Composition of Long Rope Competition (18 selected)
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2024-06-12 07:28:26
Grade 6

Composition of Long Rope Competition (1)

Long rope competition -- won the first composition 550 (1)

Wonderful long rope race.

In the fourth extracurricular activity on Thursday morning, our fourth grade held a wonderful long rope competition on the playground.

Game history

Before the game started, the atmosphere on the court was very tense. All the students were eager to try and prepared to compete. Teachers of all classes are also mobilizing before the competition.

The first ones to come on the stage are our Class 4 and Class 4. We are divided into four groups and quickly take their positions, standing at the designated positions, waiting for the start of the game. At the whistle, the game began. I saw the long rope flying in the air. With the sound of the long rope, the students jumped up one after another. It was my turn to jump. My heart was like a taut string, but I bravely rushed in. Fortunately, I successfully passed the first pass. At that moment, I didn't know whether the classmate in front tripped the rope or I made a mistake. I jumped in and was caught by a long rope net. I ran out quickly. Alas, it was a pity that the long rope swung in the air for several times. The students in other classes shouted, "OK! One of them is dead!" Fortunately, the other students were as light as a swallow and recovered the number. Soon, three minutes later, the teacher came up quickly and asked: "How many girls each jump?" "305 and 238." "How many boys each jump?" "220 and 203=

Then, Class 41, Class 42 and Class 43 all came on stage one after another, and they all played very well. The most exciting and exciting class is Class 45. Everyone in Class 5 is energetic and steady

Fuck the winner. At the whistle, they were all as light as a swallow and as fast as lightning. One by one, none of the four groups seems to have made mistakes. We were dumbfounded. The whole audience watched their excellent game and cheered them on. The girls in their class jumped 357 and 382 respectively, and the boys jumped 339 and 368 respectively. We gathered around and stared, admiring and happy for them.


The bell rang after class, and the tense long rope match was over. Everyone was looking forward to the teacher announcing the result of the match at the group morning meeting next Monday.

Long rope competition -- won the first composition 550 (2)

Long rope jumping competition The annual school sports meeting of long rope jumping competition finally came. Last year, our class won the first place. This year, we are determined to achieve good results. Long rope jumping is an important project, so our class hopes to win the championship in this project. Yesterday, in the afternoon, we finally started the long rope jumping competition in the fourth grade group. There are three classes in the fourth grade, and Class Three in the fourth year jumps first. The students of Class Three, Grade Four, have a good understanding. If someone makes a mistake, they will immediately shake the rope without complaining. However, they made many mistakes. I counted them carefully and made nine mistakes. However, they jumped a lot, 123 times, which was a high score. It was the second shift's turn to jump when they were in good condition. Maybe they were held down by the momentum of the third shift, and their performance was not very good. In addition, the rope wielder fell off the rope. So the result was mediocre. Only 94 times finally arrived in our class. Jumping long rope was our strong point. Last year, we ranked first with 120 times. I am the one who wields the rope. This position is very important. A little bad swing will affect the performance of the whole class. At the beginning, I shook the rope with all my concentration and encouraged myself: Come on! come on. Occasionally, our class made several mistakes, but everyone jumped faster and faster when they got to the back. Finally, we narrowly beat Class 3 with 126 scores, and won the first place in the long rope jump in the whole class. The long rope jump competition is over. But this game, let me feel. Team spirit is so important. Only unity can overcome difficulties and achieve final victory!

Long rope competition -- won the first composition 550 (3)

The Long Rope Competition "Preparation - Start" With the command of the scoring students, the fierce and wonderful long rope competition began. My heart also jumped up "plop - plop". At this time, Xiaojian's left foot jumped, and her back foot relaxed a little. It was really eye watering! Xiao Chen also jumped over as quickly as he could. Xiao Lin's left foot was in front and right foot was behind, so he made adequate preparations. However, the sudden incident surprised us. Xiao Lin's right foot tripped over the rope and almost fell down. Xiao Lin immediately jumped out of the rope throwing range, and the students also recovered. Xiao Lin came over and said to me, "Xiao Cao, speed up and stick to it." I sped up my speed, but Xiao Huang was very angry and always made mistakes. He also made mistakes where he should not have made mistakes several times, and sometimes he often touched the rope, which made the students behind jump very hard! It's half the time. We've only jumped more than a hundred. We still need to refuel! So I sped up my speed and said, "Ouch --" Xiao Chen's hand was hanging on the rope, which made the two students behind him not jump up, wasting time! "Five, four, three, two, one, stop!" Our group jumped 214 times in three minutes, finally said goodbye to the first place, but it was still a good third place. This is really a fierce and exciting long rope race.

Long rope competition -- won the first composition 550 (4)

Long rope competition Today, the school held the annual autumn sports meeting. This is our last sports meeting this year. The students cherish this opportunity and are ready to achieve excellent results in various competitions. I participated in the exciting long rope race. The students in our fourth class of Grade 3 were all energetic and confident. Miss Wang gave a command: "Jump!" Yu Xiaoda jumped the first one calmly, the second one, the third one... The rope kept running over the students' heads, and kept passing through the students' feet. Our team was like a long dragon billowing in the waves. The two students who threw rope did their best to win the game. The other three classes are also working hard. At this time, Mr. Zheng and Mr. Zhang shouted: "Quick! Quick! Jump!" "Bu, Bu, Bu..." The exciting three minutes passed quickly. The competition was over, and the students were immersed in joy for a long time. Although I don't know the results, the spirit of unity, cooperation and hard work of the students will remain in my heart forever.  

Long rope competition -- won the first composition 550 (5)

Long rope jump competition Today, our school held a new long rope jump competition. In the second class of the afternoon, the long rope jump competition began. All the students were confident. They took the long rope and came to the playground with all their hands. The first group was Zheng Haojie's group, who jumped 273 times in total, followed by Shen Nuo's group, who jumped 121 times... The exciting time has come. It's our group's turn. The four of us jumped vigorously on the right side of the long rope, "Ready, start!" the counting student shouted. As soon as I heard the beginning, I jumped up like a light swallow. At more than 90 times, our faces were red, like big red apples. Our speed jumped faster and faster, like a spinning flywheel, like undulating waves. Bad "bang". It was He Kangning who fell down. Our group's score was 113. At this time, everyone was gasping and sweating. The results came out. Our class was the first in the third grade, or the first in the whole school. We jumped three feet high with joy.

Long rope competition -- won the first composition 550 (6)

Long rope race Last week, we had a rope skipping race. This competition is really interesting! When we arrived, we first did some activities. We found the rhythm and shook up the long rope to try to jump several times. The referee said that when preparing, the long ropes of each class were flying. "Take your positions," our group C students were ready. Hold your breath and prepare for a fight. "Start!" Before the words fell, the first student rushed in. I stood at the second one and jumped over immediately. No, he didn't jump over the sixth student, and the "dragon" stopped flying, but returned to normal after a few seconds. Each student often dances with the "Long Dragon". Everyone pays attention to their own steps. One lap later, Wang Ningbo, the first one standing, ran up two steps and rushed into the rope. She bent her knee slightly in the rope. It seemed that she was saving energy. When the rope shook on her head, she made a strong leap. I stood beside her and ran up a few steps to prepare to rush into the dancing long rope and dance with her. After rushing into the long rope, I also bent my knees slightly and saved my strength for a jump. At this time, Wang Ningbo had already fallen, and she ran out of the long rope quickly. When I finished jumping and was ready to bend my knees, the next student rushed into the long rope at top speed. But when Feng Yiran, the fourth classmate, was tripped by Wang Xuetong, she didn't jump, and Bai Yehan went in at once. One didn't jump well, and all three did. With our tacit cooperation, we can see that every student wants to dance with "Long Dragon". "One minute left," said the referee. Ma Qihan, who shakes the rope, said, "Come on, everyone!" He and Wu Chenwen are also encouraging us. I found I didn't get in, didn't jump up, oh! One jumped and broke. Feng Yiran told me: "You should put your left foot in front of you, take three steps to run up, bend your knees and jump, and then run out of the rope immediately after jumping." I followed his method and it was really not messy. A classmate ran to him and said, "The teacher said, 'Don't be afraid of being slow, just be afraid of being bad.'" When we know it, we will do it strictly according to the requirements, and those who always trip will not trip. The speed of the rope swing was accelerated, and everyone worked hard for the class. The long rope rolls up and down and dances like a "long dragon". "There are 30 seconds left. Come on, everyone!" We are dancing with "Long Dragon" one by one. It seems to me that Bai Yihan jumped directly without running up. Fang Ziyang, who was behind him, did not jump badly even though he was separated by one. "Stop!" the referee shouted, we stopped dancing, and the "Long Dragon" also stopped flying, as if it was very tired. We were so tired that we gasped. Ma Qihan, who shook the rope, asked the referee, "How many hops did you make in Group C?" The referee replied We jumped up happily and couldn't wait to report to our head teacher, Mr. Gao: "Teacher, teacher, Group C jumped 192!" This made me understand that we should pay attention to unity in everything we do. If you don't unite in the rope skipping competition, how can you dance under the "Long Dragon"?

