450 words of Xiaocao's composition (17 recommended)
simple but elegant
2024-06-12 08:06:40

Xiaocao's composition is 450 words (1)

The green land is full of green, but it makes people feel mediocre and tasteless, and only gives a rough evaluation of the green.

But the grass is not just like this. There are always a few flowers and plants dotted in it, but they are very few, and even more rare and noble.

If you choose, do you want to be a flower or a grass? If it were me, then I would not hesitate to choose grass, which is an ordinary species.

There is no shortage of successful people in the world. They are just like flowers that have been paid close attention to on a lawn, showing their proud posture to their heart's content.

However, you need to think about how these flowers were once noticed by people? Of course, talent is the one hand they show off their capital, and on the other hand, if there is not a lot of green grass to set them off, then how can it show itself. Capital is to compare, and the key is to compare with whom. If these successful people compare with world famous people, they will be treated with indifference like grass.

Therefore, being a grass is not less important than being a flower, on the contrary, it is even more important than it.

Maybe someone will say that I am short-sighted and use it as an excuse. But what I want to say is what is high and deep. Does it mean that those flowers that are slightly stronger than us have high vision. How is it possible? I think there is no distinction between high and low, just worth living. It is enough to be an unknown grass.

Without us, no one will patronize the beautiful flowers; Without us, no matter how beautiful the flowers are, they will not become a scenery; Without us, no matter how beautiful the flowers are, they are nothing. As Bai Juyi wrote in his "Grass", we have the strength and endurance to "burn endless wildfires and spring breeze". In short, I think it's very good to be a grass!

Xiaocao's composition is 450 words (2)

I am a grass, an ordinary grass. Although I don't have the harsh fragrance of flowers, the sweet and delicious fruit, the strong perseverance of bamboo shoots, and a pair of wings that can spread their wings, my life is still so wonderful.

In spring, flowers are blooming, birds are singing and flowers are fragrant. I leaned out from the embrace of Mother Earth, stretched my waist, said hello to Sister Xiaohua, and looked curiously at the world around me. I saw the tinkling mountain spring and heard the children chattering. I was intoxicated. It's raining. Sister Chunyu is wearing a gauze dress. She touches me with her slender fingers and moistens me. The sun came out, and he shone on me with genial sunshine, warming me. After this nourishing, I became stronger.

In summer, with luxuriant foliage, my brothers and sisters and I put on a green coat for Mother Earth. When the sun was burning, the children were tired of playing. They sat down on us to rest, listening to the cicadas singing "cicadas, cicadas" on the trees, and gradually fell asleep. In the evening, children can lie on us, count the stars, watch the moon

In autumn, we change Mother Earth into an orange cheongsam. I also gradually weakened, and if I didn't hold fast, I was broken by the autumn wind. The little ants, which are usually very light to me, can't support me when they climb on my back.

In winter, my body was buried in the snow and got into the arms of Mother Earth. After I rotted, I turned into food and fed it to Mother Earth, so that she could grow more grass.

Although my life is over and short, I think I live a meaningful and wonderful life

Xiaocao's composition is 450 words (3)

If I were a grass, I would not expect how beautiful it is, I just want to have a vibrant vitality.

When the flowers bloom in spring, it will be my most unforgettable moment. I try my best to drill out. In the morning, the first ray of sunshine shines on my young body. I can't wait to see the colorful world outside.

When the sun is hot, I become a little princess in a green skirt. I grow up on the lawn of the park. The children one by one mumble on me. Watching the smiling faces of the children, I can't help but feel happy. With the gentle breeze, I swing back and forth as if I were dancing with them, And sing a melodious tune.

When the autumn wind is rustling, I am more mature and more confident. In the face of the wind and rain from time to time in autumn, I become stronger and stand there. I said to myself: "I am waiting for my test, I want to refuel." The autumn wind is blowing.

When the cold wind blew to the bone, I was buried under the thick snow. Although it was very hard, I didn't shed a tear, nor was it pressed across. I remembered my commitment to myself, and I still adhere to it. The cold wind is blowing, but I am looking forward to the next spring

"When I leave the field and put grass on, it will wither and prosper every year. The wildfire will never burn out, and the spring wind will blow again." The grass is not tall and beautiful, but it has strong perseverance. How I wish I was a grass

Xiaocao's composition is 450 words (4)

I am a grass. I am not as tall as Uncle Big Tree. I am not as beautiful as flowers. I only have a "green dress" sent by Miss Spring.

I am a grass. When the sun slowly rises, that light "spreads" on me, and the crystal "pearl" will shine. Little butterflies come to play with me on time every day. I am happy to see them.

