About my junior high school composition (16 recommended)
Free and easy life
2024-06-12 08:43:41
junior middle school

About my composition for junior high school (1)

I am playing when others are doing homework, I am still playing when others are playing, and I am rushing to hurry up when others are handing in homework; Others get up quickly, wash, and do morning exercises after the wake up bell rings. I still have a dream in my bed; Others are sweating like rain on the playground, while I am staring at the sky in the classroom in a daze... Many times, I am lazy until the last second, and I have to finish what I should do. Why am I so lazy!

In fact, I have had this bad problem - laziness since primary school, but my schoolwork in primary school is still relatively simple. In addition, I am still serious in class and some smart people. Along the way, my grades are also good. My laziness has been covered up by seemingly good grades, and I have never noticed it, let alone corrected it. When I entered junior high school, the learning task gradually increased, the knowledge points increased, the workload increased, the teacher's requirements became more strict, and the rest time was less. However, I let "laziness" grow madly in my heart, and the homework could be delayed as long as I could. I had to remember that the texts, words, and poems that I had to memorize were basically delayed to the last second before I could finish them carelessly; Error sets, notebooks, it has always ignored me, I ignore it; I never want to have close contact with them at sports meetings and art festivals... Sometimes I am too lazy to eat. In this way, I am always lazy to accompany me and get along with me day and night. The time of the fourth day of the first day of the fourth lunar year is also consumed by "laziness", and my grades have plummeted. The teacher has invited me to the office to "talk" countless times; At the weekend, my parents' endless "communication" made me miserable and confident. This vicious circle will make me lose myself.

The teacher's repeated heart to heart talks and persuasion have made me make up my mind once and again, build up self-confidence, and resolutely break away from laziness; My parents' painstaking words and careful care made me ashamed and tried to drive away "laziness". But "laziness" is a bad habit formed for a long time. It is not easy to eradicate it from the heart. If you are strong, it will be weak, and if you are weak, it will be strong. Only long-term perseverance can defeat him completely. The help of teachers and the care of parents have given me the courage to overcome "laziness", so that I have confidence to get rid of this bad habit, work hard, be down-to-earth and make continuous progress in learning; Be diligent, sunny and energetic in life.

Grandma often said: "Diligence, food and vegetables; laziness, hunger and cold". The truth is the same in everything!

About my composition for junior high school (2)

The network world is an illusory world, a strange world. There are men and women in the network world, and there are you, me and him. Because there are no constraints in real life, we can enjoy our imagination and play freely in this world.

The good thing about the online world is that it provides a place for people to relieve pressure, a place to watch the world, and it is bad because it makes people indulge in a self intoxicated world. I lost myself. I don't want to judge its good or bad with my own subjective consciousness. Everyone has different requirements for himself. There must be a yardstick to measure it. The key is to see how to master this yardstick, my friend. What do you think?

Modern people have a fast pace of life. The pressure from all aspects makes people breathless. The monotonous life and boring work make people feel bored. The Internet world has become the best place to relax. The small screen provides unlimited space. Friends from all over the world can gather here to talk about their dreams and future. There are no strange friends here, There is a feeling of big family, but there are still some friends who are not pure enough to try to subvert this harmonious atmosphere. People are strange. They know that they have to jump into a fire pit, and they know that they have to go back. This is obsession.

Anyway, everyone has his own way of life. In short, I would like to thank the Internet. I have met many good friends here and brought me happiness. They always send me greetings in time when I am in pain, which makes me feel an unexpected move. I hope that this move can continue in the future life, which is not greedy.

About my composition in junior high school (3)

Three years of junior high school, a long poem, but now it is coming to an end; I always feel that graduation is far away, and now I will turn the page.

Youth is like a poem, full of youthful frivolity. As a seventh grader, I was reckless, and I didn't know where to go. Walking on the road of life, I try my best to open my eyes and see everything in teachers, classmates and campus. I chanted, "Are we Penghao people?" I fought with Chen's secret scroll in those years, but was beaten all over. There are still "straying into the depths of lotus flowers, striving for crossing, striving for crossing", but they have not found a way. Looking at the Yellow River blocked by ice and the Taihang Mountains covered with snow, I am immersed in it and can no longer recite the heroic words "I am born with talent and will be useful". Alas, it's too dangerous to go to school. It's too difficult to go to the sky. Facing the single wooden bridge where thousands of troops walk, I flinch.