Long rope contest -- won the first composition 550 (7)

Long rope race Last week, we had a rope skipping race. This competition is really interesting! When we arrived, we first did some activities. We found the rhythm and shook up the long rope to try to jump several times. The referee said that when preparing, the long ropes of each class were flying. "Take your positions," our group C students were ready. Hold your breath and prepare for a fight. "Start!" Before the words fell, the first student rushed in. I stood at the second one and jumped over immediately. No, he didn't jump over the sixth student, and the "dragon" stopped flying, but returned to normal after a few seconds. Each student often dances with the "Long Dragon". Everyone pays attention to their own steps. One lap later, Wang Ningbo, the first one standing, ran up two steps and rushed into the rope. She bent her knee slightly in the rope. It seemed that she was saving energy. When the rope shook on her head, she made a strong leap. I stood beside her and ran up a few steps to prepare to rush into the dancing long rope and dance with her. After rushing into the long rope, I also bent my knees slightly and saved my strength for a jump. At this time, Wang Ningbo had already fallen, and she ran out of the long rope quickly. When I finished jumping and was ready to bend my knees, the next student rushed into the long rope at top speed. But when Feng Yiran, the fourth classmate, was tripped by Wang Xuetong, she didn't jump, and Bai Yehan went in at once. One didn't jump well, and all three did. With our tacit cooperation, we can see that every student wants to dance with "Long Dragon". "One minute left," said the referee. Ma Qihan, who shakes the rope, said, "Come on, everyone!" He and Wu Chenwen are also encouraging us. I found I didn't get in, didn't jump up, oh! One jumped and broke. Feng Yiran told me: "You should put your left foot in front of you, take three steps to run up, bend your knees and jump, and then run out of the rope immediately after jumping." I followed his method and it was really not messy. A classmate ran to him and said, "The teacher said, 'Don't be afraid of being slow, just be afraid of being bad.'" When we know it, we will do it strictly according to the requirements, and those who always trip will not trip. The speed of the rope swing was accelerated, and everyone worked hard for the class. The long rope rolls up and down and dances like a "long dragon". "There are 30 seconds left. Come on, everyone!" We are dancing with "Long Dragon" one by one. It seems to me that Bai Yihan jumped directly without running up. Fang Ziyang, who was behind him, did not jump badly even though he was separated by one. "Stop!" the referee shouted, we stopped dancing, and the "Long Dragon" also stopped flying, as if it was very tired. We were so tired that we gasped. Ma Qihan, who shook the rope, asked the referee, "How many hops did you make in Group C?" The referee replied We jumped up happily and couldn't wait to report to our head teacher, Mr. Gao: "Teacher, teacher, Group C jumped 192!" This made me understand that we should pay attention to unity in everything we do. If you don't unite in the rope skipping competition, how can you dance under the "Long Dragon"?

Long rope contest -- won the first composition 550 (8)

Long Rope Race: Class 7, Four Years Ma Ruiyang Today, the day of long rope race is coming. Jumping long rope is one of my favorite sports. The long rope race I have been looking forward to for a long time is about to start! At noon, the students from Class 3, Grade 4 came to challenge us, but they only jumped three times a minute! It seems that they really need to practice. After rounds of intense and intense competitions, only our class and Class Four and Class Five are left. There is no doubt that our final opponent is Class Four and Class Five. In a twinkling of an eye, it's time to win or lose in the afternoon. Students are eager to prepare for the competition one by one. Everything is ready. What a pity! "Start! Bang!" Only one command was heard, and then a shot was fired. The students rushed out like bullets one by one; It looks like a light swallow and a long dragon from a distance, forming an "8" shape. Finally, it was my turn. I was nervous and expectant, just like a taut bowstring, and rushed out like an arrow. I jumped slightly, and then ran out at the speed of 100 meters, passing by the students who shook the rope. "Oh, no! What's the matter with her?" I thought to myself

Composition of Long Rope Competition (2)

Composition of Long Rope Jumping Competition 450 words (1)

Long rope jumping competition The annual school sports meeting of long rope jumping competition finally came. Last year, our class won the first place. This year, we are determined to achieve good results. Long rope jumping is an important project, so our class hopes to win the championship in this project. Yesterday, in the afternoon, we finally started the long rope jumping competition in the fourth grade group. There are three classes in the fourth grade, and Class Three in the fourth year jumps first. The students of Class Three, Grade Four, have a good understanding. If someone makes a mistake, they will immediately shake the rope without complaining. However, they made many mistakes. I counted them carefully and made nine mistakes. However, they jumped a lot, 123 times, which was a high score. It was the second shift's turn to jump when they were in good condition. Maybe they were held down by the momentum of the third shift, and their performance was not very good. In addition, the rope wielder fell off the rope. So the result was mediocre. Only 94 times finally arrived in our class. Jumping long rope was our strong point. Last year, we ranked first with 120 times. I am the one who wields the rope. This position is very important. A little bad swing will affect the performance of the whole class. At the beginning, I shook the rope with all my concentration and encouraged myself: Come on! come on. Occasionally, our class made several mistakes, but everyone jumped faster and faster when they got to the back. Finally, we narrowly beat Class 3 with 126 scores, and won the first place in the long rope jump in the whole class. The long rope jump competition is over. But this game, let me feel. Team spirit is so important. Only unity can overcome difficulties and achieve final victory!

Composition for Long Rope Jumping Competition 450 words (2)

Long rope jump competition Today, our school held a new long rope jump competition. In the second class of the afternoon, the long rope jump competition began. All the students were confident. They took the long rope and came to the playground with all their hands. The first group was Zheng Haojie's group, who jumped 273 times in total, followed by Shen Nuo's group, who jumped 121 times... The exciting time has come. It's our group's turn. The four of us jumped vigorously on the right side of the long rope, "Ready, start!" the counting student shouted. As soon as I heard the beginning, I jumped up like a light swallow. At more than 90 times, our faces were red, like big red apples. Our speed jumped faster and faster, like a spinning flywheel, like undulating waves. Bad "bang". It was He Kangning who fell down. Our group's score was 113. At this time, everyone was gasping and sweating. The results came out. Our class was the first in the third grade, or the first in the whole school. We jumped three feet high with joy.

450 Words Composition for Long Rope Jumping Competition (3)

450 words composition for the long rope jump competition (4)

Long rope jump competition This morning, our school held a long rope jump competition in the back playground of the campus. The grandstand was full, and the students were looking forward to the beginning of the game with enthusiasm. We will compete with all classes in Grade 5. In the last year's sports meeting, our group total score lost to Class 5 (2). They are very strong, but we are confident to defeat them. The game began. First, the male students of Class 5 (1) came on the stage. Two ropes were shaken and eight people jumped together in the middle. They jumped 93 times, and there was warm applause on the court. Then the girls in their class jumped 96 times. My heart tightened. It's the turn of Class 5 (2). They are all full of swagger and excitement, as if they are already the champions. I held my breath and stared at them. However, their male classmates were so good that they danced very rhythmically. With the number of students outside the court, there was overwhelming applause outside the court. I lost my temper. It's the turn of the boys in our class. They danced slowly for a while. I was really worried about them. As expected, I only jumped 86 times. Our female classmates came on the stage. As soon as the referee blew the whistle, we started to jump up. "Come on, come on." With the cry, two minutes passed, and only two students who shook the rope were panting. When the time came, students flocked to the referee to see the jump results. "Oh, my God" one student shouted loudly, which made me more excited, "Wow, 131 times" I was shocked. Our girls won the championship. This competition is both a test and an exercise for me.