I am a grass. I look forward to the coming of spring rain every day, so that I can "take a bath" comfortably and "become" spotless. Moreover, after the spring rain, I will grow taller. Every time I grow taller, I feel happy.

I am a grass. When the rain is over, there will be many children running around me. The sound of laughter makes me unforgettable forever. I feel the innocence and kindness of each child.

I am a grass. Every morning, farmers will drive sheep to my side and let them eat me. I will feel very painful, but I am also honored to sacrifice myself for everyone.

I am a small grass. When autumn comes, I will gradually become withered and yellow. I know that my life will come to an end. At this time, the old woman came to me and pulled me out. The old woman put me in the autumn light to dry. Slowly, the autumn children took me to heaven, and I left.

In winter, the old woman was sick, and I was very worried in the sky. The old woman boiled me into medicine to cure her illness, and I was so happy that I jumped about.

I don't regret my life, I don't regret sacrificing for others, I only regret that I haven't done enough, I can contribute to others, I have gained more happiness, so I am worth it

Xiaocao's composition is 450 words (5)

I am a grass. When Chunyu comes, I, like my brothers and sisters, break through the ground and greet her. I was born under a lush tree, and I look insignificant compared with Grandpa Dashu. Time flies. The hot summer came in a twinkling of an eye. The big tree grew luxuriantly, and the tree was covered with green, soft, like a green blanket.

So many people came to enjoy the cool under the tree, and we suffered too: people brought a chair, put it on us, sat on the stool to enjoy the cool, and trampled on us. In addition, we also threw some soda bottles, pop cans, etc. after drinking on us, leaving us dead and injured. Summer passed. One day, I was playing with my friends when I was interrupted by a sentence from a flower: "Look at you, how ugly! How monotonous your whole body is covered with green! Look at me again, how beautiful you are. What's your use?" I was very sad, My companion said to me, "What it said is wrong. Our grass also has its uses: although we are not as strong as trees or as beautiful as flowers, we absorb carbon dioxide every day and become fresh air. In addition, we can reduce water and soil loss." After listening, I was proud of being a grass! Be proud! Miss Qiu came. She dressed us in new yellow clothes and shaved the tree into a bald head.

One day, my companions and I were picked up by an old woman, put into a basket, and brought back to the old woman's house. I knew that my time was running out, but this sacrifice of myself could bring benefits to others. Why not? Sure enough, my partner and I threw ourselves into the stove and ended my short life. I am willing to be a grass, a grass that is unknown and selfless!

Xiaocao's composition is 450 words (6)

A few months ago, my father brought back two cacti from the countryside. Mother hurriedly went outside and brought back a pot of soil. She pinched the soil to clean the weeds, and then planted the cactus in the pot with soil. These cacti are covered with needle like thorns, and their bodies are like green thick palms. It protects itself well, unlike other ordinary plants.

After a month or so, when I watered the cactus, I found several small weeds beside it. I pulled them out angrily and thought: How can such grass appear under a low-key and elegant cactus!

More than twenty days later, I found some grass growing under the cactus. They were taller and greener than before. I think: it depends on whether you are strong or I am strong! I will press you with some tiles to see how long you are! So I found two tiles under the washing table, pressed the grass hard and said, "I don't believe you can grow it!"

After a while, when I went to water the cactus, I saw them again - those little grass! They actually came out of the cracks in the bricks and grew stronger than the last time. I was shocked: several small weeds have such strong vitality! I didn't stop them growing. A gust of wind blows, and their delicate bodies swing, but they will never fall.

The reason why small weeds have such strong vitality is that they have a spirit of never giving up. As long as we never give up, life will show its tenacious vitality.

Xiaocao's composition is 450 words (7)

When spring came, I waved my head and looked around for fear of being trampled on by others. There was a big sign beside me that said: Please don't tread on grass.

My little friends also slowly stretched out their small heads. My friends said to me, "It's really a long winter. I don't know what happened in the school." I was very excited and said, "We are going to stand here again to watch those children grow up slowly." Suddenly, a little bug came up and opened its mouth to my friends, I can't escape the attack of my friends if I want one piece of food left and one piece right. They climbed onto me and began to chew quickly. Fortunately, after they climbed up for a while, we shouted loudly: "Go away, go away!" We drove them away.