The eighth grade, less childish childhood. In the summer vacation after the seventh grade, I chanted "When the wind breaks the waves" again, and then went out to participate in the Chinese character dictation contest. Fight with the test paper jun. With unremitting efforts, roll the test paper jun into powder and sprinkle it to the sky. In life, it is inevitable to encounter setbacks. Others "often have bad things, but can be no different from the speaker". But I often feel unhappy, but I talk about people in twenty or thirty. My heart is full of melancholy, who should I talk to? However, he accelerated his growth due to suffering, and tried to explore the edge of the rules with his unskilled tongue and sincere attitude. Soon, he returned to "Chang'an", near the blackboard, and accompanied by the platform. After the baptism of the poetry conference and the flight on the playground, I aroused a wave.

In the ninth grade, I grew up under the carving of the soprano lady, Xia Fuzi's suppression, Zhou's encouragement, Dahe's sugary shells, Xiaohe's funny jokes, Guimei's "how, what, why", and Chunmei's bludgeoning principle. Use knowledge to forge armor, laugh up and go out. Tonight, with the warm air of spring and the new green window screen of insects, more than 60 students in the class have thrived under the cultivation of teachers in various subjects. Looking at the sky, clouds and shadows, and stepping on the stars, the students "all want to be relaxed, strong and fly, and want to go to the sky and catch the moon".

The Shengge of the senior high school entrance examination has been played, "starting in the morning to levy the Tudor, visitors will mourn for their hometown; the sound of chickens will be heard in Maodian and the moon will be heard, and the traces of people will be frosted on the bridge". I tried hard to run, trying to catch the tail of time, in order to stay with teachers and students longer, but also in vain. In forty days, I would like to sharpen my sharp blade and chant "Go into the Jiao Palace, look up to the sky and breathe into a white rainbow". I would like to fight against the high school entrance exam, draw a complete end to the three-year junior high school, and seal up this wonderful time.

My poetic junior high school life will end in July, but it will eventually be a beautiful color, coloring my life.

About my composition for junior high school (4)

Ten years, in the dusty years of life, is just a tiny number. However, in the rush of green years, what will you look like ten years later? And how many decades does life have?

Dream seeking, a dream buried in my heart and never revealed to anyone, has been, has been, has been in my heart like an unfinished dream. Now, I continue to dream that I can find my own place in quiet time. I am like a child trying to catch the brightest star in his heart under the starry sky, looking up at the starry sky all the time. Sometimes I'm silly, sometimes I'm dull, but most of the time I'm depressed.

What kind of feelings do we have in different spaces and at different times? Because of our dreams, we all have a way to go, a road full of thorns and frustrations, which is also a different road, a road to explore in the dark. Darkness is the fear in our hearts before dawn, just as we are afraid of dreams that are unreachable. We are afraid that they will be swallowed up little by little in the process of years. Because we are afraid of losing, we are afraid. Because we are striving, we are confused. Because time flies, we are in a trance.

Last night, a gust of wind blew into my heart. When I opened the window, I saw the neon flashing outside the window, the busy traffic and the noisy market. At this time, I found that the crowd was busy, and only myself was the most quiet, and the quiet was a little scary. Maybe the leisurely and quiet observation of the world said something lofty, but it was really a yearning in my heart. No matter whether you are afraid of the future or confused, the pointer in your life will not change direction because of these. Although there are too many temptations in the world outside the window, it is the habitat that most people have to choose after they can not get a quiet life. There are also many people crying voices buried in the noise, without a little tremor, disappeared and disappeared.

What would you like to say to yourself ten years later?

What I want to say is: did you struggle ten years ago?

What I want to say is: ten years ago, were you afraid?

What I want to say is: Ten years, is this a tiny number on the road of life?

There may be too many surprises, too many unknowns, too many deceits and lies. However, the growth rings of the years will rotate round and round, and one day they will wither until they disappear.

About my composition for junior high school (5)

"Dida Dida......" Time flies and the year 20xx comes.

