Refreshing Composition (20 Selected Essays)
Sleeping in spring and not knowing the dawn
2024-06-12 03:05:42

Refreshing Composition (1)

The road ahead is so long, but why does the time of youth pass so gracefully? After passing away, I will never turn back... I entered junior high school like an ant with nowhere to hide, afraid of being trampled to death by others, but I know that only by looking for a better self in the book, can I not let the future leave regret!

The year 20xx tells us not only to surpass, but also to refresh ourselves. In the same way, we should sum up experience in the face of lessons and tests again and again, and all the happiness we have enjoyed should be buried in the bottom of our hearts, whether it is germination or result. The childish children before, and the adults now, refresh themselves again and again, leaving us only memories; Those childish tests in the past, and these complicated mathematical problems now, have made progress again and again, leaving us only regret and helplessness

Is it a barren desert or a lush wilderness ahead, depending on the efforts at each stage, or years of laziness and unrestrained? Every success, every harvest and action is a performance of refreshing yourself, a contest with others, a bet with others, and every change in your harvest is not a bit but a pile of useful gold. When you know repentance, when you know you can do it, you know you can refresh yourself!

I used to think that the teacher would like me as long as he showed his own achievements, but this conclusion went wrong. He ranked 10th in the class, but what does it mean to be 32nd in the monthly exam

If a person is proud and has no purpose, then he can directly conclude that he cannot succeed in his life, and every challenge can achieve better results than the previous one. This is a reward for his efforts. Only by continuous efforts and hard work can he leave his own success footprints on the runway of youth, refresh himself and surpass his goals, and the future will be wonderful!

Refreshing Composition (2)

I'm a plum.

The cliff is towering into the clouds, surrounded by clouds and mist, and the morning light is shining. It comes to the world through the mist. As the frozen river gradually melted, I looked up at the sky, and miscellaneous thoughts filled my heart again.

Lonely, proud and noble is my own unique will, but under the care of the gardener, I gradually become fragile, as if fragile. But I still can't resist this strong temptation. I gradually become ordinary, ordinary, like other flowers, living a leisurely life.

The storms of life always seem to make me disappear. The weather has been bad in recent days, with lightning, thunder and heavy rain. Without the care of gardeners, those attractive, beautiful and noble flowers instantly become gaunt and emaciated, and finally wither and wither.

In the wind and rain, I shook my body, as if like other flowers, I could not stand the test of the wind and rain, but fate seemed to tease me again, so that I survived the wind and rain in embarrassment and became the only plum blossom.

Standing on the top of the mountain, I was worried. Without the care and sweet nourishment of the gardener, I gradually began to wither, but I did not want to die, because I had not yet lived a real value!

Again and again disappointed and persistent, in order to absorb more nutrients, I began to take root and sprout. There are no passers-by and admirers in this deep mountain forest. But I firmly believe that living a wonderful life is the greatest value of life.

Soon, I did it.

I am plum, noble and proud plum. Perhaps the beauty of life lies not in the noble circumstances, but in constantly refreshing yourself. I don't need applause and praise. I'm just a plum.

Refreshing Composition (3)

When I was a child, I once took a roller coaster in Wuhan Happy Valley. As soon as I started the car, it rushed to a high point, stopped for a few seconds, and then rushed down at the fastest speed. My whole body was shaking. I covered my eyes with my hands and dared not look outside. Occasionally, a gust of wind blew.

Since then, I have been full of fear of roller coasters. I need to cover my eyes when I see the plane in the sky. That was the first time I experienced fear.

A few years later, I went to Happy Valley. I forgot the reason. I was so afraid of the roller coaster that I didn't take it. I actually went into a haunted house. A ghost came into the door and rose from a pool of water. My shabby clothes and blood stains on my face made me scream. I ran away at full speed. After running for a long distance, I stopped walking and laughed back, "What can I do for a little devil?"

Before the words fell, a white shadow floated down from the sky and shouted "wuwu". I also shouted and ran away. In this dark house, there are no demons and ghosts anywhere. I didn't cry all my life and ran away.

It's hard to avoid being timid when I was young, but it's different when I grow up.

Last year, I went to Happy Valley again. Because of the spring outing, the students lined up in the haunted house. We were the first in the row and naturally the first to enter.

When I entered the door, the "water ghost" disappeared. When I was confused, an upside down face floated down, and my classmates shouted loudly. I was calm. I looked down at my face, and my face flew up. I said proudly, "My face was scared away!"

Out of the door, I leisurely walked to the roller coaster queue: "Who will play with me?" A total of three people, good, started the roller coaster, I felt the wind reverberating in my ears and enjoyed the cool.

Courage is a good thing that can benefit you all your life. It is refreshing my life.

People with courage are no longer lonely, no longer afraid, no longer worried, no longer timid. This is courage, a thing that can refresh my life.

Refreshing Composition (4)

The journey of life is full of thorns, muster up your courage and stride forward. Please believe that people step on the road. Don't say "can't do it". Courage will make you succeed.

