Praise my own composition (16 in general)
Ningshan still water
2024-06-12 02:05:05

Praise my composition (1)

On May 2, my parents decided to take me and my good friends to climb Lingbaixian (Lingyan Mountain - Baimajian) in the afternoon.

After lunch, we happily took a taxi and came to the foot of Lingyan Mountain. I talked and laughed with my good friends and began to climb the steps of Lingyan Mountain. Only ten minutes ago, I felt sweaty, hot and tired. But seeing my father climbing faster than the three of us with four coats and four bottles of water, I had to hurry to catch up. Soon after half an hour, we climbed Lingyan Mountain. Enjoy the beautiful scenery, take a break and add some water. Mother said, "Have you finished half of the journey?" Father replied, "This is the most relaxing journey. We should hurry to have a rest and hurry down the mountain."

It's not easy for me to go down the mountain. But it's not the same way down the mountain. Go down the path at the entrance of Lingyan Temple. Although there are no convenient steps, it's very gentle. It's cool and relaxed to walk under the shade of trees. But the coolness and comfort soon disappeared, followed by heat waves in the sun and steep slopes. The steep slope is not enough. There is still a layer of sand on it. It slides as soon as you go up. As soon as I didn't notice, I slipped and had a close contact with the mountains. I just liked going downhill, and now I'm afraid of going downhill. It is true to the old saying: it is easy to go up the mountain, but difficult to go down.

I thought it would be better if the downhill was over. Who knows, the downhill is coming again. At this time, the ascent is not like the step road of Lingyan Mountain, which requires both hands and feet, but it is also easier to walk than the just downhill road. There is always going up and down. After a while, I came to the second top of the mountain. At the first sight of the nearly 60 degree downhill road, I began to scream in fear before going downhill. My father comforted me, "I'm not afraid, I'll open the way for you in front." I was careful, with trees supporting trees and stones supporting stones, and I could barely meet my father. In this way, I went down one mountain road after another. When I thought I could enjoy the joy of success, I fell down again and my leg was bruised by small stones. But then we came to the third mountain top. When the breeze blew, I felt a relaxed and comfortable feeling, and experienced the artistic conception of the poem Saint Du Fu, who wrote, "When I will be at the top of the mountain, I will see all the mountains are small".

After the rest, I started the downhill trip again. This time, the slope was even steeper than before, at least about 70 degrees, but I no longer screamed. But my father even performed sand sliding, and went down 45 meters in 123. I also learned, but... "Wow, wow..." I cried because I fell down again, and my leg was bleeding. At this time, I saw that two people around could still ride mountain bikes and mountain motorcycles there, and I stopped tears. Meditate in the heart: I can certainly!

After more than four hours, we finally climbed the Lingbai Line. I deeply understood what Chairman Mao said: "Nothing is difficult in the world as long as you are willing to climb". Although I was soaked with sweat and my legs were injured, I would like to praise myself.

Praise my composition (2)

Time is like an arrow, time is like a shuttle, and the footprints of growth are deeply left. When I look back, I realize that I have grown up.

Do you remember that I always cried for a little thing; Have you ever remembered that I was selfish and stingy, and I never wanted to share my own things with others; Do you remember that I was timid and self abased in those days, and I didn't dare to stick to myself

Now I have changed and grown through ups and downs.

I like being strong. In life, how can there be no storm? Even if the wind and waves break the wings, the heart will fly. Even if it is doomed to be lonely and indecisive, even if it is covered with bruises, it should also be strong. Gains and losses in life are common, and occasional failure is nothing. When you fail in an exam, you should not cry and wallow in it, but work hard to make up for your shortcomings. No one is a champion forever. Even if you stand too high, you can see more beautiful and distant scenery, but if you fall down carelessly, you will suffer more pain than others. Therefore, a strong heart is particularly important. Although I have not yet become a real strong man, I am already on this road.

I appreciate my tolerance. Tolerance is a clear water that can erase people's anger; Tolerance is a ray of sunshine, which can illuminate the darkness in people's hearts. Tolerance is the traditional virtue of the Chinese nation, inherited for thousands of years. I still remember a few years ago, I was angry for a few popcorn. Now after years of baptism, I gradually learned to be lenient. It is a truth to endure the calm wind and calm waves for a while, and to step back from the sea and sky. I no longer just for my own interests, but consciously share with others. Because of this, I became more and more popular, no longer just a member of the corner, received the bright sunshine, dispelled the haze.

I like being confident. The eagle is flying without applause. Grass, no one loves it, is also growing. No one appreciates the wild flowers in the deep mountains, and they are still fragrant... They can still insist on being the most authentic themselves, and don't care about others' opinions, so why can't I? So I become confident, do my best, be honest, and others' questions and ridicule are all OK, just try to be good at myself and move forward to the future.