"Hey, the guy in front." "Who is calling me?" I looked back. "How are you, kid? Let's go and take you to the company's cocktail party". It is my immediate boss who is talking to me. "I, who just went to work, are interns eligible to participate?" Yes, of course.

I forgot to introduce myself. I am a "reporter", a "reporter" who specializes in sneaking pictures. "Yes, also called" paparazzi. "I have been to many places. Egypt, the United States, Japan—— Of course, all in dreams. As for me, my ideal is to become a journalist and become a "paparazzi". We eat by exposing others' privacy all day long. Just last week, I just graduated, and today is a good opportunity for me to become a full-time reporter.

In recent days, it has snowed more and more heavily. The submitted content cannot be found. I heard from some seniors that today, our company is going to have an international "paparazzi". Oh no, it's a big reporter. I heard that the dead can be said to survive by him. He is "Ma Jing." Qian Jun asked me to show her. Let me flatter her. Ask for some benefits. I silently read in my heart: "I'm a flatterer, I'm a flatterer..." As a result, I walked up to her and said, "Hello, I'm a flatterer", which made the onlookers laugh. But she didn't smile and said, "Don't be nervous. Come on, let's talk." We talked for a long time. I told her my hard working life, and she also told me many secrets of her success. It is to feel the beauty of the world with heart.

The requirement of becoming a full member is to write a report. I recorded my conversation with Ma Jing. Contributed. Add a sentence at the end: "Tomorrow will be more exciting."

In this way, I succeeded in becoming a full member and became a genuine journalist.

This is me in 20xx.

About My Junior High School Composition (6)

I grew up! I am no longer the babbling baby when I was a child. I am no longer the child who depended on my parents for everything. I am no longer the crying baby when I was a child. I am a pupil in Grade 5!

My parents spoiled me and thought I was still young. But I want to tell you: I have grown up!

One day, my mother went to work in a hurry and forgot to wash the dishes. As soon as I saw it, it was time for my parents to know that I was not a child. So I came to the kitchen and was about to start washing dishes. Suddenly, I remembered that my mother said that detergent would hurt my skin. I quickly found my mother's rubber gloves. After wearing them, I learned to wash dishes from my mother. First, wet the rag with water and squeeze the detergent. I washed it and sang, "Scrub! Scrub! Scrub! Oh! Scrub..." After a while, I washed many dishes and felt great achievement! I am so happy.

After the dishes are washed, I look left and right. I think the floor is dirty! So I picked up the broom and swept the floor. If you want to talk about my "sweeping skills", that's not Gaide. My "Kung Fu" that I learned in school should also be "displayed"! hey!

When I finished sweeping the floor, my arm was a bit sore. I wanted to have a rest on the bed, but the ground was always sticky on the road. I looked down and saw that it was the juice I spilled yesterday. I quickly picked up the mop and dragged the floor. I was so tired that I threw myself on the bed and had a good sleep.

When my mother came back, she was shocked and muttered, "Is it the wrong door?" When I came out, my mother asked me, "Yueyue, is it your father who has come back to clean?" I was a little angry and said, "Hey, my father is on business, how did he come back?" My mother asked again, "Who did that?" I wanted to cry a little and muttered, "Who else could there be? Far in the sky, near in front of you! " Unexpectedly, my mother heard me and said happily, "My Yueyue has grown up!"

Yeah! I grew up! I'm not a child anymore!

About My Junior High School Composition (7)

There is such a pair of eyes beside me, which, though insipid, gives me sunshine like warmth. Although serious, it gave me endless love. Although rigorous and cruel, it gave me the direction of progress. I learned a lot about life. These are my father's eyes.

I like my father's eyes! Dad's eyes are very bright, a pair of big black eyes. Those eyes are bright and deep!