Who is born to walk? No, Who is born to talk? No, All skills are accumulated and learned slowly, but one thing you can never learn is courage. An idea that everyone wants to have. It is the symbol of success and the goal of cowards.

I am a very timid girl: I dare not sleep alone at night, dare not be alone at home, and dare not even touch dead fish and worms.

And that time I wanted to break through myself - to pull out my teeth myself.

In the past, I always asked my mother to pull it for me. I had no experience, so I prepared "props": three cups of water, three napkins, and a box.

After "starting work", I will try to make my teeth shake a little more. Almost, pull! My hand with the cup trembling! God! Dare not pull it out. I was about to pull it out when I broke into a cold sweat. My heart softened! "For my own sake, bear it, brother." I said to myself. After a while, I felt calm. "OK, let's start!" I closed my eyes and tried hard. "Ka!" The tooth came down, followed by a stream of blood. Who rinsed the mouth and reported to my mother!

My friend, life is full of setbacks and difficulties. Release your "courage" heartily, believe! Courage will change you and make you succeed! Remember, there is nothing in the world that can't be done. Try your best to make every day wonderful and brave!

Refreshing Composition (5)

The layers are scattered, the words are exquisite, and the reading in the soul is refreshing my life.

Reading is endless, endless, and endless. Tang poetry and Song poetry, reading is refreshing my life, and life is wonderful because of reading.

Lonely Singer Li Bai

A singer holding a wine glass three minutes into the moonlight, seven minutes howling, Chen Jian vomited his blood, it was him, he, he, Li Bai read it in the ocean of poetry, and I realized the majesty of "riding the wind and waves sometimes, hanging the cloud sail straight to the sea". I've learned that there is a need for hard work and ambition. The story of "An iron pestle is ground into a needle" made me understand that a man should have perseverance and perseverance. As long as he perseveres, everything can be achieved.

Reading refreshes my life, and it makes me understand a lot of truth.

Li Qingzhao, the Sad Butterfly

When he was born in the lotus pond in summer, he was "startled by a flock of gulls and egrets". When he was born in the drizzle in autumn, there was a touch of tenderness. It was him, it was him, Li Qingzhao. Reading it in the sea of poetry, I felt the helplessness and emotion of "I reported a long sigh at sunset, and there were amazing sentences in learning poetry". But there is also the leisurely life in the boudoir of "being intoxicated and not knowing the way back". Although he is a woman, he is strong and unyielding, and there are still beautiful lines that people can recite through the ages.

Reading refreshed my life, and he made me understand that perseverance is an indispensable part of life. Reading is the bright moon in the Qin Dynasty, which ignites the national conditions in the silver glow. Reading is the Ming Pass in the Han Dynasty, and deep mourning contains many tears. Reading is a castle in the Qing Dynasty, which expresses many majestic beauty in its magnificence.

Reading refreshes my life, and it makes me learn a lot. Because reading, I am no longer afraid of difficulties, because reading, my life is no longer monotonous, because reading, my life is more exciting, because reading refreshes my life.

Read every word, comprehend thousands of poems, and refresh the beautiful life.


Refreshing Composition (6)

The future brilliance will always grow on the branches of continuous efforts. Whether the front is barren desert or lush. The wilderness depends on our constant innovation.

Only by constantly innovating and not following the rules can we refresh ourselves and find a better self.

Innovation requires wisdom and courage. When electric fans first came into the market, they were not very popular and their sales were not optimistic. As a result, manufacturers were puzzled and spent a lot of money on advertising and promotion. However, they had little success and were forced to stop. A young man with innovative spirit and ability has brought infinite vitality to this industry. He painted the electric fans in various colors, so the sales increased greatly. As a result, this young man has become the world's largest fan manufacturer and a tycoon in this industry.

His innovation not only opened a breakthrough for the electric fan industry and won success for the enterprise, but also won success for himself and refreshed himself. As Li Keran said, "The best result can only be runner up if we follow the footsteps of our predecessors." Therefore, if we want to succeed and become a better person, we must be good at thinking, bold in innovation, so as to refresh ourselves.

If you want to refresh yourself and achieve success, you should not only study the knowledge and experience of predecessors, but also be good at innovation. When building the Qiantang River Bridge, Chinese bridge expert Mao Yisheng refreshed himself with his innovation, saving time and space for building the bridge. On the basis of previous technologies, he used science and technology to create a more advanced construction technology and achieved success.

As Dai Yannian said, "It is unique to bring forth the new through the old." It is also in this interest that Mao Yisheng refreshes himself and reduces the waste of bridge construction to a minimum. Therefore, while learning the knowledge and experience of our predecessors, we should also be good at discovery and bold innovation, so as to refresh ourselves and find a better self.

In front of this misty front, we do not know what is ahead: a beacon for us to move forward, or an abyss. But as long as we grasp the present, dare to innovate and refresh ourselves, we can find a better self ahead.

