Chalk praise composition (16 practical articles)
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2024-06-12 02:33:48

Chalk praise composition (1)

Chalk is no stranger to us. It is very simple, about 7cm long, thin at the front, thick at the back, and colorful. Although it seems very simple, its role is immeasurable.

The art teacher used it to describe the great rivers and mountains of our country; Chinese teachers use it to make us understand a lot of the truth of life; Math teachers use it to solve problems for us and let us roam in the ocean of mathematics; English teachers use it to open our eyes and appreciate the customs of many countries and regions; Music teachers use it to draw beautiful notes, so that we can enjoy the endless charm of music art

When did we leave chalk from childish to mature, from ignorance to knowledge?

While chalk conveys knowledge to us, they silently dedicate everything to us until they are shattered. It is selfless, sacrificing itself without complaining, which alone is worth learning and developing. When people are happy to acquire knowledge, who thought of chalk? Seeing the chalk heads on the platform, I was moved and respected!

Although chalk does not have a rush of brush; Although not as smooth as a pen; Although there is no convenient pencil; Although there is no bright fluorescent pen; Although there is no colorful watercolor pen... I still want to praise the chalk, its obscurity, ordinary and simple, and selfless dedication without asking for anything.

We should all learn the extraordinary spirit of chalk. In fact, there are many people with chalk spirit in our real life.

Whenever I see the floating chalk ash, I always think of my beloved teacher. Isn't our hardworking teacher "chalk"? How much time have they spent on our future? In the dead of night, they were still preparing lessons and correcting homework. When we are ill, we don't forget to teach us and never miss a class. When we do something wrong, they will teach us how to behave until we understand. Day after day, year after year, when their students have become the pillars of society, they have become gray haired and wrinkled old people. When we see our achievements, how many people will think of their teachers? How many people will send a sincere greeting to their teachers on Teacher's Day?

I like chalk and teachers even more. It is they who have dedicated all the light and heat to our success! They are the lights and guides of our life!

Chalk Praise Composition (2)

Chalk is really extraordinary. I praise chalk.

When you walk into a clean classroom, there will always be one or two or three boxes of chalk in your eyes. The columnar posture, straight body and single color of chalk are especially solemn and serious.

This is chalk. It is very common in life, but it is not ordinary.

The textbook was turned over page by page, and the chalk became shorter and disappeared day by day, turning into particles of dust. The white chalk dust fluttered from the teacher's hands and splashed on the clean clothes, embellishing a pear like poetry. Chalk, a ship full of knowledge, was selflessly sacrificed by ordinary chalk, and finally turned into a teacher's blackboard writing, spreading knowledge in our hearts.

That is chalk, which is very common in life, but it is not ordinary.

It has no gorgeous appearance and attractive posture. Maybe if you want to say that it is not beautiful, then what you mean by beauty is just the obvious and vulgar appearance. But when you see it in the teacher's hand lit up his body bit by bit, leaving behind the knowledge you want to learn, do you think it is just a small piece of chalk? Don't you think that its selflessness, strength and self sacrifice at least symbolize our teacher? Don't you think at all that on the three inch platform, there is a knowledgeable teacher who sacrifices himself just to impart knowledge like this chalk? Don't you think a little further that such obscurity and selfless dedication symbolize the kind of quality spirit of conscientious work, patriotism and dedication at work today?

Chalk is not an ordinary thing.

Chalk Praise Composition (3)

Its tiny body is less than ten centimeters; Its cylindrical body always lies quietly in the corner of the classroom; It, although there are many colors, is still inconspicuous. It is chalk.

Chalk's life is short, but it still works hard for us to acquire knowledge. In the hands of Chinese teachers, it will dance out a string of beautiful sentences; In the hands of the math teacher, it will dance out a number of genie; With the help of the English teacher, it taught us ABC; In the hands of the music teacher, it dances out beautiful songs and makes us drunk...... It accompanies us to climb the peak of knowledge and travel the ocean of knowledge. But when the teacher finished writing the last word with it, its life came to an end, leaving only some powder and the knowledge that accompanied us to success. In this way, it has been working silently. In order to help us learn more knowledge, it works hard every day in that dark land without any complaints.

Isn't the spirit of chalk just like our teacher? In order to give us a wonderful lesson, the teacher spared no effort to sacrifice his rest time. In order to understand our learning situation in a more timely manner, the teacher often corrects one book of homework in the dead of night with the light... The teacher, unreservedly passing on knowledge to us, never needs to repay, just hopes that each of us can move towards success. However, on the day when we were heading for success, the teacher's temples had been spotted, and deep wrinkles climbed onto her forehead.