450 words composition for long rope jumping competition (5)

Intense long rope jumping competition

The sun shines warm on everyone. exercise

The field was shrouded in a tense and excited atmosphere. It was our long rope jump competition.

Before the game started, the athletes followed their teachers to the playground one class at a time. Some of them took deep breaths and were ready before the game started; Some of them are full of enthusiasm and stride forward with their heads held high; And

It can be seen from the expression on his face that he is as calm as water and has his own unique before the competition

Sets. In short, everyone is ready for the game. The match began as soon as the whistle sounded. The thin and long rope draws a beautiful arc in the air, and then slaps on the ground lightly and briefly. In the long team, the athletes tightened their nerves and focused on the rope movement.

The team members jumped one after another, and the girl's ponytail flew up and down in the rope, just like beautiful butterflies. It's my turn to get ready for takeoff. When the team member in front of me jumped out, I rushed into the rope and jumped. In order not to affect the team member behind me, I rubbed the body of the rope shaking student and went out. Hey hey, pass the test smoothly!

The three minute race passed quickly, and my class achieved good results. I can't help thinking of the scene when I practiced: I didn't grasp the method, and the rope always hit me; The teacher's encouragement of "Nothing, do it again"; The rope is tied around my neck. It took me a long time to get it off Looking at today, it's really "no rainbow without wind and rain"!

Composition for Long Rope Jumping Competition 450 words (6)

Long rope jumping competition Standing on the playground, looking up at the sky, the sky is clear, as if it had just been washed with water, it looks pure and high, and the sun smiles at me and shines brightly. At this moment, my mood is both nervous and excited, because we will hold a new long rope jump competition here. In the afternoon, gather on the playground in the three-year period to prepare for the competition. First of all, Class 304 came out. They were all energetic and confident. The game began, and they all jumped over with great lightness. Unexpectedly, Class 304, which is usually inconspicuous, got an unexpected result: 462 times. I thought to myself: Can such a strong enemy win? It's our turn. We walked into the arena with great strides. With the order of Mr. Kang, the competition began, and my heart was beating like a rabbit. The students rushed towards the rope like lightning one by one, with the left foot forward and the right foot gently lifted, and the rope flashed past his feet like eyes. The rope is spinning like a windmill, and the team members are like dexterous kangaroos drilling out under the "colorful ring"... Oh, it's my turn at last. I opened my eyes and aimed at the rope. At the moment when the previous student jumped over, I rushed forward like a tiger, leaping quickly, and the rope flew past my feet with a "whoop". Oh. Yes, yes, I'm very happy! Hurry to the rear of the team to prepare for the second round of challenge. After five long minutes, the athletes were all sweating and panting. Out of breath, I took the water from my friend and began to drink. Game result: We got the fourth place. We were disappointed. The teacher seemed to see our thoughts and came to us to comfort us: "We have tried our best, and we can't blame ourselves or our classmates..." Yes, it's important to participate and try our best. I forgot my fatigue and continued to play with my classmates

450 words composition for long rope jumping competition (7)

Jump long rope

The whole school will have a rope skipping competition next week. Our class has already selected 20 students to form a representative team to participate in the competition. I am also one of them.

In the rope skipping exercise, I think it's really interesting and exciting. At noon every day, our teacher would arrange us to jump long ropes. Two strong students are responsible for the rope swinging. You should not think that it is very easy to swing the rope. As long as you have strength, you also have certain skills. You should swing the rope so that it hits the ground in a semicircle shape. We also need to cooperate well with our rope skipping classmates. Jumping students should keep their eyes on the rope, step in, take off, and jump out of the rope in the third step, like horses galloping forward. One after another, you can't empty it, nor grab it or pull it down. 20 people as a whole, so that we can jump well and fast.

I followed the students in front and moved forward slowly. There are still three people left. I'm ready. There is another person in front of me. I stand in good posture. When the student in front jumped out, I followed him. Well, it's beautiful to jump into the rope and out of the rope. I ran out immediately after jumping out of the rope. Well, I didn't take the rope. In this way, we jumped one by one. Every one of us went all out, as if the soldiers were fighting. Each of us jumped over smoothly.

Three minutes later, the counting student shouted, "OK, this time we jumped 356." "Ah, we won!" The cheering sounded all over the sky.

In order to win the final victory, we continued to practice before the game. We danced again and again, but we still danced. We know that we can win only when we are not afraid of sweating and fatigue. We believe that through our efforts, we will

Who can win and win the first place!

Composition of Long Rope Competition (3)

Writing about the Long Rope Jumping Competition (I)

Writing Composition of Long Rope Jumping Competition (II)


Long rope race

"Bang, bang, bang". Who played such wonderful music on the playground? Oh, it was the necessary program of the ninth campus art festival --- the long rope jump competition.

Before we started the game, we tried the rope, and the referee shouted "start" in the middle of the trial. Fortunately, the students "stopped" in time. When the students were ready, a "start" broke the sky, the audience held their breath, and the students in the competition were even more concentrated and energetic. The students who threw the rope waved their arms vigorously, and swung the rope to make it hum. The students who took the lead immediately flew over the rope circle, followed by other students. Under the sunshine, we danced the "8" dance like bees collecting honey. The rope is like a silver arc. In the silver arc, the students jump up and down like squirrels, jump left and right like monkeys, and fly back and forth like swallows... The competition is going on like fire, and the students are as light as swallows, like flying swallows, and each class is not divided into front and back. Suddenly, Xu Long stumbled. Our class immediately entered the "Ice Age" and stopped. The speed slowed down. With the cheers of other students, we "picked up" our confidence and accelerated our jump. Time flows difficultly, like an hourglass falling into each student's heart. After jumping for so long, I was powerless, and the students who threw the rope were even more powerless. Finally, with the whistle of the referee teacher, the game was over.

Through our efforts, we beat the other two classes by 189 in 2 minutes, but we were only four more than Class 2. This competition is not only the efforts of the students in the competition, but also the cheers of the students. With the trust of the students and teachers, we can achieve our current results.

Writing Composition of Long Rope Jumping Competition (3)

The composition clip describing the rope skipping competition started. First, the male students of Class 33 came on, two students shook the rope, and twelve students jumped together in the middle. The students who shake the rope are very hard, and the students who jump are also very hard. They jumped ninety-three times. There was warm applause on the court. Then the girl jumped 67 times. My heart tightened. It was Class 32's turn, and they jumped out of their seats. They were all proud and excited, as if they were the champions. My eyes were fixed on them, and my breathing was almost forgotten. However, their male classmates were so good that they danced very rhythmically. With the count of "ninety-eight, ninety-nine, one hundred, one hundred, one hundred and two, one hundred and twelve.", thunderous applause came out of the court. I think, God, it's so terrible. We never had 100 students in our class during training! I lost my temper. And the girls in Class 32 jumped 96 times. Now there is no more singing. I bent over and bowed my head, afraid to watch our class's game again. After a while, I heard a lot of talk around me. I looked up and saw my class's students shaking the rope slowly, and the male students jumping slowly. I was really worried about them. It seemed that the rope was going to die soon! I was so nervous that my heart almost stopped beating. Some people around me were laughing, some said they were jumping like grandpas, and some said this kind of jumping was called half dead jumping. I was very angry and glared at them. At the same time, I'm worried. I'm praying for them secretly. God bless me! Sure enough, they miraculously jumped one hundred and twenty-one times, and our class immediately cheered. However, the female students actually jumped the "0" egg due to poor cooperation. We were disappointed and fell from the sky to the ground. Many students were very angry. Only the head teacher, Mr. He, calmly encouraged them to do a good job in the second round


At the beginning of the second round of the competition, the male students in our class made persistent efforts and made a spectacular leap of 195 times, which frightened the referee, Mr. Liu, to check repeatedly for a long time before announcing the results. I saw that Wu Haoyu's face was blue. I was really proud and excited for their fighting spirit. The female students were also very competitive, jumping seventy-seven times. Class 33 and Class 32 had no choice but to watch us celebrate the victory. We won the first place at one stroke.

