An Unforgettable Event Composition (18 popular articles)
valiant and heroic in bearing
2024-06-12 07:46:54

An Unforgettable Event Composition (1)

I remember that on the last day of a summer vacation, the weather was very hot, and the scorching sun hung in the air like a big ball of fire. It was really uncomfortable to sprinkle the dry heat on the earth.

The other day, I finished my homework and was going out to play. I heard the words "Hua La La..." pouring down. I saw it raining and felt bored staying at home. I was jumping around on the sofa at home alone. I was playing very hard. Suddenly, I felt some pain in my legs. I didn't care because I played too hard. Suddenly, I found a pool of blood on the sofa. I couldn't think about it. I quickly raised my foot to see the blood on my leg was blurred. At that time, I felt extremely painful. It was almost a finger to finger pain. I resisted the pain. It took me a lot of effort to find the first-aid box. I wiped the blood on my leg with a cotton ball and simply bandaged it with gauze, but my leg was still very painful, But I tried my best to bear it, thinking, who told me that I was careless and jumped on the sofa, I complained that I was too careless and regretted it.

A month later, my leg is much better and no longer so painful. My mother said, "I will be fine soon.". I'm relieved.

In my growth, this event taught me a profound lesson. It helped me get out of my childhood ignorance, and made me understand a lot of truth. The pain will always stay on my legs.

An Unforgettable Event Composition (2)

I remember that time when I went to Yulong Snow Mountain with my parents and six people, we got off the bus halfway up the mountain, ah! Yulong Snow Mountain is like the home of the Snow Queen in the fairy tale. It is white with white makeup. Look around. Wow, there is a vast expanse of white everywhere. It's like entering a dream like snowflakes. "By the way," I said, "with so much snow, why don't we have a snowman contest? We won't waste such a good opportunity!" Everyone agreed by agreement. I said, "Well, let's make a team of two and divide the bonus, yellow and blue teams."

My mother and I were assigned to the blue team, and we began to pile up after my father gave orders. We first picked up a handful of fluffy snow, squeezed it into a slightly round ball, and then put the snowball on the ground to roll. My mother and I worked together to roll and roll. The snowball grew bigger and bigger. We kneaded the fluffy place while rolling. Finally, a round and big snowball will be OK. Now I'm going to be the head of the little snowman. When I was the head, I asked my mother, "Mom, did you make a snowman when you were a child?" My mother said, "Of course, we liked snow in winter most then. After the snow stopped, I and my friends in the yard made a snowman together with a shovel and a bucket. We also use two big buttons to make the little snowman's eyes, carrots to make the little snowman's nose, and brooms to make the little snowman's hands. " Then I said that the head of the little snowman was ready, so I put the head of the little snowman on the body of the little snowman. I also took down my hat and scarf to put on the little snowman. Just right. Then I ran to the side to look for some small stones, including two eyes for the little snowman, one nose for the little snowman, and two branches for the little snowman's hands. Wow! Well done, look and see, the cute little snowman seems to be smiling at me! I saw the other two pairs of snowmen, each with its own characteristics. My father said, "I didn't expect my daughter to make such a good snowman!" After listening to this sentence, I was happy to sing and dance around the snowman, singing in the air of Yulong Snow Mountain.

An Unforgettable Event Composition (3)

Today is Xiaonian. I heard from my mother that it is still a week before the Spring Festival. I was very happy and thought: I can finally set off firecrackers to my heart's content.

After my parents went to work, I did some homework at home. During the break, I came to the firecracker shed near the community. I want to check the firecrackers and fireworks first, inquire about the price, and let my father take me to buy some after he comes back from work, because we can set off firecrackers from today.

When I came to the red firecracker shed, I only saw piles and rows of firecrackers and fireworks. There is a kind of fireworks called "thunderclap", which can reach as high as seven floors and its sound can reach thousands of meters away, just like its name is like thunderclap; there is also a kind of fireworks called "snowscape", which can be set off like snow and emit snow-white fireworks, which is extremely beautiful; there are also a variety of firecrackers called "to attract wealth and treasure" and " There are many kinds of "Ping An Firecrackers", including big ones, small ones, thick ones, and fine ones. I have a good view of the "King of Firecrackers" and several big fireworks, and intend to let my father buy them for me.