Teachers, like chalk, are selfless, not demanding. I praise chalk, but also praise the teacher!

Chalk Praise Composition (4)

You are so hardworking that you will be used when writing and when assigning homework. Although you know you will sacrifice yourself, you still do not hesitate to sacrifice yourself to help others.

Chalk You work hard without complaint, but you sacrifice yourself without complaining to us. Your selfless dedication and self sacrifice spirit really moved me.

In fact, there are many people like chalk in our real life, such as our teacher, Mr. Yang, who has been studying fast composition in obscurity all his life. He has devoted his whole life to Chinese literature selflessly. They are dedicated to the country, until white haired, and there are police uncles standing by the road. They stand in the hot sun, standing in the scorching sun, quietly directing the traffic regardless of their own sweat. Also, we should stick to our posts and conscientiously command the traffic without any slack. By the way, there are also those cleaning workers who are working under the high temperature every day. They work conscientiously under the high temperature to keep our city clean. They have to get up very early every day to clean up the garbage, but some people don't understand that their hard work garbage is littered everywhere. What's worse, they not only don't appreciate them, but laugh at them behind their backs. It's really annoying.

If all of us can devote our love like chalk, how beautiful the world will become!

Chalk Praise Composition (5)

In a classroom of a school, there is a pair of good friends. They are chalk and blackboard eraser. They are very close, and their cooperation is very happy and smooth.

But one day, the chalk looked down upon the blackboard eraser more and more, and disliked the blackboard eraser, and began to say: "Brother blackboard eraser, you always erase the beautiful posture I left on the blackboard, and you are so big, you erase some things that should not be erased, but you do not erase them, don't you think it is boring?" The blackboard eraser said unconvinced, "What's the big deal? You are thin and small, and you say you have beautiful posture and jokes! If you don't use it a few times, you can either break it or use it up. I feel extremely ashamed of leaving your mark on my body!" "I also feel ashamed." The chalk said, "You should be proud and proud that you can leave the mark of our entire family! Our entire family has a colorful color, unlike your family, it's useless to wipe it all day long!"

The two of them argued all the time until the evening, when the blackboard was too noisy to sleep, "chalk and blackboard eraser, aren't you two good brothers all the time? You used to live in harmony and cooperate in friendship. If I were not here, would you still disagree like this? If I were not here, would you still cooperate in friendship? Each of you has his own strengths and weaknesses. You can't just see the shortcomings of others. You should find more strengths of others. "

Yes, when some friends grow together, they will gradually find other shortcomings of others, while others' strengths are ignored.

Chalk Praise Composition (6)

On the table in front of the blackboard, there are some pieces of chalk. Some of them have more than half of it, some have broken their waists, some are only as big as their fingernails, and some are too small to mention.

"Ding Lingling......" After class, the students ran to their seats quickly, and all quieted down, waiting for Miss Yang to have class. The teacher came in, she opened the courseware and began to teach. She took a piece of chalk, turned around and wrote down the important content on the blackboard as she spoke. Shattering, rustling, rows of neat blackboard writing have been completed. However, the chalk in the teacher's hand became shorter and shorter. It turned into white dust and disappeared little by little after leaving its mark on the blackboard. When this little piece of chalk writes the last word for us, when it teaches us the last knowledge and completes the last mission, it disappears, disappears from the world forever, and never returns.

This reminds me of those workers, teachers, farmers who stick to their posts... They are like chalk. They have worked hard and devoted their lives to people's happiness. They have shown a great spirit of selfless dedication. They are hard-working, the most lovely people in the society, and deserve everyone's respect.

Chalk Praise Composition (7)

Among the teacher's articles, chalk is a daily necessity.

Chalks are in various colors, including blue, green, yellow, red, and white. Chalks can be hidden weapons in martial arts novels in the hands of students, or interesting toys. When they are in the hands of teachers, they will become gorgeous. In the hands of Chinese teachers, it becomes a beautiful word, intoxicating; In the hands of the math teacher, it becomes a series of naughty numbers coming to us; In the hands of English teachers, it is ABC, leading us to the paradise of knowledge.

Chalk silently imparted knowledge and sacrificed itself. A small piece of chalk is only made of a handful of lime. When it leaves traces on the blackboard with its own life, it turns into white granular objects and disappears little by little. When cleaning the blackboard, the chalk stands beside the blackboard and lets it wipe, gently erasing the lines of words written with its body. Numerous white particles fall like snowflakes. Isn't this unknown and selfless spirit like our teacher? Every day, we work in silence to cultivate the future pillars of our motherland.