Long Rope Jumping Competition

"Attention everyone, attention everyone, the long rope jump competition that was not held yesterday has begun. Teacher Wu said angrily, "You can't go out without doing your math homework well!"

Finally, the sixth grade competition began. We all rubbed our hands together and laughed in our hearts. Teacher Sun, the head teacher, was terrified and was thinking about how to get the first place. After all, this was the dream of the whole sixth grade

Fruit! The frightening sound of gunfire went off. With a bang, Shen Yuchang, the leader, was frightened and stared. Finally, he frowned and jumped in at a high speed. With a flick of his feet, he came out very quickly.

Zhou Jiadong is also a powerful team member. He is not nervous. It is useless to be nervous. I can guess that this is a very critical part. He rushed in with a beautiful gesture. The student who threw the rope shook to the left suddenly. Zhou Jiadong jumped and finished the action with a soft song. "Come on, come on, the victory belongs to Class 6 (2), and we are proud of you!" The cheerleaders are also cheering for us!

Writing Composition of Long Rope Jumping Competition (IV)

Long rope jump competition Today, our school held a new long rope jump competition. In the second class of the afternoon, the long rope jump competition began. All the students were confident. They took the long rope and came to the playground with all their hands. The first group was Zheng Haojie's group, who jumped 273 times in total, followed by Shen Nuo's group, who jumped 121 times... The exciting time has come. It's our group's turn. The four of us jumped vigorously on the right side of the long rope, "Ready, start!" the counting student shouted. As soon as I heard the beginning, I jumped up like a light swallow. At more than 90 times, our faces were red, like big red apples. Our speed jumped faster and faster, like a spinning flywheel, like undulating waves. Bad "bang". It was He Kangning who fell down. Our group's score was 113. At this time, everyone was gasping and sweating. The results came out. Our class was the first in the third grade, or the first in the whole school. We jumped three feet high with joy.

Composition of Long Rope Jumping Competition (5)

Long Rope Jumping Competition On the afternoon of December 31, our school held a new year's welcome activity. The activities were colorful. Everyone gathered together to celebrate the annual festival. The sun grandfather, who has always been lazy in winter, got up early this morning and hung high in the sky like an eye, wide open, as if unwilling to miss this day worth celebrating. After the rabbit dance and the long rope dance in Jiangnan, the activity began. The students lined up orderly for rehearsal. The long rope swung up, and the students jumped over the long rope easily as if they had wings. "One, two, three..." I counted at the back. "It's almost me." I'm ready to go. After Song Anqi in front of me finished dancing, I followed him slowly, "Perfect!" I was proud of myself, and my hands were used as wings, like a light bird, bouncing and jumping. But the one behind did not jump as smoothly as the one in front. Zhang Yiyi's classmate can't jump over almost every time. I heard that she wanted to give up several times in front of her, but every time she didn't give up, she stuck to it, and finally she could jump and stop dragging everyone behind. It's true that your Kung Fu pays off. At first, Xiao Zhou was the same as Zhang Youyi. She could not jump long ropes, but she could not bear everyone's sarcasm and refused to be as diligent as Zhang Youyi. Instead, she fled back to her mother and stopped learning. Later, Mr. Wang sent several senior generals to invite Xiao Zhou out. Now, Xiao Zhou's mother also came out to supervise her to jump the long rope, but she still refused to learn and always lagged behind. This is outrageous. Then, we carried out a series of recreational activities, including walking with a ball, simple bowling, and shooting. As the sun sets, happy times are always short. I really hope that the New Year's Day in 2014 will come soon! Grade 6: Jiao Yaoyao

Composition of Long Rope Jumping Competition (6)

Long rope jumping competition The annual school sports meeting of long rope jumping competition finally came. Last year, our class won the first place. This year, we are determined to achieve good results. Long rope jumping is an important project, so our class hopes to win the championship in this project. Yesterday, in the afternoon, we finally started the long rope jumping competition in the fourth grade group. There are three classes in the fourth grade, and Class Three in the fourth year jumps first. The students of Class Three, Grade Four, have a good understanding. If someone makes a mistake, they will immediately shake the rope without complaining. However, they made many mistakes. I counted them carefully and made nine mistakes. However, they jumped a lot, 123 times, which was a high score. It was the second shift's turn to jump when they were in good condition. Maybe they were held down by the momentum of the third shift, and their performance was not very good. In addition, the rope wielder fell off the rope. So the result was mediocre. Only 94 times finally arrived in our class. Jumping long rope was our strong point. Last year, we ranked first with 120 times. I am the one who wields the rope. This position is very important. A little bad swing will affect the performance of the whole class. At the beginning, I shook the rope with all my concentration and encouraged myself: Come on! come on. Occasionally, our class made several mistakes, but everyone jumped faster and faster when they got to the back. Finally, we narrowly beat Class 3 with 126 scores, and won the first place in the long rope jump in the whole class. The long rope jump competition is over. But this game, let me feel. Team spirit is so important. Only unity can overcome difficulties and achieve final victory!

Composition of Long Rope Jumping Competition (7)

Long rope jump competition This morning, our school held a long rope jump competition in the back playground of the campus. The grandstand was full, and the students were looking forward to the beginning of the game with enthusiasm. We will compete with all classes in Grade 5. In the last year's sports meeting, our group total score lost to Class 5 (2). They are very strong, but we are confident to defeat them. The game began. First, the male students of Class 5 (1) came on the stage. Two ropes were shaken and eight people jumped together in the middle. They jumped 93 times, and there was warm applause on the court. Then the girls in their class jumped 96 times. My heart tightened. It's the turn of Class 5 (2). They are all full of swagger and excitement, as if they are already the champions. I held my breath and stared at them. However, their male classmates were so good that they danced very rhythmically. With the number of students outside the court, there was overwhelming applause outside the court. I lost my temper. It's the turn of the boys in our class. They danced slowly for a while. I was really worried about them. As expected, I only jumped 86 times. Our female classmates came on the stage. As soon as the referee blew the whistle, we started to jump up. "Come on, come on." With the cry, two minutes passed, and only two students who shook the rope were panting. When the time came, students flocked to the referee to see the jump results. "Oh, my God" one student shouted loudly, which made me more excited, "Wow, 131 times" I was shocked. Our girls won the championship. This competition is both a test and an exercise for me.

Composition of Long Rope Jumping Competition (8)

Long rope jumping competition Standing on the playground, looking up at the sky, the sky is clear, as if it had just been washed with water, it looks pure and high, and the sun smiles at me and shines brightly. At this moment, my mood is both nervous and excited, because we will hold a new long rope jump competition here. In the afternoon, gather on the playground in the three-year period to prepare for the competition. First of all, Class 304 came out. They were all energetic and confident. The game began, and they all jumped over with great lightness. Unexpectedly, Class 304, which is usually inconspicuous, got an unexpected result: 462 times. I thought to myself: Can such a strong enemy win? It's our turn. We walked into the arena with great strides. With the order of Mr. Kang, the competition began, and my heart was beating like a rabbit. The students rushed towards the rope like lightning one by one, with the left foot forward and the right foot gently lifted, and the rope flashed past his feet like eyes. The rope is spinning like a windmill, and the team members are like dexterous kangaroos drilling out under the "colorful ring"... Oh, it's my turn at last. I opened my eyes and aimed at the rope. At the moment when the previous student jumped over, I rushed forward like a tiger, leaping quickly, and the rope flew past my feet with a "whoop". Oh. Yes, yes, I'm very happy! Hurry to the rear of the team to prepare for the second round of challenge. After five long minutes, the athletes were all sweating and panting. Out of breath, I took the water from my friend and began to drink. Game result: We got the fourth place. We were disappointed. The teacher seemed to see our thoughts and came to comfort us: "We have tried our best, and we can't blame ourselves or our classmates..." Yes, the key is to participate

Composition of Long Rope Competition (4)

600 words composition for long rope competition (1)

Wonderful long rope race.

In the fourth extracurricular activity on Thursday morning, our fourth grade held a wonderful long rope competition on the playground.

Game history

Before the game started, the atmosphere on the court was very tense. All the students were eager to try and prepared to compete. Teachers of all classes are also mobilizing before the competition.

