Second grade composition scenery (16 collections)
Starlight on a moonlit night
2024-06-12 00:32:09
second grade
describe the scenery

Second grade composition scenery (1)

Primary School Scenery Second Grade Composition 1

My home is in Dongfeng Space City deep in the Gobi, and there is a beautiful Euphrates poplar forest by the weak river. Every autumn in October, my mother will take me to see this beautiful scenery.

Come to the South Ring Road and look from afar, wow! The whole Populus euphratica forest is like a large cake covered with butter, chocolate in the middle, and white coconut under the blue sky!

But when you walk into the Populus euphratica forest, you seem to see a magical world. The Populus euphratica trees here have different postures, some of them stand straight like soldiers; Some of them are like dancers, with beautiful shapes; Some two or three trees are close together, just like a happy family; There are dead poplar bent, like an old man; There are also a few small poplar trees growing in the reeds, just like children and I playing in the grass

Being in the Populus euphratica forest is like coming to a golden ocean. A few wisps of sunshine shot in from the crown of the tree, making the leaves more glittering. It seems that they are golden leaves growing on the money tree, which is very popular! When the breeze blew, the golden leaves were like butterflies dancing in the air. I picked up a leaf of Euphrates euphratica and put it in my palm to collect this beautiful autumn!

Before I left, I looked back at the Populus euphratica forest and sincerely sighed: Populus euphratica is beautiful in autumn and October!

Primary School Scenery Second Grade Composition 2

Spring is a beautiful season, and the campus in spring is also a colorful scene.

When you enter the campus, the first thing you see is the crisp pines and cypresses. They are like guards guarding the garden. The green lawn is full of vitality, as if there is a life beating on every grass. In the small garden, all kinds of flowers wake up and rush to open up. There are yellow, red and purple flowers. Our class is facing this small garden, and the fragrance comes in waves, refreshing.

The sound of reading in the campus, accompanied by waves of spring breeze, is intoxicating with the attractive fragrance of flowers. The small trees along the road are growing healthily in the sunshine. The spring wind caresses the flowers, and the flowers are so elated that they dance a gentle waltz - the song of spring wind. Father Sun blinked as if to ask, "Are you having a dance, children? Why don't you invite me to go.

Primary School Scenery Second Grade Composition 3

My hometown is in Lingxi. It is a beautiful and rich place, with a wide and long Hengyang River, eye-catching Park Mountain, and a beautiful waterscape park Among them, I like waterscape park best.

The Waterscape Park is located in the new city. It has a large lawn like a green blanket. The grass is so soft and green. It is a good place for children to play. Beside the lawn, there is my favorite fountain. With the beautiful music, streams of water burst through the tranquility of the night, and the small drops of water fell like rain It's a bit like the feeling of "big pearls and small pearls fall on the jade plate".

There is a long river in the middle of the waterscape park. The river is shining with bright sunlight, and the stones in the water are more like emerald. Beside the river, there is a curved path paved with cobblestones. On the path, rows of street lamps stand like guards guarding the waterscape park

This is the waterscape park in my hometown. Do you like it?

Primary School Scenery Second Grade Composition 4

Near March, the rain fell down again without stint, intermittently... I was sitting in a warm bus carriage, savoring the rain in Shaoxing through the window.

Although the rain was not heavy, the drizzle gently hit the window, which looked like a transparent curtain hanging from the window. In addition to the condensed water vapor, the window naturally looks a little hazy. However, this does not affect the view of rain in the slightest, but adds a layer of mystery to everything. The rain fell into the river, blooming tens of thousands of ripples. Trees and flowers are sucking nectar in the rain, and unconsciously they are higher. The small raindrops falling on the ground gradually converge into small "ponds" in the low-lying places. Later, several "streams" can be seen flowing into the "ponds". The new rain drops in, splashes a small spray, and jumps on the water like a fairy. When I looked around, I couldn't help thinking of the ancient poem "It rains in the Qingming Festival, and pedestrians on the road want to die". Although it is early spring, the continuous light rain seems to have made people feel dizzy and intoxicating

The rain in Shaoxing is endless and inexplicable

Primary School Scenery Second Grade Composition 5

There is a river in the west of my home, called Dongdang River.