Refreshing Composition (7)

In our drum kit class, there has always been a "tradition" of holding a "one-on-one" contest every year, with only one minute.

Although I can be called an old student in my class, this is the first time for me to participate in this kind of competition. The previous rules of the competition were: all students participated in the competition, regardless of groups, and selected the three students with the highest results. This may be unfair, because how can a new student who has studied for one year compare with an old student who has studied for six or seven years? So this year, the teacher formulated new rules: divide the group according to the length of learning time, each person has three opportunities to choose the best one, select the top three in each group, and reward each person with a pair of drumsticks. I feel lucky to see the new rules.

The match is scheduled for the first day of the next month. I have only one or two weeks to prepare. I know that there are many strong "opponents" in my group. I also know that my strength is not the best, so I can only take this method of hard practice.

The original orange drum pad was full of percussion marks, and sweat dripped on the clean ground. Every drop of sweat reflected my efforts, and my hands also wore cocoons.

Time waits for no one. The game is coming soon. For anyone, these three games are so precious. Why does a usually short minute become so long at this time? I really hope to win the first place and live up to my efforts, but these three achievements are not ideal: 609, 623, 689. My highest score was 59 times lower than the first place, and I finally got the third place with 689 times.

This experience made me understand that there are many people out there who are more powerful than me, but my biggest opponent is myself. Although I have refreshed my achievements this time, I cannot be proud of it, because I still have a long way to go.

Refreshing Composition (8)

The grass in the cracks grows vigorously, refreshes itself, and ushers in the brilliant spring; The eagle soars against the wind, refreshes itself, and gains the future sky; The tree tried its best to take root, refresh itself, and absorb sufficient nourishment. In the new year, I will constantly refresh myself to embrace my own wonderful life!

The bell of the nervous monthly exam was about to ring. After dinner, I reluctantly walked to my desk and looked at the hill like homework with anxiety. I slumped weakly in my chair and sighed heavily. "Alas, when should I write so many homework?" I couldn't help complaining. "Stick to it again, study hard and take a good exam." I persuaded myself in my heart. The shadow of the trees outside the window swayed with the wind. I got up and closed the window. As the window closed, my heart gradually calmed down. I picked up my pen and wrote quickly.

Suddenly, the round tip of the pen left the scroll, the white paper was suddenly scratched, black ink was rendered on it, and a strong "roadblock" stood in front of me. I anxiously turned to the math book to look for formulas and examples, and wanted to defeat it at one stroke, but things were not as simple as imagined. I continued to turn to the midpoint of the classic, accompanied you to learn to look for the same topic, but still got nothing... At this time, I seemed to see a "roadblock" proudly wagging its tail at me.

"One more time" I cheered myself up and got a new piece of calculation paper. I calculated again and again, but there were many different answers. When I was at a loss, light rain began to fall outside the window. It seemed that the light rain outside the window was a fairy sent by God to disturb my thoughts, which upset me. The desk lamp also flickered and flickered with the ticking sound outside the window. The air around me suddenly solidified, and my anxious heart also rose and fell with the drip of rain. I put down my pen heavily and buried my head in meditation. "Is it really worth giving up now after working so hard for so long? Maybe it's only one step away from success. Try again." A voice echoed in my ears. I took a long sigh of relief and slowly calmed down to recall the example that the teacher said in my mind. Step by step to transform, change the sign, merge, and eliminate the element again, and the last step turned out to be a simple monomial. The dawn of victory seemed to be waving to me. I strove to block the answer and calculate again. The two were the same. I put down my pen gently, and the raindrops outside the window played happy music for me.

I finally overcame myself. I am no longer the child who retreated from difficulties. Persistence has given me a taste of victory. In the new year, only by constantly refreshing myself can I become the most unique and beautiful fireworks.

Refreshing Composition (9)

I think this sense of frustration is enough to defeat all my fighting will to survive. Yes, we are just small stars, living in the vast universe, small and terrible, but she seems to break free from the magic claw of fate, lying in the Milky Way shining, which is a height I can not reach. Even if we get rid of secular eyes, give up any negative thoughts, I am still the inconspicuous star, still the stubborn look with a little white light but still love to climb up to the bright sky, but I am more ordinary than ants, as if the quiet sunshine never belongs to me, and I never got him; But she is different. She is a high princess. Every time her performance is concerned by people, she is the most perfect model in the eyes of all teachers. It seems that she has become a model in the hearts of all our students overnight. I suddenly understand that she has an ordinary face, but she is doing extraordinary things all the time. How can you let us, she may be able to ignore us?

I can't deny her hard work. When you turn over the review materials covered in a mound and scratch your head, when you are only talking and laughing with your friends, when you are focused on playing video games, when you are holding a book in a daze, when you watch a movie... All the time, she is silently at the desk. She is not a genius, maybe he does not have such a high talent, Just because others have done 99% of what they should have done, you can't compare with others. You should ask yourself, have you achieved the crucial 99%? Don't take the poor 1% as an excuse to admit defeat. If you don't do it, how can you know there is no talent?