The first ones to come on the stage are our Class 4 and Class 4. We are divided into four groups and quickly take their positions, standing at the designated positions, waiting for the start of the game. At the whistle, the game began. I saw the long rope flying in the air. With the sound of the long rope, the students jumped up one after another. It was my turn to jump. My heart was like a taut string, but I bravely rushed in. Fortunately, I successfully passed the first pass. At that moment, I didn't know whether the classmate in front tripped the rope or I made a mistake. I jumped in and was caught by a long rope net. I ran out quickly. Alas, it was a pity that the long rope swung in the air for several times. The students in other classes shouted, "OK! One of them is dead!" Fortunately, the other students were as light as a swallow and recovered the number. Soon, three minutes later, the teacher came up quickly and asked: "How many girls each jump?" "305 and 238." "How many boys each jump?" "220 and 203=

Then, Class 41, Class 42 and Class 43 all came on stage one after another, and they all played very well. The most exciting and exciting class is Class 45. Everyone in Class 5 is energetic and steady

Fuck the winner. At the whistle, they were all as light as a swallow and as fast as lightning. One by one, none of the four groups seems to have made mistakes. We were dumbfounded. The whole audience watched their excellent game and cheered them on. The girls in their class jumped 357 and 382 respectively, and the boys jumped 339 and 368 respectively. We gathered around and stared, admiring and happy for them.


The bell rang after class, and the tense long rope match was over. Everyone was looking forward to the teacher announcing the result of the match at the group morning meeting next Monday.

600 words composition for long rope competition (2)

"Long rope race" The mood of the race -- Long rope race. Class 5 (3) of Changshu Xieqiao Central Primary School went to Ziyan this afternoon. We took part in the long rope race. First of all, the boys danced long ropes, and we girls warmed up. The boys only jumped more than 100. I said, "It's up to our girls to vent their anger." It's up to us to dance. Miss Huang gave us a thousand exhortations, and ten thousand exhortations, telling us: "Be calm, and don't get knocked down by the rope!" We all agreed confidently. At the whistle, the two generals who threw the rope threw up the long rope. I rushed into the long rope and jumped through the hurdle, feeling very happy. Although I look relaxed and natural with a smile on my face, in fact, I am not too nervous. I am afraid that the honor of the class will be destroyed in my hands if I am knocked down by the rope. I shiver when I think of this. Once when I was jumping a long rope, I almost fell down by the rope. After passing the exam, I patted my chest to encourage myself to be calm and not nervous. But as soon as I heard that the next group had already jumped more than 100, while we only jumped several dozen. My heart was pounding and I thought: What should we do if we lose? When I saw that there was not even a classmate shouting for cheering, it was no wonder that I could not dance well. I blamed others for everything. In fact, it is not important whether someone shouts cheers or not. The important thing is to have confidence and not be discouraged. If you lose, you must lose in confidence. Time came, and we lost the game as expected. However, we should not be depressed because of this. The teacher also comforted us and said, "The most important thing is to participate!" It doesn't matter if we fail to do something. We should think of the good and treat life optimistically.  

600 words composition for long rope competition (3)

The Long Rope Competition "Preparation - Start" With the command of the scoring students, the fierce and wonderful long rope competition began. My heart also jumped up "plop - plop". At this time, Xiaojian's left foot jumped, and her back foot relaxed a little. It was really eye watering! Xiao Chen also jumped over as quickly as he could. Xiao Lin's left foot was in front and right foot was behind, so he made adequate preparations. However, the sudden incident surprised us. Xiao Lin's right foot tripped over the rope and almost fell down. Xiao Lin immediately jumped out of the rope throwing range, and the students also recovered. Xiao Lin came over and said to me, "Xiao Cao, speed up and stick to it." I sped up my speed, but Xiao Huang was very angry and always made mistakes. He also made mistakes where he should not have made mistakes several times, and sometimes he often touched the rope, which made the students behind jump very hard! It's half the time. We've only jumped more than a hundred. We still need to refuel! So I sped up my speed and said, "Ouch --" Xiao Chen's hand was hanging on the rope, which made the two students behind him not jump up, wasting time! "Five, four, three, two, one, stop!" Our group jumped 214 times in three minutes, finally said goodbye to the first place, but it was still a good third place. This is really a fierce and exciting long rope race.

600 words composition for long rope competition (4)

Long rope competition Today, the school held the annual autumn sports meeting. This is our last sports meeting this year. The students cherish this opportunity and are ready to achieve excellent results in various competitions. I participated in the exciting long rope race. The students in our fourth class of Grade 3 were all energetic and confident. Miss Wang gave a command: "Jump!" Yu Xiaoda jumped the first one calmly, the second one, the third one... The rope kept running over the students' heads, and kept passing through the students' feet. Our team was like a long dragon billowing in the waves. The two students who threw rope did their best to win the game. The other three classes are also working hard. At this time, Mr. Zheng and Mr. Zhang shouted: "Quick! Quick! Jump!" "Bu, Bu, Bu..." The exciting three minutes passed quickly. The competition was over, and the students were immersed in joy for a long time. Although I don't know the results, the spirit of unity, cooperation and hard work of the students will remain in my heart forever.  

600 words composition for long rope competition (5)

Long rope race Long rope race "Pa, pa, pa, pa..." This is the sound of long rope. I can't be more familiar with it. Facing long rope is like facing difficulties. As long as you jump over it, nothing will happen—— I heard and saw again the hard training, the sweat dripping, the gasping, and the face of persevering in the face of difficulties. The efforts of the past few weeks are at this point. Although I warned myself that I was not nervous, I could not control my legs and shook hard, like a disobedient, jumping child. The heartbeat is even more violent, and it is not a problem to jump 100 million times a minute. It's like a rabbit. That's nervous! Be afraid! One mistake will usher in the ridicule of the students, the curse of the teacher, the inferiority complex in the heart, perhaps more eyesore. Go ahead! We must not disappoint our teachers and classmates and let them down. I think so. The game started. Some students shouted "Come on, come on" and some called "One two, one two" In a word, students are cheering for our team members. When I heard these words, I was more energetic and relaxed. I jumped each one calmly. However, when I jumped to the sixth lap, I was overwhelmed and almost fell. On the tenth lap, my strength was severely exhausted, and I lost my energy and could not jump. It seems that the teacher saw that our physical strength was failing, and he mobilized the "masses" to cheer us on and encourage us to persevere. It was with such a strong backing that we were all ready to go when there was only one minute left. We mustered up our energy and became more energetic one by one for the last ten seconds, even my "myopia" It can be seen that the two students who threw the rope had lost their strength more than a minute ago, but who knows that now they seem to have just woken up, and they are so energetic that the referee is counting down the time. "I smiled relaxed, I made no mistakes, and I did not disappoint the expectations of teachers and students. After the long rope race, although we were third, we tried our best, and we knew the importance of unity. When jumping a long rope, you can't just focus on yourself and ignore others. If others fail, you will not succeed. So you should unite and face difficulties with only one jump. ——Postscript

600 words composition for long rope competition (6)

