Animal composition writing (6 selected articles)
2024-06-12 02:17:07
primary school
fairy tale

Animal Composition (1)

I think the rabbit is the best writer among the twelve zodiac signs.

Because the rabbit has a keen sense of smell and can smell any smell. It has big ears and can hear even a small sound; The rabbit has a broad vision. Although it has no sense of three-dimensional things, it can see the tender green grass, the flowers competing for beauty and fragrance, the tall and large trees, the clear brook, and can also taste the sweetness among the grass and smell the fragrance of the flowers.

The rabbit runs very fast. It can run without a trace in a few seconds. Rabbits love carrots and vegetables very much. They have a gentle personality. If you touch them gently, they will lie there quietly and enjoy the sunshine. Rabbits are quiet. If they are a writer, they will sit quietly at the table, not disturbed by the outside world. Instead of standing up immediately when there is a little movement, they will concentrate on writing articles. Do you think Little Rabbit can write a composition best?

Therefore, I think the rabbit is the best writer among the twelve zodiac signs.

Animal Composition (2)

Observe animals and write composition 1001

I usually like to watch small animals.

Through many observations, I found that many animals can only find or catch moving things. For example, swallows and dragonflies can only catch flying things, but can't find immovable things. They don't move even when dead things are put on their mouths.

How interesting these phenomena are! When I grow up, I must study them carefully.

Observe Animals and Write Compositions 1002

I have four cute and lively goldfish. Their eyes are bulging, their stomach is big, and their mouth is flat. They are called Huanhuan, Beibei, Baobao, Guai Guai.

Every time I feed them, they swim quickly and eat them. Once, Beibei jumped up and wagged her tail as if she were dancing. How cute! They are the best swimmers. When they are full, the swimming competition begins.

I love my little goldfish. They are really cute.

Observe Animals and Write Compositions 1003

My family has many kingdoms, that is, the ant kingdom.

Today I'm going to observe the small ant kingdom. I bite off an apple the size of a grain of rice with my teeth. Put it on the ground. After a while, an ant came over and tasted something 10 times bigger than him. Ah! Really delicious! The ant went back to give a speech!

Observe Animals and Write Compositions 1004

One day, it was so hot that my family had dogs and chickens. I went to observe them.

I saw the dog. It looked like it was too hot. It was too hot to drink water. It added its own hair. It seemed to say that it was too hot. It was too hot. I wanted to drink water. What a lovely puppy!! I saw that the chicken was so hot that it seemed to be fanning for itself! After a while, the chicken barked again, as if to say: It's so hot this day.

What a flexible chicken! How hot it is!

Observe Animals and Write Compositions 1005

One summer morning, the sky was bright? On the grass in the park, Xiaohong lay there and carefully observed what she had seen. She saw a small beetle and an ant fighting under the flower?

The ant rushes up, and the beetle blocks the ant with its back? Why do they fight? Xiao Hong carefully observed there to find the answer.

Suddenly she saw that they were fighting for a grass seed? At this time, Xiaohong said to herself: I know that ants and small beetles want to eat the seeds of the grass, and they all use the seeds of the grass as food? That's why we started fighting?

Observe Animals and Write Compositions 1006

My favorite animal is a rabbit.

The rabbit has white fur and long ears. Its ears are very smart. It always stands up to listen to the sound. It also has a three valve mouth, and its favorite food is radish and green vegetables. It eats little by little. As soon as someone comes, it hides in a corner to prevent you from finding it. It won't come out until you leave.

I like the agility and loveliness of the little white rabbit. Let's all protect the little animals and let them not be hurt!

Animal Composition (3)

How do you do! Our homework exercise this week is to write about animals. Please write it in the notepad sent by the teacher. The teacher knows that children like small animals best. Many children raise small animals at home, which lays the foundation for you to write this composition. If your family doesn't keep small animals, don't worry. You might as well go to the neighbor's house or relatives' house where the small animals are kept. It's really not good. We might as well have an outing at the weekend - go to the zoo to see. I believe you will have a different harvest. The teacher especially wants to tell everyone that if you want to write this composition well, you must carefully observe it before you practice: look at their appearance carefully, and pay special attention to the differences between them and other animals; Carefully observe their living conditions in terms of food, shelter, play and transportation; If you can pay attention to the interesting things happening between you and it, I think it will be even better!