I looked at it for a while, asked the owner's uncle about the price, and began to walk back. I thought to myself: It's really good to celebrate the New Year. Finally, I can let the "whip fan" in my parents' eyes play the whip heartily.

An Unforgettable Event Composition (4)

A few years ago, my family kept a lovely dog. Because it was powerful and loyal to my family, it was named Rowe. It is said that it is a descendant of German Roewener, ah! He also has noble blood.

I like it very much, not to mention that its fur is smooth and shiny in the sun, nor that its tail was broken after birth, but the short tail roots left behind are always funny to shake, just the ears are really attractive, hanging down like a fan, and when walking up, it is very ostentatious. I often see its complacency, and then I affectionately criticize it: "Rowe, you should be low-key, low-key, you know?" At this time, it will stop, with a pair of blue eyes watching me, listening to my teachings.

"Oh, you are a dog, forget it. You are not so strict." Just after saying that, the little tail waved again and rubbed against me. Every day after school, I will play with it. Only at this time, I am most happy and forget everything around me, including the homework that makes me headache. If only I were a dog.

As the ancients said, people have joys and sorrows, and dogs have sudden misfortunes. It was a gloomy afternoon. When I came home from school, I found that Lowe, who was hiding in the corner, was vomiting all the time. The floor was littered with viscous digestive substances.

Lowe lay on the ground, a pair of sad eyes looking at me weakly.

I was shocked and something happened. It was not easy to wait until the parents came back, and quickly sent it to the community's pet hospital. The doctor in a white coat asked Rowe about his illness in detail and took him to the consulting room. He carefully examined his fur and found no injuries. However, Rowe was still vomiting, his abdomen was swollen, and a lot of green mucus flowed from his mouth.

I was close to the operating table. It raised its head with difficulty, and a front paw hung down on my arm, gasping for breath. My tears suddenly rained down. "Rowe, good Rowe, it's OK, it will be OK..." I choked and could not speak. The doctor suspected that it might be poisoned, so he quickly collected some mucus and went to the laboratory for test.

I know that Rowe is suffering, but I don't know how to comfort him. The dog in the cage beside me stops barking and looks at Rowe quietly. Rowe's eyes stared at me closely, as if he was talking about something. "My good Rowe..." I kept stroking its neck and whispering, as if I saw its previously vigorous figure, as if I saw its happy jump when it greeted me home every day, as if I saw the majesty of its loyal guard at home

After waiting for more than 20 minutes anxiously, the doctor finally came back and told my father, "This dog may have eaten poisonous food. Because of the long time, the toxicity has eroded its internal organs. There is no hope for treatment."

I was shocked. I didn't expect such an unfortunate thing to happen to Rowe.

Our whole family was sad and at a loss. My parents begged the doctor to think again. The doctor turned around and looked at Lowe who was dying. He helplessly suggested that Lowe should be euthanized. My parents knew that I liked Rowe very much and asked for my advice.

Looking at Lowe's painful appearance, I am so helpless, so helpless, is life decided by me like this? Rowe, can you just leave us like this, Rowe... But it must hope that I will make this final decision for it, because its claws twitched again, reminding me?

When the doctor finished preparing and the injection bottle "squeaked" open, Rowe was quiet. He slowly and slowly closed his eyes. How many words he didn't say and how much happiness he didn't share with me. But -, all this has vanished

I wail, Rowe - gone forever. All the dogs in the surrounding cages started barking sadly.

Today, I looked at the photo of Rowe again, and my eyes were moist again. Although it was a long time ago, I still can't forget it until now.

An Unforgettable Event Composition (5)

I have many special and unforgettable experiences. Once I heard ghost stories in a training class, and I was scared to death. One time I nearly died when I somersaulted in the swimming pool. Another time my family went to a restaurant to eat, and I was extremely shy. The first thing I really can't forget, because it's terrible.

In the training class, I was telling ghost stories with two girls and a boy. At that time, I was not afraid. But from 5:00 to 6:00 in the evening, a girl told a very scary story. He told a story about a person who was in danger. I felt very afraid, as if a building was about to kill me. At 2:30 in the morning that night, I was too scared to sleep. I was thinking it was true! Not long after I opened my eyes, I fell asleep again. I don't want to listen to ghost stories anymore, because it's so scary.