I appreciate my diligence. Although the junior high school life is short, the competition is very fierce. If we want to stand out from the crowd of students, we can only do everything conscientiously and diligently. All the students in the class are working hard secretly, and everyone is unwilling to fall behind. In such an environment, I also keep forging ahead, tap my potential, make progress bit by bit, and achieve the fruits of victory.

No one is unchangeable on the way of growth. We are always pushed by time unconsciously, growing and becoming another person. While some people constantly improve themselves, others are overwhelmed. I like myself. At least in this process, I haven't lost my way. I hope that in the future, I will not forget my original intention and live up to the expectations of my teachers and parents. Until one day when I look back, I can proudly praise myself!

Praise my composition (3)

"No flowers, no trees, I am a little grass that nobody knows." Even so, I followed the shuttle of time, came to the post station of my life, sprinkled myself into the sunshine, and began to describe the outline of my life from a piece of white paper. I want to be brave enough to praise myself.

From learning to walk, babbling and talking to being able to wield ink today, all these things should be "praised". When I learned to stand and walk straight, and shouted "Mom and Dad", my parents gave me a thumbs up; When I studied hard and performed well, the teacher praised me; When I help my classmates and help others, my classmates praise me; Whenever my parents "show off" my achievements to friends, others will always say, "I envy you..." It is precisely because these "likes" are like invisible hands, supporting me and leading me to happy growth.

But as time went by, my parents became more and more "stingy" in their praise of me. Even if I have achieved good results, I just don't change my face and nod my head slightly, which means that I am positive. Therefore, I can't stop running and constantly praise myself to create a better myself.

I still remember that in the early days of junior high school, I always lived in the classroom every day, living a monotonous life of "two points and one line" between home and school. It used to be thought that school was a sea of learning joy, while home was a comfortable harbor for rest. But the ideal is too full, but the reality is very skinny. At the critical moment, home has become the second place for learning. The house is quiet all day long, as if I am alone in the library. Mosquitoes and cicadas play symphonies in turn, which can add a touch of sentiment to my tired study days.

The nervous exam finally passed. After the exam, I couldn't sleep with my eyes narrowed. When the summer vacation comes, I have to take a vacation for the head who has made great efforts and contributions to me to comfort the eyelids that fight all day long. My father, who is used to being serious, will turn a blind eye to my relaxation. I know that it's very satisfying to get such a special point of praise!

Following the golden sunshine in September, I picked up the color pen and stepped into reality to color my own paper. I want to give my thumbs up to praise my new learning environment: here, there are solemn and beautiful teaching buildings, a library with rich collections, clean and bright classrooms, knowledgeable teachers, and enterprising students. Here, every swaying branch is a waving arm, every clear bird song is a sweet song, and every gentle breeze is a careful greeting... The moment I came to reality, the minute I stepped into the junior high school classroom, the second I sat down, I injected new blood, and my heart "plopped, plopped". The warm breeze brushed my face and came to this place to achieve my dream. My heart was filled with emotion. There were thousands of wild horses in my heart, galloping fast!

Let's cherish the moment and praise ourselves, then you will be the brightest star!

Praise the composition for myself (4)

Like, what a popular and fashionable word!

On the court, when you see a wonderful goal, give a compliment; On the book, when you read beautiful sentences, click like; In life, when you see a beautiful scenery, you can say "like"... As time goes by, your mind is full of likes. Have you ever left a favor for yourself? Do you have your own likes—— No, I can't be ashamed of myself. I also like myself and let me have my own praise.

Like one - appearance. Look at me, a handsome face with a pair of small eyes, a high nose and a small mouth is also eloquent. The tall and thin figure, with slightly prominent muscles, is particularly eye-catching. Carry a backpack, set up glasses, and match with casual clothes. Let's go!

Like two - sense of humor. In my class, I am humorous and funny, and I often make the whole class laugh with my friends. My sense of humor is definitely not inherited, because my parents are very serious, and occasionally I have fun. I think humor is not only to make others laugh, but also to make others laugh happily, laugh happily, throw away all the unhappiness in their hearts, and fly happily with everyone. Only by spreading happiness can happiness be eternal.

