Composition White Gourd (20 practical articles)
as boundless as the sea and sky
2024-06-12 05:28:28
topic of conversation

Composition White Gourd (1)

Today, my mother went to the supermarket to buy a super large green skin melon. I asked my mother, "What kind of melon is this?" My mother said, "It's winter melon." I have never seen the whole winter melon, and I don't believe it.

While my mother was not in the kitchen, I slipped in and cut the wax gourd. When I saw that there were white melon seeds inside, it was a bit like the wax gourd pieces my mother usually bought. Then I smell the taste of winter melon. Its body is so big. I finally saw the whole big wax gourd today. The appearance of wax gourd is a bit like a pillow.

My mother said that eating winter melon would help me lose weight. I like it very much. Because the spareribs and winter melons taste good. They are nutritious and lose weight. It's really the best of both worlds. I'm so happy.

Composition White Gourd (2)

Today, only my aunt and I were at home. My aunt was cooking at home. I was really bored, so I looked around. Suddenly, my eyes fell on a piece of wax gourd. The wax gourd was in a circular shape, covered with a fresh-keeping film, which was very beautiful.

At this time, I had an idea. I didn't know what would happen when I poked the wax gourd. When I poked the fresh-keeping film with my finger, I would make a sound of "哃哃哃哃哃"; When I poke the plastic wrap with chopsticks, it makes a bong sound; When I poke at the plastic wrap with a fork, it makes a gentle "clatter" sound. Ha ha, when I poke the fresh-keeping film on the wax gourd with different things, it makes different sounds.

Composition White Gourd (3)

After living at my mother-in-law's house for a period of time, my mother sent me to my grandmother's house again. When she saw me coming back, she couldn't keep her mouth shut, so she immediately went to cook.

There is a small vegetable garden behind the dairy house, where there are many vegetables, potatoes, beans, cucumbers, loofah, balsam pear.

The most interesting thing is the wax gourd. A fat baby was lying on the ground. I thought: the wax gourd is so fat, it must be delicious. So I touched one, and suddenly I felt a sharp pain. Grandma said, "There are thorns on the wax gourd, you should be careful." Grandma cut a piece of wax gourd and waited for it to be ready. I tasted a piece of wax gourd and it was very delicious. I like it best.

Composition White Gourd (4)

In the evening, my mother said that she would pickle winter melon, which made me happy, because it was a new thing for me!

The wax gourd looks very cute. With light green skin and fat body, it looks like a big baby. The skin of the wax gourd is very thick, and it is also covered with small thorns. It can prickle your hands when you feel it.

Start to pickle winter melon! Dad first cut the wax gourd into pieces. It's easier said than done. The skin of the wax gourd is very thick and difficult to cut. My father spent nine cows and two tigers to cut the wax gourd. Then, it was time for our family to mobilize. My father took out the flesh of the melon and asked my mother and I to brush the mud off the skin of the winter melon. Then my father put a lot of salt on the wax gourd, and then handed it to my mother. My mother stacked the wax gourd together and put it into the jar. At this time, there was a chubby neighbor aunt standing at the door. She was very curious and asked, "What are you three doing?" Her mother replied humorously, "We are killing pigs, meat and wine!" When the man heard this, he came to see what was going on. She was stunned at the sight, then burst out a burst of laughter and said, "Ha ha ha! You can't do this. Come on, let me help you." She is an expert at pickling winter melons. We asked her for some advice in a hurry, and she was also willing to answer us. After Auntie left, we were almost finished, and there was only one step left - pressing the stone. But there is no stone in my house? Here comes Grandma. The veteran is different. Grandma asked us to put the bucket in the tank, fill the bucket with water, and put a small stone stool. Now, the weight of the bucket is the same as that of the big stone.

Pickling winter melon is really a fun and meaningful work!

Composition White Gourd (5)

I haven't come to our vegetable garden for a few days. One day it was very boring, so I went to the vegetable garden to see the fruits of our daily work.