Everyone knows that I have to swim in summer vacation, otherwise it will be very hot. But once I played too much and almost died. I turned forward in the water and didn't hold my breath well. As a result, my nose absorbed water. I got up quickly and felt numb and uncomfortable. I feel like an elephant sucking water.

Another time when my family went to a restaurant for dinner, I had an ominous premonition. It was true that my premonition was very accurate. My father asked me to perform the violin on the stage. I felt very shy and afraid about this. It seemed like holding a concert, which had a great impact on me. Because there were too many people, I didn't often perform, so I was not used to it. The next time I meet a similar situation, I don't want to talk to my father.

These things make me very upset, but because of other happy things, I am still energetic.

An Unforgettable Event Composition (6)

Every time I see this picture, I will think of it. I have a picture of me, the boy in the picture is me, I am smiling and holding the Transformers in my hand.

At that time, I was only seven years old. My father and I went to the People's Park to play. I saw a special place selling toys. There was a powerful transformer on the shelf. I liked it at first sight. I said to my father, "Can I buy a transformer?" At this time, a little boy younger than me was also going to buy it. The toy seller said, "There are just two." The boy and I bought one. After walking for a while, my father said, "The scenery here is good, let's take a picture." So I took this picture. After taking the picture, I heard a man crying. It was the little boy just now. I walked over and saw that his Transformers fell into the river. He cried and cried, "I want to, I want to." His father comforted him and said, "I will take you to KFC to eat chicken legs, OK?" The boy insisted, "No, no, I want Transformers."

His father had no choice but to sweat. Seeing this, I gave him my Transformers, and he turned from tears to laughter. His father said to me, "Thank you so much!"

I will never forget this. Although my Transformers are gone, I don't regret it at all.

An Unforgettable Event Composition (7)

It was a disgraceful thing, but now it has become the most unforgettable thing for me.

It was a sunny afternoon. I came to the school early to participate in the intellectual jigsaw puzzle trials held by the school. In a little while, the game will start, and I am ready to win early.

At half past one, only the electric bell rang "jingle, jingle", and the game officially started. After the paper was handed out, I glanced at it roughly and immediately became ecstatic because these questions were too simple. Hehe, these questions are really a piece of cake for me - "I'm afraid the questions are difficult, but I'm afraid the questions are simple". When I see that I can do all these questions myself, I feel complacent.

I picked up the test paper, wrote my name first, and then began to answer the question. In a moment, I will finish the answer and check again. Hmm, no problem. I looked up, watching other students still struggling to answer questions, listening to the voice of the pen "brush brush brush" on the paper "dance", I smiled proudly! ha-ha! I was the first to finish it!

I crossed my legs, unconsciously picked up the extra-curricular book, read it with great interest, and soon I was fascinated by it.

At this time, the invigilator stood beside me without knowing it, and I was startled. The invigilator asked me: "Children, you see that other students are seriously answering the paper, why are you reading the book? You haven't done the question on the back of the paper yet! Do it quickly! The exam is about to end in two minutes!" What?! There are still questions on the other side, and the exam will be over in two minutes? My God? Help!

But the time was too late. I had just finished a negative question, and the time was up. I had to hand in my paper regretfully.

The next day, the results were announced. Needless to say, everyone had guessed the results. Since I experienced this event, I have learned a lesson, and I am no longer sloppy in my work.

This has become the most unforgettable thing for me.

An Unforgettable Event Composition (8)

With the passage of time, the golden dream of childhood also disappeared quietly. However, scenes full of childhood fun have already been frozen in my memory heart, the sea.

When I was 5 years old, I pushed my beloved scooter to play with my big brothers and sisters. There is a club not far from home. They took me by the hand. When I got there, I was running around. How naughty! Eh, what is this? I picked it up curiously and ran excitedly to my elder sister to ask them about it. They said, "This is a seed that can produce beautiful flowers." After hearing this sentence, they had an idea.

The next day, both parents went out. I took out the seed and then dipped it in the hope that it would grow into beautiful flowers, which surprised everyone.

So I waited and waited. A week passed, and there was no result on the ground, not even grass. I wailed and told the whole family what had happened. Who knows, they burst into laughter at once. I didn't know what to do, so I asked my mother: "What's wrong?" My mother laughed and said: "What you planted is not a seed at all, but those big sisters are playing with you."