The third is helpful. I didn't help others to do anything important, but only lifted a telegraph pole - hey hey, although I didn't do anything important, I also contributed my own strength to others. On the morning of last Friday, the school informed me to repair the broken tables and chairs in each class. I turned around and looked at my desk mate. Two screws were loose, but he didn't come. I picked up his desk and went to change it. After a while, when I first arrived at the classroom, he also came. Seeing the new desk I helped him change, I was very grateful and happy. Sometimes it is so simple to help others, just need a look

Four likes - sports. Speaking of sports, I began to get excited - badminton, table tennis, football, volleyball, basketball... I know everything, but my favorite is basketball, which belongs to me as my best friend. My football skills can be one of the best in the class, but there are still many shortcomings. Basketball also makes my endurance very excellent, which has provided me with a lot of help in my study, so that I can learn more patiently and achieve more excellent results

I like myself, but I don't like it. I need to work hard

Praise the composition for myself (5)

hello everyone! Do you know who I am? You may be surprised - I am the land of China, the country of China, and the "Oriental Pearl" of the world - Great China is also! Ha ha, do you know why my opening speech today is so narcissistic? It was not because of this afternoon's "Parents enter the classroom" activity that my classmate, oh no, her father, gave a small history lesson about me to all the students in the class - although it was only 30 minutes, it was significant for me! Don't believe me, say I'm bragging? Well, look——

"Look at this map of China, does it look like a cock with its head raised high? Look, this is its head, this is its chest, and this is its beautiful tail raised high. It is red all over, full of air, standing tall in the east of the world." After listening to two or three sentences, I was convinced by myself. God, I am such a "beautiful man"! When my uncle told me that a neighbor of mine was like an ugly green caterpillar, deliberately crawling around the mouth of my "cock" and constantly challenging me, wouldn't he be afraid of being eaten by me? The students were all amused by their uncle's humor and laughed loudly; And I, from the bottom of my heart, lifted up a pleasant, comfortable, and some complacent smile. I understand that my present self has become more powerful and mature. No matter "physical strength" or "mental intelligence", they will no longer "enjoy" to the extreme pain of "falling behind and being beaten"!

The class continues. Next, my uncle's wonderful story made me feel more confident: all the dynasties I experienced in history, all kinds of ancient books and records about my history, my "four powerful assistants", the four classical Chinese classics, especially when he talked about the book "Five Thousand Years of China", I heard the amazing mystery from the title -- five thousand years! My history is so long! Besides, my exact age is far more than 5000 years old! Wow! It is said that people get older as they get older, but I am getting older and more "rejuvenated", stronger and more energetic! How happy! Then, when I heard the nickname of "One of the Four Ancient Civilizations", I was full of happiness and continued to listen——

"In ancient times, the transportation industry was not very developed, and people generally rode donkeys, horses and other livestock."

"The ancients didn't have a wide variety of food. They usually ate only two meals a day, including some coarse grains and pickled vegetables."

"The ancient way of communication went through a long evolution: at first, it only relied on shouting, then there were letters, and there were private messages on horseback; then, it began to use beacon towers to spread smoke; later, there was postal service;..."

"Ancient costumes..."

During this period, none of the students smiled any more. They were all watching and listening quietly. Of course, the most beneficial thing is myself. In the five thousand years I spent there, I really felt the cultural customs and vicissitudes of rise and fall in my body. For a while, I was still confused. However, this afternoon, let me know myself again. I am uplifted with high spirit.

Finally, the bell rings, and I'm going to say goodbye to my uncle and this group of lovely children! By the way, why say goodbye? They actually live on the neck of my "cock", in the "throat"! Here, I would like to brush my circle of friends, praise this wonderful uncle in the latest fashion, praise every student who studies hard, praise the teacher who held this activity, and also praise the "perfect" self! Of course, every "Zan" will not forget to be accompanied by a message: "Stop being the sick man of East Asia, and always be the long-lived oriental rooster!"

Praise the composition for myself (6)

In my life, teachers praise me, classmates praise me, family praise me, and friends praise me... That time, I praise myself!

In the fourth grade, there was a military training, the instructor said he would take us to make dumplings. We cheered for a while, but then we worried again. What if we can't pack well if we never enter the kitchen! Along the way, I saw some students full of confidence, eager to try; Some students frown and meditate; Other students looked around and were curious... So we followed the instructor to the canteen with both excitement and anxiety.

When we arrived at the canteen, there were dumpling skins, dumpling stuffing, flour, and dumpling plates on the table, waiting for us to come. The students sat down orderly, all craned their necks, and looked at the instructor's dumplings carefully, not daring to take any step down.

Finally, it was our turn to start making dumplings, and the canteen became lively. I first picked up a piece of dumpling skin, put it carefully on my left hand, then gently dipped my right hand in water, wiped a circle around the dumpling skin, picked up chopsticks, put a mouthful of dumpling filling in the middle of the dumpling skin, and finally folded and wrapped it. Ah! I forgot the lace of dumplings! Hurry to remedy, and carefully pinch the lace. I finished it. I looked at my first masterpiece and it looked good! Another glance around, ho! We are so serious. Some of us don't even know how to get flour on our noses. I can't help laughing. Several naughty boys rub flour on each other's faces, just like kittens! I looked at my classmates next to me again. They were speechless! This is not making dumplings. It's obviously making tanks! What a group of playful children!