Once, the school had a long May Day holiday. I've been playing crazy for three days! But who would have thought that I overslept on the first day of school. I'm afraid I'm late! My heart is very tangled. It must be too late for me to walk to school now. What should I do? oh By the way, there's nothing to worry about. My father is nothing to be afraid of. I am secretly glad that my father can drive me to school! My suspended heart fell to the ground slightly. I quickly ran to the door of my father's room and knocked hard like a drum. The door finally opened, and hope also came to me. But... Dad rubbed his sleepy eyes and blinked and blinked at me. I could see that he was tired and sleepy. I whispered and said eagerly, "Dad, hurry up, send me to school, I'm going to be late!" Dad looked at me reluctantly, and I was crying. He said to me, "You can take a taxi by yourself. Dad will give you money. Dad is tired. Get your schoolbag and go!" My mind went blank when I heard that. Without getting angry, she said loudly, "Dad, I'm too late." Her mother said in a low, confused voice, "Kexin, your father came back this morning. He was busy in the company yesterday.". I didn't say anything again. I picked up my schoolbag and ran angrily. As I ran, I thought to myself, "Why, my father doesn't help me, and I'm not worried that I will be quarreled by my teacher..."

At noon, I came home angrily, happy and angry. I'm glad I wasn't late. But I'm not happy. Dad won't help me! Dad seemed to be very tired, sitting on the sofa watching TV, as if nothing had happened in the morning, "calmly" dripping with the TV, I returned to the room to change clothes, out of the habit of sitting next to Dad to rest. My father asked seriously, "Kexin, didn't you arrive late this morning?" I nodded indifferently, but my heart murmured, "I didn't trust you.". I'm really upset. Dad won't help me.

Two minutes later, my father asked me, "Kexin, what would you like to eat tonight? Dad is at home with you today, let's talk." I said casually, "Whatever!" But I had no hope to look at my father. My father's eyes were twinkling with kindness. I, I, I am soft hearted. I was stunned for a moment. Oh, forget it. My father gets up early and goes to bed every day. It's so hard. I felt sad. I smiled at my father and said mischievously, "I don't want it. I want to eat sour and hot potato shreds! Ha ha, aren't you demanding too much, Dad?" My father laughed and said, "Ha ha, you can only make a living at this point. You are too good to keep, aren't you?" Ha ha, Our father and daughter burst into laughter! I vaguely saw tears in my father's eyes and said to him, "Dad, I love you!"

When I came home in the evening, a table of good food was waiting for me. Our family ate and laughed in harmony. It turned out that my father didn't send me this morning on purpose to train me and test me. He also told me that he told me with his eyes this morning, and asked me to find my own way. Hehe, how cunning!

I like such a father. I like a serious father. I like a "sly" father. I like the intelligence that my father can teach me things with his eyes. I like my father's eyes. A pair of eyes full of wisdom, sunshine and love! This is Dad's eyes, I like Dad's eyes!

About My Junior High School Composition (8)

Last summer vacation, I went to Beijing alone, not for traveling or visiting

I have a friend in Beijing. She is my age and also a girl. But she has been able to support herself in other places. And me? Like a domestic cat, I can receive the treatment of a princess at home. What will I look like when I am out of town? I think about it. I'd rather go out and have a look than imagine it at home.

At first I told my mother my idea, but she didn't agree with me, but finally she agreed.

The next day I began to get busy. On the day I left, my mother told me this and reminded me that. The train started... I cried as I watched my mother wave to me.

The train took me to Beijing 24 hours later, and I was relieved to see my friend pick me up. Since I started from the exit of the railway station, I was unconsciously afraid of this strange environment. There are so many 'high-rise buildings, so many luxury cars... Walking on the overpass, I realized that the "sea of people" is used to describe this. I went to my friend's house, which was far from what I expected. It is more like a factory warehouse than a dormitory. Xiaomei (my friend's name) looked at me and said, "I'm sorry Yingying, such an environment..." "It doesn't matter! I don't have a relative here. I temporarily approve you to be my relative ha ha... Thank you! Thanks to you and your sister, I have a house to live in..." I said half jokingly.

... I have lived here for 3 days, and everything is not as good as I thought. The people here are not as friendly as they are on TV, and the things here are also very expensive. In addition, Xiaomei and her sister have to work, so they leave me alone at home during the day. My former "three meals a day" has become "one meal a day".

This kind of day is too boring. I also need to find a job. I went to many homes, such as the bar counter, the translator, the secretary... It was my first time to work early, and it was also my first time to meet such a complex crowd.