Suddenly, there was a strong wind, and our incomplete bodies shook in the wind, as if we were dancing. When the wind stopped, we stopped our dance. The sky was overcast. Suddenly, a few drops of water fell from the sky, and we heard a loud noise. I held my breath and stood proudly, ready for the battle. After a while, the heavy rain poured down, and I bent in the wind and rain, not daring to slack off. For a long time, the rain finally stopped, the wind did not blow, my back bent, breathing is also a bit difficult, but I still smile.

I am a small grass, nameless grass. Living in this world, I have experienced countless storms and countless winters. I still stand where I am, motionless, changed here, and I am still the same.

Xiaocao's composition is 450 words (8)

I like the vibrant spring, especially the green grass in spring.

In our campus, there is a lawn full of grass, which is so full of vitality. As soon as spring comes, green leaves will spread all over the land. Take a closer look, they are green, water and water, how delightful!

When the spring breeze blew, the grass danced happily, sometimes stretching its arms, sometimes bending to the ground, sometimes swinging from side to side. It was very graceful. If you appreciate it carefully, you will be happy and forget to return!

Although the grass is so weak, it will never bow to the storm. One day, after a gust of wind, a rainstorm suddenly came down. It's sunny after the rain. I'm going to look at the grass. Ah! The grass seemed to be tortured to death. Some are crooked and some are close to the ground. I don't think they will give in under the storm. Sure enough, Xiaocaoman slowly straightened his waist, even though he still had crystal tears on his face! They seem to say proudly: "Look, how tenacious we are!" Yes, grass is not as beautiful as flowers, not as tall and straight as poplar, not as evergreen as pine and cypress, but how tenacious its vitality is!

"The wild fire cannot burn out, and the spring wind blows again." How well Bai Juyi wrote his poems! Yes, once the cold winter is over, the grass grows vigorously again.

Xiaocao's composition is 450 words (9)

"No flower fragrance, no tree height, I am a grass nobody knows, never lonely, never troubled, you see my partners everywhere......"

I was blown into the crevice of the rock by the relentless wind, and here is hell. Not enough sunshine, not enough water, make me despair. Ah! Instead of waiting to die, I would rather live bravely and strongly, and experience the beauty of life. I suddenly encouraged myself. Yeah! As long as there is a glimmer of hope, I will never give up. One day, I will see a rainbow. At this moment, I made up my mind.

It's easier said than done. There's almost no nutrition here for me to absorb. It's too hard to break free. However, I have been enduring the incomparable cold, and ushered in the beautiful and vibrant spring in the painful torture.

Wow! I felt warm all over at once. The sun was shining on me. Sometimes there would be drips of rain watering me, nourishing me, making me energetic and happy.

A few grass nearby witnessed my growth. I have grown from a fragile seed to several new green leaves. They have always been proud and happy for me, and have always encouraged me, "Hey, brave little sister, I believe you can do it! At the beginning, we were the same as you, and now we are not growing well? Come on!" I never feel lonely. You see my partners are cheering for me, I will be as tall as them one day.

Compared with those tall trees, and look at my small grass, my color is really inferior. But I'm still proud of myself! Because I have experienced ups and downs, overcome many hardships, and finally saw the rainbow, which is like my life, colorful and colorful.

I am a strong grass that never bow to difficulties!

Xiaocao's composition is 450 words (10)

These days, the continuous rain and wind brings a sense of coolness to the sweltering summer. Whenever I walk in the breeze and drizzle, my mood is also extremely relaxed. But when I walk through the green lawn, I also feel a kind of respect while appreciating it.

Grass in wind and rain, how strong you are! Although the wind and rain are relentlessly destroying your weak body, you still stand in the wind and rain with a proud posture if you do not yield or surrender

Grass in wind and rain, how brave you are! You dare to fight with the wind and rain. Although in the eyes of others, this is just beating stones with eggs, overestimation, but you challenge yourself, challenge the fate!

Grass in wind and rain, how persistent you are! Although you are faced with the choice of life and death, as long as there is a glimmer of hope for life, you will not give up, firmly grasp the hope of this life, and never give up

Grass in wind and rain, how selfless you are! Although you will be bent by the wind and rain, you will still try your best to add a green touch to nature; Although you are going to the "abyss" of death, you will still release fresh oxygen for human beings

Little grass, I sincerely praise you! Praise your strong, brave, persistent and selfless. Then I can't help thinking of a poem by Bai Juyi:

Leave the field and put grass on it.

One year old withers and prospers.

Wildfires never burn out.

The spring wind blows again.

Isn't this poem your most authentic portrayal?

Little grass, I want to thank you more! It is inevitable that there will be setbacks in life. It is you who taught me how to face them and let me move towards the peak of life.