As time goes by, our dumplings have been filled with dinner plates, which are quite spectacular. I carefully put it into the kitchen, and soon an aunt sent a large bowl of dumplings. I immediately filled a bowl of dumplings, which seemed to have the taste of our labor. I ate them, ah! Really delicious! We all eat with relish, one after another, and the Buddha will never be satisfied

I trade my labor for a bowl of sweet and delicious dumplings, and I praise myself! I'm awesome!

Praise the composition for myself (7)

I am a fourth grade pupil. People who have met me praise me for being sunny, lively and generous. But, as you know, I was not as generous as I am now. I used to be so timid and unsure!

My transformation started from the Chaoyi in the third grade. At the beginning of the new semester, in order to train our courage, our teacher assigned an interesting assignment, which was hosted by Chaoyi. Because I was too timid, my mother signed up for me in order to exercise me. This really upset me, because I hardly ever spoke in class. My mother seemed to see my mind, so she said to me earnestly, "There will be many firsts in life. If you don't try, how can you succeed?" This statement inspired me. I immediately set about preparing Chaoyi. I suddenly remembered the theme of the last online lesson and thought: "It's great, it's great. Finally, I found a good topic, and let's talk about 'Dragon, the Divine Beast of China'!"

So I practiced again and again in front of the computer, and let my parents be my classmates. Finally, I read the PPT thoroughly, and was very happy: "Yeah! I finally did a good job with the PPT!"

It's the day of the speech. When I came to the classroom, my classmates had already written the theme of my speech on the blackboard. When I looked carefully, I saw five colorful Chinese characters written on the blackboard, "Dragon, the Divine Beast of China". The speech began. My voice is as small as an ant, my legs tremble slightly, and I am very, very nervous. At this time, Mr. Huang, the head teacher standing by, saw that I was so nervous and gave me a encouraging look. With the encouragement of my teachers and classmates, my voice became louder and louder. My legs no longer trembled and I was not nervous at all. Finally, I ended my chair Chaoyi with applause and cheers.

I returned to my seat, savoring the joy of success, and could not help praising myself. Although Chaoyi's performance was not very good this time, this experience made me no longer nervous. In the future classes, you will often see my hands raised

Recalling the experience of cheering and praising myself, I couldn't help laughing and heartily smiled.

Praise the composition for myself (8)

My handwriting is always poor. In the past, I also practiced calligraphy several times, but I gave up after only a few days. Because the time of each practice is not long, the calligraphy is still very poor and there is no progress.

Because of the epidemic, I had a super long winter holiday, so I also used this winter holiday to practice calligraphy. In the past, most of the teachers asked me to practice calligraphy, but I didn't pay much attention to it. I just stopped writing after finishing the words required by the teacher. This winter vacation, I practiced calligraphy very hard. I had to write a few words for my father to see what was bad. After pointing out the bad things, I could change the words after I wrote them well.

Sometimes I also want to give up, because practicing calligraphy takes a lot of time. I only practice 8 to 10 words a day, but it takes at least 40 minutes, or more than an hour. But every time I don't want to write, my father always says that calligraphy can't be broken. If it is broken, the previous efforts will be wasted. I also think my father is reasonable, so I stick to it day by day.

Although my handwriting is not as good as that of the master students, it has made progress compared with my previous worm crawling characters. These days, my Chinese teacher, Mr. Li, has been praising me for my great progress in writing, and I am more powerful after listening. I must continue to practice calligraphy and try to write better.

I like my persistence.

Praise the composition for myself (9)

When the dandelion seeds usher in youth, they will leave their mother to travel alone. Growing into a dandelion in constant tempering

I used to be a cute, obedient and timid little girl.

Every time, on the way home, I will think of a story that I will never forget. On a cold night, it was snowing, and the snow was floating in the air. Because my mother couldn't go home with me because of something, I wanted to go home by myself. When I came to the community, almost no one was walking on the road. The wind and snow were whistling in the air. My heart was shaking, and I couldn't help but be afraid. Check whether there is a flashlight in the schoolbag. There is no flashlight, but there is a mobile phone. Take out the mobile phone for lighting, and the light is trembling. I felt someone following me, and I looked back carefully. There was silence all around. I couldn't help but quicken my pace and cheer myself up as I walked; Not afraid, not afraid. I used singing to ease my fear, but I was afraid that a sound would be a trill.

When I passed a poplar tree, it seemed that there was a figure moving. I was afraid to step back. But I remembered what the teacher said, and I walked forward bravely. When I saw a kitten running in the past, my heart opened, and I learned to be brave.

When I have confidence in myself, where is I afraid of the darkness on the road of life?

I believe in myself, and I praise myself.