I was scared by two big melons when I first came here. Two melons, one foot and a half long, fell into the high air in an oval shape. A closer look reveals that it is winter melon, whose appearance is protected by a layer of melon powder. Maybe it is because the melon is too big and heavy. From the vine to the end of the melon, the end of the melon inclines to the melon. The end of the melon is just like a child whose mother desperately lives on the edge of a cliff. "Mom, how big this melon is going to grow. If the melon and vine can't bear the weight, it will break? No, it's a pity to pick it up, and it will break when the time comes!" "Oh, I'm not worried about the melon and vine. What I'm worried about is our melon shelf. It doesn't bear the responsibility, and that's really going to break." How could I be involved in the shelf building, That's called firmness. How can you break down at once. Can't the shelf bear the weight that the melon and vine can bear? "How many jin does a melon of this size weigh?" "It's not heavy. It can weigh up to ten jin!" "No, it's only ten jin." I was really worried about the fall of a melon, so I ran to the vegetable garden every day. Seeing the vines and melons getting tighter and leaner, my heart was worried. Finally, I finally took off the larger melon on my own initiative. It was not easy. The melon vine dragged the melon to death. I broke it for a long time, and finally understood how such a thin cane could lift such a heavy weight. When my mother saw me picking the melon, she felt sorry for me. I'm so happy that I can finally taste my own food. When cooking, I watched my mother peel the wax gourd bit by bit, and then I broke my stomach. What I didn't expect was that the heart of the melon was empty. It turned out that such a large melon was equivalent to a layer of skin on the surface, with only a few seeds in the middle. No wonder the melon and vine can bear such a large volume! Suddenly, I seemed to understand something. Gua Teng was really like a mother holding her children. There was no way. They were born to hang in the air, so it was so hard to hold them. And the child is not so inconsiderate with his mother. In order to reduce the burden of his mother as much as possible, he empties his heart, so that his mother can relax. What a touching winter melon feeling!

Therefore, as children, we should think more about our parents, and as parents, we should take care of our children.

Composition White Gourd (6)

Perhaps, you have seen many dogs, docile dogs, lovely dogs; Perhaps you have seen many dogs, irritable dogs, fierce dogs; But perhaps you have never seen a dog like a wax gourd.

The name of winter melon was obtained by Grandma, because when it was given to Grandma, the winter melon in the yard was just mature.

It is a distinctive puppy, which has the playfulness of puppies and the irritability of big dogs; With the love of a female dog and the heart of a male dog. Every morning, when the sun rises slowly from the horizon, it wakes up and squats on the flagstone in the yard, enjoying its unique sunbathing. When the sun shines all over the earth, and the morning glow comes with a beautiful halo, it will wait at the stairs. Because later, when Grandma comes down, it can have breakfast.

When I go back to my husband's house, the winter melon always comes to me with its tail wagging and lets me touch it. One night, I lost a piece of my favorite jade. When I was too worried to know what to do, the wax gourd picked up a piece of crystal clear thing. It was my jade. I felt its hair happily, and it also wagged its tail proudly.

Once, our whole family was getting together for a New Year's Eve dinner, but we didn't see the wax gourd for a long time. We were just about to find it. Suddenly, there came several familiar barks, which were the voice of winter melon. We rushed to the door to have a look. Ah, it turns out that wax gourd is fighting with a neighbor's greedy dog. I picked up the stone and scared the greedy dog away. Then wax gourd came home with peace of mind.

Another time, the wax gourd shouted at her grandmother, which made her stagger a step back. She wanted to go out, but was stopped by the wax gourd again. What shall I do? Suddenly came the voice of the neighbor's aunt: "LuLuLuLu, go home to eat!" Grandma remembered that she had forgotten to give winter melon to eat, and she was busy taking porridge in its bowl.

Wax gourd is an impenetrable dog.

Composition White Gourd (7)

On the day of spring vacation, our team members came to pick at Miaorui Farm in Yuhang District, Hangzhou City.