The wide and wide Dongdang River looks like a long ribbon and a mighty dragon. There are some other beautiful creatures living in the river, such as small fish, shrimp, crabs, water plants, etc. The river is cool and cool. The long water grass lives in the middle of the river. The leaves float on the river and swing back and forth with the flow of the river, as if to show people his wonderful dance. The small fish swim in the water grass. Especially in winter, the river will be covered with ice, and small fish seem to fall asleep under the ice. The ice is like a mirror. When the ice is thick, children love skating on the ice. There are willows on both sides of the river. There are many strange stones beside the willows. The strange stones are very interesting. Some are like rabbits, some are like turtles, and some are like flying eagles. Thousands of Buddha's willows with yellow leaves spread out in the breeze, and Bowen rose on the water surface.

Now Dongdang River is being reconstructed. I hope the reconstructed Dongdang River will be more beautiful and interesting.

Primary School Scenery Second Grade Composition 6

A gust of wind blew, and I felt very cool. I knew that autumn was coming. Look, the maple leaves seem to be on fire. The red ginkgo trees are shaking small golden fans. The leaves of the big trees are also yellow. Some are like dancing butterflies, some are like naughty children chasing each other in the sky, and some are spinning in the air.

A group of geese flew south, and for a while... they lined up in a straight line, while for a while, the swallow did not know when to fly away, and the frog disappeared.

Chrysanthemum bloomed, white as snow, red as fire, yellow as gold. A string of red firecrackers hung on the side of the road.

In the farmland, the rice is yellow, the sorghum is red, and the cotton is white.

In the orchard, the fruit is ripe, the apple is red, the persimmon tree is full of small lanterns, and the grapes are like pearls.

How beautiful autumn is!

Primary School Scenery Second Grade Composition 7

Winter has passed, and Spring Girl came to the world with light steps. The sunshine in spring is particularly bright. Spring girl opens her smiling face. The sun, red beam of light, gently caresses you like a young mother's hand.

With the brisk pace of Spring Girl, the green grass breaks through the soil and sneaks out of the soil, tender and green. In the park, you can see these stubborn grass everywhere.

In this warm season, in the woods, many trees are full of bright flowers; Everyone refused to yield. Red, yellow, white and purple flowers of all kinds really looked like a beautiful flower bed. Many butterflies and bees smell the fragrance of flowers, and they all come to collect honey and fly back and forth in mid air.

In the woods, many birds are flying freely and happily. When they are happy, they sing clear and sweet songs. The warm spring light blows the river. The river is suddenly affected by a pleasant and beautiful flute sound. Looking around, a group of naughty children are making willow flutes with weeping willow stems! They blew out happiness and joy in their hearts.

The rain in spring is soft. The spring rain is beating on the bamboo branches and leaves. The rain sometimes falls in a straight line, sometimes falling with the wind, leaving a beautiful shadow like smoke, fog, yarn and silk. The splashing rain flowers seem to be jumping notes on the piano, playing a beautiful melody.

How come the sky is colorful and dazzling? Oh, the children are flying kites. Under the light of the blue sky and white clouds, all kinds of kites are flying and flying freely. What a refreshing sight!

Primary School Scenery Second Grade Composition 8

The most beautiful spring is the early morning. As soon as I opened the window, the fresh air rushed in. Just now, the spring rain was falling incessantly. Now, the green trees and grass are greedily sucking the nectar of spring, and the earth is full of vitality and hope.

The most beautiful thing in summer is dusk. At noon, the air of the sun was tired and could only send out a soft red light, and the clouds became orange by the afterglow of the sun. The trees, walls and ground are all coated with orange by the sun.

The most beautiful autumn is evening. On the way home, the green and lush trees on both sides have now turned yellow, and pieces of withered and yellow leaves are swirling and falling, like yellow butterflies dancing.

The most beautiful winter is the night. The white snow is falling one after another. The earth seems to be covered with a white cotton padded jacket. The tree was bare, without a leaf. Seeing a thick layer of snow falling on the house in the distance, it was like putting a white hat on the house.