Praise the composition for myself (10)

Only after experiencing setbacks can people become brave; Only by careful observation can we succeed in learning with an open mind. Take my experience of learning to make dumplings.

One Sunday afternoon, when I saw my mother mixing dumplings, I was itching to learn how to make dumplings with my mother. We prepared the stuffing and skin, and began to make dumplings. I saw my mother easily wrapped a delicate dumpling with skilled movements. I also learned the way my mother did. I took a piece of leather and spread it in the palm of my hand, spooned a little stuffing into the middle of the leather, dipped a little water with my finger, and smeared it around the leather... I learned the previous steps very well, but when I started to pinch patterns, I couldn't learn any more. If you squeeze the two layers of skin together, the dumplings will not look good; If only one layer of skin is squeezed back, the dumplings are too soft... I try my best to make the dumplings look good and stand up, but I can't help it. Dumplings don't make friends with me, they always follow me. And I found that the dumplings I had just made were like a defeated soldier, with his head drooping and listless.

But this did not discourage me. I picked up a dumpling skin again. I remembered my mother's words, "Don't touch too much water. If you touch too much, you will stick the skin tightly."!

After this incident, I learned a truth, that is, never give up! Now you know why I gave myself a compliment?

Praise the composition for myself (11)

The thumbs up are often a symbol of praise. I feel proud when I give thumbs up again and again. It is thumbs up again and again that make me confident and calm.

Some people will ask, are you sure that Grandma Wang is selling melons and boasting? No, I am proud that I am good at giving lectures to others.

Because I am good at mathematics, whenever my classmates are embarrassed and say, "Can you help me with my problem?" I will not refuse to say, "No," but will gladly accept their request. Once another student asked me to give her a lecture. I took the question first, scanned my eyes, and said in a flat tone: "What should be found out is the unit '1' is equivalent to the *." After hearing this, the student frowned vaguely, took a pen and wrote several arithmetic expressions on the homework. After writing, I looked up and said shyly, "I still don't understand, please say it again." I listened to it without complaining and patiently explained it carefully.

This time I asked her: "Do you understand?" She nodded and I went on. She still looked confused after speaking again and again. I told her twice again. Finally, she seemed to understand something, and tried to write a few numbers on the paper. Then she said happily, "Yes, yes." The question mark in her heart disappeared, and the confused look on her face disappeared, with some eyes suddenly enlightened. I was also relieved, and my mouth was full of happiness. When I gave lectures to my classmates, it was also my own learning process. To help others was to help myself.

Shouldn't I give myself a thumbs up? I will make persistent efforts and continue to refuel!

Praise the composition for myself (12)

The bright pearl in the dark night is the lamp of green beans—— notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article

In the dull and boring life, perhaps the casual encouragement is the reason why you are so happy; Perhaps in the deep sorrow, a ray of pure and clear light can illuminate your sky, like a guiding light, that is you. That is praise, that is, when you go to a higher level, you should not forget the difficulties of the road ahead, and not be afraid of the confusion of the road behind. For yourself, for me, you will not repeat the mistakes of the navigation mark.

Some people will ask: What can we carry with such a small body? Yes, nothing to worry about. We should imprison our own soul and prevent it from wandering in the misty mist. We should be down-to-earth, twist into a force, break through ourselves and praise ourselves. It is like a cage of green grass at the time when the ink and wash landscape ascended. If the sunset falls on the horizon, the light blue will help you on the way to pursue your dreams, and make you feel soaring, just like the words that benefited us when our souls were sublimated.

When I meet a ferocious beast, I must praise myself. The danger does not come from others, but from yourself. It is the danger and frustration in your heart. I am not a strong person, but I can be strong when I should be strong. You should understand that sometimes you must be strong. I will like myself. I must like myself. How about you? I think it should be like this.

When I feel happy, I must praise myself. Joy transcends your state of mind, not your thoughts. The notes dancing at my fingertips dance for me, but I will not demand endlessly, just enough is enough. I seek in joy and exult in quest. To absorb a drop of spiritual nourishment from the fresh branches is to find the soul, which is elusive.

When I pursue my dream, I must praise myself. Life is not compassionate, it is atrocious. In fact, dreams are not far away. Maybe they are smiling and waving to you at the crossroads, or they just pop out when you are caught off guard at the corner and frighten you. In my opinion, that is the dream, and that is the result I praise for me.

It's just a glance at life. It's just a matter of imposing oneself on others and living the life I want. That's what I need to praise for myself. Believe it, it will.

I like myself!

Praise the composition for myself (13)

On the Internet, you may often praise others, perhaps for attractive food, perhaps for beautiful self portraits, or for the wonderful feelings of a stranger. This time, I want to praise myself.