I praise chalk, and more praise people with chalk spirit - workers who never care about personal gains and losses, do not strive for fame and wealth, but selflessly contribute to the society!

Chalk Praise Composition (8)

Put short chalk heads in the grooves of the classroom blackboard.

Although those short chalk heads are not attractive, they used to be very useful. Chinese teachers use chalk to write profound words; The math teacher used chalk to write difficult formulas; The art teacher painted colorful pictures; The music teacher used chalk to jump notes one by one

Chalk plays different roles, leading students to pick fruits in the palace of literature, to win laurels in the kingdom of mathematics, to enjoy various beautiful tunes in the music temple, and to appreciate the works of various masters in the art hall... However, at the same time, the head of chalk falls bit by bit, which is the precursor of the death of chalk, But it looked at the students holding certificates without regret

Isn't that the same with teachers?

In order to make his students promising, teachers are willing to impart knowledge to us and take us to appreciate what happened 5000 years ago; history; Let's imagine the future of science and technology... They are also very relieved to see the students graduate year after year.

Night, so quiet. People enter and sleep. Only they rush to write and rush to do homework under the dim light. They got up early in the morning and went into the dark. Several white hairs appeared on their heads, but they didn't know it. In class, they severely criticized Xue students, and their hearts were hurt! In the dim light, white hair and harsh criticism, their youth is passing away, and wrinkles are climbing on their forehead. However, at this time, the students' kindness is their greatest comfort.

"Chalk" and "teacher", two very different words, have similar qualities. Sacrificing oneself to help others is their greatest wish.

Chalk Praise Composition (9)

Chalk is no stranger to us. It is very simple, about 7cm long, thin at the front, thick at the back, and colorful. Although it seems very simple, its role is immeasurable.

The art teacher used it to describe the great rivers and mountains of our country; Chinese teachers use it to make us understand a lot of the truth of life; Math teachers use it to solve problems for us and let us roam in the ocean of mathematics; English teachers use it to open our eyes and appreciate the customs of many countries and regions; Music teachers use it to draw beautiful notes, so that we can enjoy the endless charm of music art

When did we leave chalk from childish to mature, from ignorance to knowledge?

While chalk conveys knowledge to us, they silently dedicate everything to us until they are shattered. It is selfless, sacrificing itself without complaining, which alone is worth learning and developing. When people are happy to acquire knowledge, who thought of chalk? Seeing the chalk heads on the platform, I was moved and respected!

Although chalk does not have a rush of brush; Although not as smooth as a pen; Although there is no convenient pencil; Although there is no bright fluorescent pen; Although there is no colorful watercolor pen... I still want to praise the chalk, its obscurity, ordinary and simple, and selfless dedication without asking for anything.

We should all learn the extraordinary spirit of chalk. In fact, there are many people with chalk spirit in our real life.

Whenever I see the floating chalk ash, I always think of my beloved teacher. Isn't our hardworking teacher "chalk"? How much time did they spend for our future? In the dead of night, they were still preparing lessons and correcting homework. When we are ill, we don't forget to teach us and never miss a class. When we do something wrong, they will teach us the truth of life until we understand. Day after day, year after year, when their students have become the pillars of society, they have become gray haired and wrinkled old people. When we see our achievements, how many people will think of their teachers? How many people will send a sincere greeting to their teachers on Teacher's Day?

I like chalk, and I like teachers even more. They have dedicated all their light and heat to our success! They are the illuminating lights and guides of our life!

Chalk Praise Composition (10)

Chalk, do you know it? In fact, the structure of chalk is very simple. It is made of lime and water. It is not precious and costs less than a dime. Moreover, its shape is not beautiful. It is bare, without any pattern or gloss, and its surface is very rough! How could anyone like it? It is so inconspicuous, but since that time, it has been deeply impressed in my mind and will never be forgotten.

On the Tuesday before the final exam of the first volume of sixth grade, we were listening to our teacher review Chinese questions for us. The teacher said, "Wait a minute, we will review the projected questions, and I will give you some questions to think about, and then I will ask some students to do it."

In a twinkling of an eye, there was no blank space on the blackboard, and all the words were handwritten by the teacher with chalk. The teacher asked several students to do it, including me. I picked up a short piece of chalk. It was like a short old man over sixty years old, lying in the heart of my hand.