I try my best to persuade myself to listen to my heart. It seems that the frustration that can burn like a raging fire is exhausted. I see my personal signature. The first one has everything, and the second one is nothing. However, what followed was their sincere consolation. I didn't know that this adjective was appropriate, but I knew that their simple words accompanied me all afternoon, comforted my heart and thoughts that were nearly collapsed and self abandoned. In fact, I never felt that I had ever flown into the clouds and appreciated the beauty of the sky, I don't know where my mother has been worried about my pride, because I always feel that I really lost in this battle. The things that haunt me are no longer mine, but hers. If I think highly of her, I will take her to the sky. What I restrain is no longer my high sense of achievement, but my frustration that I have to restrain. When I start to think calmly, Only then did I understand that failure is not only a blow, but also a gift. When I concentrate on writing, I will inadvertently find that I have gained a lot of things that can not be taken from success. Of course, I also understand that there are so many friends and teachers around that I can talk to and rely on.

Success also has two sides. If you are successful, you will inevitably be prejudiced and commented by all kinds of people. When you have tasted all the benefits, you will feel like falling into an ice cellar; People who support you will stay with you for a long time, and you will get glory in a continuous stream, which is also full of happiness. So, I tell myself, we must cheer up. Even though there are many difficulties and thorns, we must lay a solid foundation for future success. When we look forward to success, we must also be like her, your most powerful 'opponent, and dare to pay the 99%. Maybe, success is only one step away from you.

I have been growing up all the time, even though frustrations blossom into a sea of flowers.

Refreshing Composition (10)

That day, when I took the novel that I had just finished the second chapter and happily showed it to my father, I thought I would be praised, but my father said, "Yes, it's a little better than the previous one. The previous one is worse, and this one is better than the previous one. However, I think the description of the whole event is a little flat, just like writing a narrative. From the occurrence and development, it seems very flat, without the twists and turns of the plot and the fascinating climax. " I was disappointed to hear that. I thought that the novel was very good, but it was commented like this. I felt very disappointed. The excitement just now has been thrown out of my mind. However, these are some suggestions that I am happy to accept.

The father then said, "The whole incident is not reasonable. You think, a little girl who dare not speak too loudly, how dare she save the princess, not to mention the king is still there. Your character description is also bad. Do you think the king is a fierce king or a kind king? What does he want to do to the hero? Since this is a novel about love, we should first let the protagonist understand love before saving the princess, so we should add something to it, such as the old man watermelon. " This statement made me feel a bit shocked and wanted to cry, but I still tried to hold back my tears, acted as if it was nothing at all, and covered up my sadness.

Dad also said, "The main thing is that there are not many good words and sentences to modify the novel, which makes it boring to read. In the whole novel, I did not find a good word. According to the good sentence, I was supposed to encourage you, but I can't do without hitting you. It is really necessary to have no plot, and to have no beautiful text, strictly speaking, the novel failed." I can't help it, A sore throat, astringent eyes, sour nose, tears like a broken pearl fall down unexpectedly. A few times ago, I wrote a good novel, always give up halfway. I finally decided to write a full version of the novel, but was hit by such a blow. Is this the taste of frustration?

Shortly after, darkness came. I moved a chair to the entrance of the villa, looked at the stars in the sky, looked at the colorful street market and flowing lights, and accepted the cool, light and gentle breeze in the summer night. Now, as if I was the only person in the world, I began to cry. I cried recklessly. The sound of crying rang through the sky, and one cold tear after another fell on the back of my hand. I am the only person in the world.

The next day, I read the novel again and again, and had to admit that it was really not interesting, not a plot, really bad. But I will definitely write a great book that will make the world famous. I found that I had a goal in my life. I decided to listen, speak, read, write, see, think and practice more in the future. I believe that the ideal will not be far away from me.

Refreshing Composition (11)

Autumn is the harvest season. At a glance, it is full of golden fruits.

Autumn is also bleak, which means withering.

In this first monthly exam, I wanted to get off to a good start, but this time I was pushed into a deep abyss by reality.

I still remember that in the afternoon of that day, the scene of handing out the test paper: the test paper was slowly reduced from the hands of the students who handed out the test paper. From time to time, the voice came from the ear: "Yes! How beautiful!" Ouch! This is the question. There is one answer missing, or you will get 95 points! " My eyes were fixed on the test paper, fearing that the next one would be mine. My heart was trembling, and my heart seemed happy and nervous. I didn't dare to look. I covered my eyes with my fingers, but from time to time I twisted my fingers from left to right, revealing half of my eyes. Seeing that the students who handed out the papers were approaching, my own gentle footsteps turned into a "thumping" sound in my ears. My heart seemed to have jumped to my throat. I saw that the students looked at the "appreciation" with a little sarcasm, snorted, threw the papers on my desk, and said to me, "How good the exam was!" At that moment, I tried to tell myself, That paper is not mine, but I can't eliminate the 69 points that I just saw: dazzling red cross full paper and "Han Shutong" can't look directly at! "No! No! No!" The teacher wrote the score backwards! It was the teacher who corrected the mistake! " I was powerless to comfort myself, but the fact was there and I could only choose to accept it. My heart seemed to be pulled out by a beast, my energy channels were extracted by a wizard, and my breathing stopped. My whole body was weak, and I bent down softly on my arms and knees, and my head was buzzing

I wobbled back home, took out today's test paper, calmed down, carefully analyzed the cause of the error, calculated all the wrong questions twice or three times, and then after checking, I was determined to be the correct answer before I gave up.