As soon as we entered the farm, we looked around. It was green. There was a beautiful wooden house not far away. In front of the door was a fish pond that was clear enough to see the bottom. Around it were all kinds of vegetables. It was really colorful. As soon as we entered the cabin, Zheng Feipeng's mother shouted, "You can go and pick up the basket here." We all rushed to get the basket and rushed out of the cabin.

As soon as we arrive at the vegetable garden, we will pick from the east and west. We will pick whatever we like. At this time, I found a big wax gourd. "This big wax gourd must be enough for us to have a good meal!" I said to myself. I pinched the stem of winter melon with my hand first, and the juice in the stem splashed on my hand with a sound of "Pa". It was really cool, and the winter melon fell off the stem. However, looking at this "monster", I began to worry: this winter melon is really big, but how can I move it back to the cabin? So I shouted, "Come and help me, I found a big wax gourd." Young friends ran to me at the sound. The four of us bent our backs and bent our backs together to move the big guy out of the melon field. But the wax gourd was covered with hairy thorns and felt very prickly. We couldn't help it, so I suggested, "Let's take napkins to cushion it!" Everyone cheered. In this way, we shouted slogans "one, two, one, two" and moved this big guy back to our base camp. Both father and mother praised us for our ability.

Through this activity, I personally picked my favorite dishes, knew where they grow, and also knew the importance of protecting the environment. This activity is really meaningful.

Composition White Gourd (8)

"Wax gourd, it blooms at both ends without oil and salt, and is boiled thinly." In Sichuan, almost everyone likes it, but do you really know about it? Today, I will popularize the knowledge of winter melon for you!

Wax gourd belongs to cucurbitaceae and is one of the most common vegetables in summer. It belongs to annual trailing or shelf herb. The most common winter melons in daily life are green skin winter melons, white white winter melons, rice winter melons, etc. The green skin wax gourd is green, fleshy, small in heart, round and long. It looks like a giant caterpillar on the ground; White wax gourd is white in skin, thin in flesh, big in heart, much shorter than green wax gourd, and looks like a white riding lantern from afar; As the name implies, the rice wax gourd is small and exquisite like a grain of rice. It is also white in skin, thick in flesh and small in heart. However, compared with the other two kinds of wax gourd, its yield is much lower, so it is not so common. But because it is not easy to decay, it is also loved by people.

The largest winter melon generally weighs only more than 10 jin, but a farmer in Fuyang, Zhejiang Province, China, has planted 447. The 85kg super large wax gourd is 153cm long, 72cm wide and 197cm around the waist. It takes four strong men to lift it.

Wax gourd is also widely eaten. For example, you can fry winter melon, stew fish with winter melon, make winter melon ball soup, etc. Most of them like the winter melon ball soup best. The winter melon cooked in this way not only quenches thirst and tastes refreshing, but also the soup is very delicious. Boil a pot of winter melon ball soup, and you will be sure to solve the problem without leaving any residue.

Wax gourd is not only eaten in many ways, but also helpful to the human body. It can clear away heat, promote diuresis, reduce swelling, clear lung and remove phlegm.

Wax gourd can also be made into artwork. In high-end restaurants, the chef usually carves all kinds of food decorations with wax gourds, such as flowers, tigers, dragons, cows, etc., and matches them with various colors, which will immediately make those foods come alive.

After listening to my introduction, did you have a deeper understanding of winter melon?

Composition White Gourd (9)

When I was a child, my family was very poor and had no money to buy tiles. The earth rammed hut was covered with withered straw and hung long, like the hair of a rural girl without ornaments. It was shabby but very unique.

In spring, I found some waste bamboo baskets and broken washbasins, filled them with soil, mixed some plant ash, and lit a few winter melon seeds. I planted hope for a year under this unique eaves.

It is gratifying and exciting to see the growth of life.

In my childhood, I spent most of my time squatting under the eaves to see how a few seeds of winter melon struggled out of the white shell like a silkworm chrysalis breaking its cocoon, how the buds propped up on the pitiful weak pole turned into mythical green leaves, and how the vines that had grown stealthily in my sleep at night climbed up the bamboo pole little by little, breathing, Finally, the green house like a splash of ink.