I began to work on the question. The old chalk man seemed to say to me, "Wow, your handwriting is so beautiful!" I smiled and thought: How could I do it without you?

Because the blackboard is full of words, the old chalk man in my hand is getting smaller and smaller... I carefully hold it in my hand, and suddenly realize that the old chalk man is willing to sacrifice himself to make contributions for us silently. I could not help crying, holding the last piece of chalk, said softly: "Thank you, thank you for your companions, for sacrificing our own lives to let us better master knowledge." I seemed to see the old chalk smiling happily, He kindly said to me, "It is our duty to sacrifice ourselves, help others and offer silently, whether we are chalk or human." I nodded and continued to fill the last space on the blackboard with the last body of the old chalk man. The body of the old chalk man disappeared and was ground into fine powder, but it has also been printed in my heart.

Chalk, your beauty is selfless and great. Tagore said: "The cause of fruit is noble, and the cause of flower is sweet, but let me do the cause of leaf in the shadow of silent dedication." This is a tribute to you, but also an affirmation of your unknown and selfless dedication 'chalk spirit!

Chalk Praise Composition (11)

Chalk like

When the students copied the knowledge written by the teacher on the blackboard, did you think about what left the handwriting on the blackboard so that we could get knowledge. As all the students know, that is chalk.

The chalk is short and white. It looks inconspicuous, sharp at one end and wide at the other, like a stick. It is made of lime. Although it is short and small, it is not eye-catching, and it is not as shiny as pens, brushes and pencils, but it is far more useful than pens, brushes and pencils. It is because of this small piece of chalk that we sacrifice ourselves silently that we have cultivated many excellent talents in our motherland.

In class, chalk lies silently on the ordinary desk, silently waiting to dedicate their lives. The teacher with gray hair takes its white and flawless body, lets it dance freely with the sound of "squeak", and depicts lines of beautiful and beautiful fonts on its unique stage with the beautiful and dancing movements of chalk. However, with the end of the song "Song of Dedication", the body of chalk gradually shortened and ended. But it was never afraid, just silently shortened until it turned into powder and disappeared in the air.

Although it doesn't have a glib mouth and a gorgeous coat, it only pays in silence. No wonder some people compare it to the most glorious profession under the sun - teacher.

Will you look down upon this little chalk? It breeds greatness in its ordinariness.

Instructor: Duan Ruiping

Chalk Praise Composition (12)

Chalk like

"Shuashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashash. "Shuashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashash. The clear lines of writing become a guide, leading us to travel in the ocean of knowledge, raising the ideal sail, taking us to wander in the orchard of knowledge, picking up the fruits of autumn, tasting its sweet juice, which is like a stream of sweet dew moistening our thirst for knowledge

When cleaning the blackboard, the chalk stood beside silently without complaint, letting the eraser gently rub against the blackboard, erasing the lines of writing it wrote with its body, and countless fine chalk ends slowly fell down, like rustling jade chips; Like snowflakes in succession... But I think it is more like a spirit, a spirit of silent dedication, and more like a noble person. These are the teachers who cultivate the flowers of the motherland silently and diligently.

How many sleepless nights, sweat and effort have they spent on the sacred education cause? How many beautiful flowers and useful talents have been cultivated for the motherland? They worked hard from spring to autumn, from hair covered with green silk to white sideburns, with low wages, but never complained; Let students step on their shoulders to the throne of success; Accept flowers, applause and trophies, but never take pride in themselves. Isn't it just like the selfless spirit of chalk?

I praise chalk, but also praise people with chalk spirit, because they stand aloof from the world, never care about personal gains and losses, never strive for fame and profits, only know how to work silently and selflessly!

Chalk like

When the students copied the knowledge written by the teacher on the blackboard, did you think about what left the handwriting on the blackboard so that we could get knowledge. As all the students know, that is chalk.

The chalk is short and white. It looks inconspicuous, sharp at one end and wide at the other, like a stick. It is made of lime. Although it is short and small, it is not eye-catching, and it is not as shiny as pens, brushes and pencils, but it is far more useful than pens, brushes and pencils. It is because of this small piece of chalk that we sacrifice ourselves silently that we have cultivated many excellent talents in our motherland.

In class, chalk lies silently on the ordinary desk, silently waiting to dedicate their lives. The teacher with gray hair takes its white and flawless body, lets it dance freely with the sound of "squeak". With the beautiful dance of chalk, lines of beautiful and beautiful characters are portrayed on its unique stage. However, with the end of the song "Song of Dedication", the body of chalk gradually shortened and ended. But it was never afraid, just silently shortened until it turned into powder and disappeared in the air.