In a programming contest, I got 140 points. I think there will always be a third prize this time. But a few days later, the bad news came that the third prize score was 150 points. My mood plummeted, as if falling into the abyss. I really don't want to hurt myself, but what can I do? Tears have filled the eyes. 140 and 150 points, a point gap, is it possible that so much hard work and sweat since my winter vacation have been wasted on this point? I thought about it like this, but then I thought about it again: I only got 30 points in the last contest, but this time I got 140 points, making progress!

Progress, as long as progress is good, as long as every time better than the last exam, is progress. Even if the progress is very small, it is another step towards success. I want to praise myself: you are better than last time, Fang Xingkai; You are better than before, Fang Xingkai; You defeated yourself, Fang Xingkai!

Keep on working hard. Success is at hand. It's not difficult to conquer it. At this rate, the first prize is yours, and the success is yours.

I want to praise myself, my confidence, my efforts, and my success! I believe that you will be my favorite next time.

Praise the composition for myself (14)

Recently, my beautiful hometown Chuzhou is building a provincial civilized city. The whole Chuzhou city is cleaner and cleaner than before. The wish of "beauty around Chuzhou" has become a reality. As an ordinary primary school student in this city, I am also contributing my modest efforts!

One day after dinner, my father and I went to Qingliu Park for a walk. The green, fresh and beautiful environment, leisure and entertainment crowd, everything was so harmonious, so natural, let me linger. On the way home, I passed a newly opened fish restaurant, and the words of socialist core values were scrolling on the electronic screen at the door: "prosperity, democracy, civilization, harmony..." I could not help but stop to read. Suddenly, the word "public" caught my eye. "Eh? Why is it so strange? It is clearly free, equal, fair, and ruled by law!" I muttered to myself, thinking carefully about the slogans I saw on the page of Wandong Morning News, while scanning the road signs and bus stops on the roadside, hoping to find the answer on the advertising panel for building a civilized city. As expected, all the words on the display board were "justice", and my doubts were solved. However, this hotel has a typo. If careful foreign tourists find it, it will affect the image of our city? no way! I have to do something. I told my father what I found. He seemed to have seen my every move and my inner world for a long time. He smiled and said: "The hotel may have made a mistake in the words because of carelessness. You can go in and explain the situation to the aunt at the bar and ask them to change it. The hotel will appreciate you, because it has avoided mistakes and eliminated negative effects, it may invite you to try for free!"

"Oh? But, Dad, I don't want them to thank me for eating. I just think I should remind them! But I'm a little afraid. If the restaurant owner gets angry, will he blame me?" I showed a timid look.

"Ha ha ha, small sample! What are you afraid of? There is an old man behind you, not to mention that as Chucheng citizens, we have the obligation to maintain the image of our city!" My father's words gave me great encouragement.

I took a deep breath, walked forward and opened the glass door of the aquarium. When I came to the bar, before I could speak, the waitress aunt greeted me with a smile: "Children, do you want to eat? How many people?"

My voice is as low as a mosquito: "Auntie, I don't eat. I have something to tell you."

"Oh? What's the matter?"

"The core socialist values on your doorstep are typed wrong, and justice has become the public." Seeing the smile on her face, I boldly told the story.

"Ah? I really didn't notice. Let's go out and have a look!" The aunt said and walked out of the bar, followed me to the door of the store.

"Ah! What a mistake! Fortunately, I found it early. I entered it in the afternoon. Thank you, handsome boy!"

All my worries immediately disappeared, and I happily replied, "You're welcome, take time to change it, auntie!" I was ready to leave happily.

"Hey -- don't hurry!" A man's voice came behind me. I was so frightened that I shivered and quickly hid behind my father. An uncle came to us with a smile: "Just heard the waiter say something, thank you, little friend! Go to the cold drink cabinet in the shop and get two bottles of water to drink!" It was the big Boss of the hotel. I was very relieved and scared.

When I walked home with a cold drink in my hand, I also felt a bit cool in my heart, because in the activity of creating a civilized city in this beautiful pavilion city, I also made due contributions with my careful observation and accumulated knowledge. I praised myself and civilized Chuzhou!

Praise the composition for myself (15)

I stared at the medal in my hand, recalled the scene at that time, and really wanted to praise myself

On that day, I got up early, but my legs trembled slightly at the thought that I was going to participate in the Nantong chess rank competition, and I could not make a step forward. When my mother got out of bed, I kept asking around her: "What should I do if I can't get promoted this time?" My mother always said with a smile: "It's a matter of routine for soldiers to win or lose. It doesn't matter whether I get promoted or not." But even so, my heart was still like fifteen buckets of water -- seven up and eight down, how could I calm down.

