My father's composition 150 (15 required)
No more fear
2024-06-12 02:49:47
primary school

My father's composition 150 (1)

My father is white and fat. He wears a pair of glasses and likes to laugh when he sees people. Everyone likes him very much. My father is an engineer and often works in other places. He works very hard and often forgets to eat, so my mother calls him "workaholic" every day. He called me every night on time to ask me how I was today and whether I had finished my homework. He was very concerned about my study. I miss my father very much and want him to come back soon.

My father's composition 150 (2)

My father is very tall. He has a pair of big bright eyes under his willow eyebrows. He always has a faint smile on his face. He treats people warmly. The neighbors like him very much. I am proud of my father. Some deep memories came into my mind involuntarily. I remember one time, I had a serious medical record - A H1N1. My father was sent to the hospital overnight, and I saved him. I love you, Dad.

My father's composition 150 (3)

I have a good father. He is 36 years old with dark hair and a mole on his mouth. He is a bit fierce, but he is a good responsible father. My father likes reading newspapers very much. I remember once when I asked him to have a meal, he said, "Ouch!" After a while, he still didn't come out to eat. I called him again, and he finally came out. I asked him, "What's the difference between today's fried dishes and those before?" He said, "It's fragrant, but the dishes are too cold." I thought to myself, "What a bookworm!" But I thought, he can learn more!

My father's composition 150 (4)

Dad, I want to tell you

Guo Weiqiang, Class 26

Dad, Father's Day is just three days away. What I want to say to you is that you work very hard and it's not easy to earn money. It's not easy to be a team leader. It's very tiring to work for me to study. I want to say to you: You work hard and I want to go to school well and become a policeman when I grow up.

My father's composition 150 (5)

Today, my father and I saw the story of Guan Yu's shaving and healing in The Romance of the Three Kingdoms. The story is that Guan Yu was poisoned by a poisonous arrow when he attacked Fancheng. The wound was very serious. The miracle doctor Hua Tuo knew that later he would go to the camp to treat Guan Yu. Hua Tuo was worried about Guan Yu's fear and asked Guan Yu to cover his eyes before using the knife. Guan Yu laughed and asked Hua Tuo to treat him boldly. Guan Yu asked his men to arrange food and wine for Hua Tuo. After drinking, Guan Yu played chess and asked Hua Tuo to treat him. Hua Tuo cut off Guan Yu's skin and flesh, scraped out the poison on his bones with a knife, and Guan Yu's blood flowed a large basin, but his face did not change.

After reading this story, I think Guan Yu is very brave, because he is not afraid of pain, has courage, and is an example for me to learn.

My father's composition 150 (6)

My father and I love reading

·Everyone has his or her own spare time life. My father likes to read our books in the study when there is nothing to do at night. I like my father to tell some stories in the book. When I was young, my father told the story of Kitten Fishing. It was about the cat and his mother going fishing together. The cat caught dragonflies and butterflies, but got nothing. I stopped catching dragonflies and butterflies for the second time. I fished conscientiously and finally caught a big fish. From this story, I learned that nothing can be done with one mind and two purposes. We should do it carefully, so that we can achieve good results.

My father's composition 150 (7)

·Mom's birthday is coming. My father and I plan to buy a birthday gift for Mom. We agree to keep it secret.

·My father and I started our secret operation. This morning, we got up early and went to buy a gift for my mother. We ran to many boutiques and finally found a boutique - "All is well". After the boss had beautifully packaged the gift, we were happy to take it home, and I wrote a greeting card: Happy Birthday to Mom. Then, we secretly hid.

·On my mother's birthday, when I had lunch, I gave my mother a gift, and my mother gave me a sweet kiss. This is a secret between my father and me.

My father's composition 150 (8)

My father is a handsome man. Dad has a pair of kind eyes and a sharp nose. Dad's arms are as hard as walnuts. My father likes to play with me and my brother. My father is gentle and can teach me and my brother very well. Every time my mother wants me to go to cram school and learn to read. Because my reading ability is very poor, but my father doesn't force me at all. I want to learn by myself. I still remember one sentence. No matter how many points you get, as long as you work hard at ordinary times, it doesn't matter how poor you are. This sentence is written in my mind. Dad, I love you. I will study hard and make progress every day.

My father's composition 150 (9)

A pair of big eyes, a beer belly, a round face, often wear highway clothes. I think everyone has guessed who this is. Yes, this is my father.

My father's name is Zhang Xiaobao. He is a sanitary man. For example, on holidays, I went to my father's work to play. My father washed my socks once a day. When I came, I told my mother about it. My mother said, "I really won the" Good Dad Award ". I laughed!

This is my father, I love my father!

My father's composition 150 (10)

1. Loud dad

"Hello! Is it Lao Zhang?" Dad said with the highest decibel holding the phone, louder than the voice on TV, so I couldn't hear him. Dad is calling from below the second floor. I can hear him at home. Mom said he was born, but Dad just couldn't change him. The most humiliating thing is that my father also said this with high decibels in the mall, and the rate of return is high! Plus Dad's outstanding height, standing like a big pillar in the middle of the group, it's even more amazing!

When can Dad change it! what you think?

2. "Disgusted" Dad

Dad is my dearest person, how can I hate him? If you don't believe me, I will tell you some of his "good deeds".

Let's start with eating. No matter whether you want to eat or not, you always like to fill your bowl with vegetables. Do you think I can be happy?