This matter has become an old thing for a long time, but I will never forget it and will bury him in the deep of my heart!

An Unforgettable Event Composition (9)

In my memory, there are unforgettable things, some happy, some sad, they weave into colorful pictures, which make me unforgettable forever.

One afternoon, I came back from dancing and planned to go home by bus. When I came to the fork in the road, a bus just came. I signaled to stop the bus. I don't know whether he didn't see it or whether it was full. The bus still kept its speed and swished past me. I thought: This is the last bus. If I missed it, I can only walk home. So, I must not miss it. At this moment, an idea came into my mind: I am racing with the car, can I run? At this time, I remembered what our teacher encouraged us to say: as long as there is a glimmer of hope, we should take good care of it and try our best to achieve your goals. At this time, I rushed forward with all my strength, ran forward as fast as I could, and ran as fast as I could. I slowly drew closer to the car, and was about to catch up. My feet were empty, and I fell on the ground. I watched the bus slowly move forward, got up from the ground, and looked at my feet, There is already a piece of red "land". I have to walk six kilometers here! I tried my last bit of strength to make the final sprint, but the bus has disappeared in my sight. I trusted all my hopes and rushed forward. It turned out that the bus stopped and I accelerated. Finally, I caught up. Since that time, I have learned a little truth.

As long as there is a glimmer of hope, we should try our best to drive towards that goal. In the end, you will succeed!

An Unforgettable Event Composition (10)

That time, I cried.

Tomorrow is the final exam. I am very nervous and my heart is pounding. At this time, my mother came up to me and said, "If you do well in this exam, I will reward you with a computer or tablet." I was very happy and vowed to take the exam well.

On the way to school, I silently read in my heart: I must do well in the exam! When the exam began, my nervous palms sweated and I focused on each question. Finally, after the exam, did I relax? No, I'm afraid I'll make a mistake.

Another morning, I went to school to get my paper. At the moment when the teacher was about to study, my heart beat very fast, as if the universe was about to explode. Just listen to the teacher say: "Dou Linfei, 100." At that moment, I want to run home and tell my mother.

When I got home, I told my mother the good news. I said, "Take out my tablet quickly!" My mother said, "Why did I give you the tablet?" My God, my mother forgot about Tianda! I replied, "You promised to give the tablet after you passed the exam." She was out of breath when she smiled. When she stopped laughing, she told me, "I lied to you! My little Doudou!" At that time, my tears poured out like a spring, and I was cheated.

My mother broke my heart this time. I would like to say that children can do anything, but they must not cheat. However, I firmly believe that my mother loves me.

An Unforgettable Event Composition (11)

In my four years of primary school life, I have experienced many things. Some died with the waves like duckweeds, while others stuck in my mind like roots of trees.

There was such a thing that happened in last summer vacation. It made me ashamed and urged me to think deeply.

One day, I was so obsessed by my sister that I had to take him to the street to buy ice cream. Along the way, he was like a bird jumping out of a cage.

In front of the ice cream stand, an old woman with her grandson also came to buy ice cream. My sister drooled and pulled me to the ice cream stand. I paid for two pieces of ice cream and was about to leave. Suddenly, I found that the old woman accidentally dropped a one yuan note when she paid for it. When I saw it, I quickly picked it up and ran home with my sister.

After running a few steps, I slowed down and felt uneasy. I felt that many people looked at me with serious eyes. I thought: What can I do? Give it back to the old lady, but how can you refuse to eat a piece of fat to the mouth

MEI MEI frowned and a question mark flashed in her eyes. He must have been thinking about how to do this.

"Sister, let's give the money back to the grandma!" The sister pointed to the ice cream stand and said to me, "The grandma hasn't left yet."

I think my little sister knows how to be an honest child, but I am hesitant. At this moment, my little sister suddenly grabbed the money in my hand and ran to the old grandma

Alas, I'm not as good as my sister. I'm so ashamed. Suddenly, a stream of cold juice slipped into my hand, and the ice cream turned into water. I wish it were a fresh spring, washing away the dirt on my soul.

When I came home, I felt ashamed. How could I do this

I will always keep this in mind, always thinking of being an honest child, which has always inspired my growth

An Unforgettable Event Composition (12)

After that incident, I learned that sometimes courage is forced.