Long rope race Last week, we had a rope skipping race. This competition is really interesting! When we arrived, we first did some activities. We found the rhythm and shook up the long rope to try to jump several times. The referee said that when preparing, the long ropes of each class were flying. "Take your positions," our group C students were ready. Hold your breath and prepare for a fight. "Start!" Before the words fell, the first student rushed in. I stood at the second one and jumped over immediately. No, he didn't jump over the sixth student, and the "dragon" stopped flying, but returned to normal after a few seconds. Each student often dances with the "Long Dragon". Everyone pays attention to their own steps. One lap later, Wang Ningbo, the first one standing, ran up two steps and rushed into the rope. She bent her knee slightly in the rope. It seemed that she was saving energy. When the rope shook on her head, she made a strong leap. I stood beside her and ran up a few steps to prepare to rush into the dancing long rope and dance with her. After rushing into the long rope, I also bent my knees slightly and saved my strength for a jump. At this time, Wang Ningbo had already fallen, and she ran out of the long rope quickly. When I finished jumping and was ready to bend my knees, the next student rushed into the long rope at top speed. But when Feng Yiran, the fourth classmate, was tripped by Wang Xuetong, she didn't jump, and Bai Yehan went in at once. One didn't jump well, and all three did. With our tacit cooperation, we can see that every student wants to dance with "Long Dragon". "One minute left," said the referee. Ma Qihan, who shakes the rope, said, "Come on, everyone!" He and Wu Chenwen are also encouraging us. I found I didn't get in, didn't jump up, oh! One jumped and broke. Feng Yiran told me: "You should put your left foot in front of you, take three steps to run up, bend your knees and jump, and then run out of the rope immediately after jumping." I followed his method and it was really not messy. A classmate ran to him and said, "The teacher said, 'Don't be afraid of being slow, just be afraid of being bad.'" When we know it, we will do it strictly according to the requirements, and those who always trip will not trip. The speed of the rope swing was accelerated, and everyone worked hard for the class. The long rope rolls up and down and dances like a "long dragon". "There are 30 seconds left. Come on, everyone!" We are dancing with "Long Dragon" one by one. It seems to me that Bai Yihan jumped directly without running up. Fang Ziyang, who was behind him, did not jump badly even though he was separated by one. "Stop!" the referee shouted, we stopped dancing, and the "Long Dragon" also stopped flying, as if it was very tired. We were so tired that we gasped. Ma Qihan, who shook the rope, asked the referee, "How many hops did you make in Group C?" The referee replied We jumped up happily and couldn't wait to report to our head teacher, Mr. Gao: "Teacher, teacher, Group C jumped 192!" This made me understand that we should pay attention to unity in everything we do. If you don't unite in the rope skipping competition, how can you dance under the "Long Dragon"?

600 words long rope competition composition (7)

Long rope race Last week, we had a rope skipping race. This competition is really interesting! When we arrived, we first did some activities. We found the rhythm and shook up the long rope to try to jump several times. The referee said that when preparing, the long ropes of each class were flying. "Take your positions," our group C students were ready. Hold your breath and prepare for a fight. "Start!" Before the words fell, the first student rushed in. I stood at the second one and jumped over immediately. No, he didn't jump over the sixth student, and the "dragon" stopped flying, but returned to normal after a few seconds. Each student often dances with the "Long Dragon". Everyone pays attention to their own steps. One lap later, Wang Ningbo, the first one standing, ran up two steps and rushed into the rope. She bent her knee slightly in the rope. It seemed that she was saving energy. When the rope shook on her head, she made a strong leap. I stood beside her and ran up a few steps to prepare to rush into the dancing long rope and dance with her. After rushing into the long rope, I also bent my knees slightly and saved my strength for a jump. At this time, Wang Ningbo had already fallen, and she ran out of the long rope quickly. When I finished jumping and was ready to bend my knees, the next student rushed into the long rope at top speed. But when Feng Yiran, the fourth classmate, was tripped by Wang Xuetong, she didn't jump, and Bai Yehan went in at once. One didn't jump well, and all three did. With our tacit cooperation, we can see that every student wants to dance with "Long Dragon". "One minute left," said the referee. Ma Qihan, who shakes the rope, said, "Come on, everyone!" He and Wu Chenwen are also encouraging us. I found I didn't get in, didn't jump up, oh! One jumped and broke. Feng Yiran told me: "You should put your left foot in front of you, take three steps to run up, bend your knees and jump, and then run out of the rope immediately after jumping." I followed his method and it was really not messy. A classmate ran to him and said, "The teacher said, 'Don't be afraid of being slow, just be afraid of being bad.'" When we know it, we will do it strictly according to the requirements, and those who always trip will not trip. The speed of the rope swing was accelerated, and everyone worked hard for the class. The long rope rolls up and down and dances like a "long dragon". "There are 30 seconds left. Come on, everyone!" We are dancing with "Long Dragon" one by one. It seems to me that Bai Yihan jumped directly without running up. Fang Ziyang, who was behind him, did not jump badly even though he was separated by one. "Stop!" the referee shouted, we stopped dancing, and the "Long Dragon" also stopped flying, as if it was very tired. We were so tired that we gasped. Ma Qihan, who shook the rope, asked the referee, "How many hops did you make in Group C?" The referee replied We jumped up happily and couldn't wait to report to our head teacher, Mr. Gao: "Teacher, teacher, Group C jumped 192!" This made me understand that we should pay attention to unity in everything we do. If you don't unite in the rope skipping competition, how can you dance under the "Long Dragon"?

600 words long rope competition composition (8)

Long rope race, four years, seven classes Ma Ruiyang Today, the day of long rope race is coming. Jumping long rope is my favorite sport

Composition of Long Rope Competition (5)

Activity is an experience and a competition. No matter the contestants or the cheerleaders, no matter the failure or success, as long as we participated, we will leave a good memory. And these memories are my records in my primary school career. I think it will be a happy and happy thing every time I think about it in the future when I grow up.

On a sunny Wednesday afternoon, the annual winter sports meeting kicked off. Everyone gathered on the playground, and the students were eager to try. As for me, I have to act as a cheerleader because I am thin and have poor coordination ability. However, I am still very happy. It is a glorious task for me as a member of the class to cheer for my class.

Our strong point "Jumping Long Rope" is about to begin. Our Class 5 was among the best in the long rope jump competition last year, jumping more than 1000 times. Our goal this year is to break the record of more than 4200 schools. Seeing this huge number, we are all a bit scared. However, although the task is arduous, our class is very confident. The participants should do their best, while the other students should cheer with the loudest voice.

The battle has begun! The students who jumped the long rope scurried around like small fish, "one, two, three..." Our cheerleaders shouted hard beside them. The students in charge of water delivery ran around, and a busy picture was displayed on the playground. Soon, the rope skipping team members began to "shock" from time to time and drink crazy water to supplement their strength. The water delivery students ran faster, and our shouts became louder. Because the class is a large group, each student hopes that his class will win the first place. In our loud cry, "One thousand......, two thousand......, three thousand......, four thousand......". As the cry became louder, the heart beat faster and faster. As soon as it was close to 5000, a female player was seriously exhausted, tripped and the game was over.

We won! With the joint efforts of the whole class, we finally successfully completed the scheduled goal. The students' faces were full of excitement and excitement. Their strength was gone and their voices were hoarse, but these were replaced by the joy of victory. This competition will be a good memory for us in the fifth grade.

Composition of Long Rope Competition (6)

After the long rope competition of the previous grades, it was finally our turn to fight each class of Grade 6. I prayed that our class would create miracles, break into the top three, and strive to win the championship.

Our class belongs to the lazy class. We don't practice on weekdays, but we just hold the Buddha's feet on the same day. However, our class has first-class explosive force, unpredictable strength, and can't estimate how much, so there is no hope of victory.

"Ringing bell..." The bell of the third class in the afternoon rang, which also meant that the preliminary bell for the competition was about to start. The contestants from all classes came from all directions. Everyone's face was full of murderous air, and the cold felt deep inside. The wind blew in gusts, making people shiver with cold. The first several classes are strong, and only Class 6 is better than others, but the other classes are not sure. Seeing that the people in the first several classes are full of confidence in their own classes, I am more and more frustrated with our class, even lose confidence. I can only hope that the God of Victory is on our side.

The whistle blew, and our duel with Class 1 officially started. Five minutes later, Qi Miao made a good start and jumped between the ropes. The people behind also followed Qi Miao's footsteps. We girls almost didn't have "accidents" and most of them were boys. Each step made our people outside the court feel shocked. When Guo Kaiming jumped, Wang Tiannuo next caught us, our hearts also tightened, and the team was a bit chaotic. Fortunately, Wu Yi and Zhu Lao responded quickly and adjusted in time, and the team recovered. Our hearts also relaxed, and boys and girls continued to jump. Time became more and more tense. I looked at the stopwatch in my hand that began to count with the whistle. There were only 2 minutes... 1 minute and a half... 1 minute... 30 seconds left... My heart was completely tense at this time. Although I was still outside the court, my eyes were dazzled by the footsteps of students, and I began to count down "10... 9... 8... 7... 6... 5... 4... 3... 2... 1!". I learned from the counting teacher that, We jumped 397 times and cheered the whole audience. Although it was a few times less than the two classes, it was a good result. Usually, we can jump about 330 times at most. The name of the explosive fruit is true. Today, if there is a divine help, we really need to thank the contestants who fought for the honor for our class.