Primary School Scenery Second Grade Composition 9

"When we look for the Fangsi waterfront in Shengri, the boundless scenery is new. When we get to know the east wind, it is always spring." Spring girl walked quietly towards us with light steps.

She kissed the grass, and the grass woke up. It sneaked out of the soil and grew sharp green buds.

She kissed the willow tree, and the willow tree became green. It dropped its soft hair like silk, and swayed its slender branches in the spring wind, as if waving to people!

She kissed the flowers, and the flowers opened. The winter jasmine blew a golden trumpet to report to people: "Spring is coming, spring is coming!" The peach blossoms opened, pink and pink, looking from afar, like a brilliant sunrise. Pear blossom, snow-white, looking around, like pieces of white clouds under the blue sky.

The scenery of spring is really intoxicating!

Primary School Scenery Second Grade Composition 10

There is a small pond in Jiyang Park opposite our community.

In spring, the pool surface was very quiet at the beginning, but a gust of wind from time to time made the water surface rippled with fine lines. Gradually, the pond began to liven up. Little fish are playing in the pool. Look! At this moment, they played "Jumping Dragon Gate". They jumped over the water and grass, one by one. How wonderful! I don't know when the lotus leaves will grow luxuriantly. The green ones are very attractive.

In summer, the weather is very hot. The lotus in a pool blooms brilliantly. Seen from afar, it seems that one after another, graceful fairies in pink rosy clothes are sitting on lotus leaves. The pond is so lively, the fish are still tirelessly playing the same game, and even frogs and shrimps have joined in.

In autumn, the weather turns cool and the lotus withers. The old bustle of the pond no longer exists, leaving only fish roaming in the water and residual lotus swaying in the wind alone.

In winter, it snowed heavily. The pond, which has been bustling for a year, has really calmed down. A thin layer of ice has formed on the water surface, pressing the pitiful leaves below, but the fish have disappeared.

I am waiting, waiting, next year when the earth will recover and spring will bloom.

Second Year Composition Scenery (2)

Second grade excellent composition scenery 1

Like other parks, Zizhuyuan has beautiful and charming scenery all the year round.

In spring, trees grow green leaves. Magnolia buds are blooming, elm leaves and plum trees are also budding, yellow jasmine gently beckons to us, pink peach flowers smile to us, willow flowers hang like ears of wheat on the branches, gently swaying in the breeze. The green lake is sparkling in the sun.

In summer, trees grow luxuriantly. The rose blooms, red, white and pink. It is really dazzling and beautiful. Canna flowers also opened. The frog in the river kept shouting, as if saying, "How beautiful summer is! How beautiful summer is!"

In autumn, the leaves of many trees turn yellow and fall one after another. This is a good time to collect leaf specimens. Some flowers have dried up, but chrysanthemums are in full bloom in the sun, yellow, white, purple... It's really colorful, competing for beauty. A few gusts of wind blow, making people feel a little cool. It's really cool in autumn.

In winter, the leaves on many trees withered, but plum blossoms bloomed and stood in the strong wind. Bamboo and pine and cypress are greener. The "three friends in cold weather" stand bravely in the wind. After the heavy snow, the tree seems to be in silver. The ice on the lake is like a mirror.

The Zizhuyuan has left an unforgettable good impression on me all the year round.

Second grade excellent composition scenery 2

Several leaves fell on the ground, and the wind blew them around and danced. Autumn girl came to the farmyard and warmly greeted the strings of golden corn hanging under the eaves. Under the eaves, Miss Qiu kisses the face of chili peppers. Some chilies are red all over their faces, while others bow down in shame.

Autumn girl came to the hillside, and the dandelion sisters put on gold skirts and raised white balloons to welcome the arrival of Autumn girl. All kinds of unknown flowers on the mountain are wearing colorful clothes in groups, standing in different places on the hillside to welcome the girl Qiu.

Autumn girl came to the field, the farmer uncle was skillfully manipulating the machine. The slim corn fell down one by one. In the farmyard, people kept busy, helping the corn take off the milky white clothes, and piled up in piles, like a golden castle, reflecting the sun's light, looking extremely bright.