My childhood became fresh and bright under the cover of the dark green winter melon leaves.

I can't climb the roof to count the lives hidden under the green leaves. So, the whole summer and even autumn are spent in the excitement of speculation, just like the groom on the eve of the wedding. Ten, twenty, maybe more, I often think.

My winter melon is hidden in the barn like grain.

When I harvest winter melon, I feel that I live a luxurious life, just like the city people. Mother cut the wax gourd into pieces and put some green peppers, which is "fried pork slices with green peppers"; Or put it in boiling water, sprinkle some scallions, it is "fresh pig liver soup". My favorite food is the "braised pork with brown sauce", which is made by cutting the winter melon into mounds and braising it with our own dried bean paste. The smell and happiness still linger in my memory for a long time after many years. Indeed, it is going to stay with me for a lifetime.

If the wax gourd is too big to eat after splitting, my mother will air it into dried wax gourd or sugar wax gourd, which is the dry food for the whole family to survive and the only snack in my childhood.

Time flies, and those days that should have been too poor to look back on become precious because of this little winter melon. I often think that poverty and adversity are not terrible, happiness or happiness is just a state of mind, and an optimistic attitude towards life will make poverty and frustration our wealth in life. I sowed the seeds of winter melon and harvested more than just winter melon.

Composition White Gourd (10)

One autumn morning, I helped my grandma stir fry winter melon.

The materials to be prepared are: green green onion, yellow ginger, thirteen spices, cut winter melon, pepper, oil, salt, soy sauce.

First, I pour the oil into the pot. When the oil emits white smoke, I put the green onion, ginger, salt, and soy sauce into the pot, stir fry them with a shovel. Next, I put the main winter melon into the pot, stir fry it for a while, cover it with the pot cover and stew it for 5 minutes, and then put the pepper into the pot.

I brought a dish of delicious food from the kitchen to the living room. Suddenly, every corner of the room was fragrant. The whole family said, "How fragrant!" I was so happy to hear that!

Composition White Gourd (11)

Here, what I call "winter melon" can't be eaten! He is a naughty and clever dog. It is a hybrid dog brought back from Guilin by my sister. No wonder I don't know it!

The day before yesterday, I went to my uncle's house to play and accidentally found it. At first, I was very nervous for fear that he would bite me. When the uncle saw it, he said, "Don't worry, 'winter melon' is still teething and won't bite." Then he opened his mouth to me. Only then did I feel relieved to play happily with it. The uncle looked at me and "wax gourd" and said, "Today, your brother played with" wax gourd "all morning. Just now he left, you came. What a coincidence! "

I think "winter melon" must be uncomfortable because it is stuffy at home all day. So I asked my uncle to take "winter melon" out for a few rounds. Uncle not only promised to go with us, but also it was great! Uncle and I took it to Pingzhong playground. It ran and lay looking at the evening sky, like a free fairy. However, I can't help admiring its pure heart, which can live freely

How are you? Is "winter melon" cute? If you like it, please let me know.

Composition White Gourd (12)

Whenever I see my parents cooking, I envy them very much. Because I also want to learn how to cook. So I asked my father to give me a chance to cook.

The evening finally came. When my mother bought vegetables and came back, I saw winter melon, so I told my father to fry winter melon. I can't wait to run into the kitchen. I washed the wax gourd first, and then cut it into a "D" shape. Then my mother said, "Cut some ginger and garlic," and I wondered why we should add ginger and garlic? My mother seemed to see my question and answered, "Because ginger and garlic are added, it's better to eat!" So I cut some more ginger and garlic.

Then, I poured oil into the pan. After a while, the oil "crackled" in the pan, like a musician waiting to play. When the oil was hot, I began to put ginger, garlic and meat into it, and then the oil escaped like running for life. Some oil escaped to the ground; some oil escaped to my hands, killing me; and some oil escaped to my white clothes. Dad quickly put an apron around me. After stir frying for several times, I poured soy sauce, salt and chicken essence, and then continued to stir frying. When I was stir frying vigorously, my father asked me to add some water to the pot, and then add winter melon. Simply stir a few times and cover the pot. A few minutes later, I opened the lid of the pot, and suddenly a smell came to my nose. I could not help but shout, "Ah! How delicious!" Then I stir fried it again. Finally, the delicious braised winter melon finally came out of the pot with my efforts!