1、 Write clearly the basic elements of small animals:

Writing about small animals mainly includes: cute appearance characteristics, interesting life habits, and interesting events between animals and people.

2、 Appearance description:

1. The description is orderly. The appearance of animals includes body, hair color, head, limbs, eyes, ears, tail, etc. According to different situations of small animals, they can be described from whole to part, or from part to whole; Part of the description is from front to back, or from top to bottom.

2. The description has characteristics. Although the appearance of animals consists of many parts, it is forbidden to describe every part in detail from beginning to end when describing the appearance of small animals. This is like keeping a "running book". It takes a lot of effort, but the effect is not good. Therefore, when writing, we must be good at grasping the most characteristic part of the shape of the small animals to be described, and highlight the key points. For example, when some parts protrude shape, some parts protrude color, some parts protrude size, and some parts can protrude without moving, what is the same when moving? Therefore, the shape description should highlight the different characteristics of different parts, and the parts without characteristics can be omitted, so there is no need to cover everything.

3. The description is vivid. Use figures of speech such as metaphor, personification, parallelism, association, imagination, adjectives, four character words, natural connection and transition to write the shape of small animals clearly, carefully and vividly. In this way, small animals can be written lively and lifelike, so that readers can see the appearance of small animals in front of their eyes as soon as they see the article.

4. Fragment appreciation:

The little black dog has a pair of triangular ears like pieces of fur on its head, soft and drooping down, which is very interesting. Two bright black eyes kept looking around. The round black nose looks like a small velvet ball. His mouth was tightly closed and he didn't say a word. How like a good child who doesn't make any noise!

The little pig was white all over the body, and its big ears were like two powerful fans, flapping up and down ceaselessly; Long nose, a pair of round nostrils, like two small caves; There is a big mouth under the nose. If you don't look carefully, you won't find a mouth under the nose; There are a pair of unpredictable small eyes on the nose and wrinkles all over the face, which is really not very beautiful.

This big cock is so beautiful! Chubby, wearing colorful satin, shining in the sun, especially dazzling. The flaming cockscomb stood on top of his head, like a big red flower. A pair of round big eyes are so intense. The big yellowish mouth is a bit bent and powerful. When the two big wings are stretched out, they look like two big fans. Occasionally, they flutter a few times to generate wind and blow up the soil beside them. Look, the rooster must have noticed that even his tail is cocked up. It's easy to be proud! Puppy Beibei is very cute. Its long curly hair wrapped around its body, like a thick white robe. The big black and bright eyes flickered in the shade of the long hair, like two gemstones inlaid there, and the nose was wet, as if someone had just been drenched. Under its dark little nose, there is a small mouth that is not easy to be found. As soon as it yawns or makes a loud cry, that row of sharp teeth will be exposed.

3、 Description of activities and life habits:

1. When describing, we should pay attention to the accurate use of continuous verbs to reproduce the activities or habits of small animals, such as eating, living, walking, playing, catching, breeding, etc. It is also necessary to use rhetorical devices such as metaphor, personification, parallelism, association, imagination, adjectives and four character words to describe clearly, meticulously and vividly the activity manner, activity appearance, activity process and life habits of small animals.

2. Small animals don't think and talk like people do, but they also have "language" and their own emotions. When observing small animals, we should notice, experience and imagine their "emotional" changes from their actions and calls. Properly use the technique of personification, so that the small animals will be lively and lovely.

3. In order to reflect the friendly relationship between you and small animals, you can integrate the stories between you and small animals into the description of small animals' activities and life habits, so that readers can feel that the existence of small animals really brings you fun and makes you like it more!

4. Love should be written into the composition: composition is "I write my heart." Write about our happiness, sorrow and sorrow. We love small animals. When describing them, we should also put our favorite feelings into the lines. Let readers feel our love for small animals through our written words.

5. Fragment appreciation: Jumping is not only beautiful, but also very naughty and cute. He usually likes playing with toys, and his favorite is playing with dolls. Once, I went to my aunt's house to play, and "Tiaotiao" jumped on me as soon as she saw me, jumping and jumping happily. I picked up the doll to tease it. I raised my hand high on purpose. When he saw it, he quickly ran to me and jumped up to bite the doll. He jumped several times but didn't bite it. He was so worried that he wagged his tail and screamed. So I threw the doll into the air again and stared at the doll with jumping eyes. When the doll was about to land, it rushed over and bit in its mouth, wagged its tail, looked up at me as if to say, "You can't defeat me"! I grabbed the doll from its mouth again and threw it on the sofa. When he saw it, he hurried to the direction of the sofa, but the sofa was a little high, so he could not jump up. He shook his tail quickly, and I smiled proudly. Unexpectedly, he did not lose heart, but stepped back several steps, then suddenly rushed forward, jumped onto the sofa, bit the doll, quickly jumped down, ran to me, wagged his tail, bit the doll in his mouth, and stared at me as if to say, "What's the matter? I know how powerful I am!" I could not help laughing.