That day, my father and I went to Dengwu Square for a walk, and saw a child fishing by the pool. Hey, he really caught a fish for him, but he didn't hook it up. He was waiting for his grandfather. After a few minutes, his grandfather came and fished the fish and said, "Hey, here's the fish for you!" Then he put the fish in a bag and gave it to my father. My father said thank you, and then we went home.

I'm afraid of fish. I don't know why? But finally he was punished by his father.

Dad told me to go to the kitchen and put my finger in the mouth of the fish. I thought: this fish smells so bad that it's disgusting. I tried my best to break free, but without my father's strength, I cried out. After several cycles, my finger was finally bitten by the fish. I was still crying, and my father said, "There's nothing to cry about! Your hand is not broken, is it? Is it possible that your finger will be bitten off here? Impossible. Is there any injury? Is there blood?" Then he put my other finger into the mouth of the fish, and said, "Do you think another finger will break?" Then he put another finger... Slowly, I am not afraid of fish, However, I will resist being asked to catch fish for no reason, because there is a little shadow.

From this incident, I learned a truth: courage is sometimes forced out.

An Unforgettable Event Composition (13)

Everyone has something unforgettable, and I am no exception.

Last time I went to work with my mother, my mother's colleague brought a teddy dog. For me, a "dog crazy", even a big wolf dog, I have no defense against it, and this is my favorite dog! So I soon played with the teddy dog. I scratched his stomach, scratched his feet, and chased him. According to my mother, it was "I half killed the dog."

However, my mother was right. Teddy was unwilling to play with me. My mother's colleague said, "He is tired! Huihui, let" Shaqima "sleep for a while!! ' I had to let it sleep in my coat. It also slept fast, and fell asleep within a few minutes.

The happy time is always so short. In the twinkling of an eye, my mother wanted me to take "Shaqima" to my mother's colleague when she was leaving work. I really didn't want to leave it, so I stuck to it all the time. Finally, my mother took it away.

But my heart cannot leave "Shaqima". In my dreams in the next few days, "Shaqima" is playing games and eating dog food. Its lovely figure still haunts my mind and will never be forgotten.

An Unforgettable Event Composition (14)

One day in the summer vacation, I was sleeping late, and my father woke me up to take me to catch fish. As soon as I heard that I was going to catch fish, I immediately remembered the scene of catching fish with my father last time. I got out of bed and put on my clothes without washing my face, so I went to catch fish with my father with a bucket and a net bag. We reached the river behind the mountain, and then climbed from the bridge to the dried up bed of the river.

My father rolled up his pants to walk through the bridge. I also rolled up my pants to get into the water. My father shouted, "No, you will drown." I had to stand on the river bed, but thought, "I'm afraid of drowning. Why should I come back?" But I was afraid of my father, so I had to watch him build the dam. I threw the stones I wanted to use, but some fell to the water's edge, splashing my father with mud. He looked up and said, "Be careful. When my father saw it, he said, "This needs drainage."

I dug away the water and grass again, and opened a wide and deep drainage ditch with my father to let the water flow out. Soon, the water in the bridge was much shallower, and Dad went into the bridge to catch fish when the water was running low. I saw my father catch a fish as soon as he reached out and caught three or four in a row. My hands also itched and wanted to catch some. Suddenly, I found several crucian carp in the drainage ditch were flowing along the current. I rushed to hold one and put the fish in the bucket. When I got home, I said to my mother, "Great harvest, great harvest.". Mother smiled happily.

An Unforgettable Event Composition (15)

I remember that it was a summer afternoon when my brother and I went swimming in the swimming pool.

We went there after two o'clock. There were many people. We changed our clothes first and then went to the swimming pool. Because I was the first to go down, I swam to the place of 1.3 meters. When my brother found me, I jumped up and threw him into the water. I swam away, and when he responded, I was already in the water. When he was about to leave, he was rushing over. In this way, I annoyed him, and I was tired, so I went to the deep water area to have a rest. He couldn't get into the deep water area, so I was relieved to have a rest. When I had a good rest, he rushed to the shallow water area and threw me into the water. I was held in the water by him, and was dragged up after being suffocated. I went ashore and after a short rest, I carefully observed too many positions. When he saw me coming down, he swam to me secretly, and I also dodged behind a person. He saw that he could not see me, so he looked around. Suddenly, I rushed out and pushed him into the water. When he was almost exhausted, I pulled him up. I got revenge and felt much better. I took revenge and ran away. He couldn't catch up with me, so I quickly hid again. When I saw him, I wanted to laugh. It surfaced and was found. I hurried up to escape his revenge.