Remembering that I was sweating a lot and had to be burned by hot oil accidentally, I thought to myself: "Ah! It's so hard to stir fry. Mom and Dad worked hard!

Composition White Gourd (13)

In the dense forest, there are some lively and lovely animals, who will put on interesting stories every day. Look! Kitty, just picked up a seed by the tree, and it looked carefully in its hand, thinking what kind of seed it was.

With doubts, Little Cat set out on the way home. Before the little cat had gone far, he met a group of ants. They saw the little cat's sad face and asked curiously, "What happened to you today? Tell me!" The little cat said to the little ants, "What kind of seed is this?" "This is a winter melon seed!" The little ants said. The little cat suddenly realized: "So it is!

When Little Cat got home, he immediately planted winter melon in the garden. It brought fertilizer, kettle and shovel. It first picked up the shovel and dug a big hole on the ground, then carefully put the seeds into it, finally watered and fertilized, and it was done! The little cat said to the seed every day, "Let's grow into a little wax gourd quickly!" After a few days, the little wax gourd sprouted. The little cat thought that the little wax gourd must have understood its words. Every day he said to the little white gourd, "Let's grow into a big white gourd quickly!" The little cat sang beautiful songs every day, and the butterfly came to dance with the little cat. Gradually, the small wax gourd grew into a big wax gourd.

The little cat made a boat out of winter melon. Sometimes I go fishing, sometimes I go hiking, and sometimes I live on a wax gourd boat for a while. The little cat named it "wax gourd boat". With the company of the wax gourd boat, the little cat has a happy day!

Composition White Gourd (14)

The real name of "Wang Donggua" is actually "Wang Xiaodong". He is my best friend and the famous "cartoon king" in our class.

The students all called him "Wang Donggua", not only because his name was close to "Donggua", but also because his head was very cartoon, like a long oval melon.

"Wang Donggua" especially likes to do funny cartoon actions. When he walked with us, he would deliberately hit the front pillar, making a slow motion like Grey Wolf being blown up and hit the wall, and then like Grey Wolf being knocked unconscious, he kept circling, and finally he was "tired" and fell on the ground. Every time we are teased to the waist by him.

"Wang Donggua" can never forget his cartoon moves anywhere. When running in PE class, he stretched his hands straight in front of his body and moved quickly on the ground, like a cartoon plane.

However, my cartoon classmate "Wang Donggua" did not do well in his studies. Sometimes I would help him, hoping that he would love to learn as much as he loved his cartoon moves, and do the best!

Composition White Gourd (15)

As the saying goes, "If you plant flowers with your heart set, they will not blossom. If you plant willows without your heart set, they will make a shade.". This sentence shows that sometimes, our original casual behavior will have a good result, but when we deliberately pursue it, we often do not expect the desired result.

However, such a strange thing happened to a family in Zhuji. The aunt bought a winter melon from the market to cook. Then, before cooking, always cut the skin of the wax gourd and remove the seeds from the wax gourd. The aunt threw the seeds from the winter melon into the yard in front of her house. Unexpectedly, some days later, the winter melon seeds sprouted. Gradually, the winter melon seedlings grew bigger and bigger, and the winter melon branches grew bigger and bigger. Now the winter melon branches have grown to the other side of the river! What's more unexpected is that this winter melon seedling has produced a super large winter melon. The wax gourd is thin and long, just like a slim girl. What's more surprising is that this winter melon is still growing desperately, and it is more than one meter and forty years old. The aunt tried to prevent the vine of the wax gourd from supporting the weight of the wax gourd. So Aunt took a ladder and put it under the wax gourd. In this way, the wax gourd has to rely on. What's more interesting is that although the vine of this winter melon grows so luxuriantly, only one winter melon grows. Maybe it is because it wants to dominate! Or maybe it's because it wants to stand alone! However, this wax gourd is really powerful enough, and has attracted many neighbors to see this super large wax gourd. This big wax gourd is also famous!