Xiaocao's composition is 450 words (11)

Grass is not as beautiful as flowers, nor as tall and straight as trees, but I love it.

No matter in the corner of the wall, stone crevices, or in the wild mountains or cliffs, you can see its familiar figure. As long as there is a little soil, they can take root, sprout and breed bravely.

Once, when I washed my hands in the sink at home, I accidentally found a green grass in the sink. It turned out that a few days ago, my partner and I caught earthworms in the grass and accidentally let a grass seed fall into the sink. Because there is some soil in the sink, the stubborn grass will take root and sprout here. So I gently pulled it up and threw it into the garbage can.

On the morning of June 1, I was walking in the park. I walked on the grass and found the trampled grass lying down and thinking: Oh! What weak grass! But soon, I changed my view of it. "In June, as a child, it will change as soon as you say". That's right. It was still sunny at first, but soon after, the dark clouds began to spread and it began to rain cats and dogs. I quickly hid under the pavilion to take shelter from the rain. Big raindrops fell on the grass. I thought again: I don't know how the poor grass has been drenched. But when the rain stopped, I went to the grass to have a look. Yo! The grass were close together, with their chests outstretched and raindrops rolling on them, which made them more energetic. I can't help but feel a shock. What a stubborn grass!

"The wild fire will never burn out, and the spring wind will blow again." This phrase really deserves its name when applied to grass. One cold winter, the grass withered one after another. The ground is bare, but the roots of the grass are still on the ground, and the grass are sticking out one after another to show people their vigorous vitality.

I love grass, like them willing to be ordinary, like their indomitable tenacity. From the grass, I know what life is. Life is four words - tenacity and courage.

Xiaocao's composition is 450 words (12)

One kind of scenery and one kind of object always impress me deeply.

Every time I go out, I will pass a small building without people living in it. At an accidental glance, I found a touch of green in the crack of an abandoned wall. I walked over and saw that it was an unknown grass.

The tender green leaf, like love, is short and small. It lives alone in the crevice. There is no companion, only rubble "to accompany" it swaying in the wind. It is bending "waist", bowing "back" and trying to stabilize its body, as if afraid of being uprooted, or like calling for help. It has no power to bind chicken with its hands, and let the wind "rage". I couldn't help feeling sorry for him. I picked up a few pieces of gravel to build a simple home for the grass.

Since that day, it has rained heavily for several days. I can't help worrying about the grass. When the sky is clear and the sun that has not been seen for a long time shines on the earth, I can't wait to run to the grass. It's still there! The touch of green stands up resolutely and grows more luxuriantly. There are several more trees around. The sun shines and the rain shines with silver, reflecting the color of the leaves more brightly. The tender green has been quietly replaced by dark green, full of vitality. They swayed with the wind and collided with each other. I seemed to hear their silver bell like laughter and shouts: "We have company!"

"The wild fire is endless, and the spring wind blows again." This poem is enough to reflect the tenacity of grass, and so is the grass in the corner. At this time, a primary school text "Life, Life" appeared in my mind. Both plants and animals have such strong vitality, so we should have the courage to sharpen ourselves like grass.

Xiaocao's composition is 450 words (13)

In the twinkling of an eye, it was sunny April. At this time, there was a thick green everywhere: flowers were blooming, trees were sprouting buds, and grass was rushing out of the ground. This scene reminds me of Bai Juyi's poem, "The wild fire is endless, and the spring wind is blowing again."

On Tomb Sweeping Day, four members of our family went to Grandma's house to visit her grave. On the way back, I happened to pass by Grandma's vegetable field, and saw a piece of deserted grass covered with weeds.

At this time, Grandma suggested, "How about we get rid of the weeds, and then plant the potato seedlings in the basket into the soil?" We all nodded and agreed. I quickly rolled up my sleeves, squatted on the edge of the vegetable field, grabbed the thickest grass with both hands and pulled it back. Ha ha, a grass was pulled out by me, but questions came out of my mind again. In class, the teacher didn't say that every plant has roots, but how could this grass not be?

So I picked up a hoe and dug into the soil! The roots are all hidden in the soil, and then dig into the soil. One by one, thin filaments penetrate into the soil. After I go home, I study carefully. I never thought that the grass is strong because the thin filaments, thin filaments can grow grass only after being moistened by rain and irradiated by the sun.

The questions in life depend on whether you like to observe or not. If you are willing to observe carefully, you can get the answers.

Xiaocao's composition is 450 words (14)

There are soft, green and ordinary grass outside the window.