Although it doesn't have a glib mouth and a gorgeous coat, it only gives in silence. No wonder some people compare it to the most brilliant professional teacher in the sun.

Will you look down upon this little chalk? It breeds greatness in its ordinariness.

Chalk like

Chalk is very familiar to every student. However, have you ever thought that in such a thing as chalk, there is a noble character.

Chalk is not as bright as an electric light, can not bring happiness to people's lives as TV, and can not bring fun to spring as lively and lovely swallow. But its colorful colors can also create a pleasing picture and write intoxicated articles.

When chalk lies quietly, no one will notice it. When the teacher picks it up, it will send knowledge to us. When it is completely ground into powder, it will stop offering.

Chalk, working silently, has disappeared silently, and spread civilization with its short life.

I love chalk, but also praise the teachers who work hard with chalk on the podium and put their efforts on us seedlings!

Chalk like

Small cylindrical, hard and soft, successive, not afraid of breaking into pieces, you are loyal to the charming land of blackboard, unremitting, self sacrifice, this is your figure.

Pure white, passionate red, relaxed yellow, calm blue, vibrant green, and elegant purple sparkle with your colorful brilliance. The white skirt that you often shine to others is so pure, sacred, attractive and lovable. Your body may be only three inches long and one centimeter large, but it is like a giant sweep, sweeping away ignorance, evil and blind obedience from the human brain, and sweeping into the jewelry of truth, kindness and wisdom.

You are an indispensable tool for teachers to impart knowledge. Thanks to your efforts, we have quickly changed from young and ignorant children to teenagers with elegant manners and rich knowledge, and become builders of social material civilization and spiritual civilization. You, however, turn into tiny powder and float on the earth. You are the inheritor and transmitter of human culture, but you have given everything to yourself in obscurity, leaving no fragrance for history.

You are the guide for human beings to swim in the ocean of knowledge, the light for exploring the mysteries of nature, and the ladder for climbing science and technology

Chalk like


Without Wei'an's body

A handsome beauty

Wearing plain clothes

Never decorate yourself


Don't skimp on the brevity of life

Even if it turns into powder

And willingly

only for

An ocean of knowledge

Let's travel

Chalk like

Students, I believe you are most familiar with chalk. Today, let's talk about chalk!

Chalk, some wearing red clothes, some wearing white clothes, some wearing blue clothes, and others... It's so changeable. It has a long, thin body. Although it is not as bright as electric lights, it can not bring happiness to people's lives as TV, nor can it bring fun to spring as little swallows and magpies, it can create beautiful and pleasing pictures and write fascinating articles one after another.

When the chalk lies quietly in the chalk box, who has paid attention to it! When the teacher picked it up, it would not hesitate to sacrifice its short life, do its best to send new knowledge to us until it died in silence.

Chalk, when it comes to the end of life, who will ever pity it? Either use it as a fighting weapon or throw it into the dustbin.

Students, chalk serves us like this, shouldn't we cherish it?

Chalk Praise Composition (13)

Although chalk does not have a rush of brush; Although not as smooth as a pen; Although there is no convenient pencil; Although there is no bright fluorescent pen; Although there is no colorful watercolor pen... I still want to praise the chalk, its obscurity, ordinary and simple, and selfless dedication without asking for anything.

Chalk is no stranger to us students. It is very simple, about 7cm long and colorful. Although it seems very simple, its role is immeasurable.

The art teacher used it to describe the great rivers and mountains of our motherland; Chinese teachers use it to let us know a lot about life; Math teachers use it to solve problems for us and let us roam in the ocean of mathematics; English teachers use it to open our eyes and appreciate the customs of many countries and regions; Music teachers use it to draw beautiful notes, so that we can enjoy the endless charm of music art

Boys and girls, when did we leave chalk from childish to mature, from ignorance to knowledge? While chalk is delivering knowledge to us, they silently dedicate everything to us until they are shattered. It sacrifices itself without complaining. This alone is worth learning and developing. When people are happy to acquire knowledge, who thought of chalk? Seeing the chalk heads on the platform, it gave me a kind of touch and respect!

My classmates, but our diligent teacher is "chalk"? How much time have they spent on our future? In the dead of night, they were still preparing lessons and correcting homework. When we are ill, we don't forget to teach us and never miss a class. When we do something wrong, they will teach us how to behave until we understand. Day after day, year after year, when our students have become the pillars of society, the unknown teachers have become gray haired and wrinkled. When we see our achievements, how many people will think of their teachers? How many people will send a sincere greeting to their teachers on Teacher's Day?