When I got to the match ground, my heart beat faster, and I kept running to the toilet, fidgeting. At the beginning of the game, I thought twice before I acted. The opponent also fought hard. After a long time, I only got one soldier. Gradually, everyone in the court left. I couldn't help but play chess with him. In the second round, I secretly determined to win! My hands clenched into fists, and the cold sweat on my forehead kept coming out. "The second round of the game begins now!" With the order of the referee, the court suddenly became silent, and only heard the "rustling" of the clock. I sat still like a clock and thought for a long time before I took a step forward, but my opponent still beat me. I had to be more serious. After hard work, I finally got to H1 and killed the chess game with C2. I got a soldier in the third round of the game. Because of lack of time, I had to draw with my opponent.

The game in the morning was over, and when I returned home at noon, I was restless and thought: "I only got two points, and I need four points to qualify. What should I do?" I entered the fierce battle in the afternoon with this concern.

My opponent is a big sister. I can't help being afraid. The level of this big sister must be very high, right? I was even more nervous. I thought more every step and won the game in a short time. In the next game, I was a bit complacent and absent-minded. I lost a car in a short time and lost the game. What a conceited soldier! In the third round in the afternoon, I gritted my teeth to win! The knowledge in my mind is running fast. I think about it every step, and I win! I was so happy that I jumped three feet high. I could not resist the joy in my heart, and whispered: "I have scored four points, I have been promoted!" It seemed that I did not believe that all this had happened. In the last round, I was relaxed and used the Stannis defense that I had studied for a long time, and soon it was like killing chess with the queen.

Finally, I won the third place. When I heard the news, I jumped up, held the medal tightly with trembling hands, stared at the words "third place", and felt that all the honors had come too suddenly

Praise the composition for myself (16)

Hou Chunyu

Some people are always ashamed of themselves and dare not hold their heads high, but I am not. I am very confident. I often give myself a thumbs up because I am great. If you don't believe me, let's enjoy it together.

First of all, I have excellent academic performance. I can not say that I am a student god, but at least I can be a student bully. For example, in Chinese, my score has never been lower than 90 points, in mathematics, it has never been lower than 95 points, and in English, it has always been 100 points. Of course, it must be inseparable from my hard work. These neat handwriting papers and awards are all earned by my sweat and hard work, Do you think I can not praise myself?

Secondly, my memory is also very strong. In our class, I am a memory expert, and nobody can match me! Once, the teacher assigned a very long text to recite the full text. My team leader listened to it and immediately picked up the book to recite, fearing that I would take the lead, because she knew how fast I could recite. But she had no choice. She thought she was finished, but once she gave it to the teacher, she forgot all about it. I went to the teacher to recite the whole text fluently. The teacher asked me to stand on the platform and recite it again in front of the whole class. You said that I have such a good memory. Can I not praise myself?

Finally, I played table tennis well. In the optional class of the school, I chose table tennis and participated in the interest group of table tennis. I practiced every day. How much effort did I make from the initial learning of holding the ball to standing in front of the table tennis table? Now, I have defeated all the girls in my class. You said that my table tennis is so good, can I not praise myself?

Friend, you see I am so excellent, can I not praise myself?

[I like myself]

Hou Zhuoyue

I am a confident little girl, today I want to praise myself!

Learn well

Although my academic performance is unstable and sloppy, I study well, but really. During the Spring Festival, I got the first place in the total score of the whole class, got three awards, made my parents happy, let me have a good winter vacation, and went to Xi'an for the New Year. In this midterm exam, I got a good score of second place again, and I didn't deduct a point from my composition. Hey hey, my score is really good!


I am a famous "little talented girl". I can write calligraphy and play zither. I can not only dance, but also sing opera. During the Spring Festival, I wrote the couplets of our family, aunt's family, grandpa's family and grandma's family. I also wrote a poem. Because it was well written, the teacher said that he would frame it for me and let me hang it at home; I will inscribe on the fan, which is beautiful and cool in summer; My dancing and zither have passed level seven, and I also went to the Spring Festival Gala. Now I am practicing zither playing "Battle with Typhoon", ready to perform at the June 1st party! What about? Is this title worthy of its reputation?


(Cough cough) Well, although the skin is a little dark, it does not affect the overall image. It has a melon face, big eyes like black agate, small mouth like red cherries, and a tall nose that is straight and straight. Wearing the beautiful clothes my mother bought for me, I walk on campus and have a high rate of return.

Hey, hey, how's it going? I'm such a beautiful and talented girl, shouldn't I praise myself?

[I like myself]

Lu Haojiang

There are all kinds of people in life. Some are self abased, some are confident, some are aloof, some are modest. I am the confident person, for which I can praise myself.

Just as a big tree must have a foundation, self-confidence is a good foundation.