I call my mother here almost every day to report what I have seen, seen and contacted. Sometimes, I cry and complain... No wonder people say that "born in bliss, I don't know happiness". After arriving in Beijing, I have mixed feelings. I see that the outside world is not as simple as I thought, My world used to be like a small nest... My self-confidence was almost buried. Just then I got the notice. I was applied for a job. It's a bar in a beauty salon. I relaxed a lot, and couldn't help getting complacent. I will be a "professional woman" from tomorrow. My mother always said that I had no patience when I was young. This time, I don't know how long I can hold on, but I will try hard, try hard, and try again

I went to work. This is a Korean beauty salon. Although we are Korean, we are not Korean. The language barrier has turned me into a "working girl" who always likes to talk and laugh. At ordinary times, you can't wear casual shoes, only high-heeled shoes, not casual clothes, only formal clothes, clothes should be changed every day. There are too many rules here! I learned from the conversation of "colleagues". Some people here are my age, even one or two years younger than me. I was thinking: compared with them, I am terrible! I will just wander around the house, do some work and ask my mother for something. Usually I only spend my family's money, but what about them I have secretly made up my mind that no matter how many rules you have here, no matter how difficult your language is with me, I will stick to it. Come on, An Yingying!

In a twinkling of an eye, a month has passed. I have met many people here and received many help.

This is the first "adventure" in my life. There are many firsts, the first time I left my mother, the first time I came to a strange place alone, the first time I looked for a job, the first time I got paid... The most important thing is that for the first time I saw myself so carefully:

... I used the money I earned to buy gifts for my relatives and friends, which my mother used to give me. But this time it's different

When I came back, I summarized what had happened to me for more than a month in the train, and finally I smiled!

I remember someone said: "As long as you can laugh, you are still a winner"

When the train arrived, I cried again when I saw my mother. It is also a kind of "mixed feelings". I'm going to tell her tonight what happened there. I will tell her that I have grown up. It's strange to go home by taxi! The place where I have lived for 18 years has suddenly become so small

Tagore said: "You should jump into your strange and unknown destiny at all costs, and then conquer it completely with David's bravery, no matter how many difficulties challenge you."

[Extended Reading]

Growth is a long process

Growing up is a long process. When we were young, we always wanted to grow up quickly and felt that we could do what we liked when we grew up.

But when I grow up, I will miss my childhood. It's such a carefree life.

Time has passed, we can not change, only change now.

Life gives us both hardship and happiness.

Growth is a long process. Only by living our life well can we not regret the mistakes of yesterday. One is not afraid of making mistakes, is unwilling to accept mistakes, and dare not face reality. Only when we admit our mistakes can we accept ourselves and change ourselves.

Maybe we can't change anything, but we can change ourselves and change our mentality.

Don't try to change others, we can only change ourselves.

The hardships in growing up are what we must experience in life, a transformation of life, and a magnificent turn.

Only when we grow and change slowly can we learn to face difficulties, dare to challenge, face the future and smile.

About My Junior High School Composition (9)

I like your dark eyes. You are silent, you are unknown, you stand aloof from the world. You like to shrink in the corner, and you are indifferent to the students in front of you chattering about boring homely topics, who likes whom.

You write for yourself. You dare to express everything in your heart with pen and paper. Unlike me, you can only think for yourself.

I love your style of writing, plain and sad style, dark words, but with a touch of touch and brilliance.

Your paintings don't talk about proportion or composition, but they can convey your most sincere feelings to me.

I read the letter you wrote me. The sky blue envelope, the bright yellow letter paper and the black writing board are all in order. You said that this is the best match.

You ask me, do I still love painting; You ask me, do you still love blue; You ask me, am I still depressed?

——Dare not answer.

I remember that you were dead at that time, but you still had a deep love for beautiful things.

I try to interpret you from my memory, your articles and your pictures, but it's too hard for you to guess

——Because you are me, you can't see through yourself.

The only person who understands you is Sister Bell. Yes, only her.

She knows how to comfort you and how to protect you.

The little person in my memory, please let me see your eyes again.