An Unforgettable Event Composition (16)

An unforgettable thing Composition: an unforgettable thing Composition

On August 28, 2010, some of them sank into my mind with the passage of time, some of them were vague, but one thing I still remember: requirements are unforgettable and moving, and the beginning and end can also be changed into "human". I am a community candidate of a few people with 400~500 words, and I will translate it into Mongolian and memorize it for college entrance examination

Many things happened in my childhood

Today in history:

Model paper for topic proposal - paper for research study topic proposal 2010-08-28 Fire safety management system? Fire safety laws and regulations 2010-08-28 Free naming for female babies in the Year of the Tiger - Xu's naming for female babies in the Year of the Tiger 2010-08-28

An Unforgettable Event Composition (17)

If you feel very good, welcome to comment and share~Thank you for your reading and support!

I have a good friend named Yang Shuxin, who is 10 years old this year. We have known each other since kindergarten. In addition, our families are very close, so we have become inseparable good friends. She is very tall among children of the same age. We are together like an elder sister leading a younger sister. She often wears a ponytail. Oh, no, she has short hair now, Speaking of her short hair, there is another unforgettable thing.

It was a summer evening. Yang Shuxin and I were playing downstairs. From afar, we heard an old man yelling, "Cut your hair, cut your goose feathers." We were having fun, and nobody cared. After a while, we heard Yang Shuxin's parents calling her, so we had to stop playing. We went to her mother to see what happened. Her mother untied Yang Shuxin's braid, Pointing to a stool, Yang Shuxin said, "Sit there, Her father also said sternly: "I'll beat you if you cry again!" Her face was full of tears. I wiped her with dirty hands, and her hair was cut into short hair quickly. I didn't know her anymore. Then the grandfather gave her mother 50 yuan, Yang Shuxin's mother said angrily, "You only gave me 50 yuan after cutting my daughter's hair so long. You think we don't know the market. You sent beggars." Yang Shuxin's father also said angrily, "Don't talk nonsense, 100 yuan." The grandfather had to change a 100 yuan note for Yang Shuxin's mother. Yang Shuxin was crying loudly at this time, I thought: Fortunately, my mother didn't sell my hair. I quickly comforted her: "Don't cry, it looks good." She was still crying with a runny nose and tears. Her father said to me impatiently: "Don't comfort her, the more comforted she is, the more crying." I didn't know what to do for a moment. Being kind, I had to go home bitterly. As I walked, I thought: adults really hate selfishness, and don't care about children at all. For money, I don't care about my children's inner feelings. Have no respect for children. Alas, poor Yang Shuxin doesn't know how to cry.

A few days later, when I saw Yang Shuxin again, she smiled all over her face. I thought she looked more handsome after cutting her hair.

Fourth grade: Qi Siyu

An Unforgettable Event Composition (18)

"When I was young, my mother told me that the sea is my hometown..." Whenever I sang this song, I would like to visit Qingdao in winter vacation.

It was a sunny noon. My mother and I went to the seaside in Qingdao by high-speed rail. When we arrived at the seaside, the first thing we saw was the rippling sea water, which washed kelp onto the beach. The sea is dotted with ships of all sizes, which look like the size of soybeans from a distance. From time to time, the sound of "oh, oh" seabirds broke through the silent sky and added a layer of charming color to the sea. The beach, rocks, seagulls, freighters and the sea form an extremely beautiful picture. Seeing such a picture, I couldn't help but exclaim: "This is really beautiful!"

Next, I began to play the game of "Taobao in the Sea". I felt in the sea first. Suddenly, a small starfish stuck to my hand. I was so happy that I couldn't close my mouth! When I raised my hand, the little starfish fell into my basket. Then I screamed "ah!" and raised my hand to see that it was a big crab. He shook his two long whiskers like a military officer on the stage. It was really "a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers". I picked up its pliers and sent it into the basket. Then I caught prawns, scallops and so on. It seems that I'm going to eat a lot today!

"When I was young, my mother told me that the sea was my hometown..." I hummed this song and reluctantly withdrew from the beach.