Miss Qiu came to the orchard, opened her makeup box, and painted the persimmons on the branches orange red, the apples red, the oranges golden, and the grapes purple

Miss Qiu is not as charming as Miss Spring, nor as enthusiastic as Miss Xia, nor as cold and gorgeous as Miss Winter. Miss Qiu silently contributes to people with her simple smile and rich fruits. After dedication, she left quietly. The branches are swaying, and the leaves are falling. I want to follow the steps of Qiu girl

Second grade excellent composition scenery 3

How beautiful and charming the night sky is. I always like to look at the attractive starry sky.

Look, the bright night sky is dotted with stars, like precious gems dotted with the pale and dark night sky. These stars make the dark night sky bright. I looked at the starry night sky and thought: Those birds who have not returned are sending precious jewels - stars to the moon princess.

Look, there is no star in the cloudy night sky, no moon, and the night sky without stars looks cold and quiet. I looked at what should have been a busy night sky and thought: Are these stars and the moon asleep? Or are they too shy to come out? Many stars form many constellations. Among these constellations, I like the Big Dipper best because it points out the direction for lost people at night. The Big Dipper is like a spoon. I really want to take it down from the sky and taste the silver river it holds. Is it sweet or not. If you look carefully, you will also find the constellation Pegasus, which is composed of 13 stars. Pegasus is like a white horse raising its hooves and head. It is extremely powerful.

Ah, there are so many stars in the sky, so beautiful, I can't count them, I can't see enough... I look up at the sky and have infinite reverie, if only I could become a star! On a moonless night, I can quickly jump out from behind the blue screen with my friends to illuminate the way forward for passers-by. Tired, sleep comfortably in the clouds; Thirsty, drink heartily by the Milky Way. We should make the world bright. The night sky is the most beautiful.

Second grade excellent composition scenery 4

I love the South Lake in my hometown, and I like the South Lake most in summer. When I walked into the South Lake Park, I saw a beautiful scene. Green grass, green leaves, and colorful flowers all gathered like a fair to dress the South Lake like a fairyland.

The South Lake has a wide surface. The big lake is connected with the small lake, and you can't see the edge at a glance. There is a small bridge between the island and the lake. The small bridge is carved with fine craftsmanship, giving a feeling of simplicity and purity. There are green ferns without any mottle under the bridge. If you want to visit the whole South Lake, it is a bit difficult to walk alone. At this time, you can take a sightseeing bus to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the South Lake.

The water of the South Lake is green, like being dyed by the surrounding green trees and grass. Looking far away, it is like a flawless jade, which makes people want to touch her delicate. The most beautiful is the lotus on the lake. Some are in bud, like lovely girls; Some petals just spread two or three, like shy girls; Some of them have been fully unfolded, like graceful girls. The lotus leaves are crowded and spread over most of the lake, making the lake greener.

The water of the South Lake is quiet, like a big mirror. The water reflects the shadow of rockeries and pavilions, as well as the smiling faces of children. When the breeze blew, I saw the ripples rippling away in circles, and soon the calm returned. Looking at the lake, one can't help but wonder: Is there any secret hidden under the blue and quiet lake? I really want to become a small fish and jump into the water to find out.

South Lake - a beautiful lake. She uses the lake water to interpret her beauty. I love the South Lake in my hometown.

Second Grade Composition Scenery (3)

Grandpa Xia left, and Miss Qiu came slowly.

She holds a colorful magic wand. First, she covered Apple's face with red powder, like red lanterns, and then he dressed Xiangli in golden clothes, dazzling and beautiful. She painted the orange with yellow paint, like a big golden bean, painted the ginkgo tree with golden yellow, like a small fan, and dressed the pine and cypress in green clothes, making it greener. Put on new clothes for birch and oak trees, shake off the fallen leaves, and put on a new image! She dressed chrysanthemums in a variety of clothes, white, purple, golden, and fragrant osmanthus, like a lilac around me.

I love colorful autumn.

Second grade composition scenery (4)

When it comes to autumn, it naturally comes to mind that it is a harvest season. On Sunday, I got up early to look for the footprints of autumn.

By the riverbank, the autumn wind is slowly blowing. Walking on the riverbank, watching the crystal clear river, the fish and shrimp are playing games. I have a water fight with several partners, not to mention how pleasant it is!