According to the final results of the competition, our class really broke into the top three, with a bonus of 150 yuan. Old Wang was excited, and we were also excited. I clapped my hands with my deskmate, which was regarded as mutual celebration. Although we didn't win the championship, we were also happy.

Composition of Long Rope Competition (7)

On Wednesday afternoon, we had a long rope jump competition. Before that, I had experienced several hardships.

There are two kinds of long rope jumping, one is "8" shuttle, the other is jump side by side. At the beginning of the training, I was wearing "8". Because the rhythm was not good, I often had to drop the chain, which affected the overall performance, so I lost the election. Later, Mr. Zheng asked me to try the double jump, which was OK, so he took the place of Situ Lujie and took part in the double jump.

During the competition, we tried three jumps first, and then started the official competition. I was very nervous. I took a few deep breaths and tried to calm down. After several successful jumps, I was able to resume my good state of practice. When I was secretly lucky, my foot tripped over the rope. I think it's bad. Don't you blame me? But I didn't have time to blame myself. I immediately started to jump again. This time, it was even worse. Someone tripped behind me. Later, two or three times, someone tripped. We were all worried. The final whistle sounded, and we stopped jumping. Everyone was uneasy. "45," said the referee. I collapsed at once. Our best score was 54, with a total difference of 7. I immediately lost confidence that we could get into the top four, and others were also disappointed. They had to go aside in frustration and wait for the teacher's question.

We stopped to see how the "8" character shuttle was going, but they were also worried. Even Fan Shenfeng, who was famous for his mischief, was not afraid of the weather and the ground at ordinary times. When I asked, it turned out that Yuan Chenlong tripped at the beginning and wasted several seconds. Later, he only jumped 66 times. It's really different from the usual practice!

When the results were announced, I was very happy. We won the first place by leaping side by side and the second place by leaping "8" word shuttle. It seems that other classes are worse than us. I look back and think about how great our previous hard practice was when it began to be useless, and how great a transcendence it was when we became proficient later! At first, even physical education teachers thought that it was more difficult to get a place than to ascend to the sky. Now they have won the first and second place in the competition, which is really a great leap forward.

No pains, no gains. Success can be achieved as long as you work hard.

Composition of Long Rope Competition (8)

This afternoon we are going to hold the annual three jump competition - long rope jump. I can't help shivering when I think of it. I should be too excited! I think. The match began amid loud talk.

First, my younger brothers and sisters in the first two or three years of age jumped. Suddenly, the crowd burst out with earth shaking cheers, and some students were watching with interest. I was sitting in the chair "keeping my eyes closed", but these noises made me unable to rest quietly, so I had to sleep with my ears closed. After a long wait, it was finally our turn. When I heard the words "assemble", my eyes opened roundly. I just heard the sound of "bang", and the students quickly jumped out of their seats and lined up in a neat line. Everyone's face showed a tense look. I was immediately affected by the atmosphere, and I could not help shaking again. First, I had one minute of preparation time. At this time, my nervousness and anxiety had reached the peak. During the practice, some students were always dead, which greatly reduced my confidence in winning the prize. We walked onto the field one after another, waiting for the whistle.

The whistle whistled, and the rope began to fly, drawing beautiful arcs in the sky. As soon as the rope flew up, the students in the first row buried their heads in the dancing rope. "Da Da Da Da......" The rope hit the place with a clear sound, forming a beautiful song, cheering for the students. The students rushed into the rope one after another, like a jumping spring, flashing through the rope nets. The flash of many people together, like invisible wind. Jumping and jumping, I feel the time is getting slower and slower. Now I have to jump hard to keep the rope alive. By this time, we were all red faced and gasping for breath. Xiao Hu's face was as red as an apple, and he was opening his mouth for breath. The rope gradually slowed down and the game was over. I really hope that we can win the prize, which will not waste our efforts. When the referee announced our second place, the sound of "yeah" was very loud and deafening, and every face was filled with joy. I forgot that this was a public place, and I was also very surprised. How could I just hit the second place?

This triple jump competition surprised me, but it took us a lot of energy. I especially hope to win the prize next time!

Composition of Long Rope Competition (9)

For several days in a row, the playground in the morning was full of our laughter. Originally, we are jumping long rope!

This week we are going to have a class long rope jump competition, and everyone is practicing hard.

This is a collective event. There are 10 men and 10 women participating in the competition (excluding rope swing players). Fortunately, I was chosen by Mr. Zhou in the second round of screening as a person who had no chance to compete in sports! I feel very proud and excited! What a rare opportunity! So I jumped up harder. At home, when I had the chance, I would bring my parents and Cao Wenjie to practice together.

At school, we often take time to train. Like a group of small fish, we ran flexibly into the long rope, jumped quickly and ran out immediately. This kind of sport tests everyone's courage and sense of rhythm. My shortcoming is that I am slow to "escape", so I was "trained" by the physical education teacher. These days, the weather is abnormal. It can be said that it is scorching at noon, but we still practice hard, hoping that our class can have a good result in the game.

On March 21, the competition officially started! We try our best to run and jump. Alas, it's OK to break one, and then jump The tense three minutes passed quickly, and the result of our class was 175! Second place in the third grade group! We exult!

The long rope jumping competition let me know how important team spirit is! (Written on March 25)

Attached to teacher Zhou's comments in his weekly diary: Yanyan has been ill for several days for this competition!

Composition of Long Rope Competition (10)

Just the other day, on December 30, our school held a "New Year, rope skipping competition". Grade 1~2 is a one minute short rope competition, while grade 3~6 is a long rope jump competition. Each class is required to send 40 students to participate. I was selected miraculously. Therefore, I practiced more diligently, and was afraid of something wrong, so I left the class behind.

On the day of the competition, the students were excited and nervous. After all, this was the first time to participate in the competition, which was related to the collective honor. At this critical moment, our head teacher, Mr. Tao, said, "Don't be nervous. Let's do that. I announced that if we can jump 200 long ropes in total, then..." Mr. Tao sold the key, "no Chinese homework will be assigned!" "Yeah!" As soon as Mr. Tao's voice dropped, the deafening cheers of the students rang out, In a short while, it was afternoon. The students and teachers of grades 3 to 6 gathered on the playground. Looking back, the students in our class were all eager to try. When the whistle sounded, hundreds of long ropes were flying up and down, and the students were all working hard······

"End!" The happy long rope jump competition ended in the referee's order. Look! The students were close together and seemed to be sharing the joy of harvest. When they returned to the classroom, the PE teacher came up to us and said: Congratulations! You won the first place in the whole grade! " "Yeah!" Teacher Tao smiled sweetly in the face of the cheers of the students, while my eyes were covered with tears somehow······

Composition of Long Rope Competition (11)

The eleventh sports meeting of the Fourth Primary School started. The sports meeting was held on the school playground. On Wednesday morning, the first project --- long rope jumping started.

The rules of long rope jumping: 1. You can only jump for 2 minutes. When the time comes, stop immediately; 2. Six men and six women each will participate in the competition.

There are 6 students in this competition, including me, Mou Hao, Li Yanxi, Wu Yuyao and Du Xianyu. "Pa", the game began, the team members were very nervous, one person jumped, and the people behind immediately followed. "Ah --" I fell to the ground after a scream, but I immediately got up and regretted that I should not fall. There was only one minute left, and Teacher Zhang was in a hurry to command us: "Come on, time is coming, you jump first, you jump again......" Teacher Zhang was very nervous, and we were very nervous, and parents kept shouting: "Come on! Come on! "

This competition made me understand that unity comes first and competition comes second.

Composition of Long Rope Competition (12)

"Come on! Come on! Come on!" Cheers came from the runway. We were comparing the long ropes.

After the referee started, the first student bent down and entered the long rope, and she jumped out with a gentle jump. We just started well. Later, I didn't know whether we were worried or tired. One student's foot touched the middle of the rope, and the rope suddenly rose to a strange extent. It was extremely urgent! One of the students behind the broken. A dog fell and ate mud. The tooth also bled! We are afraid of being like her, so we have no motivation at all! Jump two or three times and it will break once. We are so worried that we are pounding, as if we were beating a retreat drum!