On Saturday, I quietly lay on the desk to do my homework. When I was tired, I looked at the bright green. My mother said: This will help protect my eyesight. Such a beautiful piece of grass is downstairs in my house. When I look at them, my eyes will feel less tired. Then it began to drizzle.

I close the window and do my homework as needed. However, the rain is getting heavier and heavier, which makes people a little irritable. I throw away my pen and stop writing. I began to worry about what would happen to the grass.

Looking down, I saw raindrops hitting them mercilessly, looking embarrassed. Fortunately, the rain stopped. I thought of something and ran downstairs. The grass surprised me. They still stand proudly on the land, even though they still carry water drops. I touched them, and a strange feeling came from the bottom of my heart

What wonderful grass! In the storm just now, if one stands in the rain, he will catch a cold. But the grass is still alive and seems greener than before.

How can I not imagine that the seemingly weak grass has such a strong vitality that even the grass can experience such a disaster? What about me?

Thanks to Xiao Cao, it made me understand that a person should have a strong will to struggle, just as I am now "fighting" with learning. Only high standards of strict requirements on myself can have a better future.

The poet Bai Juyi once said, "The wild fire will never burn out, and the spring wind will blow again." I admire the tenacity of the grass. It is he who has inspired me to overcome obstacles in learning. As long as I have perseverance and endurance, I will win in the end. The spirit of grass is worth learning. Thank you for this inspiring piece of grass.

Looking at this piece of grass, I suddenly feel that they are so great.

Thanks to the grass, staring at them, I have the power to move forward again.

Xiaocao's composition is 450 words (15)

I was about to say to the so-called big brother, "Don't climb over the railing..." When I heard a "ah", he had already fallen. I ran to him at once and picked him up. I said to the big brother, "Xiaocao is also our friend. We can't just care about ourselves and hurt Xiaocao." I saw that he blushed and immediately lowered his head.

As I continued to walk forward, I found there was a traffic jam ahead. Some cars drove to the flower bed next to them in order to get in the way. Flowers and green grass were crushed by those cars and scattered on the ground in disorder. I saw the pain of grass again. I don't understand why people always ignore the feeling of grass for their own sake. If grass can speak, it will also express dissatisfaction with people's behavior. I think the grass must know the pain and hope to live a happy life just like us. Although grass is so inconspicuous, it can purify the air and beautify the environment. In fact, it has a great effect! I hope everyone can care about the grass and let it not be hurt again!

Xiaocao's composition is 450 words (16)

It was one day last summer vacation. It was stormy outside. I looked from my balcony to the small garden of the community, and saw several towering trees shaking violently in the wind, as if they would fall down soon. And those delicate flowers suddenly withered and became listless. Then, I saw a clump of inconspicuous grass. I thought that the grass would also be beaten by the strong wind and heavy rain. Later, after the wind and rain, when I walked in the small garden and saw the flourishing appearance of the clump of grass, I felt very ashamed. I thought: I despised the grass too much.

Another time, I burned a small piece of grass in my small garden because I was bored. Later, when I saw that the ground was bare, I regretted it a little. But when I saw the grass growing out of the soil in the spring of the next year, I could not help thinking of the poem of Bai Juyi, a poet of the Tang Dynasty: "Leave the grass on the ground and it will wither and prosper at the age of one. The wildfire will not burn out, and the spring wind will blow again." Remembering my practice of bowing my head when encountering difficulties, I admired the grass.

Xiaocao's spirit of not bowing in the face of difficulties has given me great inspiration. I want to learn from Xiaocao's spirit of perseverance and perseverance, and I will never bow in the face of learning in the future.

Xiaocao's composition is 450 words (17)

I am a grass living on the shore, with a green body, a pointed head, and countless friends around me.

I still have an unforgettable story as I am now. I often look at the boundless blue sky, bathed in warm and bright sunshine, and can't help recalling the difficult years of my childhood.

When I was a seed hidden underground, I longed for the sunshine and the rain. However, when I was about to get out of the ground, I realized that success was far less simple than I had imagined. There was a huge stone pressing on my head. At the beginning, I wanted to give up, but I wanted to bathe in the warm sun, I wanted to drink sweet rain, I had to do my best again, just once, twice, three times... I finally pushed the big stone open. It's really "Kung Fu pays off"! I was touched by the sun and moistened by the rain.

I grow up slowly and become a grass. At the same time, like my brothers and sisters, I also have the spirit of perseverance. Whenever a storm comes, we are fearless in the face of danger. No matter how big the rain drops hit us, no matter how big the wind direction blows us, we are indomitable and growing tenaciously.

In the future, there may be more difficulties, but I will still face them bravely with my partners.