About My Junior High School Composition (10)

In that beautiful summer, I saw a sunny and lovely boy on TV. I saw the most beautiful boy in the audience. I couldn't help promoting him. He was my idol Junyu, whom I loved at first sight

Although he is in "Happy Boys" It's only the ninth place in the country, but it's not bad. He is the youngest one, and perhaps the least experienced one. But he has made it to the top 12 with his own efforts. In our hearts, he has won completely. It doesn't need to compete any more. It doesn't matter whether you win or lose. It's OK as long as you try your best. At this point, we are worthy of learning. We should have the spirit of perseverance

It's reassuring to watch him grow up and grow up slowly. I don't know how to grow up. Although I only have one song to sing now, it doesn't matter. As long as I work hard, I will get good results

Wu Junyu, who can only make people happy in the sun, has a bright and innocent smile. We like it very much. Everyone likes flowers when they see flowers. The goldfish will also call you the pride of the post-90s generation. The pride of our goldfish will always guard you. The angels around you will always be left. If you think the writing is not good, please give your comments. I'm afraid that your comments are precious. Thank you!

About My Junior High School Composition (11)

Mother love and father love are totally different. Motherly love gives us confidence and motivation; Father's love makes us realize our own shortcomings and let us sum up and improve ourselves. These two love expressions are different, but love is always their starting point.

When I was young, when I learned to walk, my father just looked at me from afar. I fell down and had to get up by myself. The father's face was still expressionless and motionless. When I was just in primary school, my father didn't let my family pick me up from school. Other children are nestled in the arms of their parents, while I can only stay in the corner quietly and taste the taste of loneliness alone. From childhood, I thought my father didn't love me, and even wondered whether I was born to them. However, last year, I realized that I was wrong.

After school that day, when I was almost at the door of my house, suddenly a bicycle came running and hit me, an absent-minded person. I immediately fell to the ground, just as my classmate Xiao Yin was beside me. "Xiao Zhuo, your... left arm... is bleeding!" Hearing Xiao Yin say so, I moved my left arm gently, ah, it really hurts. The owner of that bicycle has fled! Xiao Yin ran to my house to call my father. When my father came in a hurry and looked at me, he looked unconcerned and said, "This is just a small matter. Just go and bandage it. I have something else to do. Let's go first!". After my father said that, my heart suddenly cooled and my tears began to fall. Xiao Yin comforted me and said, "Don't do this, Xiao Zhuo. I bet you that my uncle will turn to look at you the moment he turns left and exits the alley, Father suddenly turned his head back slightly, gave me a soulful look, and walked away without looking back. In this short time, I deeply realized that father's love is deep and speechless! But why have I never found out for so many years.

What about maternal love? What is maternal love? My mother gave me too much love, which made my heart full. Take one thing for example.

My eyesight gradually declined, and my mother gave me three prohibitions: 1. Don't read while lying down. 2、 Don't play computer. 3、 Don't watch TV too close to it. Since the three prohibitions were issued, I still go my own way, and my mother nagged all day long. In my mother's tireless nagging, I listened quietly and felt full of happiness. Because there is all the love my mother gave me.

My growth, my life, sometimes really need a place to rest, and that place is the love given by my parents, love makes my life very full and wonderful. I love my parents! My parents love me!


About My Junior High School Composition (12)

Some people say that people's personalities are diverse, gentle, shy, kind... What is my personality like? In fact, I am not very clear.

When you see my name, you think I'm a quiet little girl. You are totally wrong. In fact, my primary school classmates nicknamed me "tomboy". I don't like playing with girls, because some girls are "prickly", and I don't like the games girls play. I like games that are dangerous and exciting, and have the same hobbies as boys, so there will be no conflict.

When I was young, I saw exciting games in the amusement park, which aroused my interest. But when I saw that I was not allowed to play until I was 1.40 meters away, I became desperate. My father is a brave man. In order not to make me sad, he decided to try. With the noisy screams, like a twisted machine, he stopped. Seeing my father and people's legs were weak and dizzy, I couldn't help but "feel happy". With the rapid growth of my body, I happily played the game without any side effects. My father not only gave me a thumbs up. Although I have a lot of courage, I am scared to death at the sight of bugs.

Once, I went to my grandma's house to play. My grandma's house was a bungalow in the suburb. I saw many caterpillars on the wall. Their bodies were covered with hair. They were green, just like catkins. When I saw this, my whole body trembled, and the goose bumps came out, and I quickly ran to an empty place.

Although I sometimes look like a boy, I am gentle, kind, tolerant and understanding, but I sometimes play a lady's temper.