When it comes to foot washing, I can do it myself, but he came to help. I'm unlucky. I've met the wound several times. Don't you think he's half hearted?

You can't think of him as a really annoying person. In fact, he is very kind. He was still writing articles at three o'clock every day, and he went to work at six o'clock the next day. In fact, others don't hate it at all.

3. My father

My father is a tiger. He is 34 years old. He has beautiful features, dark skin, two thick eyebrows, and a pair of divine eyes. He is very handsome.

Dad is very responsible for his work, and he goes to work on time. He insists on going to work no matter whether it's windy or rainy. Although my father is busy with his work, he never relaxes teaching me mathematics, language, English and composition in his spare time. I want to say to my father: "Dad, I love you!"

4. Different Dad

Today, my father bought three yo yos. I was very excited. I thought, "Dad is very strict with us at ordinary times. How can he buy us a yo yo today?" After finishing my homework, I quickly asked Dad to open it and have a look! Ah! It's my favorite thunderbolt fire.

I thought, "Dad still loves us the most!"

5. I love my father

My father is a foreman. My father works hard every day. In order to let us have a good family environment, we are encouraged to study hard. Every time we make a mistake, we are not blamed. My father sometimes goes out to work for a few days without sleeping. My father's face is very ugly. At this time, I feel very sad, alas; My brother and I must study hard or we will fail to live up to our father's wishes.

6. Dad grabbing food with me

When I went home, the table was full of delicious dinner, and I put down my schoolbag in a hurry.

I ran to eat and quickly picked up carrots. My father also picked up my piece of beef, and I tried to pick up the "click" carrot in half. My father and I were unwilling. We both picked up a piece of beef, and the beef was broken again. When I saw that my beef was bigger, I smiled proudly.

"Oh, my father is really a 'big boy'," said my mother with a smile.

7. Cute Dad

My father has this thick hair, a pair of big eyes, a straight nose, thick lips, and a thin face. A scholar's temperament.

Although he is handsome, he is sometimes stingy. Just like this afternoon, my father took me to the supermarket. I wanted to buy a box of mints. It was only 3.5 yuan. I begged for a long time, but he didn't agree. Finally, I said, "Then use my pocket money to buy it, and I will pay you back when I go back." My father said, "Well, you should pay me back when you go back!" Back home, I don't want to pay 50 cents less!

Dad is such a penny pincher! However, I still love him!

8. My father

My father is a boss. He is very tall and round, like a big red apple. Dad's neck is short, his belly is round and fat, like an Elizabeth.

My father is very serious about his work. He leaves early and returns late every day. He comes home every day with a smile on his face. I think my father must be busy with his work. I said to my father, "Dad, you have worked hard." My father said, "This is what I should do." I said, "You are really my good father."

My father's composition 150 (11)

The sun, the moon, the stars, the mountains, the rivers and the earth are eternal in the world, and the mother's love, the father's heart, and the love between children and daughters are eternal in the world with human beings. Through the ages, people have eulogized the greatness of maternal love and the depth of fatherly love, because this is the foundation of human beings. We primary school students have a unique experience of maternal and paternal love, because our age is the time when we enjoy the most love, and we most need and can best understand this love emotion.

Family is a warm harbor. There is a lively, cute and intelligent me; There is also a simple, kind, gentle and beautiful mother; There is also a simple, kind, warm and safe father. What makes me nostalgic is my father's thin back.

My father's composition 150 (12)

On the way home, I said, "Dad, I'm hungry." Dad took me to the restaurant when he heard. When he arrived, he chose a chicken wing for me to eat. I ate a mouthful, and it was a bit spicy. My father asked me to get a bottle of water. I brought a bottle of water and drank some. My mouth was no longer so hot. I finished drinking the water, my father paid the money and went home.

This is my father's love for me.

My father's composition 150 (13)

My father is short. He is thin, with small eyes, like two black gemstones. His mouth is big, he likes smoking, and his teeth are not even. My father likes playing cards. He goes to play cards every Sunday instead of going out with me. I said, "Dad, don't fight anymore. Come out and play with me." Dad said, "Play with me for a while. It's still early." It really pissed me off. Dad agreed to take me to play at two o'clock, but it's already 3:30 and it's not over yet. My father reluctantly threw away his cards and went to play with me. On the way, my father's mobile phone rang again, and my father said, "I'll be there soon." At this time, I took a look at my father, and he had to say no, and call again tomorrow. What a card loving father.

My father's composition 150 (14)

My father's composition is 150 words - my father has an interesting beard, tied like a hedgehog ball. Dad has a big nose and big eyes. Eyebrows are thick and dark.

My father is a good father. He always plays with me whenever he is free. We have our own game: Little Frog and Mr. Lotus Leaf. Ah! It's raining! It's raining! It's always fun to play games with my father in diving competitions, quilts, etc.

My father is very busy at work, but he always cares about me and often encourages me to make more friends.

My father loves me, and I also love my father!

My father's composition 150 (15)

My hate father's composition is 150 words - my father is my dearest person, and he takes great care of me, but sometimes it is also annoying. Let me whisper this to you!

Let's talk about eating. I was full, but my father always wanted to give me some more chopsticks, and told me, "Eat more and grow taller." Do you think it's annoying?

Dad also set many rules for me. For example, you should put things back where you picked them up. Even when you send them away, you should send them downstairs. If you don't send them away, you should say goodbye to the guests and gently close the door when the guests are far away.