My feet were as heavy as lead, and my eyes were dazed; Ah - I'm really not in the mood to jump any more!

Suddenly, I heard a familiar voice. By the way, it was our class! Our class is working hard to cheer us on. We are in good spirits again. The quitting drum in our heart just now disappears. We jumped with all our might.

I think the long rope is no longer scary. The sound of the long rope falling on the ground seems to beat us! I don't regard the long rope as an enemy anymore. I think everything should be on the bright side. In this way, everything will turn into a good thing!

Ding Ding Ding, the bell rings! Because of us, because of those who cheer us on, we won the first place.

Composition of Long Rope Competition (13)

Long Rope Jumping Competition On December 19, XX, Qing heard that the school held the annual long rope jumping competition on New Year's Eve. Our whole class was excited. We prepared carefully and hoped to get a good result. It just snowed in Hangzhou yesterday, and the sun seemed to have been washed by water. The earth was shining brightly. In today's physical education class, the teacher asked everyone to practice the long rope jump competition. But today, I don't know what happened. My feet always don't listen to me. The practice is good and bad, and I can't escape from the beginning of the timing. I'm sweating all over my head. "Ding" arrived for three minutes, and the time was always counted. When the physical education teacher told us that we only jumped 100 times, I thought to myself that even the students in grade 3 could achieve such results, let alone compare with the same grade. The teacher was also worried. He said to us: "There is no secret to jump long rope. In addition to cooperation, it is hard training. You can compete with the same grade as long as you reach 160 in 3 minutes.". The students nodded after listening, and then they had a nervous exercise again. Although the effect of our practice today is not very ideal, we firmly believe that as long as we work together and practice hard, we will be able to achieve good results. But I think that the focus of any activity is on participation. As long as you are willing to pay, there will be gains. What do you think, teacher?

Composition of Long Rope Competition (14)

On May 26, we held a fierce long rope competition on campus. For this competition, the students made a lot of efforts: although it was not a hot summer, the sun in May was very poisonous. After training every day, everyone was sweating and blushing, but it was still very hard training every day.

Finally, in the fifth grade, we were very nervous and covered our chest. At this time, Miss Yu's words gave me great strength: children, go on the stage easily, show the best state, the most joyful mood, self-confidence is half of success. I firmly believe that we can create miracles today.

It was our turn to play. We were very excited. We immediately lined up and calmed down. "Ready" We jumped up with the command of the students who threw the rope, "...... 100101...... 152, broke the record, come on, more than 200 times, come on!" With the cries of the students, we were very excited, and the rope flew past our feet again and again. "It was great to jump 175 times." We cheered loudly, regardless of fatigue. "It was great!" The students said in succession, "There is hope for the first place."

Today's game has made us very happy, and it is also that we understand the profound meaning of "unity is strength".

Comments of famous teachers:

Before describing the competition, you recalled the students' intentions in training and the encouragement given by the teachers on the competition field, which foreshadowed the success of the following competition and enhanced the readability of the article. During the game, the fighting spirit between you and your teammates is more infectious to every reader. If you can write about the competition situation of other players on the field at this time, the whole game will become more intense.

Composition of Long Rope Competition (15)

When it was time to start, we girls quickly lined up. Old Master Deng shouted, "Ready...! Start!" Suddenly, two students who shook the rope tried to shake it up, and we couldn't lose face to them. We ran, one by one, and it would be me soon. I kept thinking, "You should jump forward, you can't jump back." I made a small run-up and rushed into the rope, Quickly raise our right foot, jump hard, jump over, fly out of the long rope, and the students behind are unwilling to lag behind. We just jump one by one. At this time, a minute has passed. Suddenly, we are exhausted, and the speed has slowed down, and the rhythm has changed. At this time, Mr. Tan shouted: "Pay attention to the rhythm, hold on, adhere to, and don't panic!" Gradually, The students found the feeling again and jumped over rhythmically.

"The last minute is left!" Everyone flew over like a runaway wild horse. Some jumped over with a gentle leap, while some struggled to let themselves jump over. The PE teacher began to tell the time: "Ten, nine, eight, seven, the last ten seconds!" The boys also began to cheer us on, afraid that we would break the rope, and I played better and better. The last time was up. The rope rocking man threw the rope to the ground and fell down. We gasped for breath and were all sweaty!

At last, the teacher announced the results. We girls won the first place, and our efforts will always pay off. This is the reward for us!

Composition of Long Rope Competition (16)

When the composition class was held on Saturday, the teacher's face was full of happiness. We had a fun and exciting game, that is, jumping long rope! The teacher announced in a euphemistic and clear voice; We are going to jump the long rope. Now let me announce the rules. We have to choose two students to meet other students. One by one, we have to jump over them. Understand? The students rubbed their fists one by one, eager to try, and wanted to show their skills downstairs immediately.

The two students who threw the rope drew a semicircle with their hands. The teacher's petite body rushed in with the rhythm of the dance rope, and the students behind rushed in one by one. Some of us looked solemn, thinking about how to jump in. Some people jumped in like dragonflies skimming the water. How awesome! I, who was afraid of jumping the long rope, was filled with envy and jealousy! It's my turn. My heart is beating like a deer hitting my chest. I rushed over desperately. Unfortunately, I was hit in the head and cried out in pain. Some of the students behind were hit with their hands and fell to the ground, almost knocking down the students who threw ropes. Some people were unlucky to be shot in the neck, so they had to cover their necks. How could this scene not make people laugh? After class, we left the playground reluctantly. On the way, we were chatting happily about the interesting things that had just happened.

This event made me understand that people's ability is based on practice. 'As long as the kung fu is deep, iron bars are ground into needles' is really true!

Composition of Long Rope Competition (17)

I used to jump long rope in the Popularization Team, but there was a classmate of the Elite Team who was on sick leave, so the head teacher asked me to take the place of the classmate who was on sick leave to meet the challenge of the other side. The first time I participated in the elite team's long rope training, I was extremely nervous. The elite team's speed was very fast, and it was my turn to jump every five or six seconds. I was afraid that I would break and drag the students back. Jumping and jumping, I didn't break, and I began to be very proud. Although we were breathless when we jumped, we still kept on running, neither thirsty nor tired.

In the afternoon, the game was about to start. We put our hands on the shoulders of the people in front of us, and looked closely at the long rope. The students who were swinging the rope also looked closely at the stopwatch on the PE teacher's hand, holding the long rope tightly with a very serious expression. "Start!" The shout rolled out of the teacher's throat. The first student clenched his teeth and ran out of the long rope. Then, the second and third came out of the long rope. "Come on! Come on!" The students of the popularization team cheered us off the stage. The match ended with the cries of the audience.

Class 302 runner up, 236! Hearing the news on the radio, the students turned into a ripe apple face with a bright smile on it! Everyone congratulated and cheered each other. The teachers were also full of praise and gave us thumbs up.

It's fun to jump long rope.

Composition of Long Rope Competition (18)

Interesting composition of long rope competition

"Pa, pa, pa." We are having a rope skipping match here. Now it's Class 1, Grade 4, competing with Class 2, Grade 4. It's our turn to play soon. All the players are in high spirits.

After the lesson of last year, we all worked hard to practice, jumping more and more every time, and many students insisted on practicing even when their feet were sprained. "Now please prepare for Class 1 and Class 2, Grade 5," Shen shouted. The members of our class entered slowly. "Take your positions and get ready to start." Teacher Shen shouted, "Pa, pa, pa." The rope swung up. Some members of our class went down the mountain like tigers, some went across the river like dragons, and some flew over like light swallows. "95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100." The teacher counted patiently, and the rope broke with a snap. One student accidentally stepped on the rope after jumping, which made the students behind fall down together. Time passed by minute by minute. I don't know how long it was before Miss Shen suddenly shouted "Stop". We were all shocked. I don't know how many jumps our class made. We all gathered around Miss Shen to see what was going on. "396 for Class 1, 425 for Class 2, 333 for Class 3, and 385 for Class 4." Class 2 is the first and Class 1 is the second. Different expressions immediately appeared on the playground; Some are ecstatic, some are depressed, and some are excited. Several sentimental girls in Class 3 still cried bitterly!

This year, we finally won the second place. Next year, we must surpass Class 2 and win the first place. It's really an interesting long rope race.