First of all, I listened carefully and thought actively in class. Let's take the math class as an example. When the teacher talked about a problem, the following students either followed his words or listened slowly. Some of them pretended to understand, while I was not. I could express my opinions at any time. I often had a unique way of solving problems and even pointed out the teacher's mistakes. For this reason, I praised myself.

Secondly, my Chinese knowledge is very rich, which is attributed to the accumulation of my childhood studies. No matter what knowledge adults ask me, I can answer fluently, and my composition is also very good. Why? This is because of my rich accumulation. "After reading 300 Tang poems, I can recite even if I can't write poems." If I read too many articles, it will become natural, right?

I have strong self-discipline in learning. For example, when I came to the cram school this morning, the teacher saw that I had been reading, and asked me: "Do you like to study or play?" To be honest, every child likes to play, so do I, but why do I study hard and rank among the best? To tell the truth, this is all forced. Don't think that the teachers and parents force me, but they are actually "forced" by the students. Whenever I see some students exceed, I am unwilling to give myself an order. If I have to exceed them within a few days, my performance will be improved unconsciously. For this reason, I cannot praise my self-discipline.

Confidence is a magic weapon to win in life. To praise yourself is equivalent to having such a magic weapon.

[I like myself]

Hou Changyu

Many times I like others, but today I want to like myself because there are so many things I can like myself.

My quality is high. One day when I came out of the cinema and was walking happily home, I saw a row of Mobike bicycles overturned. Without saying a word, I lifted them up one by one. I want to praise myself.

My handwriting is beautiful. I can write with a brush. I have practiced writing with a pen. My mother and teacher both praised my handwriting. In various calligraphy competitions, I won five awards in total. I won the second prize in the calligraphy contest of the whole county, which is the only second prize winner in our class. I must praise myself.

I like sports. I am good at table tennis, basketball, volleyball and bowling. I can play football. I will win 100% prizes in every sports meeting.

I'm good at skating. I skated for two hours in the Vientiane City of Shanghai. In these two hours, a teacher taught me only in the last few minutes. I thought about skating myself. To be honest, I skated well. I want to praise myself.

I love helping people. I will help teachers with homework, distribute homework, order materials, and get things. Teachers also trust me. I am so capable. Can I not praise myself?

I am also very caring. I like small animals. Once I picked up a stray puppy on the roadside, and I adopted it, but finally sent it away.

You said I have so many advantages, can I not praise myself?

[I like myself]

Liu Yihao

Last year, one week before the opening ceremony of the Mala screen, my Hu Lusi performance was selected to perform at the opening ceremony. But at that time, I could not recite that song, so I took the time to practice. The day before the performance, I was finally able to recite that song. It was time to perform on the stage. When I saw the dark crowd below, I felt a little nervous, When the music sounded, I overcame my nervousness and played it attentively. When the song was finished, there were bursts of applause. My teacher and mother gave me thumbs up, and I gave myself thumbs up in my heart.

This winter vacation, I took part in the Olympic math class exam. Before the exam, I was nervous and excited. This was my first time to take part in the Olympic math class exam. The paper was handed out, and the questions on the paper were not difficult. It was not long before I finished it.

A few days later, my parents went to Xinxiang to see my results. I was playing at my second aunt's house when my mobile phone rang. My mother excitedly said to me on the phone, "Son, you got the third place in the exam. It's great. My mother praised you! I can't help but give a thumbs up for myself

There are too many places for me to give my thumbs up. I will always give my thumbs up and ride the wind and waves to success.

[I like myself]

Wang Haoyan

During the winter vacation, I saw my mother making dumplings in the kitchen. I watched the face and stuffing in my mother's hands like magic, and soon became "fat generals" with their heads held high. I wanted to help, and my mother agreed.

My mother first gave me a demonstration. She held the skin with her left hand and dug a little filling with her right hand with a spoon. She put it in the middle of the dough, and then squeezed the dough on the side from the middle. A plump dumpling was ready.

I watched my mother easily finish a dumpling. I thought it was easy, and said confidently: "Simple, you can see my performance!"

I made it like my mother, but the wrapper of the dumplings seemed to be against me. I wrapped the left side and opened the right side to reveal the filling. I wrapped the right side and the left side cracked again. The dumplings were not like dumplings. I thought: "It's not because there is too much stuffing in the dumpling skin. Since it's too much, why not put less stuffing in it? Thinking of this, I picked up a dumpling skin again and began to wrap it. I put less stuffing in it. The dumpling skin folded in half and squeezed a half circle of wide edges. I finally completed the first perfect dumpling. But when I compared with my mother's dumplings, I could see the gap. My mother's dumplings were all "fat generals" with heads held high and chest held high, My dumplings became "strong" under the guidance of my mother.

When the dumplings were ready, my mother and I were eating delicious dumplings. My mother gave me a thumbs up. I thought of today's success and gave myself a thumbs up.