In the park, maple leaves are red and dancing in the breeze, just like naughty butterflies; Smelling the fragrance of the flowers, I came to the osmanthus. I think this is the saying "osmanthus blossoms, and the fragrance is ten miles away"; Along the narrow path filled with chrysanthemums, you came to the chrysanthemum exhibition hall again. Looking at the colorful chrysanthemums, smelling the bouquet of flowers, squatting beside the flowers, you must want to turn yourself into a bee intoxicated with them!

In the fields, the sorghum is red and the rice ears are yellow. The farmer uncle is driving the harvester to harvest. Looking at the fruits filled with carriages, he smiles happily!

In the orchard, the persimmons are red, the oranges are yellow, and the apples are like lanterns hanging all over the branches·········

In the sky, white clouds are blossoming. Naughty clouds turn into sheep and elephants·········

What a harvest today! I know there are many more autumn scenery, what else do you know, share with me!

Second grade composition scenery (5)

Autumn is coming! The sun no longer burns on the earth, everything becomes fresh. The sky became extremely blue, the clouds became extremely pale, and the fields became golden.

The flowers in the forest have various colors: red, gold, purple, white, pink, orange, orange. It's really beautiful!

Miss Qiu looks like a painter. She described autumn as a pear with yellow and yellow pears. Draw an apple, the apple is red on the face; Draw an orange, orange gold, like a naughty child. They crowded together, shouting and making sounds as if to say, "Uncle farmer, come to pick me up first! Come to pick me up!"

It's autumn. Seen from a distance, the field looks like a golden carpet. Soybeans and corn bow to the farmer's uncle. A gust of autumn wind blew, and the sorghum swung in the wind as if to say, "Uncle farmer, it's time to harvest!"

Autumn is in the water. The river is clear, not as muddy as the water in summer. You can even see the stones at the bottom. The fish swims happily in the water, spitting bubbles. They look very excited and lovely.

In the charming autumn, she sent us a telegram telling us that winter was coming.

This is my favorite autumn. Do you like it?

Second Year Composition Scenery (6)

It is autumn now. Walking on the road of the community, I found that the grass on the roadside is not as green as it was in summer, and the leaves of the grass have turned yellow. The persimmons on the persimmon tree are all yellow. From a distance, they look like little lanterns hanging on the branches!

I also saw several strings of red peppers hanging on the windows of several houses! It must be the farmer's uncle just picked it from the pepper garden!

The lotus in the lake of the community has already opened, and there is only a lotus canopy standing on the lake. There must be lotus roots waiting to be dug below!

The leaves of the French tung tree are also beginning to turn yellow. When the wind blows, yellow leaves will float down from the tree, like beautiful butterflies. It's really beautiful! Ah! Autumn is really coming!

Second Year Composition Scenery (7)

The cold winter passed quietly, ushering in the charming spring. Come and feel the beautiful spring in my hometown!

My hometown is a small mountain village. The village is not big, but the scenery is beautiful. There is a beautiful brook in front of the village. The water is crystal clear and tinkling. The willows swayed in the wind on both sides of the stream. When fish swim happily, their shadows are distorted or disappear. Every time I sit by the brook, I enjoy myself.

There are many wild flowers on both sides of the winding path. There are red, yellow, white, pink. Butterflies are also attracted, flying with the snow-white dandelion flowers, setting off the spring more beautiful.

Behind the village is a large field. Spring is a good season for farmers to sow the seeds of hope. They are busy digging the soil. I hope there will be a greater harvest in autumn.

I love spring, but also love the spring of my hometown. It is full of memories of my childhood.

Second grade composition scenery (8)

Wow! Spring is coming, spring is coming.

My mother and I went hiking. Along the way, I saw the mountains in the distance turned green and the ice in the river melted. Look! Little fish are playing hide and seek in the water! The shrimps are jumping happily. How free they are! There are still people rowing! I was sweating all over. I took off my coat and sat on the grass to rest. The grass came out of the soil and was shaking its head. I seemed to hear it saying, "What a bright world!" I felt the green grass sprouts, and a smell of grass came. It was the first time that I could smell it! I tried to smell it again. It tasted good.