So, why does it make a big wax gourd? According to the aunt, it may be because the soil there is relatively fertile, because they usually throw some organic garbage such as tea leaves, which is absorbed by the soil after decomposition, and becomes fertile soil. No wonder there is such a big winter melon! However, my aunt also said that when the big wax gourd grows about the same size, I will be ready to pick it off and share it with the neighbors!

It is really a response to the sentence "If you want to plant flowers, you can't open them, but if you don't want to plant willows, you can make them shade"! Unexpectedly, this aunt's unintentional act led to such a big winter melon. Indeed, this is true sometimes in the world, and don't pursue it too deliberately!

Composition White Gourd (16)

You are familiar with it! It is a vegetable, you will think, today I am not writing about winter melon. You are wrong, winter melon is actually me. You said you would not be the wax gourd. Can winter melon be like human? I am a real person. I tell you, winter melon is one of my nicknames. Why? My name is Li Dongmei, so everyone gave me the name "short wax gourd" because I was 11 years old and only 1.30 meters tall.

Wax gourd was 11 years old and wore a pair of glasses. The result is average, with dark hair, small eyes, and long fingers. The old man generally said: fingers are long, and they will grow very high later. But I don't want to grow as tall as my father because he is too tall.

Wax gourd likes to write and. Wax gourd's dream is to become the headmaster of Guizhou school. As long as we persist, we will succeed.

Once, someone gave me a pile of books. I opened the book hurriedly and looked at it with interest. My mother said, "I will go out and take my sister with me.". I nodded, and my sister said: I want to go out, sister. My sister called several times, but I didn't hear it because I was addicted to books. My sister is out. After a while, I came to my senses and found my sister missing

Composition White Gourd (17)

It is said that winter melons grow in the field, but there are also several winter melons growing on my balcony and occupying a large area on the anti-theft window. The trees and leaves are luxuriant. From afar, they are full of green.

In spring, my father planted the winter melon seeds of last year in the field under the balcony. From then on, the winter melon took root and sprouted there, and set up a nest.

The leaves just grow out of the winter melon vine. They are similar to maple leaves, just like "green environmental torches". Within a few days, the grown winter melon leaves turned into a bunch of "cattail fans" like elephant ears. It was really "72 changes of the Monkey King"! A few days later, I found that the winter melon was blooming, and the pale yellow flowers looked very energetic and attractive under the sunshine, just like the smiling faces of golden dolls. Looking at the flowers, I wanted to reach out and touch them, but I suddenly thought of what adults had said: "Don't touch the flowers of winter melon. If you touch them, the flowers will wither and they won't bear winter melon." As soon as I thought of this, I hastily withdrew my hand, fearing that they would not produce winter melon.

A few days later, a plump, green winter melon grew under the flower cap. The little wax gourds have a variety of shapes, some like tumblers, some like gourds, some like bulbs, some like bald heads... The lovely little wax gourds make our family feel very happy, as if we saw the harvest scene. Unfortunately, some small winter melons have withered, and I am very sorry for those who died prematurely on the way.

The winter melons are trying to absorb nutrition and grow healthily. Among them, one wax gourd grows very big, which may be their "boss". It is already as big as a bucket. I'm afraid that the vine will not be able to bear its weight. It's exactly what I expected. The day I got up, I went straight to the balcony. Ah, the big wax gourd disappeared. I was worried and tried hard to find it. Finally, I found it under the balcony. Fortunately, the vine didn't break. It was firmly hanging below. I think it was the strong wind that blew overnight due to the impact of typhoon the night before that. Who made it so heavy.

From the germination of winter melon to fruit, I learned a lot of knowledge. It's really interesting. I hope my big wax gourd will grow up quickly so that we can taste it. It is said that eating wax gourd often has the effect of losing weight.