Next, I did my homework again. When I came across the calculation question "a+b+c2-c3-c2+c3". I thought casually: Wow! How to solve such a difficult problem? Oh, it's OK. Anyway, wait until Dad gets home and asks. My body suddenly awoke and said to myself: absolutely not, do you still want to get a lower score than this time? Shouldn't the problem be solved? How can you depend on others for everything? Has the score not alerted you this time? So I pulled myself together again. Find and simplify the similar items "c2, c3" of this question. Finally, I brought in real number verification, and it was right!

Failure is the mother of success. Only after experiencing setbacks, learning experience and correcting mistakes can I succeed. I will keep this seemingly failed test paper forever and let it become my driving force!

Refreshing Composition (12)

Her white and smooth arm gently lifted, and then she blocked the dazzling sunlight with the back of her hand.

From her frowning eyes, there was a faint sense of discomfort.

A kind of arrogance and irreverence that is not in line with his age.

The physical education teacher shook his fat arm and urged the girls to run.

One by one, the girls reluctantly sat up from the stone steps and took small steps lazily.

Liang Yinmo ran silently, and Qu Xin, her classmate, approached her with her bud like hair.

She remembered that she had heard Qu Xin and his party talk about the flight attendants class before... She casually asked Qu Xin, "Are you going?" In fact, she felt that the other party's conditions could not meet the requirements of the flight attendants class, but was embarrassed to speak because of the relationship between classmates.

Qu Xin smiled and stroked the neat fringe in front of her forehead: "I don't know. I can't pass the exam again. I have a lot of pimples on my face." Liang Yin sighed with relief, wondering why.

At noon the next day, Liang Yin's deskmate returned to his seat after dinner, leaned close to Liang Yin's ear and whispered, "I know who is going to interview the flight attendant class."

Liang Yin looked at her with doubts. The latter took a deep breath and said, "All five of Qu Xin's are going."

Then Liang Yin was silent.

With only one month to go before graduation, Qu Xin smiled recklessly and handed the record to Liang Yin.

Liang Yin doesn't plan to buy a classmate record. She thinks that if a classmate has something to do, a phone call would be good. Why write something that has something to do with it.

However, she still took the pen and began to write.

She wrote in the message: beauty is because of overcoming the fear of beauty, beauty is because of ignoring the passing of beauty.

Qu Xin glanced at it and smiled. Liang Yin smiled, too. She didn't know whether Qu Xin's smile was due to empathy or simply thought it was beautiful. She didn't know, nor did she want to know specifically.

Large tracts of gray clouds were wantonly rendered in the sky, with golden lightning flashes and deep thunder from time to time. A heavy downpour was not far away from us.

Qu Xin and Liang Yin are standing at the door of the classroom. Under the shelter of the eaves, they get closer and speak innocuous words.

Liang Yin asked Qu Xin why she didn't plan to take the high school entrance exam. The latter said sadly, "I'm afraid of suffering."

Liang Yin's startled face soon calmed down again: "It's only a few years of hard work. In the next few decades, it's possible to live a good life because of these years' hard work."

Qu Xin still insisted, "But I don't want to suffer, very much."

Liang Yin smiled, extremely bleak, but slightly inferior to the bad weather, so Qu Xin did not notice.

In the rain, Liang Yin's head did not know whether it was awake or more chaotic.

She knows that Qu Xinming failed the interview.

She knows that today's children generally have no spirit of hardship, but she doesn't want to be such an ignorant person.

She had nowhere to tell about the pain.

The flowers that blossomed between each other in the warm wind that day swayed their slender waist, as if they were also waiting for an earth shaking event with us, in order to show their insignificant sense of existence and to get rid of all the superficial evaluations.

But are those flowers mature?

Refreshing Composition (13)

I always think that we need to be an optimistic person, because people living in this world, in fact, are happy or unhappy because of their own attitudes. Optimists always think about the same thing not so bad, but the news people will think about it very bad, resulting in a bad mood.

So I also care about optimism in my daily life. I think that if I am optimistic, my life will be much happier. For example, when I wait for a bus to go to school, I may miss a bus when I arrive at the station. At this time, I will encourage myself to comfort myself, saying that there are already many people on that bus, and maybe the next bus can be less crowded, I can also relax here before getting on the bus. I like to comfort myself in this way. For example, I had a question in the exam because I was careless and wrong. At this time, I would not be very angry or sad. I recalled that it was also a good thing to do this question, because at least I knew where I would not be. I needed to practice more after class, or I knew that I should not be careless and learn more. It doesn't matter if I lost these points, Since I've lost it, I can't get it back, so I might as well sort out my emotions and wait for the next exam, and learn from this exam to become the motivation and better nourishment for the next exam.