I'm running on the mountain! Jump! I shouted: "Spring, hello, I love you!"

Second Year Composition Scenery (9)

In the midsummer of July, the little writer came to the pond to play. The sunset glow sprinkled the colorful soft light on the pond, which was very beautiful.

In the midsummer of July, there is no cloud in the sky, the hot sun is burning the earth, the water in the river is hot, and the ground is hot and smoking. But in front of Grandma's house, there was another scene. The pond is surrounded by green grass, with Chinese parasol trees, white poplars and weeping willows standing up like guards of the pond. The pond side is calm to a bright mirror, reflecting red tiles and green trees. Sometimes there is a blue sky floating white clouds in the water, and sometimes fish jump out of the water and break a mirror.

In the evening, the sunset glow sprinkles the colorful soft light on the pond, just like inserting many velvet flowers into the blue water. The fish in the pond swim leisurely in groups of three and five. Sometimes they crowded together, as if whispering; Sometimes they stare at the sunset glow as if talking about its strangeness.

Ah! What a beautiful pond in summer!

Second Year Composition Scenery (10)

When autumn comes, the fields in my hometown are like a bride in full dress.

Miss Qiu dressed him in bright embroidered clothes. The soybean with her head down, the corn with her mouth grinning, the rice with her cat waist down, and the red faced sorghum all looked like wedding guests, swinging and dancing happily in the rustling autumn wind. There are: shiny grapes in the orchard; There are yellow pears; The red jujube. The eggplant in the vegetable garden was dressed in a purple robe; Tomatoes are covered with red yarn; Pepper put on a red sweater; Everything is so pleasing.

Autumn brings people the joy of harvest, a comfortable smile, eternal memories and good hope.

Second Year Composition Scenery (11)

spring breeze

Who is singing in the sky?

oh It was the spring breeze blowing, and she brought the beautiful world of spring.

She blew into the grass, and the grass stuck its head out from the ground, listening to the wonderful spring music; She blew across the river again, and the tadpole froth was playing happily in the river while bathing in the sun; She blew into the valley again, and the cuckoo was singing joyfully against the spring wind; She blew into the field again, where people were walking in groups; She blew into the square again, and many children were happily flying kites there

Spring breeze said, "I am so happy because I have brought spring to the earth."

Second Year Composition Scenery (12)

Autumn is coming. Swallows returning from the south are busy flying back and forth. Dead leaves fall down in the autumn wind, like butterflies dancing. The golden rice, strong stalks and fat leaves, you won't let me, I won't let you, scrambling to show their charm. When the breeze blows, golden waves rise, which is very spectacular. Look at the Aoshuang chrysanthemums, which are blooming all over the park, clumps of yellow like gold, white like snow, charming and charming. Look, the cute little goldfish is swimming happily in the goldfish pond. Suddenly, a leaf fell down, which made the little goldfish happy and played with each other. They treat it as a beautiful umbrella for a while, and then play hide and seek under it. How happy they are!

Autumn is like a beautiful picture, isn't it?

Second Year Composition Scenery (13)

Shaoxing, my hometown, is a city with a long history and culture.

There are many historic sites in my hometown, such as the East Lake of the city bonsai, which is a beautiful place.

Steep mountains, crystal clear lakes, and rockeries of different shapes add a lot of vitality to the East Lake. If it drizzles, the East Lake seems to be covered with a thin veil. After the rain, the East Lake is another fascinating sight. When the boat was sailing on the lake, the tourists were very happy! The sun shines on the lake. The lake is golden and beautiful! A few small fish loomed in the water and played with each other from time to time. Willow girl bent down to say hello to the lake and shook hands with the lake.

After listening to my introduction, do you think the East Lake is beautiful? Then hurry to the East Lake of Shaoxing to have a look!

Second Year Composition Scenery (14)

On a sunny Sunday, my parents took me to the "Fragrant Snow Plum Sea" located in the East Village of Wangtan Town.

The car followed the winding mountain road to the East Village. As soon as I got out of the car, I saw a sea of fragrant snow and plum blossom stretching for ten miles. From a distance, plum blossoms blooming all over the mountains seemed to cover the mountains with a thin layer of snow. The subtle fragrance floats, which is quite spectacular.