Composition White Gourd (18)

As soon as we entered the farm, we looked around. It was green. There was a beautiful wooden house not far away. In front of the door was a fish pond that was clear enough to see the bottom. Around it were all kinds of vegetables. It was really colorful. As soon as we entered the cabin, Zheng Feipeng's mother shouted, "You can go and pick up the basket here." We all rushed to get the basket and rushed out of the cabin.

As soon as we arrive at the vegetable garden, we will pick from the east and west. We will pick whatever we like. At this time, I found a big wax gourd. "This big wax gourd must be enough for us to have a good meal!" I said to myself. I pinched the stem of winter melon with my hand first, and the juice in the stem splashed on my hand with a sound of "Pa". It was really cool, and the winter melon fell off the stem. However, looking at this "monster", I began to worry: this winter melon is really big, but how can I move it back to the cabin? So I shouted, "Come and help me, I found a big wax gourd." Young friends ran to me at the sound. The four of us bent our backs and bent our backs together to move the big guy out of the melon field. But the wax gourd was covered with hairy thorns and felt very prickly. We couldn't help it, so I suggested, "Let's take napkins to cushion it!" Everyone cheered. In this way, we shouted slogans "one, two, one, two" and moved this big guy back to our base camp. Both father and mother praised us for our ability.

Through this activity, I personally picked my favorite dishes, knew where they grow, and also knew the importance of protecting the environment. This activity is really meaningful.

Composition White Gourd (19)

After a while, my mother came back with a piece of winter melon. I thought, what delicious winter melon can do! My mother seemed to see my mind and said to my father, "Chef in charge, here comes the familiar customer, let's cook some delicious food quickly!" My father stood up from the sofa and said, "Waiter, please say hello first, I will cook some dishes for this guest!" "OK!"

My father and mother's singing together has stirred my mind to see how my father has become a chef, my mother has become a waiter, and I have become a frequent customer. I'd like to see what medicine Mom and Dad sell in the gourd! So I followed my father to the kitchen.

First, my father took out the wax gourd, cut it with a knife as thick as the music book, and then peeled the skin of the wax gourd, and cut it into pieces. Wax gourd is crystal clear, like a flawless white jade.

Mother used the time of boiling water to mix the meat, add onion, ginger, garlic, shrimp, soy sauce and eggs, and mix well. At this time, the water boiled and made a gurgling sound. Mother poured the wax gourd into the boiling water.

After cooking for a while, my father balled the meat stuffing into a ball with a spoon and twisted it into the water with chopsticks. After a minute, the meat became a pearl sized ball, playing hide and seek in the water. They will hide under the natural barrier formed by winter melon, and then hide behind bubbles, which is extremely interesting. Suddenly, a thick fragrance came to my nose, and even the air was filled with fragrance.

My mother gave me a bowl, but I didn't even have time to say a word of thanks, so I ate it greedily.

Composition White Gourd (20)

Generally, most of my compatriots are green. The petiole is very strong, with yellowish brown bristles and villous hairs on the surface. The leaf is kidney shaped and nearly round. Its width is about 15 cm to 30 cm. In addition, we have 5 cm to 7 cm shallow cracks or middle cracks. These are my "worries" of winter melon. These cracks not only make our outside ugly, but also make us feel painful!

Most of us were born in summer, so we named it winter melon because it was ripe. There is a layer of white powder on the surface, just like the white frost in winter. For this reason, our winter melon is also called "white melon".

In addition, it is particularly difficult to cultivate us. It will be very difficult just to choose a place. The place where we can plant must have convenient drainage, deep soil layer, and fertile water soil or clay soil. At the same time, sowing is also very difficult. Winter melon cultivation in Guangzhou is divided into spring planting and autumn planting. More plants are planted in spring, usually from January to February. On the premise of taking cold prevention measures, early sowing is better than late sowing. Therefore, we are very picky about winter melon.

Oh... Oh... I'm so sleepy! I will go to bed early and grow up tomorrow!