I am always so optimistic in life, and I will infect others with my optimism. Sometimes if others encounter many unpleasant things in life, I will pass on my optimistic thoughts to them, and let them think like me. Then they may try to think like me, and find that things are not as bad as I thought, Maybe if you think about the good side of him from another angle, you will not be so sad and sad. Optimism is refreshing my life. I really think optimism is a good thing, because I have found many good things from optimism. For example, there is one thing that others think is very bad, and the impact of this thing is very negative. But I will treat it with an optimistic attitude, and I think it is not so bad, So when others can keep a negative state, I can keep optimistic. In fact, I have always been happy, at least my mood will not be very low.

Optimism is refreshing my life. I hope everyone can be as optimistic as I am.

Refreshing Composition (14)

Living is really tiring. Some people sigh like this. Living is really annoying, and even more people sigh like this. Living is really happy - I like this interpretation of life.

After looking for thousands of reasons, I found that life is different in my vision. It is not that life gives me any difference, but that I feel that life is different, just because my mind is full of two words - optimism.

Optimism is my life with beauty.

I once saw those holiday fishermen go out early in the morning and still sing happily when they go home with empty fishing nets in the sunset. Can't help being surprised: How can I be so optimistic after a day's waiting and nothing? The answer to me is that it is the fish's business whether they want my hook or not, just like Jiang Taigong fishing - willing to take the bait, but it is a day of happiness and enjoyment for me to catch it.

Optimism is a kind of happiness.

I once saw an old man who had been sweeping the street for more than forty years, cleaning a long street every day. I think the old man has spent his life in this way, and he is the most unpromising one. The answer to me is: the street is clean and the heart is clean.

Optimism is a feeling of calm and facing life directly.

Remember: if there is a deep blue sky, there will be elegant white clouds; Where there is the grandeur of the sea, there will be the elegance of the stream; With the fragrance of grassland, there will be green grass. In life, as long as you are more optimistic, life will give you the happiest experience.

Refreshing Composition (15)

When I encounter difficulties and setbacks, it is courage that enables me to face them calmly. At the same time, courage has taught me a lot. It is courage that has refreshed my life.

It was a sunny morning. I got up early, stepped out of the house, and bathed in the warm sunshine. It was very comfortable!

Just then, through the wisps of sunshine, I saw my uncle running from the path not far away. He told me: Today, take me to catch loaches. I was very reluctant, but finally I couldn't resist my uncle's persuasion, and reluctantly followed him to catch the loach.

My uncle and I came to a piece of mud together. I saw my uncle put on his leather boots and slowly 'walked into the mud. Every time he walked, he would splash mud flowers. At this time, my uncle waved to me to let me muddy.

Looking at the muddy muddy water, my face turned pale and I thought how I would get down if it was so dirty! My uncle saw that I was too late to come down, so he walked up to me and encouraged me to say: "It's fun here. Besides, you can change your clothes if your clothes are dirty. Come down quickly. If you miss this time, you won't have a chance!" After listening to my uncle's words, I thought for a long time, and finally got up the courage to step into the mud slowly. The mud is soft and soft. It slides past my feet. It's very comfortable!

Suddenly, my uncle gave a cry of surprise, which made me jump. I almost sat down in the mud. I wanted to complain about my uncle, but he wanted me to catch a big loach in his hand. But when I saw the loach wriggling back and forth in his hand, I didn't dare to reach out to catch it, but at the same time I saw his expectant eyes, Finally, I got up the courage to catch the loach. Although it threw me with mud all over my face, I still held it tightly without any relaxation.

It is that courage that has always accompanied me, making me feel a different life, and it is courage that refreshes my life.

Refreshing Composition (16)

In our ordinary daily life, we always have to contact the composition. The composition requires a complete text structure, and we must avoid the appearance of open-ended composition. I'm sure many people will find it difficult to write compositions. The following is a new composition compiled by Xiaobian for your reference. Welcome to read it.

The sun, moon and stars are the transformation of orbits; The change of seasons is the refresh of time; To conquer and surpass oneself is to refresh oneself.

Time is not yet in the offing, the past is frosty, and the story is too bleak at the beginning. The winter rain started after the monthly exam. The strong wind carried the rain and knocked on the window lattice. At night, the lights were lit to listen to the patter, and the mind was like a duckweed rising and falling. The scores of these compositions are not satisfactory. They are so careless that the interior is passable. I don't agree with them. Before writing, flowers bloom in one season; After writing, the ground is full of sadness. There is no good sentence. There are only square characters flying on the paper, fighting with the box. When the students looked at the writing, they were all full of praise: "You are the character of a chicken claw on the ground, and picking up a handful of grass on the ground is your character." What's more, they were directly shot in the face, and the old face was drawn, which was ferocious. Their hands covered their faces, and their eyebrows were frowned. After a long time, a sentence popped out: "Your character is too hot, hot for my eyes, and I can't see it!"