Once, a classmate ran like the wind after class. I was walking. I accidentally ran over and knocked on a big bag. But I didn't blame him. I just said, "It's OK. Be careful next time." If a classmate fell or cried, I would help and persuade him. When my sister or brother encounters something unhappy, he will talk to me from the bottom of his heart, and I will persuade her to say something happy to him.

Once, I had an agreement with my mother to play together, but she repented. I threw all the books on the ground and said, "If you don't take me, I won't study hard!" Then I squatted down and put my hands on my waist. Mother saw this, put on her clothes, and agreed. I can't help smiling, showing two big white front teeth, and quickly put the book away. My mother pointed at my nose and said, "You child! You are so big, your face will change when you say it!" She shook her head helplessly. Then we went out to play.

I am such a person. I always have my own personality. But the teacher said that this was not good. I must change it in middle school. I met many students in junior high school. I was very happy. "When three people walk, there must be something I can teach. Choose the good and follow it, and change the bad."

About My Junior High School Composition (13)

The ancients said, "Old books are never tired of going back a hundred times. Read them carefully and think about themselves." Reading is like a hungry person jumping on bread. Knowledge is also like a spring under the sand and stone. The deeper you dig, the clearer the spring will be. And I am such a girl who is surrounded by wisps of scholarly fragrance.

Spring in the Book——

The drizzle of spring rain is so cool, slowly and gently washing my soul... I am fascinated by the book when I hold a book. Du Fu's "The spring breeze rises in the Jianghan Dynasty, and the frost was removed last night." Doesn't it exactly describe the power of the spring breeze? Looking closely at the willows beside the Golden Lake, he remembered the beautiful sentence of He Zhizhang: "I don't know who cut the fine leaves. The spring breeze in February is like scissors."

Or unintentionally, the willow branches and the spring breeze became inseparable partners, flying in the spring.

Summer in the Book——

The hot summer day has come with the blooming of the spotless silt of the lotus. The sun was shining in the sky, which made people irritable, so they walked into the room to escape the summer heat. Open the book again, and enjoy Zhao Shixiu's "Every family rains in the yellow plum season, and frogs are everywhere in the grass pond", and his mood will be calm. Read again Wang Anshi's "When the warm wind generates wheat gas on a sunny day, and the green and overcast grass outnumber the flowers", you will suddenly feel cheerful and no longer irritable.

Autumn in the Book——

In the golden autumn, when fruits and melons were fragrant, my parents and I came to grandma's house in the countryside. Looking around, the Yin Mountain and the Yang Mountain contain the joy of harvest, and the fruit trees and maple trees are flaming red. The farmers laughed heartily and tears of joy appeared in their eyes. At this time, I remembered Du Mu's "Mountain Walk": "Stop and sit in the maple forest at night, the frost leaves are redder than the flowers in February..."

Winter in the Book——

The cold wind is howling and piercing. I didn't want to do anything else, so I went into the warm quilt and picked up a book of poems to taste. Suddenly, my sister burst in and asked me to take her to the park to play in the cold weather. She said that all the plum blossoms were in bloom there! Yes, "The wind and rain send the spring home, and the snow greet the spring. It's already a hundred feet of ice on the cliff, and there are still beautiful flowers; pretty doesn't fight for spring, but only reports the spring. When the flowers are blooming, she smiles in the bushes..."

Read ten thousand volumes and write like a god. There is a gold house in the book, and there is a beauty like jade in the book

This is me, who likes to be accompanied by poems and friends with books every day. I am always surrounded by the fragrance of books!

About My Junior High School Composition (14)

There are many admirable people around us. He may be a mother who studies foreign languages hard in her spare time every day, or he may admire a little partner who practices calligraphy hard; Maybe I admire the cleaners who work silently without fear of cold and summer, and maybe I admire the uncles and aunts who are constantly striving for self-improvement... And I also admire the mother who appears in front of me in the rain.

Mother has a small curly hair, and under her big watery eyes there is a nose that is not sharp and flat. When she smiles, a pair of deep dimples roll up beside her cherry like mouth.