I praise chalk, and even more praise the teachers who have worked hard on the platform with chalk. They have devoted their efforts to us young teachers... They have dedicated all their light and heat to our success! They are the lights and guides of our life!

Chalk Praise Composition (14)

Chalk is like a candle, burning itself and illuminating others; Chalk is like a spring silkworm, spitting out the last silk for us; Chalk is like a mother, trying to take care of us; Chalk is like a gardener, feeding thousands of seedlings; Chalk is like a teacher, imparting knowledge to us; Chalk is like a spring wind, blowing green fields, grass, trees

If there were no chalk, the teacher would not write on the blackboard, would not impart knowledge to us, we would have nothing, and there would be no knowledge in the world. A small piece of chalk "causes" knowledge in the whole world. Without chalk, there would be no knowledge in the whole world. If there is no knowledge, we will not invent the space shuttle, go to space, and solve the mystery of the universe... A piece of chalk is related to the mystery of the universe.

Chalk, leaving knowledge and sacrificing oneself. Some students think that a piece of humble chalk is nothing important, so they throw it around after class. However, if every student does this, all the chalk will be unusable, which will lead to the situation of no chalk (the above situation).

We should sacrifice ourselves for others like chalk. Although it is inconspicuous, it is of great use. It leaves knowledge on the blackboard but sacrifices itself.

Chalk Praise Composition (15)

oh Chalk! It is not as grand as a skyscraper; It is not as beautiful and delicate as butterfly; It is less poetic and picturesque like willows. It has only a weak body. One end is big and the other is small. It always looks weak. I only love this insignificant chalk.

Has anyone ever noticed chalk? How small and great it is. Since it just came out of the chalk box, it was almost impossible to avoid being folded by the teacher, and half of his life was lost. Then it spent its life in the hands of teachers. As time went by, the chalk gradually shortened, and time flew away from the falling powder. In the end, only a few scattered white ash remained. But chalk never complains. It has spent its youth in the classroom, silently giving its all.

Chalk is so ordinary.

In life, there are many people like chalk who are unknown and selfless.

Such is the beautiful cleaner. The title of "urban beautician" is by no means an empty name. In the dim light of the day, the cleaners took brooms and dustpans and quietly started working in the deserted street. Whether it is extremely hot or cold, whether it is stormy or snowy, they always work hard in the street. They selflessly contribute their youth to the city's health, and have been at the forefront of urban health from the prime of life to the silver. But how many people remember them? I can't help but mourn for the modern people's practice of chasing traffic and craze, which means abandoning the basics to the last.

I love chalk, but also those who live in chalk, with selfless dedication.

Chalk Praise Composition (16)

During the break, I heard such a group of dialogues.

"Well, you said, our life has been dedicated to human beings, and I think it's very happy!" The red dress said first, "Mm-hmm. Yes! We are short, one is only 7.5 cm long, and has many colors. The master of the chalk factory mixed rapeseed oil with different colors of powder, and solidified us. In this way, we write on the blackboard, beautiful and generous." The chalk takes over the conversation. "We were constantly written, but our end kept falling. We wrote a lot of words, but in the end, it turned into ashes." The red chalk proudly said. White chalk said proudly, "Yes, no wonder people always compare us to spring silkworms, who spit out our silk; compare us to candles, which illuminate human beings and sacrifice ourselves. Although our life is short, our morality is admired by many people! Although we don't have a gorgeous appearance, we record the knowledge that the teacher wants to teach the students on the blackboard, which benefits the students a lot. I feel more and more honored! " The face of the white chalk was flushed.

I was surprised to think that chalk is like a tractor of wisdom, turning up pieces of soil in my heart, so that hardworking gardeners can plant the seeds of knowledge; It is like a ship, carrying people eager for knowledge, sailing from the ocean of knowledge to the other side.

In class, I saw that the chalk turned into powder after many words were written. I thought: "The more the chalk powder, the thicker it is, which means that I learned more and more deeply. What about the chalk? It has disappeared! How grateful! I tasted, thought, and finally realized a truth: chalk can give everything to ourselves in obscurity. What about us human beings? We should devote our limited lives to serving the people limitlessly.

I praise chalk, praise his selfless dedication, and use his short life to benefit mankind. Although watercolor pens and electronic pens are constantly emerging, the quality of chalk will always be cast in people's minds.