The teacher also showed more care for me. If I had nothing to do, I was invited to squat in front of me to "drink tea". If I had nothing to do, I growled softly: "Move the stool to squat in front of me!" I stood up, clapped my hands, raised my arms, took the chair, walked forward, squatted down, and drew pictures according to the calligraphy. Time has trodden on me. I squat, squat forever! After a long time, I realized that there is no dust in the world, but if I squat for a long time, I will be covered with dust!

The snow of Chinese characters melts in spring. How beautiful the rhyme is and how wonderful the plot is; How uninhibited the characters are, how carefree the fonts are. In order to write a good poem and a good sentence, I began to draw out my pen. "Go, fight with the copybook!". In order not to let the font break free from the box like a prisoner, and not to let the Chinese characters smash the box into pieces, I swear to fight with the copybook for 300 rounds, and fight to the death!

Spring breeze turns to rain, refresh yourself. In the time of wave throwing, there is either smoke and rain, or the breeze is warm. The years also began to smooth the edges and corners of the font, and the words I wrote began to become good people, as if I would quietly stay in the box and meditate on life, with less broken heads and blood and no fragmentation. The students didn't cover their faces and laugh. They looked miserable, and the teacher didn't blame them any more. Time passed so quietly.

The beginning is too good, the end will be sad; From the beginning, it goes up and down, and the ending is always calm; But I constantly challenge myself and constantly refresh myself. I found that life is like a bloody battle in the Jianghu. To get out of the tight encirclement, we need to practice martial arts; The original refresh is just that rising is more than falling!

Refreshing Composition (17)

In ordinary daily life, many people have written a composition. A composition is a style composed of words, which expresses a theme through language organization after people's thinking. Still at a loss for composition? The following are the books organized by Xiao Bian to refresh my life composition. Welcome to read and collect.

Books are what people will encounter in their study life. But I changed my life because of it.

The first time I met it, I thought it was amazing. It has many words, animals and plants that I have never seen before. I immediately fell in love with it and wanted to hold it every day.

Gradually, I felt dissatisfied and began to seek more knowledge. I asked my parents to buy extra-curricular books for me. My parents bought some story books for me, which were accompanied by videos. I held the brand new book that my parents bought for me and couldn't wait to open it. Unfortunately, I don't know much. My mother looked at my stunned face, took out a CD from the back of the book and showed it to me. I found that the picture on TV is the same as the picture on the book. I read after the TV.

Since then, I have known many words. When I came to primary school, what I saw was a boring Chinese book. It was full of words and almost had no pictures. I didn't like it. Moreover, when the Chinese teacher changed his homework, he used a ruler to hit me with a mistake, which made me hate Chinese.

Later, in the fourth grade, I found that the knowledge in Chinese books seemed more nutritious than the books I had read before. I began to love Chinese, but somehow, even if I worked hard again, my composition could not be completed independently.

Later, the teacher suggested that we students buy some extra-curricular books to read. My parents took me to buy extra-curricular books. I remember that I bought "Education of Love" at that time. I read the book quickly and began to finish my composition independently. The composition in the exam is also taken as an example for the teacher from time to time.

Now I'm still reading some science fiction and some adventure novels. I am reading these novels now, not only to improve my writing level, but also to expand my knowledge and let myself know the wonderful world outside and the author's crazy fantasy. There are many friends around, and many books come from them. We will change after watching our own.

Books give you not only knowledge, but also happiness and friendship. People should read more, learn its advantages, observe its disadvantages, and take this as a warning. The famous aphorism is the nutrition needed for growth, so that you can grow up healthily and educate future children. In short, books have been constantly refreshing my life.

Refreshing Composition (18)

In the ordinary study, work and life, everyone must have been exposed to composition. According to the characteristics of writing proposition, composition can be divided into proposition composition and non proposition composition. So have you learned about composition? The following is my life composition, which is carefully sorted out by my editor. Welcome to read it. I hope you can enjoy it.

In primary school, I have always been among the best in my class, and I have been awarded "three good students" and "excellent students" by teachers for many times.

When entering junior high school, it is not just three subjects of language, math and English. Physics will be added in the second year of junior high school, and chemistry will be added in the third year of junior high school. Even though he has not been exposed to chemistry, he has been overwhelmed by physics and English notes.

In the first semester of the first day of the junior high school, I passed through without thinking, and was called by the teacher to the office to talk many times. I want to learn very much, but I always want to give up halfway. My math and English scores are declining, and I am afraid of the examination papers. Even lost confidence in themselves. Every time after class, I want to play with my friends, but they always talk about topics together. I can't understand the topics without passing the exam, and I feel I'm not worthy to interrupt.

Gradually, I felt that my friends began to alienate me, and I began to feel inferior. Almost every night, I would secretly wipe away tears.