One day, after school, we were supposed to go home. Who knows, when we were ready to stand in the line to go home, a heavy rain came. The teacher asked us to stay in the classroom and write our compositions. If parents come to pick them up, go out. The teacher read them one by one outside, but often did not have my name. Suddenly, the teacher said "Zhang Xinzhu". I knew my father must have come to pick me up. Looking up, it was my mother. Mother got wet all over. I also hold an umbrella that I am not familiar with. I picked up my schoolbag and ran out. After asking, I understood that my mother had borrowed her umbrella from an acquaintance. I know that my mother must have been in a hurry to pick me up and didn't bring an umbrella. My mother and I were walking on the playground. When we went out, the rain fell on the ground and changed into a flood. Because the rain is getting heavier and heavier, it seems that it is "one foot" deep when it falls on the ground. I wear cloth shoes, so my mother has to hold me and walk over. Because she left the umbrella, my mother endured the pain of wind and rain to keep me from catching a cold at that time, and carried me home with difficulty... In a moment, my eyes were moist.

mom! At that moment, I was moved by you! You must wait for me to get a good result to repay you. You are the person I admire most!

About My Junior High School Composition (15)

Look, she has elegant long hair, handsome little face, fashionable clothes and pretty posture. When such a young girl appears in front of you, will there be a feeling that your eyes and ears are united? This is me ten years later. Now I am just a big pop star.

While I was standing on the balcony enjoying the warm sunshine in winter, a phone ringing broke the silence. It was my agent who informed me that a very famous entertainment program was going to invite me to be a guest.

On the day of the performance, as soon as I appeared, the audience heard a burst of warm applause and screams. With the sound of music, I sang a melodious song, followed by a burst of warm applause. I feel very happy.

After the performance, as soon as I appeared in the studio, a large crowd of audience came up and surrounded me. They all asked me to sign their names. As for me, of course, I was always ready to sign my name. People who have been signed have bright smiles on their faces, and I am surrounded by a sense of happiness.

As soon as I got home and was ready to have a rest, the phone rang in one after another. Most of them invited me to the concert. I was too busy to deal with it.

Whenever I walk on the streets of the city, there are always many people coming up to me from time to time to give me flowers and gifts, and some fans always express their worship and love for me in the form of letters.

How about that? Am I a good singer? Is it enviable? If you want to be worshipped like me, then from today on, work hard for your goal!

About My Junior High School Composition (16)

There was a man who was ten feet long, with a waist ten inches wide, a round face and big ears, a straight nose and square mouth, a whisker on his cheek, and a Buddhist staff weighing 62 kg. As fierce as fire for human nature, it is easy to fight against injustice. Guess which character is in the Water Margin? Yes, he is Lu Zhishen, a hero I admire most.

"Shout when you see the injustice, and when you need to do it, do it." This is a just you. Just because you met Jin Cuilian's father and daughter by chance, you can help them without hesitation. I believe that you must know that you are unprofitable when you save them; I believe you must know that saving her will offend Zhen Guanxi; I believe that you must know that fighting injustice will put you in a disadvantageous environment; But I believe that you would rather give up all interests and help the lonely father and daughter persistently.

When you kill Zhenguanxi with three punches, you are doomed to lose your life of adequate food and clothing; It is doomed that you will be forced to escape and hide in the future, and it is also doomed that you will start wandering around the world from now on. When I saw that you "can't escape from the road, but go everywhere for home. Hunger is no choice of food, cold is no choice of clothes, panic is no choice of road, poor is no choice of wife", my heart was very unhappy. Is this really worth it to you?

"When you kill, you must see the blood, and when you save others, you must be saved thoroughly." This is a man who values love and justice. You and Lin Chong became sworn brothers. When you heard the news of Lin Chong's murder, you went to the Boar Forest without saying a word and sent him to Cangzhou. If it weren't for your bravery, would there be Coach Lin today?

In my opinion, only you can say "righteousness" in the Jianghu!

"Wine and meat go through the intestines, and Buddha keeps it in his heart." This is a man who likes drinking and eating meat. Some people say you are a fake monk and a true Buddha. Yes, you love drinking. But as long as the heart turns to Buddha, what does it matter?

Although you are in a human life lawsuit because you killed Zhenguanxi with three fists; Although you were driven out of the temple because of a big disturbance on Mount Wutai; Although you make a scene in Taohua Village just to help a forced marriage woman; Although you pull down willows just to keep your ears clean. You are big and careful, strong and calm, straightforward and uninhibited.