Once, I wanted to see what a tortoise looked like, so I took a bad toothbrush and knocked it on its shell like a wooden fish. Every time I thought of the little turtle sticking out his head and carefully looking around, I saw there was no danger, so I put out my feet and tail. The turtle's tail is short, small, very cute, and its feet are very small. This time I finally saw the turtle's head, which was triangular. There were many green dots on the neck. Two small black pearl eyes were dribbling around in the black eye circles. At this time, the little turtle was crawling on the ground. I took a broken toothbrush handle and knocked its head. Its small head, four feet, and small tail quickly retracted into the hard shell, and I laughed.

4、 The beginning and end of the article:

1. Start: Common methods of starting are:

1) I like many small animals Of Of Of, One of my favorite/ Someone likes Of Someone likes Of Someone likes Of, And I like Of

2) To get straight to the point, the introduction said: We have two cute ducklings at home. I like them very much/I like cats very much. Last year, Grandma bought me a cute kitten, and I named him "xx".

3) Let's start by asking: What's my favorite animal? I will answer without hesitation

4) Explain the situation and the origin: on my fifth birthday, my mother gave me a lovely white dove, and we have become inseparable friends since then/Four years ago, Puppy Beibei lived in my house, so I have a little partner; Although the little turtle has passed away, I still miss our good time together!

2. End:

1) Express your feelings directly: I really like..../ lovely; Now? We have become inseparable friends. I really like him.

2) Summarize the above, point out the center, and express your love directly: our hens And, I really like him; I love Puppy Beibei, because it not only, and....

3) Following the experience or feeling described above, it is thought-provoking: I looked at this group of ants and sighed: ants with big grains of rice are really stronger than human beings!

5、 Play a good composition topic: the topic is the eye of the article. A good topic can stimulate the reading interest of readers and play a role in finishing the article. How do you write a composition?

1. Jane. The topic language should be concise and avoid tedious.

2. Cut. The title must accurately express the content of the article.

3. Beauty. The choice of words for the title should be aesthetic and profound.

4. Odd. Innovative and unexpected.

Animal Composition (4)

My favorite animal

I like many animals! But I have to choose one from them. What should I do? Which one should I choose?

Let's talk about golden monkeys. It has a golden fur, big round eyes and a long thin tail, which is very cute. It also has a nimble skill, which can easily avoid the attack of the enemy and save the trapped companions. It is also very smart. As soon as you throw a banana, it will run quickly to push it away and devour it. It will also use the slope as a slide to slide down.

Do you think it is cute?

[Writing guide: why should we pay attention to "conception" in writing articles]

Du Mu, a poet of the Tang Dynasty, once said that "where writing is based on meaning", it means that the quality of an article is determined, and the most important thing is the purpose. What is the purpose? The so-called "meaning" is the central idea of the article, also called the theme; The so-called "establishment" means establishment. Together, it is to determine the central idea, that is, to determine what opinions, attitudes and goals you want to express through what you write. This is a reflection on what to write and why to write before the composition.

The ancients once said that "mountains are not high, immortals are famous, water is not deep, dragons are spiritual". It means: the mountain does not have to be very high. If there is a fairy, it will be famous; The water does not have to be very deep. If there is a dragon in the water, it will have a great impact. To use this meaning as a metaphor for composition, then, the concept is just like "fairy" and "dragon". With it, narration and description can show their effects, and they will be "spiritual".

The central idea is as important to an article as the soul. Some students write articles without a center or without a clear center, which means there is no soul. For example, a composition entitled "Festive Streets" wrote as follows:

Today is Sunday. I get up very early. After breakfast, I followed my brother to the street.

The sun is shining on the road. The water drops are shining on the leaves. The birds are chirping and flying to the fields to find food. I always stop to see where the bird landed.