This setback hit my heart deeply.

In the second semester of the first day of the junior high school, every weekend, the students relax at home, while they go to cram school outside in the afternoon of the weekend and run around. In class, write down the knowledge points, graphs and formulas that the teacher focuses on; As soon as class is over, I will silently recite formulas and knowledge points. Unconsciously, mathematics has a complete set of wrong questions. Whenever there is a problem that I don't understand, I will go to the office to ask the teacher for some solutions to the problem. The teacher often asks me to correct the problem and tell me the reason.

The half semester soon passed, and the final exam came again. On the eve of the exam, I carefully read the wrong questions I usually recorded. In the exam, I didn't listen to what was going on around me. I just tried myself. He played exceptionally in the math paper. Finally, he was ecstatic when he learned the score. He not only passed the exam, but also exceeded 100 points. Although he did not reach 110 points, he was very excited.

Since then, I have not only played with friends after class, but also exchanged topics; I am no longer afraid of any setbacks, because I think setbacks are a wealth, which has refreshed my life.

Refreshing Composition (19)

Everything needs to be refreshed from time to time. If you don't refresh yourself in time, the computer will not receive new things, and the mobile phone will not receive new information. This is also true for people. If you refresh yourself constantly, you will not be able to access new things. Your vision will become narrow, your mind will stagnate, you will not be able to keep pace with the times, your knowledge and ability level will not be improved, and you will be eliminated by the society over time.

Refreshing ourselves can make us understand our own shortcomings. "I examine myself three times a day" is the way for ancient sages to refresh themselves. It is only by keeping a clear mind that we can write works that will be handed down for later generations, and we can have a sense of every little thing.

Refreshing ourselves can enable us to increase our talents. "Suffer your heart, strain your muscles and bones, starve your body, empty your body, and disturb what you do, so be patient and increase what you can't". This way of refreshing yourself is not given by heaven, but a kind of cultivation, a kind of energy accumulation, a process of accumulation, so as to achieve the goal of improving yourself.

Refreshing ourselves can keep us modest. Throughout the ages, modesty and kindness are the most valuable qualities; Arrogance and indifference are the most fatal character defects. Only by refreshing ourselves from time to time can we abandon all withered branches and withered leaves, keep the trunk of the big tree of life intact, absorb sunlight, grow into a towering tree, and sprinkle the fruits of positive energy on the earth.

Only when we refresh ourselves can we distinguish between the primary and the secondary and know what to choose. It is by refreshing herself that Jane Eyre did not accept St. John's proposal; Only then did the Count of Monte Cristo stop his revenge on Mercedes. Therefore, it is self refreshing that we will know our own situation, make the right choice, and choose the right responsibilities and tasks.

Refreshing oneself is a positive way of life. No matter where and when we are, we should always refresh ourselves, carefully examine ourselves, dare to reform, and grow vigorously and optimistically.

Refreshing Composition (20)

A wisp of smoke shines on the pale yellow petals. I am staring at the flowers and the beautiful scenery.

It still needs to start from a few months ago: the yard behind the house needs to be rebuilt. In order to prevent residents from entering the construction site, the "No Passage" sign was installed early. From a distance, the yard with flowers in full bloom and fresh air can only see empty land and dust flying in the air, so I don't want to go that way again.

When the courtyard was almost completed, I came to the beautiful courtyard in the past with the attitude of trying out of curiosity. The notice board of "No Passage" at the gate of the yard has been taken away. I walked slightly inwards, the ground was still covered with soil, and the original flowers and plants have disappeared. Then I walked inwards. On a roadside, from a distance, there were clusters of pale yellow flowers. I stepped up to walk there, squatted down and looked at the lovely, pale yellow flowers carefully, Small life floating gently with the breeze. How she wants to come out of the earth and see the outside world! Unexpectedly, I could grow up in such a place rarely visited by people. I leaned forward gently, leaned close to the petals, and smelled the faint fragrance. I was shocked and attracted by this little life! It changed my mind; In the past, I always thought that only when there is enough sunshine and people take good care of the flowers can they grow so beautiful, but this little flower, relying on its own efforts, grows in a dusty environment!

Many things in life are the same as discovering these flowers. We are always using our own definitions to recognize things. Many things are different from what we think. Therefore, every discovery and surprise is refreshing our cognition and self again and again. Small flowers refresh themselves, grow beautifully, and prove that growing in a dusty environment is the same, growing in the sand!

I think about myself. I should also think about myself as a flower. No matter what difficulties I have in the way of learning, I should find ways to overcome them, find ways to constantly improve myself and constantly refresh myself. From that day on, I began to listen more carefully in class, followed the teacher's ideas, looked for a method suitable for me, and kept innovating day by day. I slowly entered the state and began to make progress. At night, accompanied by the lights, there was only the rustle of pen and paper friction in the room. At that moment, as if time was still, I began to enjoy this wonderful feeling alone.

In time and time again in the training of continuous growth, constantly beyond self, refresh self composition.