Smell the faint fragrance of flowers, listen to the laughter of people and climb up step by step. Sometimes smell the fragrance of flowers; Sometimes I go into the flowers to make a smile. A group of white lambs halfway up the mountain looking for food and plum blossoms formed a beautiful farmhouse painting. Seeing tourists passing by, the little lambs "baa baa", as if saying "Welcome to the East Village!"

At the top of the mountain, take a deep breath and feel relaxed and happy. Look down, ah! The whole village was surrounded by Merlin. I feel as if I have come to a fairyland.

How beautiful the East Village is! I don't want to go home!

Second Grade Composition Scenery (15)

The beautiful scenery of Toumen Island is deeply engraved in my mind and cannot be erased.

Remember that during the last summer vacation, our family went to the fascinating Toumen Island. After entering the Toumen Island sentry post to check the ticket, the car drove on the undulating cross sea bridge. The water on both sides was so blue, and the place where the sea meets the sky in the distance formed a beautiful scenery.

We arrived at the end of the road, got off and came to the reef on the edge of the island. The sea water in front of us was slightly yellow. The farther we looked, the bluer the sea water was, like a washed blue ribbon. Looking up, there are white clouds floating in the blue sky, and the sky is slightly lilac in the distance. Looking at the scenery in the distance, it seems that water and clouds are mixed together, and the sea water is carrying a few leaf boats made by clouds, slowly coming to us... At this time, a thin white line appears at the place where the water meets the sky, slowly moving towards our direction. The faster you get, the faster you get. Close to our eyes, like a naughty child, he suddenly jumped into the embrace of the reef. The spray touched my feet, my skirt and even my face. After a while, the sea water on the reef turned into foam and gradually disappeared. After a few waves like this, we retreated several meters, and my mother said that it was high tide now.

Although the waves of Toumen Island are not as spectacular as the spring tide of the Qiantang River, and its scenery is not as graceful as the West Lake, its simple appearance and beautiful appearance deeply moved me, and it is a fairyland in my heart!

Second Year Composition Scenery (16)

Summer is the time when you are most upset, but if you come to a place, you can be sure that your mood will be very comfortable, and your troubles will be swept away.

In the early morning, fog shrouded the lotus pond, which seemed to be covered with a veil, giving people a sense of mystery. Dew is like a crystal clear pearl, dreaming on the big "bed"! The lotus leaves looked very green. At that time, the lotus flower was just waiting for the sun to show its beauty! At this time, a "small plane" flew to the "airport" not far away. It was the scene written by Yang Wanli that "the small lotus just shows sharp corners, and dragonflies have already stood up"!

When you walk in, these lotus leaves have three positions. One is Huaguduo, just a newborn baby; One is half open, like a shy little girl only half opened her face; There are also all open ones, just like a full open smiling face, which is really in a variety of ways! The fruits of lotus are lotus seeds, just like emeralds embedded in them. How beautiful! Below the lotus is the lotus root. The whole body of the lotus root is a treasure, which can relieve the summer heat and is delicious.

Pink lotus flowers, like a young girl in gorgeous clothes, with a yellow lotus canopy on her head, stood there quietly. A gust of wind blew over, and the lotus flowers showed layers of lanes, looking more vibrant. Some of the lotus flowers are half open, like a little girl showing half her face; Some of them are fully opened, revealing the stamens, which is like a little girl's face. Suddenly, the sun came out. The intense sunlight shone on the lotus leaves, and the sunlight became stronger and stronger. A dragonfly flew in. It stopped on the lotus leaf, then flew to the bottom of the lotus leaf, and gently lit the water. How beautiful the scenery is! I'm going to paint the scenery and take out my pocket without drawing paper, but I have engraved the scenery in my heart.

When we are quiet and listen carefully, we will hear a burst of frogs. It's really nice. Looking into the pool, a group of ducks are doing "morning exercises" in groups, butterflies are dancing in the flowers, dragonflies are flying in the air, and fish are swimming in the water, as if playing. What a beautiful picture!

I am deeply intoxicated with the beauty of the lotus pond! I love your beautiful lotus and the beautiful lotus pond!