It's almost on the street. There are more people and more cars. "Be careful!" my brother shouted to me. An uncle on a bicycle brushed past. How dangerous! Fortunately, they didn't collide. There are more and more bicycles, including "Phoenix", "Permanent", and more "Flying Flowers", which are produced in Shaoxing.

Walk across a wide concrete bridge, and you will find the street. There are many shops on both sides of the street, selling clothes, food, electrical appliances, stationery, books, etc.

We strolled around the farmer's market. There are many stalls here, including vegetables, fruits, pigs, sheep, chickens and geese. A group of people were buying fish and quarreled in the bargaining. One said, "You are short of weight. You cheat the customer. Look, I broke your scale!" The fish seller was also very fierce. He shouted, "What are you? How can you make up for it? You dare to break the scale!" Such a quarrel was really rude. Finally, I didn't listen.

On the way back, I saw a duck farm. I asked the old man who raised the duck: "You old man raised so many chickens, there are 200 chickens?" He smiled: "You can't estimate it. It's almost double." The duck farm is very unsanitary. It's either a garbage dump or a dung tank. Under the sun, it stinks.

The last trip to the street was really interesting. I saw so many things that I couldn't finish writing.

Like this composition, can you tell us clearly what the author is going to tell us and achieve? He saw drops of water write drops of water, saw birds write birds, met cars write cars, heard quarrels write quarrels, smelled stink write stink...... What is the problem to explain and what is the truth to tell others?

There are many reasons why the composition has a bad idea or the center is unclear. First of all, I had no idea before I started writing. Writing a composition should not only have materials, but also analyze and synthesize the materials, and extract the purpose (meaning) of writing this article from the materials. This is what the ancients said: "Intention precedes writing". If you just write in the materials, it will not be very profound and have little impact on people if you don't know what ideas these materials contain; But some feelings will linger in my heart, can't be thrown away, can't be cut, and will be unforgettable for a long time. If you can write a composition about these things that you feel most deeply, you can write a good composition with sincere feelings.

Animal Composition (5)

It is afraid of everything and always wants to hide. But it is so brave, not to mention dealing with insects and mice, but also dare to fight with snakes. Let's guess what animal it is-- Kitten.

Its size is not too big, nor too small. Medium sized toys are almost big. The head is oval, with two pointed ears on it. The sharp eyes will become different colors in the morning, noon, afternoon and evening. Nose is similar to human nose. There are four sharp and white teeth hidden in the small mouth. Four feet are like four "little plum blossoms". If the four "little plum blossoms" get dirty, you can really draw a flower on the ground. If you make it unhappy, it will stretch out its paws and sway in front of you. If you make it unhappy again, you should be careful! My father was once caught by this "little rascal"

When the weather is warm, it will quietly enjoy the caress of the sun with its eyes closed. Sleeping all day long, no matter how noisy the surroundings are, it doesn't care!

The most interesting thing is when we play the cat teaser! I held the cat teaser in my hand. I swung it quickly in front of it, making it out of breath. At this time, the kitten changed her tactics and showed her leadership skill - pretending to be dead.

I thought the kitten was tired and didn't want to play. So I moved the cat teaser closer to him and slowly shook it. I was very proud. When the time is ripe, the kitten suddenly catches it, ha ha! succeed! It happily grabbed its booty.

how? My kitten is cute!

Animal Composition (6)

I have many animal friends in my hometown, and I would like to introduce them to you.

First, let's talk about the goat - baa baa. It has two hard horns on its head. When it is in danger, it will attack the enemy with its horns. Baa baa is very interesting when drinking water. When a large basin of water is placed in front of her, she starts to drink happily regardless of the situation, and her nose still makes a sound of "Chi Chi" from time to time. In a moment, she drinks the whole basin completely.

Next, let's introduce the kitten Huahua. It has magical eyes. It looks like a date stone in the morning, a line at noon, and a round emerald at night. Do you know why? Because the pupil of a kitten's eye changes with light.

Finally, let's talk about the little dog, Qiuqiu, which is both angry and cute. Once, when his mother was making dumplings, the dog was walking around the house. When he saw the leek, he went up and smelled and scratched it, as if to say, "Is this thing delicious?" When his mother saw it, she cried out, "Go! Go!" The ball was still stuck. Mother had no choice but to let me take a bone and lure it out. Look, the ball is so naughty!

Being with these interesting animals has brought me a lot of joy and left me many beautiful memories. I love my animal friends.